Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 23

by Michele Bardsley

  Tristan hit send, shoved the phone in his pocket, and nodded. Teleporting all three would either work, or they wouldn’t have to deal with Macha. “Both of you focus your energy on me.”

  Bernie suggested, “Let’s hold hands. Contact has to be good, right?”

  Tristan gave him an appalled look.

  Petrina grabbed Bernie’s hand and snapped at Tristan, “You aren’t going to lose your man card, dammit. Bernie, grab Tristan’s arm.” She latched onto Tristan, too.

  He closed his mind to everything except getting them out of there.

  Colors swirled in his mind, then Mac’s smiling face came into view. He might get used to holidays after all.

  “Wipe that stupid look off your face, Tristan,” Petrina hissed.

  He opened his eyes, and they were standing at the edge of the woods he’d envisioned for their arrival.

  Evalle called out, “Tristan? Is that you?”


  She came walking quickly across a football-field-size lawn that spread even further in front of Treoir Castle.

  He whispered, “We did it.”

  “I know.” Petrina and Bernie were laughing like kids.

  It must have been contagious, because Tristan started chuckling.

  By the time Evalle reached them, Tristan had managed to pull himself under control and cross his arms. If he sounded like anything other than his normal, surly self, she’d be suspicious. He scowled at her. “What? We don’t have enough to do, and now damn meetings?”

  Evalle slowed then paused her step. Her black hair was back in its usual ponytail. She had on her vintage BDU shirt and faded jeans. Those boots concealed fighting blades, which she shouldn’t need here.

  Evalle lifted an eyebrow at Petrina and Bernie.

  Tristan glanced over, and they looked like two minions imitating him with crossed arms and serious mugs.

  He was too tired for all of this. “Why are you here, Evalle? Thought you and your tomcat were holed up in Atlanta.”

  Her gaze shifted to him. “We’re remodeling a new building and hope to move in by the first of the year. But the reason I’m here is because the Tribunal put off the vote. I don’t feel right staying in Atlanta while you’re all stuck here. I’m doing everything I can to get our petition approved. In the meantime, we’ll spend the holidays together.”

  Tristan started to mouth off at her, then changed his mind and said, “Thank you.”

  Evalle’s head snapped back. “Are you sick?”

  He smiled. “Just in the holiday mood.”

  Chapter 13

  Mac nodded as she listened to Kossman, holding the phone to her ear on her way to the kitchen. It was good to be home. “Thank you for the position. I’m sorry the bounty call didn’t work out.”

  “I’m just glad you weren’t with Brewster when someone hit the van.”

  She didn’t want to remember that again. “I’m glad they were both okay after the accident. I am surprised to hear about Seth not returning. That’s ... shocking.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Just shows his lack of commitment. His family had some excuse about needing him in their European operations.”

  I bet. And that family would be one of the first groups Mac investigated.

  Kossman added, “I’m not sure Seth really believed in my project, but you do, correct?”

  “Absolutely.” Her sincerity should have been easy to hear, since she did believe. And now she would have to find out what Kossman had seen at one time in his life. “Too bad for Seth, but I’m happy to benefit from his poor decision. I’m definitely in.”

  “And you say the bounty call was only a ploy for the money? No glowing eyes?”

  “Sorry, sir, but that woman had no integrity.” Mac did not feel guilty about letting Kossman think Bernie’s ex-girlfriend, who’d tried to sell him, had lied. “As for the eyes, no, the man I saw at that house did not have glowing eyes.” Truth. Tristan’s eyes had been normal at that time.

  “I hope the gentleman contacts me so I can make amends. I’ve got to revamp our team’s protocols. I don’t want innocent humans terrorized. You’ll be a big help with that. I owe you more than the bonus you received.”

  “I’m very pleased with that bonus and to have my job, Mr. Kossman. I’m celebrating by buying a Christmas tree this weekend.” And a security system for Miss Wilma’s house. The bonus had been generous, and protecting Miss Wilma and her home was the first proactive step Mac was taking to stop Brandon’s interference in her life and the lives of people she cared about.

  “That reminds me ... I’m sending you something.”


  “It’s a surprise. Enjoy. See you Monday.”

  She ended the call and watched the rain now pouring down. The temperature was high enough it wouldn’t freeze, but the cold wet was so nasty she did not look forward to bundling up and leaving this nice warm fireplace. “I am getting Miss Wilma a tree today. End of discussion and excuses.”

  Good time to do it while Miss Wilma and her Dachshund were sound asleep upstairs. That would give Mac time to drag the tree in, set it up, and get the basic trimming and lights in place.

  Someone tapped at the back door.

  Mac wondered who would come to the back, and tiptoed there cautiously. When she moved the curtain aside to expose the windowpanes, a young man with a nice smile stood there.

  He asked, “Are you Miss Mackenzie?”


  “I have a delivery for you.”

  She stretched her neck to see what he had, and a green fir tree came into view.

  Mr. Kossman’s surprise! Mac had expected one of those stacked gift box towers full of edible goodies.

  This was way better.

  She opened the door and stepped back. “Please come in. I’m so excited.”

  He smiled brightly, hoisted the tree as if it weighed nothing, and walked in.

  She watched him, thinking about the people she’d met with extraordinary power, but then shook her head, muttering, “He’s just a young, strong delivery boy.”

  He turned to her as he reached the living room. “I see a spot next to the window. Will that work?”

  “Yes. I moved everything for the tree.”

  “If you’ll wait just a moment, it will be a nicer surprise once I set it up.”

  “Okay. Go ahead.”

  She walked over to rinse the glass she’d just drunk eggnog from, then she turned to offer the young man a glass, but he walked back in as if he had finished. She asked, “Did it fit?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be going now.”

  “Wow, you have it set up already?” How had he done that so quickly? “Wait, let me grab my purse.”

  “Oh, no, ma’am. My uncle Otto would have my hide if I took money from you.”

  Her jaw dropped.

  When he walked past, she saw pointy tips on his ears, sticking out of his thick, wavy brown hair.

  She ran into the living room, and the tree was trimmed with glowing strings of old-fashioned, multicolored lights.

  How did he do that so quickly?

  One round copper ornament hung close to the bottom. She squatted and turned it toward the light to see a circle enclosing the shape of a gryphon with green eyes.

  Words engraved around the bottom said, Until next time, T.

  The End

  About Dianne

  Dear reader:

  Hope you enjoyed this short novel and its unusual story world. Tristan is one of the characters from my Belador urban fantasy series, and if you read that series, you’ll see him again, as well as Mac.

  Evalle Kincaid and her Skinwalker, Storm, who shifts into a black jaguar, will return in ROGUE BELADOR, book 7 coming out April 2016. Tzader Burke and Vladimir Quinn are primary characters in the series as well. Their adventures will be in upcoming books. If you enjoy urban fantasy with plenty of action and romance, I invite you to give the Belador series a try.

  And, of course, Evalle�
�s adorable pet gargoyle Feenix will be back.

  Happy Reading!

  ~~Dianna Love

  To contact Dianna –

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  Reviews on Belador books:

  “…non-stop tense action, filled with twists, betrayals, danger, and a beautiful sensual romance. As always with Dianna Love, I was on the edge of my seat, unable to pull myself away.”

  ~~Barb, The Reading Cafe

  “…shocking developments and a whopper of an ending... and I may have exclaimed aloud more than once…Bottom line: I really kind of loved it.”

  ~~Jen, top 500 Reviewer

  “DEMON STORM leaves you breathless on countless occasions.”

  ~~Amelia Richard, SingleTitles

  “...Its been a very long time since I’ve felt this passionate about getting the next installment in a series. Even J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books.”

  ~~Bryonna Nobles, Demons, Dreams and Dragon Wings


  A Paranormal Romance


  Caris Roane

  Chapter One


  Kyle Drake stood outside Verena’s front door, dumbstruck. He’d been chasing her for months and she’d finally agreed to a date. She’d dressed up, put on make-up and he loved it.

  He’d only seen Verena at work in her jeans and snug t-shirt. He loved that look on her as well. In fact, he loved everything about her.

  But seeing her in a skin tight black dress tore every rational thought from his head. The dress had a silver trim that outlined a gorgeous cleavage he’d never seen before. Every wicked fantasy he’d ever had about her flipped through his head and threatened his resolve to take it slow tonight.

  Verena smiled, blinked a couple of times then met his gaze. She was shy for a shifter, but relatively young for a wolf, having gotten hit with the alter serum only two years ago.

  She’d curled her long thick blond hair and had a sparkly clip off to the right side. She carried a small black purse and even wore black stilettos, which put her at a solid kissing height given that he was six-five.

  “You look pretty great yourself.” Her voice got to him. The wolf alter transformation had affected her vocal chords and the resulting low gravelly sound always hit him straight in the groin.

  Who was he kidding? Everything about Verena Seward lit up his cock.

  A woman appeared behind her in the doorway. Drake recognized her as Verena’s roommate, Joy.

  “Move it aside, roomy. You’re blocking the way.”

  Drake knew that Joy’s bark was a leftover from previous military service, a time before she’d become an alter witch.

  Verena pivoted away from the door. “Joy, what’s going on?”

  The shorter woman, also dressed up in club gear, jostled Verena as she headed to the swing on the nearby front patio. She carried a bottle of vodka in her hand.

  She sat down and leaned her head back. She then pushed off with her legs and set the swing in motion. “You two have fun.”

  Drake had only met Joy twice and didn’t know her much at all. Clearly, she wanted to be alone.

  He was about to offer Verena his arm, when she turned toward her roommate. “Don’t do this.”

  “Not your business, shifter woman. Besides, this isn’t a crime. I’ve changed my mind about going to the party, that’s all.”

  “But Jacob will be there. He invited you. He’s expecting you.”

  “Then lucky for him I’m not going.”

  Sensing Verena’s concern for her friend, Drake felt his evening plans start to slip away. He knew Verena. She wouldn’t want to leave her friend like this.

  He mentally cursed then felt guilty for being selfish. But he’d spent a long time coaxing Verena to go out with him, as in months, and he had high hopes for exactly how this night would end.

  Hell, he’d decorated a Christmas tree because he was sure Verena would like it. He also had at least a dozen candles around the living room ready to be lit. Champagne chilling. He’d even bought some chocolate dipped strawberries. He’d thought the idea lame, but every woman he’d asked made cooing sounds, so he’d gone for it.

  He’d given his housekeeper a big tip as well just to be on call to light the candles for him the moment he was heading back to his house. He wanted the evening to go just right.

  But Verena’s attention had already shifted away from him. Joy was despondent about something. Maybe she’d had a fight with this Jacob guy.

  He moved closer to Verena and put his hand at the small of her back, giving her a hint they should get going. She glanced at him, brows raised, but gave a small shake of her head.

  With that small gesture, his hopes went up in flames. Verena had a heart as big as the night sky, and he loved that about her. But not tonight, dammit. He wanted that big heart focused on him.

  She took a couple of steps toward Joy. “I hate seeing you like this.”

  Joy offered a tight smile. “Verena, I love you like a sister, but I need to be alone right now. Me and this lovely hand-crafted liter. Go. And I mean it. Otherwise you and I will have a fight.”

  Joy had a hard light in her dark eyes. Drake had no idea what had happened, but something had set her off. Her short spiky black hair was styled and her eyes were made up. She was dressed to kill in a purple shimmery dress which meant something had happened to kill her clubbing mood.

  Verena’s shoulders fell and he felt her resignation. “All right. If that’s what you want.”

  “It is.” But Joy had tears in her eyes.

  Verena moved to the swing. When she was directly in front of Joy, she leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “See you later.”

  Drake’s hopes rose once more. He mentally lit all the candles and wondered how soon he should call his housekeeper to have her set out the strawberries. Would Verena enjoy them more at room temperature? Or icy cold?

  When Verena turned toward him, she dipped her chin in his direction, then fixed her gaze on the street. He could feel her sadness like a beacon pulsing from her entire body. Every step she took appeared as though she was making a monumental effort.

  Drake blew the air from his cheeks and his hopes crashed once more.

  He knew Verena well. She wouldn’t be able to shake this off as easily as other people could. When she cared about her friends, she was all in.

  He walked with her until they were on the cement driveway in front of the garage. Once out of Joy’s line of sight, he caught Verena’s arm and forced her to stop. He switched to telepathy. What’s going on with Joy? I thought she was excited about the party.

  Verena turned to face him, tears in her eyes this time. She was, Drake, but… She paused.

  But what? Tell me.

  Joy doesn’t want it known.

  Can you make an exception because if I don’t know what’s really happening here, I won’t know how to help. Not that I can make a difference, but I want to try.

  She tilted her head. You’d do that?

  He opened his mouth and knew he was frowning. He wanted to be honest with her, but he could hardly say he needed Joy to stop cock-blocking him.

  He finally chose the most diplomatic path. Bottom line, I want you to be happy tonight and I suspect you’ll be anything but with Joy drinking herself into a pit while you’re out partying.

  She released a heavy sigh. You’ve said it exactly right. I can’t believe you know me this well, but I’m glad you understand. You’re a good man and I really appreciate that about you.

  His lips grew twisted. Don’t make me out to be more than I am. My end goal is still the same. I want time with you tonight, a real date.

  She smiled and caressed his face. I know. Truth? Me, too.

Looking into her light blue eyes and watching her gaze fall to his lips, hope rose once more. He knew she was into him, but it was great to see just how much. He said, We’re agreed, then, to see if we can help your friend.


  So what’s going on with her?

  Well, like I said, she’s never told anyone but me what happened. But two years ago, she lost her twin boys in a really tragic circumstance. They’d just turned sixteen before the Christmas holidays. Without her knowledge, they’d been planning for a long time to join their mother here in Five Bridges, ever since Joy got hit with the witch alter serum.

  If what Drake suspected had happened, tragedy was too small a word. Oh, fuck. Don’t tell me. No one chooses Five Bridges. Verena had never seemed to mind his frequent slide into profanity, law enforcement’s prime coping mechanism.

  She nodded and wiped tears from her cheeks. Both boys died during the transformation. Worse, they’d made the attempt on Christmas Eve. It was going to be their present to her on the following day. It hit Joy again earlier this evening and took her down. I just didn’t know how far until I saw the bottle.

  He pulled Verena into his arms and held her tight. Even his own eyes burned. I’m so sorry.

  Me, too.

  He held her for a long time. For a split-second, he’d allowed himself to forget the difficulties the flame drugs had become for so many families around the U.S. His world of Five Bridges, a closed off province in the middle of human Phoenix, labored under terrible suffering from all directions.

  He once more mentally blew out all the candles in his living room.

  He wanted Verena to be happy and she wouldn’t be, not when Joy was at home suffering.

  He knew Verena’s difficulty alter history as well and that she owed Joy a lot. Joy had taken her in and given her shelter with a room-to-rent, when not many witch alters would have allowed a female shifter wolf anywhere near them. The five species of their world tended to shoot each other first, then ask questions later.


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