Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 29

by Michele Bardsley

  She shook her head. “He’ll go free again.”

  “I’m not so sure this time.”


  “It was something you said about Donaldson earlier, about him not being such a bad guy. He keeps saying that he does what he can. And in this situation, I suspect once the Phoenix news stations get hold of the video, Donaldson will have another option. The cartels keep a low profile in the human part of Phoenix and Mellet’s been going against their policy for months now. Besides, I want to see if you’re right about Donaldson.”

  When his phone rang, he brought it to his ear. “Drake, here.”

  He heard Donaldson take a deep breath. “All right. I’ve made a couple of calls and the bottom line is that the cartels want to cut Mellet loose. But I need this done my way. Do you understand?”

  “Will he be prosecuted?”

  “Better than that. I’ll tell you everything when you get to the Trib building. I’ll meet you there.” He then told Drake he’d cleared the way to bring Mellet to the Tribunal via Defiance Bridge. “You’ve got transport, right?”

  “I have friends on the Savage Border Patrol.” Drake said. “Getting him out of Savage won’t be a problem.”

  “And I’ll call the Savage chief to let him know we’re good.”

  “Thanks, Donaldson.”

  There was a moment of silence, then, “You’re welcome. Again, I do what I can. I’ll be waiting for you and Verena on the front steps.”

  When Drake hung up, he made a call to Fergus who sent two SUVS to pick them up. He tossed Mellet in the secure cage in the back of one then carried Crystal to the other.

  Verena got in first and took the small teenager on her lap. The girl wept and Verena rubbed her arms and spoke in a low soothing wolf-voice to her.

  The trip to the Tribunal seemed to take forever, even though it was less than fifteen minutes. Donaldson was exactly where he’d said he would be. There was another SUV present as well, this one bearing the Tribunal logo.

  “What’s going on?” Verena asked.

  “I’m not sure, but it looks like a transport, but to where?”

  Drake left the vehicle and climbed the few steps to Donaldson. He was a tall warlock, with thick features and wavy gray hair he always had styled.

  He dipped his chin in greeting, but his lips were a tight line. “Is Mellet in the next vehicle?”

  “He is.”

  “I want him moved to the Trib SUV. He’s heading to Death Valley.”

  Drake was surprised. “Straight to the alter prison? No trial?”

  “There isn’t a citizen in Five Bridges who doesn’t know he’s guilty as hell and I have no problem signing off on this one.” He looked grim as he sighed. “But the cartels wanted it this way as well, for Mellet to disappear quietly. They’re demanding something from you, though, and I’m going to insist on it.”

  Drake braced to hear something that might cost him his life. If Donaldson ordered him to give the cartels anything at this point, any leniency they didn’t already have, any freeing of a prisoner in the Tribunal jail, he’d refuse.

  Funny, how life sometimes came down to the moment when the line had to be drawn. His nostrils flared as he lowered his chin. “And what exactly do the cartels expect me to do for them?”

  “They want you to make a statement and answer questions at the girl’s home. I want you to take her there yourself, you and Verena.”

  The last thing he’d expected Donaldson to require of him was P.R. “What do you mean exactly?”

  “Every news outlet in Phoenix is already heading over there. And yes, I called them. But the cartels want it known that they took care of Mellet themselves. You’re to say they don’t condone anything he’s done.”

  Drake was torn. The cartels sent their men every night into human Phoenix to acquire innocent females for the various clubs in Five Bridges. “And if I refuse?”

  Donaldson’s lips turned down. “You can do that if you want, but you’ll be a dead man, Verena as well.”

  “Why her?”

  “You think they don’t know she was involved tonight as well? They’ve got eyes and ears everywhere.”

  Drake glanced back at the SUV where Verena held Crystal in her arms. He hated that he would have to say even one good word about the cartels, but like hell he’d risk Verena’s life. “Looks like I’ll be doing some cartel P.R”

  “Okay.” He nodded his head slowly, but his grimness remained. “You got a bad guy off the streets, Drake. Right now, in this war, that’s a huge accomplishment. You need to stay alive and keep doing what you’re doing. This is a fine line we all walk.”

  Drake was stunned to hear these words from Donaldson. He also knew it was critical to keep this speech to himself. If the cartels thought for a minute Donaldson wasn’t fully in their pockets, he’d be killed. Yep, a very fine line.

  He nodded a couple of times. “If you need my assistance in the future, Donaldson, don’t hesitate to call. I’ll never take bribes from the drug lords. But should a situation arise in which I might be able to help out in a way that’s legal and will serve Five Bridges, I’m your man.”

  Donaldson searched his eyes. “I appreciate it.” His gaze went to the SUV. “How’s the girl, by the way?”

  “We got to her in time. She’s bruised from being in the trunk of Mellet’s car, but otherwise she’s fine. Very faint Christmas Flame markings on her face, not enough to require a serious withdrawal. I take it the family’s been notified.”

  “Sophie spoke with the mother just a few minutes ago.” Donaldson then handed Drake a packet. “Limited passports for you and the team in your SUV, including Verena. I’d like you to head out right now.” He glanced once more at the vehicle. “Verena will love doing this. She works hard to find as many of the abducted teens as she can.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Verena watched as Drake moved around the front of the SUV to speak with the driver. Donaldson had come through with a 6-hour passport so that she and Drake could take the girl back to her home.

  Drake added, “And Mellet’s heading to Death Valley. It’ll be all over the news tomorrow in Phoenix.”

  The Savage officer let out a soft whoop and clasped fists with Drake. She had tears in her eyes as she watched Drake grinning.

  She heard Donaldson call out orders to transfer Mellet to the Tribunal SUV. As the Savage officers hauled him to the lead vehicle, Verena caught one last glimpse of the man who killed her husband.

  The sight of him battered and barely able to walk brought all her terrible pain rising up within her chest. A soft sob escaped her which she quickly suppressed.

  Crystal moved in her arms, drawing back to look at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Verena knew she had tears in her eyes. “The same man who abducted you, hurt someone I loved very much. I’m just grateful he’s going to prison and will never return.”

  Crystal sighed heavily then once more relaxed against her. “Me, too. He smelled like my brother’s gym shoes after he’s worked out for a couple of hours.”

  Verena chuckled softly as she again held Crystal tight. “An apt description if I ever heard one.”

  Drake didn’t immediately take up his seat. Instead, he remained by the driver’s side until Mellet was in cuffs and chained up in the back of the Tribunal vehicle. He even stayed put until the Trib SUV took off and disappeared down the street.

  Verena watched Drake slap the open window frame of the SUV. “All right, let’s get moving.” He rounded the vehicle and finally resumed his place beside her.

  Once buckled in, the driver put the SUV in motion.

  Drake put his hand on Verena’s shoulder and kept it there as the SUV headed to Sentinel Bridge. He didn’t try to communicate with her, not even telepathically. He seemed to be in a quiet, solemn state.

  She didn’t feel like talking either. All her thoughts were focused on Crystal and the miracle that Mellet was finally getting what he deserved.

  The Death Valley alt
er prison was exactly that: A death sentence. Most inmates died at the hands of other inmates. A lesser wolf like Mellet wouldn’t survive long. It would be a fitting if brutal end.

  The trip to Crystal’s home took twenty minutes. The front of the house was thick with reporters, news crews and at least two of Donaldson’s P.R. handlers. Verena knew them both.

  One of them approached Drake before he even left the vehicle. “Donaldson said you’re giving a statement.”

  Drake responded quietly, “I am.” He opened the door and stepped out.

  The handler leaned in and addressed Verena. “Donaldson also told me to tell you that he doesn’t want you photographed tonight. He’s concerned about putting you in danger. He’d like you to stay in the vehicle if possible since the cartels will be watching the news on this one. You okay with that, Verena?”

  “Absolutely.” The truth was, Verena had no problem agreeing to stay in the SUV, though Crystal protested leaving with anyone else.

  The young teen clung to Verena. “I want you to take me through that crowd out there.”

  Verena stroked her hair. “I know, but it will be safer if you go with Officer Drake. And listen, if you need anything, you can always reach me at the Tribunal. Just ask your mom to give me a call. She’ll know how.”

  “I can do that?”

  “Of course you can. My name is Verena. Again, I’m here for you, day or night.”

  Crystal sat up and pivoted on Verena’s lap to face the door. She was small for a teenager.

  Drake opened the door, but Crystal didn’t go to him right away. Verena spoke quietly. “This is Officer Drake. He’s the man who fought Mellet and made it possible for me to get you out of the trunk. You’re home safe because of him.”

  Crystal looked up at Drake. “Really? You did that?”

  “I did.” Drake spoke in a soft voice as he held his hand out to Crystal. “How about we go see your mother? She’s waiting for you on the front porch.”

  Crystal finally nodded then turned to hug Verena hard. “Thank you.”

  As Drake lifted Crystal into his arms and began to move toward the crowd, Verena let the tears flow. How grateful she was in this moment that she’d allowed her wolf to come more fully and that she’d brought Drake into her life. The attributes she’d gained from him had helped her to push through the night and get to Mellet before Crystal disappeared into the Five Bridges underworld.

  Together, she and Drake had saved the girl.

  Beneath a flurry of shouted questions and bright camera lights, Drake carried Crystal to her mother. The reunion brought a new wave of tears for Verena and most of the female reporters present. Applause followed.

  Watching the mother as she held her daughter tight, Verena knew she was looking at the real magic of Christmas. Against all odds, a daughter had been reunited with her family.

  And Verena had been part of it.

  Both officers left the SUV to get closer to hear the interview with Drake. Verena, as directed, remained inside. She was grateful for the solitude. She needed some time alone to let all the events of the evening soak in.

  Drake turned to the reporters and made his statement. She couldn’t hear his words, but she could see him, his strong posture, squared shoulders and the clean handsome planes of his face. She was immeasurably proud of him for what he’d done tonight.

  So much had happened since they’d left the White Flame club and her heart felt warm and full.

  She loved Kyle Drake.

  Maybe she had from the time he’d first confronted Donaldson. Or maybe it had happened with every conversation she’d had with him at the Trib, or each time he’d asked her out, coaxing her in his considerate way.

  The process had been gradual and probably wouldn’t have worked for her any other way given her difficult start in Five Bridges. But even when she’d escaped Savage Territory, she would never have believed that one day she’d fall in love with a vampire from Crescent.

  Her future looked entirely different now than when she’d first gotten dressed up for the party at the White Flame club. She’d hoped for at least a kiss. Instead, she’d been given a whole new life with a man she adored.

  Eventually, the news crews had their fill and began to depart. Crystal had gone inside some time ago, the mother having refused to allow any of the reporters to question her daughter. A physician arrived to take care of her as well.

  When Drake at last returned to the SUV, he slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Despite the presence of the other officers, he kissed her, a full, deep kiss that mirrored everything she felt.

  He drew back and held her gaze. Thank you for the best Christmas ever. I love you, Verena.

  She smiled through her tears once more. And I love you, too, with all my heart.

  ~ ~ ~

  Drake held Verena close as the Savage officers drove them back to Five Bridges and over to Joy’s home. He thanked them for their service and waved as they took off.

  Once inside Verena’s room, however, Drake knew they weren’t alone. He turned in a slow circle and only after a moment felt the telltale sensation of a drift of fingers down his face.

  He’d heard of this, one of the many ways ghosts could make themselves known, but he’d never experienced it before.

  He turned to Verena. “Hey, I think your husband is back.”

  She’d been packing a bag to take to his house, when her gaze shot to the opposite side of the bed. Her eyes went wide. “Aaron?”

  Drake drew close to Verena and that’s when he saw the man as well. He was in his spirit form and hardly visible at all.

  The ghost’s telepathy hit Drake’s mind at the same time it must have entered Verena’s. Drake is a good man, Verena, and I know you’ll be happy. He’ll take excellent care of you. I’m so sorry about everything.

  Verena took a small step forward. We got him tonight, the wolf that killed you.

  The ghost smiled. Mellet, you mean?

  Yes. He’s headed to Death Valley.

  The least he deserves. Did he ever hurt you after I was gone?

  No. I escaped here.

  Aaron glanced around. Where is this place?

  In Elegance, near the Tribunal. I’ve lived and worked in this territory since the day you died. I couldn’t stay in Savage.

  I’m so glad. I was worried about you. I hated leaving you like that. He shifted his gaze to Drake. But I don’t have to worry anymore, do I?

  Drake moved close to Verena and slid his arm around her waist. No, you don’t. I’ll take care of her.

  Verena glanced up it him. “We’ll take care of each other.” She sighed as she looked back at Aaron. “Is everything okay with you, I mean, wherever it is you are?”

  He smiled and nodded, though the mist-like elements of his shape swirled with this small movement. There’s work to do here, did you know that? But I’m not supposed to talk about it. Be well, Verena. I’ll see you again but not for a long, long time. Merry Christmas.

  “Merry Christmas to you.” She spoke quickly, because Aaron faded in that moment and disappeared.

  Drake felt the quiet in the room and knew the ghost was gone.

  Verena turned toward him, tears on her cheeks. He took her in his arms. “I don’t think until this moment I realized how much I’d been worried about Aaron. Isn’t that odd?”

  “It is,” he said.

  “What a strange world we live in.”

  He held her for a long time. He murmured his love to her over and over. He knew she needed a moment to process her grief once more. She’d loved her husband very much and had lost him in a terrifying way.

  When she finally drew back, he helped her finish packing her bag.

  He insisted on holding her close as he flew her back to his home. It seemed fitting that he remained connected to her after all that had happened. And on a primal level, he simply didn’t want to let go of her.

  Once in his home, he carried her bag to the master bedroom and told her to
take her time getting unpacked. He sensed she was grateful for some time alone.

  He returned to the living room, plugged in the tree lights and lit the candles again. He fired up the gas fireplace as well. He placed the champagne in the silver ice bucket and set it on the coffee table, then headed back to the kitchen. He was just bringing in the tray of chocolate dipped strawberries, when Verena came into the living room.

  Her light blue eyes were warm with affection. “You know what? Champagne sounds just right.” Her accompanying smile eased his heart.

  “I think so, too. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  “Yes, we do.” She sat down on the sofa and waited for him to pop the champagne and pour out two glasses. He handed one to her then sat down beside her.

  The couch was opposite the glowing fireplace, the lights were low, and the woman he loved was beside him.

  He held his glass up to her. “I love you, Verena. I have since I first saw you offer comfort to that bereaved mother.”

  “And I’ve loved you since you gave Donaldson hell.”

  He stayed with her on his sofa for a long time. They talked about everything and rejoiced in Crystal’s freedom. Together, they finished half the bottle of champagne and most of the strawberries.

  He took her to bed after that and made love to her for hours, savoring the joining of their bodies in the same way his life was now deeply connected to hers.

  He saw his future stretch out before him in a way he never thought possible, with Verena by his side. Together, in small dedicated steps, they’d start making a difference in their difficult world.

  He promised himself he’d spend every night showing Verena how much she meant to him. She was hope and joy, she was all good things. Mostly she was love that had come to him on Christmas, a miracle he’d never expected to experience during his long-lived life in Five Bridges.

  The End

  About the Author

  Caris Roane is the New York Times bestselling author of thirty-three paranormal romance books. Writing as Valerie King, she has published fifty novels and novellas in Regency Romance. Caris lives in Phoenix, Arizona, loves gardening, enjoys the birds and lizards in her yard, but really doesn’t like scorpions!


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