Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 88

by Michele Bardsley

  I end the call after allowing Treson to hear my growl. I hope he got the message.

  Esha spoke into the quiet room. “He is an odd clan mate.”

  “The oddest.” I roll and lift her up so she straddles my waist, and her delectable breasts are within striking distance. “I’m very thirsty and need another taste of you, sweet mate.”

  Her laughter fills the room and turns into a moan when I suck one nipple past my lips. I slip my erection inside her and proceed to do what new mates should be doing. I will do this every chance I get until I’m completely sated, which I’m guessing will be never. This will also take her mind off all the questions I know she has.

  Chapter Twelve


  He’s two entirely different men. When he talks to his friends, he’s lighthearted and teasing, acting more like a teenager. My tiger would not have chosen him as mate if this was the real V. My tiger relishes the darkness he hides. I could tell by their brief conversation that Treson sees it, too, and carries some of his own. The two of them have a tight bond, and eventually I will discover the truth of their secrets, as he will discover the truth of mine.

  We leave our bedroom the next morning after very little sleep. We eat a large breakfast ordered from room service. V told me I will be able to shift when we reach The Moor’s home. I will also be able to hunt. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity, so I’m excited. Wild tigers are mostly loners. Beastkind tigers are social, like our wereshifter brethren. Mother and Grandmother will enjoy the hunt, too.

  A small bus picks us up. It’s luxurious, and V explains it belongs to The Moor. The driver, Mase, smells of cat, and it makes my tiger nervous. The American clans were once at war with the catshifters of this region. Everything is quite strange here, and like nothing I could have imagined. Mase keeps his distance from me, Mother, and Grandmother, though he acts comfortable with Letta.

  This is only the beginning of my new life, and I’m nervous about meeting so many people. I don’t voice these thoughts aloud. The bus’s windows all have shades that are pulled down. V and I take the very back seat, cuddle into each other, and sleep.

  One stop and six hours later, we are driving down a long road in a swampy area. Some of the smells are strange, but some smell like India. A large alligator sits staring at us from the side of the road. I’ve eaten gator, but it’s not my favorite. I like most fish, though, and it looks like this place will have them in abundance.

  Finally, the house comes into view. It’s huge; two stories of beautiful white-washed brick. A large sweeping balcony wraps around the top floor. I can also see several smaller structures, most definitely homes, scattered within a few hundred yards of the main house. A true home, with a large clan. My tiger purrs even though my nervousness increases.

  A delicate woman runs out the front door, jumps on the bus, and charges past everyone else until she stops at my mate. He jumps up and takes her in his arms. She’s vampire, but I can’t help the growl that leaves my throat.

  V pushes her back and I see her tears. “Becca, this is my mate, Esha. Becca is The Moor’s mate,” he explains. My tiger quiets. Becca smiles, and regardless of the fact that that I was growling mere seconds ago, she throws her arms around me.

  “Rondy is like a son to me, so now I have a daughter, too. Welcome, my child.”

  I grin, and notice the smile on Mother’s and Grandmother’s faces, too. We lived within a clan where everyone was jealous, deceitful, and wary. We didn’t have a choice. This American clan is so different.

  “Thank you,” I whisper against her neck.

  She releases me. “Introduce me to your family. I scent the connection, and know you are all members of Rondy’s clan now.”

  I make the formal introductions, but I can tell V is impatient.

  “Cecily?” he finally asks.

  “She’s resting,” Becca answers softly. Even I can tell the name causes her sadness.

  “Come, Esha; I want you to meet someone.” V takes my hand and walks to the front of the bus before lifting me down. I follow him into the house and have no time to look around as he pulls me behind him.

  There is a door off the kitchen that is partially open. V leads me inside and walks to a small bed within the room. My tiger eyes allow me to see in the shadowed room. He turns on a lamp and soft light fills the area.

  An old human woman lies in the bed, and she’s quite frail. Her eyes open, and a smile lights up her weathered features.

  “Ma’am,” V says into the quiet room, “I have brought my mate so that you are properly introduced.”

  Her fingers tremble as she reaches toward me. I take her hand and try not to squeeze too hard. “Come closer, child,” she whispers. V keeps a tight hold of my other hand as I lean down. “You are perfect for my Rondy; beautiful and so majestic.”

  V goes to his knees beside the bed and lays his fingers on her cheek. “I’ve missed you,” he says quietly. I know he can smell death, as I do. This woman, who obviously means so much to him, will not walk the earth much longer.

  “I waited for you so I could say goodbye.” V’s head dips and he rests it against her shoulder. “Please, allow me to change you.”

  Her laughter is sweet but sad. “You know the answer. I have had such a great life, and you are the gift that has made all my sorrows worth suffering. Now that you have a woman to care for you, I can go in peace. Don’t mourn me, Rondy. I leave this world a blessed person.”

  Tears slip from my eyes. I want to leave them alone, but I’m unable.

  Her voice brightens and I can tell she’s trying very hard for V’s sake. “Pull up two chairs and get comfortable. I want to hear all about your travels and learn about your mate.”

  We do as requested, and V tells her the story of Torbic and the council. He talks quietly until Cecily, as she asked me to call her, drifts off to sleep. We leave the room, and I follow V without saying anything. He is squeezing my hand to the point of pain. I can tell he doesn’t realize this. I can handle the ache if it gives him comfort.

  Everyone is in the large front room. A tall man with dark skin stands to the side, and V walks to him. I know who he is. I haven’t met him, but all of Europe and Asia know the legend of this vampire.

  V introduces us and the man nods. I feel quite uncomfortable under his intense stare.

  “You are making her nervous, Moor. We had no control over what happened. You know this. When my mate and I are able to separate by more than two feet, we can have a discussion vampire to vampire. Until then, be nice.”

  The Moor’s lips twitch. “Is that similar to a man to man discussion with fists?”

  V doesn’t give an inch. “No, because there will be more than just a little blood. I promise.”

  No one back home would believe what happens next. One of the most ferocious vampires of all time bursts out laughing. “She has already aged you, my boy, and hopefully repressed some of your juvenile antics for good.” He gives V a heavy pound to his back and then he leans in and kisses my cheek. “Welcome to the home of the Southern clan, my dear.”

  I breathe again.

  “Why didn’t you send news of Cecily’s condition?” V demands, and I stop breathing once more.

  “She wouldn’t allow it. She stopped my feeding from her the day after you left.” The Moor adds a touch of power to his next words, “You will not turn her. She has the right to die as she sees fit.”

  V’s power fills the room and his voice rises. “Pain. She chooses to die in pain.”

  “It. Is. Her. Choice!” The Moor bites out.

  This will not end well. Mother and Grandmother rise from the couch where they were sitting. I can’t help the growl that escapes my throat. We are about to start a war with The Moor, when the front door flies open and a young, naked, female catshifter charges into the room.

  “You foolish, foolish men. I can feel the damned power struggle from my cabin. I had to leave my mate and rush over. He isn’t happy, and neither a
m I. If the vampires can’t get along, they can find somewhere else to live.” She rushes toward me. “You must be Rondy’s mate, you poor thing. He’s extremely irritating at the best of times. Between you and me, we will straighten him out. The Moor is another story. Not even his mate has a clue how to handle his stubbornness.” She grabs me and pulls me against her naked body. I also note that she has but one arm.

  A display of nakedness is not done in India. We are very modest, especially around vampires.

  “Talya, you could have at least taken time to dress so you would make a good impression. Yes, it wouldn’t last long, but you could at least try,” my mate scolds her.

  “Pooh,” she takes my arm and leads me back toward the kitchen. “We have much to talk about. I’ll make tea and then give you the inside scoop on your mate.”

  V tugs me back. “No, Talya. We cannot be separated.”

  She pulls me harder. “That is hogwash. You can do without her for an hour or two.”

  “No,” I tell her with more ire than I meant to use. “We cannot be separated or it causes us great pain.”

  She drops my hand and places her one hand on her hip. She’s beautiful, and my mate should not be looking at her. I glance over my shoulder and see that V is looking away. His cheeks are red, and I relax.

  “Well, this puts a cramp in my plans.”

  “Talya, clothes!” V shouts.

  “Here, I brought them,” a man says and tosses a shirt and pants to Talya.

  He’s a wolfshifter and I can feel his power. He’s the leader of the clan’s pack of werecats and werewolves. They intermingle. In India, we stay separate. This is all so strange.

  Talya puts on the clothes, without concern that we are here. She speaks the entire time. “So the two of you must remain close for the rest of your lives?” She continues before I can tell her the truth. “How boring. I had all kinds of questions about Rondy’s prowess in bed.”

  “Talya,” her mate growls.

  She turns devilish eyes to her mate. “What? This is what women talk about. Every woman in this room has been wondering, and I wasn’t going to ask him. I’m sure he’s like all the other alpha men here and thinks his dick is the biggest and the greatest. Ooph,” she huffs when her mate lifts her up and puts her over his shoulder.

  “I’m Ivan, by the way, and I apologize for my mate’s crass mouth. I’ll go put something in it and keep her out of your hair for a while.” With that, he strides from the room, Talya yelling and punching his back, and he still manages to slam the front door behind him.

  “I don’t think we want to know what he plans on putting in her mouth to shut her up,” Grandmother says into the now-quiet room.

  It’s all I can take. Laughter bubbles up and spills over.

  “Now maybe you can feel my pain and know why I live on the opposite side of the country,” V grumbles.

  The entire room explodes in laughter.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rondy the Heartbroken

  We eventually settle into a large room on the second floor. Esha is tired, and as much as I want to make love to her, she needs sleep. Mother and Grandmother are a few doors down. I’m not sure where Letta ended up. She seemed to take everything in stride, and I refuse to worry about her. From what I saw the first time I met her, she can handle herself just fine.

  I plan to wake Esha after midnight and take her hunting. My sleep is turned around, and I need a few hours to catch up. It seems as if I’ve just closed my eyes when a voice sounds in my head. It’s Grandmother, and I’m instantly alert.

  “Your amma has need of you.”


  It’s Esha who answers in my head. “She means mother. It’s Cecily.”

  We throw on our clothes and make our way to Cecily’s room. Dread fills me. The Moor, Becca, Talya, and Ivan are gathered around the bed. Talya sits on the side of the bed, holding Cecily’s hand. Talya looks up at me, tears streaming down her face.

  I stand frozen a few feet away. After a few seconds, Cecily’s chest rises, and I’m able to breathe.

  “She wants to speak with you. We’ve said our goodbyes,” Becca tells me.

  Talya stands and walks past me without looking back. The others follow and close the door behind them. Cecily gave me the only warmth I had before Talya came into my life. She’s all I had for so long. I lived with my drugged-out mother, and when hunger caused cramps in my belly, I made my way to Cecily. She fed me, always sent me home with extras, and complained about me not attending school. I was petrified of Child Services taking me away. Cecily nurtured me instead of calling them. She was always there. Always.

  Her eyes flutter and she tries to lift her hand.

  I walk forward and sit where Talya sat a moment before. I pull Esha onto my thigh and hold her close with one hand. I need her for this. With my other hand, I gently lift Cecily’s fingers. So damn frail. For just a moment, a glint appears in her eyes, and I see the strong woman she has always been. Then, she grimaces in pain and it breaks my heart.

  “Please allow me to help with the pain, Cecily.” I don’t remember the last time I used her first name.

  The corners of her mouth turn up. “I love you like a son, Rondy. Always have.” Her voice is so raspy that, even with my vampire hearing, I have to lean down to hear her clearly. She kisses my cheek and inhales sharply as pain seizes her again.

  Esha’s hand rubs across my back, offering comfort. “I love you, too, and always have. I will miss you, Mother.”

  Ever so slightly, she squeezes my hand before a breath leaves her lungs. I wait for her to inhale, but it doesn’t happen. I lean over and rest my head on her chest. I can’t help my tears, and I feel Esha’s chest shake against my arm. My pain is hers and I should try to control myself, but I can’t.


  Cecily wanted a quiet funeral, with her family in attendance. Her family consists of vampires, werewolves, werecats, and now tigers. I wish Cecily had time to meet my new family and share her spirit with them.

  We bury her the next morning. Mase built the casket after Cecily died. He worked all night and most of the morning on it. In the sunshine, which I’ve avoided as much as possible for fifteen years, we bury her in a plot of land that is about eight feet higher than the edge of the swamp water. Huge cypress trees surround the area. Esha helps me dig, even though I tell her she doesn’t need to. Everyone else gathers rocks. The Everglades takes care of the dead as well as the living, and no outsiders will find her final resting place. Talya told me Cecily chose this exact spot.

  Talya finds the right words to say as we stand around Cecily’s casket, but I cannot. I knew this day would come; I just never really accepted it. Anger builds inside me, and the killing rage that I try hard to control mixes with my power and affects those around me. I can see the uneasy eyes cast my way. After the short service, we fill the hole, and then add rocks so large predators can’t dig. I walk away, my fingers tightly grasping Esha’s. I go directly to our bedroom and pick up the phone.

  Treson answers. “I can feel your pain from here, brother.”

  I ignore his words. “Where is he?”

  Treson knows exactly who I’m talking about. “He’s at his ranch in Texas. I’ll meet you there.”

  “No. I will send Mother, Grandmother, and Letta to you tomorrow. Esha must come with me. Make the women comfortable, and I will join you the following day.” I disconnect the call and pull Esha against me.

  She doesn’t offer words. There is nothing she can say that will lessen my pain. Her hands go to my neck, and she leans in and kisses me. I deepen the kiss until I can breathe only her. The smell of death fades, and Esha becomes my light.

  I tear her clothes, unable to take the time needed to properly undress her. She’s beastkind, and can take much more pain than any human. I’m desperate and not thinking straight as I tear out of my own clothes and bury myself deep within Esha’s body. I fuck her with violent thrusts. She accepts me. When her body finally tenses
beneath mine, I sink my fangs into her throat and allow her blood to soothe me further.

  The need to kill is still there, but Esha is at the forefront again, and I take everything she gives me. She cries out with her orgasm and I groan mine into the room. I reposition us so her head rests on my chest. She falls asleep while I think about Lincoln Donovan. I imagine all the ways I can make him die slowly. Esha will see the real me.

  I just hope she understands.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Mother and Grandmother are not happy that they are traveling to V’s home without us. As always, Grandmother doesn’t keep her feelings to herself.

  “We are in a strange country, with strange creatures and rules, and our son takes our daughter and leaves us.” She throws up her hands and mutters curse words in Hindi. I’m glad V doesn’t understand Hindi. She goes so far as to call him a poison toad. She ate one once while in beast form, and was sick for hours.

  Mother tries to calm her, even though I can tell she is upset, too. I attended a very short meeting with the vampires while they discussed the council. Marcus and his mate, Amy, attended and then left immediately afterward. I like Amy, and she promised to visit once we’re settled.

  V filled a leather bag, which he called a saddlebag, with borrowed pants, a few shirts, and a warm jacket from Talya. He added his own clothes to the bag, too. At least I was able to bring my own undergarments. While searching for a mate throughout Asia and Europe, I dressed in everything from a burka to jeans and a T-shirt. I strongly disliked the later due to how restrictive I felt in them. I can handle it, though.

  We head outside, and I immediately notice a huge motorbike resting on a trailer that is attached to the back of the bus.

  V told me we would travel with the women until we get to the interstate turnoff. They would go on without us from there. He promised to explain everything as soon as he could.


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