Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 131

by Michele Bardsley

  “You fucking scumbag!” His fist connected with the man’s jaw, snapping his head to the side as blood spurted from his mouth. “You think you can just buy a mate?” His foot landed a bone-breaking kick to the upper thigh and the man now yelled in agony. “Well, I’ve got news for you. Not here and not Mishka.” Rolf let loose a volley of punches, right, left, and right again, the man falling to his knees with blood covering his features. “She is fucking mine!”

  Mishka’s soft sobs almost broke his heart and he gave a last kick to the man’s ribs. “Get the fuck off our land and don’t come back or I will end you.”

  Rolf turned, seeking his mate, and was relieved when he saw Lori’s arms wrapped around her, holding her secure and safe. Rushing over he pulled her to him. “He won’t take you, kitten. I promise.”

  Her father roared, his face beet red with anger. “You think you can just run away? That there will be no repercussions for your actions? You’re my daughter and I have full reign over you in all things. Even the very air you suck into your lungs. Get your disobedient ass over here, now.”

  Mishka quivered in his arms and Rolf was just about to hand her over to Lori again so he could deal with Yegor, when Lyall placed a hand on the man’s chest. “I am Alpha here. Not you. Mishka is now part of my Pack and she is going nowhere. Do you fucking get that?”

  “No!” Yegor bellowed as he launched himself at Lyall.

  Rolf laughed, actually laughed aloud, at the madness of the man. Yegor didn’t stand a chance against Lyall. He was one of the most powerful beings Rolf had ever come across and Mishka’s father was about to find that out for himself: the hard way. When he glanced at her, he saw the shock on her face at his laughing. “Just watch,” he whispered as he held her securely in his arms.

  Lyall was taller, wider, and far more powerful than Yegor. The fight a mis-match from the get go but Yegor wouldn’t give up. The fight descending into the dirtiest fight he’d ever witnessed. The older man allowing a partial transformation and raking across Lyall’s side to leave long, bloody scratches. Lyall made no sound as he copied Yegor’s trick, allowing his own claws to elongate into long razor sharp weapons. As the fight carried on Rolf couldn’t help but wish it were he and not Lyall doling out the punishment.

  “Why doesn’t he just stop?” Mishka whimpered.

  “Because he’s an ass?” Rolf said as he kept his eyes squarely on the continuing fight.

  “Well, yes, but he’s just getting hurt and it’s obvious Lyall is stronger, faster, and going to win.”

  “From the things you’ve told me about him, I don’t think he’s ever come across someone like Lyall.” Rolf’s eyes almost watered as Lyall physically picked Yegor up and threw him on the ground, stamping a foot on his chest to hold him in place.

  “Stay down or I won’t be responsible for my actions from this point on.” Lyall snarled.

  Just when Rolf thought it was over, Yegor did something that he knew the man would regret: he transformed. His Panther’s large paw swiped at the leg holding him down, snarling and growling as Lyall sprang back. Mishka’s gasp was loud as she watched Lyall morph, ripping his clothes to shreds as his massive Wolf appeared. Rolf could only shake his head as the mis-match was even more pronounced.

  “He’s huge.” Mishka grabbed onto Rolf’s jacket, her knuckles white as she held on.

  “He sure is.” Rolf tightened his grip. “Sorry, kitten, but your father is going to get his ass handed to him.”

  “It’ll be the first time, but, and I hate to admit this, it’s long overdue.” Mishka’s heart rate was racing so fast Rolf wondered if she’d faint.

  His eyes firmly on his Alpha and the Panther, he whispered, “Why do you hate to admit it?”

  Mishka sighed. “Because that fucker’s DNA is running through my veins and I don’t want to have anything to do with him. Or his Pack, or his fucking purity crap.”

  Rolf sniggered. “You never have to see him again, baby. Well, that’s if he even survives, ‘cause I’m telling you, now Lyall’s let his beast free, your dear old daddy will be lucky to make it out of here alive.”

  He felt her shudder and she turned her face into his chest. Rolf placed his arm around the back of her neck, his hand holding her head to him, and at the same time shutting off the view of the carnage going on before them. And carnage it was. Lyall repeatedly injuring the Panther who appeared to have wounds all over its body, from the tears along its snout, to the long deep gouges on its hindquarters. Although Yegor deserved what he was getting, Rolf couldn’t help but hope he soon submitted and the fighting stopped. The last thing he wanted was for Mishka to walk through the Camp every day and be reminded that her father was killed on this very spot.

  A shitty father, but a father nonetheless.

  Finally, after what seemed to be forever, the Panther lay on its side, panting and apparently unable to rise. Lyall’s silver beast hovered over it, an enormous paw holding it down, a warning snarl as it glared down at the sleek and bloody beast beneath it. “I think it’s over.” Rolf let out a long sigh of relief.

  During the fight several of the other Panthers had changed, their naked human forms watching the car crash of a fight unfold. Rolf motioned to them, shouting, “Get that sack of shit out of here and if any, and I mean any, of you ever return, we won’t be so gracious the next time.”

  The men darted forward, hauling the injured Panther from underneath Lyall’s paw, and only when they’d all disappeared into the forest did the Alpha morph. Lori appeared with a pair of jeans in her hands and a jacket. Lyall took them, tugged the jeans on and shoved his arms into the jacket. “Sorry about that,” he shouted out to the now assembled Pack. “If you hadn’t already figured it out, this is Mishka, and she is Rolf’s mate. Apparently, her family ain’t too happy about her choice.”

  Laughter and ribbald comments rose up as Mishka looked around at the sea of smiling faces. “So,” Lyall continued. “I think we need to give those assholes a good old fashioned ‘get the fuck outta here’ roar. What do ya say?”

  The noise was deafening, literally, as the Pack thundered around them. Mishka’s hands covering her ears as Rolf joined in, his being the loudest of all. When the Pack had quietened down, Lyall raised his hands again. “Thanks for that, now, I hope you’re all ready for the party tonight and let’s hope we can get through without any fisticuffs. Okay?”

  Mishka’s eyebrows rose. “Fisticuffs?”

  Rolf snickered. “A Pack this size, plenty of booze, usually equals a fight or two. Nothing serious, we’d never allow things to get that far, but some of the younger Wolves like to try and show off in front of the girls.”

  “Oh, I see.” Mishka nodded. “A bit like when a group of Russian men get together. I swear I sometimes wish they’d just get a freaking tape measure out and see whose dick is the biggest.”

  Rolf guffawed, bending over as his laughter erupted, and a few of the Pack gave him some weird looks. Mishka blushed, stuttering. “Rolf, stop it, people are staring.”

  “Can’t help it.” He caught hold of himself as Lori walked over.

  “Hi, Mishka, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Thanks,” Mishka said, shyly. “I’m so lucky to have found Rolf, and I’m very happy to be here.”

  Lyall strode over, through the throng of people still milling around. “At least that’s over with. I was worried that lot would appear during your ceremony and spoil it for you. Now, my friend, why don’t we all go up and eat. Then we can run through final preparations for your bonding.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Rolf replied, his hand reaching to entwine his fingers with Mishka’s.

  “Thank you.” Mishka’s soft voice stopped them. “And I’m sorry you got hurt.”

  Lori giggled, to Mishka’s obvious confusion. “Don’t apologize. That big lump loves getting into a rumble or two. I think he probably enjoyed the whole darn thing.”

  Lyall looked sheepish as he s
hrugged. “Hey, I can’t help it if I like a good fight now and again. So, Mishka, please don’t apologize. I’m just pleased I could help out. What’s an Alpha for, if not to turn to when you need them?”

  The smile that broke across her face almost lit up the entire Camp, Rolf’s heart burgeoning with love for her as she looked up at him. “This is going to be the best home I’ve ever had.”

  “That it will,” he agreed as they walked across the scarlet that marred the white snow covered ground.


  Rolf’s driving tongue invaded Mishka’s mouth, their hungry lips joining in a frenzy of lust. Her soft moans causing his cock to twitch beneath their naked bodies as her hand snaked down to slowly pump it. “Damn, kitten, you’ve grown far too adept at that. Stop, please, or this’ll be over far too quickly.”

  Mishka purred up at him, rubbing her body along his with a feline grace that he’d learned came from her beast. “I better stop then.”

  “Yes.” Rolf rolled her onto her back, crawling down so he was between her thighs, his mouth gently kissing her inner thighs. “I think you should come twice. Once now with my tongue, and then when I’m buried deep inside you, kitten.”

  “Mmm.” Mishka opened her legs, giving him full access.

  “I see you’re nice and wet, baby.” His mouth covered her nub, nibbling it before licking his tongue around it. A soft groan of desire escaped him as he went to work. He’d quickly realized over the past few months that this was one of his beloved places to be: sandwiched within her thighs and bringing her to orgasm. The taste of her juices slaking his thirst for his mate.

  Mishka panted hard, her fingers entwined in his hair, grinding into his face. She started to moan, louder and louder, until his name fled from her lips in a loud exclamation, filled with unadulterated pleasure. Rolf laughed against her swollen nub, his tongue licking along the length of her wet folds, before he stalked up her body to cover it with his. His mouth lowered to hers, breathing against it as his eyes took in her beauty. “I love you, kitten.”

  Her eyes that glassy way he loved to witness, always the same, in the aftermath of her orgasms. “I love you more, my hero.”

  Her nickname, which she’d started using after his altercation with her European betrothed, always made him smile: and his cock hard as steel. “Ready?” he asked as his cock gently teased her sopping wet opening.

  “Always.” Her hair sticking to her forehead, which was damp.

  Rolf pushed inside, a grunt of carnal desire working its way free as his mouth took hers in a searing hot kiss. Her sheath fit him perfectly, almost as if the Goddess herself had fashioned it for him and him alone. As he thrust in, he jerked his hips, knowing it drove Mishka wild when his hips brushed over her already engorged clit. His eyes taking in every inch of her face as her head fell back as she gasped his name. He reached down, a hand snaking around a thigh to bring it up and around his waist, giving him the angle to thrust ever deeper.

  He was officially in heaven.

  Mishka’s nails scraping across his biceps, drawing blood that pooled in the grazes. “Fuck.” He cursed, thrusting harder, faster, both feeling and seeing the second her orgasm began. Her sheath pulsed around him, her heart pulsing in her chest like a mockingbird’s, a shriek of release filling the room. Rolf’s cock thickened, pulsed, and gave up his seed in hot bursts as he sank as deep as he could get. His own roar echoing around the small room as he fell forwards to cover her body with his.

  Rolf found out early that Mishka yearned for this closeness and he gladly granted it. Her arms grasping onto him as if he were a lifeboat in a stormy sea.

  Mishka giggled against his neck, nuzzling him gently. “I think we need to try and be a bit less vocal. The Manager gave me a very weird look when we returned earlier.”

  “He’s probably just jealous, kitten.” Rolf snickered, cheekily. “He wishes it were him making you scream.”

  “Rolf!” Mishka nipped him, her eyes wide, and her face blushing scarlet.

  “Hey,” Rolf gave a small shrug. “It’s probably true.”

  “I doubt it.” Mishka shook her head with a twinkle in her eyes. “I’m pretty sure he’s gay and it’s you he wants to make scream.”

  “Shoot.” Rolling off, he pulled her into his side. “He’s going to be disappointed when he realizes I don’t sail on the same ship as he does. Pity, he’s quite good looking.”

  Mishka reared up, glowering at him. “What?”

  “I’m joking, honest.” Rolf tried to repress his laughter. “You’re the only one for me, kitten, and you know it.”

  “I better be buster.”

  “So, what’re we doing tomorrow?” Rolf pulled her back down, hugging her against him.

  “I want to go to the Art Gallery.” Mishka gushed. “I loved the museum today but I really want to see all the paintings I never thought I would. In real life, I mean. I’ve seen stuff online but that’s never going to be the same as seeing them up close, hanging on walls in all their glory.”

  “Mishka.” Rolf looked deep into her eyes, trying to convey his feelings in the look. “I will do anything, anywhere, and anytime, with you and for you. All you need do is ask, kitten.”

  “Thank you.” She sniffled against his chest.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly. “What did I say to upset you?”

  “Nothing.” She sniffled again. “I’m just so happy and I never dreamed I’d have this.”

  Relaxing onto his pillow, Rolf grinned roguishly. “You’ll always have this. Especially if you scream my name like that all the time, babe.”

  “Rolf!” She tweaked his nipple, hard. “You are totally, utterly, incorrigible!”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “Yes, I am, and don’t you forget it, kitten. Now come here so I can kiss you until you fall asleep.”

  Mishka slipped willingly into his embrace, their lips touching in a soft, gentle kiss. A kiss of pure love.

  About AK Michaels

  Thank you so much for reading about Rolf. If you would like book 1 in this series for free, then sign up for my Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan, and you’ll find out how to get Lori’s Wolf Pack, Discovering The Alpha, for FREE! You’ll also get details of my freebies in the welcome email, so be sure to check it out.

  If you have a spare wee moment, if you could leave a review then I’d be really appreciative, and come and chat to me on Facebook. I answer all messages personally. You’ll find details of all my books in the links below, if you’re fed up of waiting for a ‘next in series’ then check my page out as I have five completed series at the moment. Over twenty-five books for you to ‘bite’ into!

  Hope you have a fabulous day, and remember folks, Live, Love, Read!

  Ava x

  A K Michaels

  Paranormal Romance With A Bite!

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  Ravished by the Alpha

  (The Cull Book Three)

  By Renee George


  Thank you, Alice Rosario for your excellent help with the Spanish phrases in this story!

  Chapter One

  ICE CRACKLED ALONG the low branches of a large oak. To dodge a falling chunk, Lizzy Langston jumped left, nearly all four of her paws leaving the snow-covered ground. She rolled in the fresh white powder, the thick fur close to her skin keeping her nice and toasty. This was freedom. True sovereignty. A state she could only achieve in wolf form, and only when she was alone. There was no government, no doctors, and no tribe telling her what to do.

  She’d spent the night before working a hectic shift in the ER, three major car accidents, two heart attacks, a stroke victim, and several drug seekers looking for a pharmaceutical high. As a nurse, she knew that holidays, especially Christmas, were worse than a full moon for hospitals, and the craziness had started early. She’d needed to get away... fro
m everything.

  Donovan Wright, her guardian, had been pressuring her to choose a mate. Now that she was in her eighties, she pushed the edge of their kind’s fertility window. As a first generation lycanosapien, it was an unspoken part of her duties to breed. Second gen babies were often fertile, but third gens, both sons and daughters, were always sterile. This made extinction a real possibility for her kind. Because of this, they held a human cull every eighty to a hundred years, and the current cull had already lasted a year. Most other lycanosapiens celebrated human Christmas rituals, which was fine by her.

  Lizzy had the mountain all to herself.

  The trees were brown and leaf-bare, but against the white backdrop of the climbing plateaus, the Ozarks still managed to be beautiful. She ran along the banks of a crystallized stream, hopping from side to side, sniffing twigs and bushes.

  Because of modern technology and saturated media, her tribe had to be more careful than ever about who they asked to join. If the werewolves approached the wrong human, it could land them on the first page of every search engine on the Internet. The recent recruitment had the lowest number of new members in the history of the cull. The rules were strict. They only turned people who would benefit as much from the transformation as the tribe. The desperate, the homeless, and the lonely tended to be a perfect fit; those who wanted or needed to start new lives from scratch.

  The unfortunate circumstances of the Great Depression had created a greater pool of humans to choose from. Lizzy had been born from that cull. Her parents had a true mating—when two people instantly connected both physically, emotionally, and most of all, biologically. A true mating involved bite and blood, and the female always ended up pregnant.

  No, thank you. Like the bumper stickers said, I’d rather be hunting.


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