Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 150

by Michele Bardsley

  “What am I going to do now?” The wide toothed comb caught in her wet hair and she tugged at it without gentleness. It was a wonder there was any steam in there at all. She’d taken a tepid shower in hopes of cooling her body from the need to be with him. Roderick would be there any minute and she needed to maintain her distance, if not physically, emotionally.

  She donned a robe and padded to the bedroom.

  If what Julian said was true, there might be a way to break the bond. She would insist they break it and each of them go on with their life as if nothing ever happened between them.

  It would be much easier for Roderick. He didn’t love her.

  Moving forward was something she could do, but to forget him would be impossible. Her hand slid to her still flat stomach and her gaze jerked to the trashcan.

  The test she’d picked up on her way home came up positive. She was pregnant.

  Single parenting was not exactly in her plans, but that didn’t matter. She’d have her child and would love it so much that having one parent would be more than enough. The dinging of the doorbell pulled her to the present. Roderick didn’t use his key today, which meant he was already disengaging.

  There was no need to dress. It was inevitable they’d have sex. At the knowledge, her body responded with a heated rush. Rachel steeled her heart and opened the door.

  In one fluid motion, Roderick entered and wrapped his arms around her. Crushed against his chest, Rachel struggled to push back. Somehow his hold was firm and gentle at the same time, not allowing for her to move away.

  “I forgot my key. Rachel, I’m so sorry,” Roderick whispered against her hair. “Please forgive me for those stupid words.” He cupped her chin lifting her face to his. “I’m sorry for making you cry. It wasn’t my intention…”

  “Don’t say anymore!” Rachel screamed and shoved at his chest. Still, he did not release her, so she slumped in resignation. “Rod, I don’t hold it against you. I understand you aren’t happy at being forcibly tied to me. What hurts is you lied to me. You led me to believe you were invested emotionally with all your gifts and trying to persuade me to move in with you.”

  “I…” he stopped speaking and released her. “You’re right.” His words cut a new hole in her heart. “Being bonded was something I never considered, especially after living for so many centuries.” He looked up at the ceiling in thought.

  Rachel backed further away. Every word he spoke struck like a dagger to her soul.

  “Call Julian, let him know we need to know how to break the bond. Whatever I need to do, I will do it.” She was relieved no tears fell so she continued. “Just don’t say anything else, please.”

  “I don’t want to break the damn bond,” Roderick moved so fast, she didn’t have time to react. His mouth crushed hers with so much need it shocked her. Tears sprang to her eyes. How could she live without this? Her Protector no longer a part of her life?

  With swift motions, Roderick picked her up and took the familiar path to her bedroom. He set her on her feet and pulled the belt of her robe, sliding the garment off her shoulders so it pooled around her feet. When he backed up, his gaze roamed over her sending a delicious tingle. Maintaining eye contact, he began to undress and Rachel mentally devoured every inch the fabric slid off of.

  His beautiful silver gaze on her, a slight curve to his sensuous lips. It was impossible to look away as he pulled his shirt off. Within seconds he stood before her, fully nude and all man.

  “I can’t wait,” Rachel told him between kisses. “Please take me now.”

  He tilted his head and smiled at her, “If I could make you wait, I would just to hear you beg for me. Lucky for you I can’t wait either.” A growl escaped, his mouth opened and his eyes closed.

  It could have been mere seconds or hours, they spoke an entire love scene without saying a word. When he stalked to the bed, the only sound she could formulate was a sharp inhalation.

  They landed in the bed, a tangle of arms and legs, each vying to touch more of the other’s body with a desperation like that of lovers separated for too long.

  His mouth took hers as she raked her fingers into his hair holding him in place.

  “Now,” she cried out...”please.”

  The erotic sounds of his hard breathing in her ear took her attention as he guided his hardness to her center. Finally he pushed in. Inch by inch, he moved with excruciating slowness. Incredible how the simple act made her tremble all over. She licked his throat, tracing circles on the soft skin knowing he enjoyed it.

  It was easy to lose herself in the friction of each movement as he moved in and out of her. Rachel clung to his broad shoulders as he picked up the pace. Perfect and all consuming, every stroke sent her closer to the brink, the edge she couldn’t wait to fall over.

  She reached to hold his taut ass urging him as her climax closed in.

  Then all she could do was flail, lost and splintered. Roderick’s cry was all she heard in the fog that enveloped her.

  By the time he found the energy to roll off of her, Rachel was finally able to form a coherent thought. She scooted away from him. She not only needed space, but had to protect her heart.

  “Why are you laying so far from me?” Roderick lay on his side, his luminescent eyes scouring her face for answers. “I don’t want to break the bond Rachel. I choose to stay with you.”

  “Can you still be a Protector?”

  “No. Mated or not, he’s punishing me by cutting me loose. I will speak with Julian to see if perhaps he will reconsider, but I doubt it. He rarely changes his mind once he makes a decision. Actually, I don’t think he’s ever changed his mind.”

  Rachel rolled to her side facing him. “Then we must go to Italy and see him. We’ll ask him to break the bond. There is no need to remain bonded.”

  “You don’t want to be bonded to me?” The soft question shook her. Was he hurt? Or was it just his ego?

  “I don’t want you to lose your job because of me.”

  With a growl, Roderick got out of the bed and began to yank his clothes on. “I have to go to work. I have another week until my replacement arrives. Hopefully I will be able to last that long without losing all my energy. Then I’ll to go to Rome and meet with Julian.” An emotion flickered across his face when he looked at her, but she couldn’t decipher what it was. “Know one thing Rachel. We are not breaking up.”

  She ignored the tug of the words at her heartstrings. What’s happening to you?” Rachel asked reaching for his arm. “Why are you becoming weak?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots. “When a Protector shares his blood, he also shares his immortality. When it’s done wrong, the Protector is at risk. The keener eyesight, hearing and night vision, coupled with the need to forge the bond all come together and drain too much energy from my body. Julian left some stuff behind for me to sort through, one of the items is a mating set we can use in an effort to form a proper bond. If it works then I should be able to gain back my ability to stay strong.”

  “And if it doesn’t?” Guilt twisted around her gut. He’d lost it all because he’d saved her life.

  “Then I will be a regular guy, who lives a long time, I suppose. It’s one of the things I need to talk to Julian about.”

  He reached for her and kissed her, the softness in the action touched her to the core, but she reminded herself not once had Roderick said he cared for her.

  A soft smile curved his lips. “Don’t worry, it will be fine. I’m a doctor, I have a PhD, I can get a job easy.” He snapped his fingers. “Just have to figure out how to mask my eyes. Contacts I suppose.” With a casual shrug, meant to ease her worry, he stood and stretched. “Gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow all right?”


  He stopped in the doorway and turned. Rachel’s heart hammered in her chest with newfound appreciation. The man was gorgeous. Although huge, he was well formed, somehow muscular without being too bulky. His long silver hair, tussled
after their lovemaking, was now pulled back with a thin leather strap that showcased his strong jawline. She absorbed his features from his patrician nose to his well-formed legs.

  “Please be careful.”


  Even with the upcoming meeting, Rachel couldn’t help but be affected by the beauty of the Italian countryside. The winding road from the larger city of Rome to the town of Olgiata cut through stunning landscape. Villas and tall thin pine-like trees dotted the sides of the road. Once, when everything settled and her life became more stable, she vowed to return and spend time exploring the wonderful country. For now, her focus was on one thing and for that she had to be prepared. There were no assurances, no idea whatsoever in her mind as to what would happen in the next moments. But she had to try; it was time for someone to stand up to the Roman.

  Julian’s picturesque villa took her breath away. Although she’d been to beautiful homes before, she’d never seen a house so gorgeous. None of the Protectors seemed to be hurting for money.

  A doorman of sorts answered the door and showed Rachel inside into an open red-tiled expanse that made up a combination living room and open terrace. Her heels clicked on the tile when she walked across the airy space. She noted most of his furnishings were white. The home was not quite austere, but not inviting either.

  The view from the terrace beckoned and Rachel went out to admire the landscape. She grasped the banister while leaning over to take it all in. “Beautiful.”

  “Welcome Rachel.” Julian’s deep voice flooded over her like ice water and instantly her heartbeat quickened. She swung to see him stride toward her. Barefoot, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, he seemed at ease in the space. His movements, although graceful, put her on edge.

  “Please join me for a glass of Chianti.” He stopped next to an ornate marble-topped sideboard of sorts and poured two glasses of wine, his eyes constantly lifting to her face.

  Julian joined her at the terrace and although he didn’t stand too close, Rachel had to force herself not to put more distance between them when she took the proffered glass from his hand.

  The Roman looked away, seeming to study the panorama, and Rachel took advantage of his distraction to study him. Julian reminded her of a masterpiece. Beautiful yet untouchable. Impenetrable walls surrounded him, the invisible force field emanating an energy that terrified her.

  “Are you not thirsty?” The cock of his eyebrow at the still full glass in her hand almost made her drop it. He knew.

  “I-I am here to speak to you about Rod…Roderick.” Rachel stuttered, setting the wineglass none-to-gently on the thick banister. “Please break our bond and allow him to fight in your Protector force again. It all happened because he saved my life. How could you punish him for that?”

  Julian looked away again. “I have known the Spartan for a long time. Do you know when I found him, he lay dying in the middle of a battlefield? He was the only survivor of a clash against Messenian forces. His flesh shredded by spears, his bones smashed into the ground under the warhorses’ hooves of the departing Slavonic army. Yet he lived. Crazed with pain, he somehow hung on. He was amazing, relentless, a true male of worth.” The Romans’ penetrating gaze met hers. “The reason he lived is his strong will, Rachel. He didn’t know what he was as yet, but he managed to fight through the pain of the change.”

  “Even more of a reason why you need him,” Rachel pleaded. Knowing the details Roderick had left off for her benefit, she wanted to cry for the young man who’d suffered so much.

  Julian regarded her without expression. It was as if she spoke to a granite statue. “I will not change my mind about this. You’ve wasted your time and money coming here.”

  “Why?” Rachel screamed. “This is crazy. Rod told me they are already outnumbered in Atlanta, and you’re going to take him off the streets because of an understandable mistake? I’m willing to break the bond with him. Please do it, break us apart and allow him to go back to work.”

  The floor shook beneath her feet and Rachel shrieked in fear. Jaw clenched, Julian’s angry eyes bore into her and he took her forearm, his fingers digging into her skin. “You know nothing little girl. Do you think I make decisions idly? Roderick is one of, if not the most powerful, of the Protectors. I did not choose to lose him. He did. I will not change my mind.” A sneer marred his handsome face. “Ah, it gets better.”

  “Release her arm at once, Julian.” Both she and Julian turned toward the voice. Frosty eyes moved from Julian to Rachel. “We are not breaking this bond.”

  Great...Roderick was there.

  Her Spartan practically flew across the room intent on tackling Julian to the ground. However, in the next instant, he stumbled back as if bouncing off an invisible shield.

  “Why don’t you wish to break the bond?” Julian seemed baffled, his head cocked to the side. With brows pinched, he waited for Roderick’s reply.

  Rachel started to argue, but Roderick’s next words stopped her.

  “Because I love her.” He faced her. “I am in love with you Rachel and want to share my life with you.”

  For the first time Julian showed warmth of sorts, he uttered a soft chuckle. “The consequences of your actions will not be clear for a long time. I cannot grant you your wish to continue in the Protector force. You could be killed or worse cause one of the others to die. So, for now, the answer remains no.” He met Rachel’s gaze, the probing in his pointed stare, discomfiting. “The bond between you two must be completed now. The next in line will come.”

  “Is something wrong Rachel? What are you talking about Julian?” Roderick was instantly beside her, his eyes searching her face and then turning to Julian. “Tell me.”

  Without another word, Julian stalked out of the room.

  She took a deep breath and framed his face with her hands. “Roderick, do you really love me?”

  He nodded and leaned forward as if to kiss her, but her words stopped him.

  “I am also in love with you. Rod, I’m pregnant.”

  His mouth opened and closed, and his eyebrows rose high but no words came out. Then his lips curved until a wide smile split his face. Yet at the same time, his eyes darted in the direction Julian had gone.

  It was a bittersweet moment for him. He didn’t have to tell her this.

  “I never dreamed to start a family, not at this age. I cannot formulate the words to tell you what I am feeling right now. To find out you love me was more than I hoped, but to also find you are to give me the precious gift of my first child...I love you.” He lifted her face up and kissed her. The presses of his lips, soft, gentle and precious. “Let’s go.”

  “Are you sure?” Rachel said covering his large hands with hers. “Maybe we should remain and try to talk to him again. Surely he’ll reconsider it. I can’t believe he’s letting you go.”

  “He’ll come around. It may take him a couple years, but he will. Just need him to get over being pissed at me.” There was warmth when he looked at her. “We have other things to do. Much to discuss. Let’s get out of here.” Although she didn’t know Roderick as much as she’d hoped, it was interesting to her how patient he seemed to be with the Roman.

  Rachel allowed Roderick to lead her from Julian’s home. Although she did not see the Roman, she felt something as they went to her rental car. From one of the many windows he watched them. She was sure of it. Whether in anger or still puzzled, she didn’t know, but one thing she did know. When she saw Julian again, once more, she’d beg him to reconsider.


  RODERICK TRIED NOT to be angry at the entire situation. It was not fair. As hard as he tried to seem nonchalant for Rachel’s sake, his gut churned at the thought of returning to Atlanta. Cyn would be paired up with someone else.

  For lifetimes he’s fought as a Protector, the war was far from over and every single fighter was required just to keep some semblance of control over the situation.

  Needing time to adjust, he’d convinced Rachel to stay in It
aly for a week. It would give Julian time to get his replacement and hopefully a few days for him to adjust to the idea of being benched.

  His cell rang and he eyed the display. Rachel had gone out to the small villa’s patio. From inside he could see her sitting in the sun with a glass of lemonade reading a book. She was the picture of serenity.

  “Hey Cyn,” he spoke in a quiet tone, “what’s up?”

  “What the fuck?” Cyn’s voice exploded.

  “You’ll have to give me more of a clue.” Roderick paced, the cursing in his ear making him cringe. His partner was livid.

  Finally Cyn stopped the string of obscenities and formed a sentence that made sense. “I’ve been partnered with James fucking Bond.” The male’s Scottish brogue became heavy with anger.

  “Bond is cool.”

  “This fucker is not.”

  “Then call him something else.”

  Silence, he could see Cyn staring at the ceiling trying to come up with a better nickname. “I already kicked his ass once.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Go back and see Julian. Tell him this shit is not going to work.” Cyn said by way of an answer.

  “Give the new guy a chance. I won’t go back to Julian. Not for some time.”

  There was another long silence. Cyn read between the lines. Both of them knew Julian would not change his mind, not for a while. It could be a couple of years or it could be twenty. Nothing he could say at the moment would change their leaders’ mind. “I’m weakening too fast. I can’t put you or anyone in danger until this shit is controlled.”

  “Yeah.” Cyn let out a breath. “Thor said once you get mated and live with her, you’d get straight.”

  Thor had never been mated. It would take a woman with a lot of patience or supersonic strength to tame that one. “How the hell would Thor know?”

  “His last partner, another Viking, is mated.”

  Only Cyn would hold a conversation with Thor. “Besides, I called what’s his name, the Spaniard. He said the same thing.”


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