Zombie Games 2 (Running Wild)

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Zombie Games 2 (Running Wild) Page 4

by Kristen Middleton

  Austin, who hadn’t said one word the entire time, suddenly came to life. Both guys bolted towards the structure to get to the frightened children and whatever was scaring them. When they reached the top I heard a strangled type of mewling noise followed by some shuffling.

  “Damn it!” hollered Austin right before I heard the echo of a single gunfire shot.

  “You okay?” asked Bryce from somewhere up in the top.

  “Just a couple little scratches,” replied Austin as he climbed back off the equipment. Bryce and Bobby climbed down soon after him.

  “Where’s Brooke?” I asked, trying to see in the darkness.

  Austin pursed his lips as he stepped closer. He touched my arm and said, “Sorry Cassie. Brooke attacked us; she was a zombie.”

  My chest felt heavy for the little girl but I could also see that Bobby was terrified and needed consolation more than anyone. I walked towards him as Bryce tried to calm the hysterical boy. “It’s okay,” I said softly, putting my arms around him.

  “She…she…tried to bite me,” he cried. “I didn’t do anything to her and she tried to bite me.”

  “She was very sick,” I whispered into his hair. “Brooke didn’t know what she was doing, sweetie.”

  “The little girl must have gotten bit at some point,” said Bryce. “She lunged at Austin and almost ended a certain cowboy’s future career in the rodeo.”

  Austin smiled and then held up his hand which was bleeding from the scratches. “No harm, just a few scratches from her nails. She didn’t bite me or anything.”

  “Austin,” said Bryce, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Listen, thanks for helping to save Bobby. If you wouldn’t have gotten to Brooke so quickly, she may have bitten him.”

  Austin nodded. “Bobby’s a good kid. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

  “Let’s go back to the house before we run into anymore of those things,” said Paige looking towards the dark trees. “I have this creepy feeling that we’re being watched.”

  Chapter Seven

  “What in the hell is going on?” barked my dad as we walked into the house.

  “Believe me, you don’t want to know,” replied Kristie as she removed her shoes and began rubbing her feet.

  Dad looked at Bryce and turned green. “Damn, what happened to you? You look and smell like my brother’s dog after rolling in a pile of shit. Jesus, someone take him outside and spray him down before I lose my breakfast.”

  “I can spray down Bryce,” said Eva who suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs holding Chi Chi. The flirtatious smile on her face was nauseating.

  I clenched my fists tightly. If anyone needed to be sprayed down with cold water it was Eva. I was about to offer those words of advice when Kristie grabbed my arm and whispered, “Just let it go.”

  “Damn girl, you’re like a bitch in heat,” stated Paige loudly. “I think you need to be sprayed down with the garden hose. No offense, Goldie sweetie.”

  Goldie barked and jumped up on Paige.

  Kristie closed her eyes and groaned while I burst out laughing.

  “Paige, the only bitch around here is you,” snapped Eva.

  “That’s it!” raged Paige, throwing aside her bat. She raced up the stairs only to be blocked by my dad.

  “Girls, even though I enjoy a good catfight now and again, there’s absolutely no time for this. Both of you need to mellow out and save your rage for the zombies.”

  Paige and Eva continued to glare at each other until Kristie finally separated them.

  “So, I heard things didn’t go well at the cabin,” said my dad, when Eva finally stormed back downstairs. “I’m really sorry to hear that, Kristie.”

  She nodded and looked away. She’d been very close to her mom and the wounds would be fresh for a long time.

  “Listen,” announced my dad. “Anyone wishing to tag along with us to Atlanta should be prepared to leave within the hour. It’s almost daybreak and I really want to get a move on.”

  “I think we’re all going,” said Kristie. “The zombies are getting more aggressive and we’re much safer in numbers.”

  Dad nodded. “I agree. One hour everyone, please be ready.”

  I went to my room and threw together some clothing and toiletries into a backpack, then went to Allie’s to prepare one for her. I wanted to bring something from home to comfort her.

  “Oh Allie,” I sighed, sitting on her pink and white satin bedspread. I picked up the stuffed kitty she’d slept with for the last ten years and crushed it to my chest.

  As I looked around her room a photo sitting on her book shelf caught my eye. It was a picture of the both of us at the state fair; I was about ten and she was four. Allie was wearing a sparkly pink cowgirl hat and I had on a blue Mohawk wig that our grandmother had just purchased for us. I hadn’t paid much attention to the picture before, but now as I stared at it, tears welled up in my eyes. We were holding hands and she was smiling at me with such loving adoration that it broke my heart. Like most sisters we had our rough moments, but there was never any doubt in my mind how much she loved me.

  “I’m coming, little sister,” I whispered, wiping my eyes. “I’m coming.”


  “Cassie!” called Austin about ten minutes later. I was still lying on Allie’s bed, staring off into space and holding the prized stuffed animal.

  “In Allie’s room!” I answered.

  He walked in and closed the door behind him. “I need to talk to you.”

  “What’s up?” I asked, getting off the bed; being alone with him in a bedroom felt slightly awkward.

  “The pain in my shoulder is getting much worse,” he said slowly, his normally tan face was very pale. “I really need to find my buddy’s duffel bag. How about taking a quick trip with me to the military vehicles?”

  “Better idea, just ask my dad to stop on the way to Atlanta,” I told him. “He’ll do it, no problem.”

  He shook his head. “No, I already asked him and he told me it would take up too much time. Please, just come with me. It’s only a couple blocks away. I need you to cover me while I search the truck. In case any zombies show up.”

  I didn’t think it was a good idea but I could see from the look in his eyes that he was really in rough shape.

  “Is it infected? I should probably look at it for you.”

  “I’ve already cleaned it, again. I just really need something for the pain, especially if we’re going to be driving around for the next few hours.”

  “Fine,” I said walking out of the bedroom. “I’ll grab Bryce so he can come with us.”

  “Bryce is busy helping Bobby pack. We have to go now so we make it back in time.”

  I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “Okay, let me grab the war hammer.”

  “Thanks,” he said, flashing me a grateful smile.

  “Bring a weapon this time,” I said.

  “You’re dad’s letting me use his ten millimeter Ruger for the trip,” said Austin holding it up. “It’s already loaded and good to go.”

  Ten minutes later we were sneaking out of the house to get to the Vicodin. The sun was just rising and as I looked back towards the house, I saw Eva watching us through the window.

  “Great, Eva’s going to open up her big mouth and tell my dad,” I grumbled, glaring at her nosy face.

  “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just get to the truck quickly. It’s only about three blocks away.”

  We started walking west and ran into our first zombies only a block away from my house.

  “Get ready,” I said.

  Two of the undead were racing towards us, looking like they’d just won the lottery.

  “Save your bullets so my dad doesn’t wonder where they went,” I said, advancing towards the two zombies holding the sharp war hammer.

  “No, Cassie,” argued Austin. “Protecting you is my job.” He raised his gun and shot the first one.

  I groaned and swung at the second zombie, hitting him
square in the forehead. As I removed my weapon I said, “You know Austin, I’m not some little wallflower that can’t take care of myself. If I was, do you think I’d have made it this far?”

  He grinned. “I know darlin’, but it’s really not in my nature to put anyone in danger, let alone a beautiful girl like yourself.”

  My cheeks turned pink at the way he was looking at me. “Um, let’s get going before my dad finds out we’re missing.”

  We started walking again and I noticed that Austin’s face was getting paler.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  He nodded and touched his shoulder. “I reckon I’ll be much better once I have something stronger for the pain.”

  “Be careful,” I whispered as we approached the vehicles. “There could be some zombies crawling around in one of the trucks, especially if you’ve left any food.”

  There were three camouflaged military vehicles parked parallel to each other, one of them a large cargo truck. I followed him to that one and he began rummaging through several duffel bags that were lying in the back while I watched for zombies.

  “Score,” he said walking towards me with a huge grin. He was holding a bottle of prescription drugs and the keys to the truck. “Get in; I’ll drive us back to your house.”

  I got into the passenger side while he opened the bottle and swallowed a couple of the pills.

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to be driving anything when you take those pills,” I said as he hopped in next to me.

  He stared at me, his pale face looking almost feverish and glossy from perspiration.

  I touched his arm. “Austin? Are you okay?”

  He nodded slowly and looked around as if in a daze. Then he licked his lips. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

  I grabbed the door handle. “I think it might be better if we walked back or I drive.”

  “Do you know how to drive a stick?”

  I sighed. “No.”

  He sat back in his seat and put the keys in the ignition. “Seriously Cassie, I don’t think I can walk all the way back to the house. I’ll probably pass out and then you’ll be vulnerable against any zombies, especially if you’re trying to drag me back with you.”

  “Maybe I should go back and get Bryce. I just really think it’s too dangerous for you to be driving.”

  He stared at me again, his expression was unreadable.

  “What?” I asked. The intensity of his gaze was disconcerting.

  “I’ll be right back,” he murmured, jumping out of the truck. He walked to the back and I could hear him digging around again.

  “We’d really better get going soon!” I yelled. “My dad is going to flip.”

  My door opened and he stood watching me as if in a daze, swaying slightly. Something about the way he looked at me this time made the sirens go off in my head. “Austin?” I asked backing away from him.

  His eyebrows furrowed as he came towards me and the last thing I remember is his hand covering my face with a funny smelling rag.

  Chapter Eight

  I was in Bryce’s arms and he was about to kiss me passionately when a bump in the road jolted me from the fantasy. When I opened my eyes, the walls were spinning and it felt like someone was hammering me in the head with a tire iron.

  “Oh man,” I mumbled, the pain almost unbearable. I tried to lift my hands to rub my temples but noticed they were bound together with a piece of rope.

  What the heck?

  As my eyes finally adjusted to the surroundings, I found myself in the back of the same cargo truck I’d helped Austin find, and we were moving very quickly.

  “Austin!” I shouted, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my skull. I called for him several times then began kicking the walls of the truck, trying desperately to get his attention. Eventually, he pulled over and came back to check on me.

  “Sorry about this Cassie,” he said softly.

  I scowled. “Why am I tied up and where in the hell are you taking me?”

  He cleared his throat. “I told you before; I’m going to take care of you.”

  Austin’s blond hair was sticking up all crazy, his face was ashen and his pupils were dilated. The handsome cowboy I remembered looked like he’d been dragged around by a bull. He was really messed up. But then, right now, so was I.

  “Austin, you really don’t look so well.”

  His lips tightened into a thin line. “I’m fine.”

  “Listen, my dad is going to freak out. You have got to take me home.”

  He shook his head. “No, you’re safer with me. I promised your mom I’d protect you from harm. That’s all I want to do.”

  “No, this isn’t what she meant! She’d never want you to take me away from my father.”

  He smiled. “See, this is why you need my protection. You’re too naïve to be wandering around by yourself or making decisions about your life.”

  “That’s ridiculous! You have to take me home! Everyone’s going to wonder where in the heck I am.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I grabbed your phone. When your mom calls, I’ll let her know you’re safe. She can relay that message back to everyone else.”

  “That’s crap Austin!” I yelled, losing my temper completely. I was so furious I wanted to kick his ass, screw using martial arts just for self-defense.

  “You don’t have to get so hostile Cassie,” he said, trying to touch my cheek. “I’m only trying to protect you. Someday you’ll understand.”

  I stiffened at his touch. “I don’t need your protection! Jesus, I could probably take …” Then it hit me, he wasn’t aware of my martial arts skills. At least I didn’t think my mother had mentioned it.

  “Rest now,” he said standing up. He was swaying and the thought of him driving scared the crap out of me. “We have a long drive ahead of us.”

  “Where…where are you taking me?” I asked.

  The smile he gave me made my skin crawl. He licked his lips. “Somewhere safe; where we can finally be alone.”


  I’d fallen back asleep, which was probably for the best because my head felt much better the next time I opened my eyes.

  “Austin!” I yelled.

  Just like last time he ignored me until I began to kick the walls of the truck.

  “Austin!” I screamed louder. My bladder was aching for release and I just knew I’d pee in my shorts after a few more bumps.

  Finally, the truck stopped and Austin came back around.

  “What?” he asked. He looked weary, his face even chalkier than before.

  I smiled sheepishly. “I have to pee.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re not trying to escape are you?”

  I shook my head. “No, I really have to go. It’s been quite a while since I’ve went.”

  He sighed. “Okay, but just so you know, there aren’t any bathrooms nearby. You’ll have to squat next to the road.”

  “Whatever,” I said, waving my hand. “I really can’t wait any longer.”

  He helped me down from the truck and I thought about kicking him hard and running, but my hands were still tied. I was more afraid of being attacked by a zombie than Austin, who looked pretty fragile at the moment.

  The sun was shining as I took in the surroundings and my eyes began to water. I’d been locked inside of the truck for who knows how many hours and now everything seemed so bright. From what I could determine, we were somewhere on interstate thirty-five. The roads were deserted and the only thing visible for miles was farmland.

  “Turn around, please,” I said as he followed me to the side of the road. He was staring at me again with such intensity that it was creeping me out.

  Austin shook his head. “Right, so you can just run off?”

  I smiled. “Oh Austin…I already thought of that, but I’m not stupid. If I were to run into any zombies, I’d be totally defenseless with my hands tied.”

  His shrill laughter made me wonder if he was losing his mind.
“You’d definitely be an easy meal,” he replied.

  “Tell you what,” I said. “I’ll go behind that tree over there,” I said motioning to a thick oak tree. “And come right back.”

  Austin pulled the gun out from behind his back. “Okay, fair enough. You don’t mind if I point a gun towards you, in case a zombie comes up behind you?”

  I smiled at his wit. “Oh, not at all.”

  His face suddenly went slack and it really freaked me out. He stood motionless with the gun at his side, just staring off into space.

  “Austin!” I yelled, trying to get his attention. His behavior was unnerving. Although I knew he hadn’t been bitten by any zombies, he was sure beginning to act like one.

  His face came back to life and he looked at me. “What?”

  I raised my hands. “Um, how am I going to remove my shorts with my hands tied?”

  The emotions on his face were mixed. He licked his lips. “I…I can take them off for you.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Do you really think my mother would be happy to hear how you removed my shorts?”

  He smiled sardonically. “It could be our secret?”

  The idea that he’d kidnapped me and was now flirting made me ill. I forced a smile to hide my disgust. “Now Austin, I’m still a minor you know?”

  He snorted. “You weren’t acting like a child with Bryce earlier. In fact, you looked like you knew exactly what you were doing.”

  Thoughts of Bryce made my heart ache. There was a big possibility that I’d never see him again and it terrified me. I sighed. “Seriously, I really have to go pee.”

  He walked me over to the tree and pulled me closer to him. Looking into my eyes, he unzipped my shorts and pulled them down, never once looking below my face, even when he had to bend.

  I cleared my throat. “Thanks.”

  Smiling he stepped away from me and turned around, to give me privacy. “I’ll get you something to drink when we get back to the truck.”

  “Thanks,” I said, trying to pee as quietly as I could with a grown man standing less than a few feet away. I was embarrassed and tried to hurry. When I finished, I actually managed to pull my shorts back up.


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