Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 3

by Sienna Grant

  “I do like you.” I nod agreeing. He smiles and takes my hand in his. “I’m not sure whether I’ll get to see you much though, my mum is strict and doesn’t think I should have a life until after my exams.

  Entwining our fingers, our heads dip at the same time to look at our joined hands.

  “I understand.” Glancing across at me, his intense eyes stare deeply into mine. “I better get you home then.”

  Still holding my hand, he pulls me from the seat as I grab my bag behind me, he takes it from me and carries it for me.

  “Oh, you’re such a gentleman.”

  “Don’t believe that for a minute.”

  “I don’t.” I laugh.

  Putting his arm around my shoulder, we walk from the restaurant and make the fifteen-minute walk back to my house. I don’t know how many times I look to my side and wonder whether I’m doing the right thing? We seem to have gone from introductions to a place where we’re comfortable with each other, that can’t be right. All the way home, if his arm wasn’t around me, he was holding my hand - like he had to touch me.

  When we reach the house, he sits on the wall outside. He pats the wall, so I sit next to him, our thighs touch sparking off those butterflies again. Twisting his body around he sits on the wall, facing me, letting one leg hang down the other side. He takes my hand in his again.

  “Have you ever been kissed Shelb?”

  “I may seem sweet and innocent, but I’m not quite that innocent.”

  “Good, because I want to kiss you.”

  He leans forward cupping my chin, turning my face to his, putting our lips together, touching lightly at first, then adds some pressure, kissing me again; it’s soft but a firm peck. It’s nice. He pulls away from me slightly as I lick my lips. All the moisture from them has evaporated, and I feel like I could drink a gallon of water.

  “I better get going and let you get changed.”

  “Okay.” I nod.

  “Can I text you later?” Leaning forward he pecks my lips again, but for longer this time.

  “I’d like that…” Reluctantly, I stand up, grab my bag and let myself into the house.

  Jax hasn’t moved from the wall, and I know he’s watching me go into the house. I don’t look back though. Instead, I go inside and shut the door. Going into the front room, I watch from the window. He smirks as he gets up from the wall and turns away, then stops and looks back towards the house, seeing me straight away, he lifts his hand. I wave back with a grin just as Mum pulls up from work. The look of frustration on her face before she walks into the house tells me she knows he was waving at me; she watches him walk away.

  My mum is a funny one, she doesn’t trust the male species since my dad walked away from us, but me - I think everyone deserves a second chance. You get one chance with her and if you screw it up, tough. I used to see my dad every weekend up until I was around six, maybe seven, then he stopped coming for me. He met someone else and just didn’t contact me anymore. His new partner had her own kids.

  The door opens as I walk away from the window.

  “Hello, darling. How was school?”

  “Oh, normal.”

  “Normal good or bad?” She’s quickly pottering away in the kitchen looking to see what we can have for dinner. “What do you fancy to eat?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “How about chip shop, I don’t fancy cooking.”

  “Yeah sounds good. I’ll go if you want.”

  “Only if you’re sure, I can go in the car.”

  “No, I’ll go,” I say too quickly. “Let me get changed out of this and I’ll go.” I turn to walk away when she speaks again.

  “Who was the young man outside when I pulled up?” I turn slowly to face her.

  “Just a friend. His name’s Jaxon.”

  “Just a friend huh? The smile I saw didn’t look like he was just a friend.”

  Instead of answering her, I grin and run up the stairs with my phone in my hand. I pull up my WhatsApp app and tap out a message.

  You can totally say no, but I have to go to the chippy to get some dinner, do you want to meet me?

  I start to change my top but hear my phone sound with a message.

  Yeah of course. Where? Was that your Mum?

  Yeah it was

  She didn’t look too happy about me being outside.

  Don’t worry about it. I’ll meet you at the end of the street in 10 minutes.

  My phone rings as I put it down, seeing it’s Addison I quickly pick it up.

  “Hey biiiitch, how are you?

  “I can’t talk now, I have to go to the chippy, and I got some stuff to do, but I’ll ring you as soon as I’m back okay.

  “Yeah alright. Whatever you’re doing without me, I want all the juicy gossip.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Bye.”

  I quickly change my sports top for a t-shirt, leaving my leggings on and I quickly slip my feet into my Adidas Superstars. Running downstairs, I meet Mum in the kitchen and ask for the money.

  “What’s the rush?”

  “I’m starving, and there’s bound to be a queue.” Raising my eyebrows with my hand out, she quickly gives in.

  “Fine.” She pulls a twenty-pound note from her purse and tells me to get her fish and chips. Throwing my hoody over my head, I put the money and my phone in my pocket then head out.


  Why do I feel so different with Shelby? I never do sweet; the normal girls I meet; they know I don't like commitment. I have too much shit going on in my life to put up with those stresses, so why her?

  I know I’m only eighteen, but she's so different to those girls. I'm willing to put myself out there for her. I was nearer home when she texted me, so I turned around and walked back the way I came. God, I need to get a car. I’ve had my license for just over six months now, all this walking is doing my head in. Leaning against the wall, I see her running towards me. I stand upright, a smile appearing on my face as she gets closer to me.


  “Hey.” She smiles. “I haven’t got long. Mum’s tired which means she’ll be grumpy.”

  “We better go then.”

  My arm finds its way around her, pulling her into my side. We cross through the park as a shortcut to get to the chip shop. Walking down the path leading us to some trees, I walk us that way as I know there’s no-one about. As she steps in front of me, I tug at her hand. She stops, looks at me and opens her mouth to speak. My hands cup her face, my lips sealing with hers, kissing her. I push the kiss a step further. I also keep in the back of my mind that she is still only sixteen and I don’t want her to think I’m pushing her into anything. Licking along the closed seam of her lips, she accepts me, instantly opening up to me. Stepping closer to me, she clutches at my sides with her hands, pushing her boobs against me. I devour her sweet tasting mouth as her tongue slides against mine. She groans against my lips, making me more determined. With one hand cupping her neck, the other arm wraps around her waist keeping her in place until I slow the kiss down. When I break away from her, her eyes stay closed.

  “Open your eyes.” They flutter open slowly revealing those gorgeous hazel coloured eyes. “I’ve wanted to kiss you like that since the first time I saw you.”

  “Wow.” She licks her lips slowly, pressing them together, making me want to kiss her again.

  “You can kiss me like that whenever you want.”

  I dip my head using her reply to my advantage then kiss her again, but a little deeper this time.

  “Come on we better get a move on before your mum sends out a search party.” I encase her hand in mine and carry on our way.

  Before we reach her house, I stop her, turning her to face me, I kiss her again. It’s like now that I’ve kissed her once, I can’t stop. Smoothing my hand down her back, I stop at the bottom, just above her backside as she slips her hand inside my back pocket. Pulling her against me, I realise I’ll have to
stop before I scare her off.

  “You better go, your chips will be cold.”

  “Yeah. Call you later?” she questions.

  “I hope so.” She smiles as she turns and jogs the rest of the way home. Turning away from her, I go home this time.

  Opening the front door, I’m greeted by my Mother, drunk again.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Out.” I push past her and sit down on the couch.

  “I need you to go get me some more drink.” She slurs as she walks back into the room.

  “Haven’t you had enough?” I question, frowning.

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “You want it, go yourself.”

  “Jaxon, you know I don’t go out.” Sighing at her lame excuses, I get up.

  “Well, maybe you should try.”

  I run up the stairs to my room and lie on my bed. Thoughts of Shelby consume me, flooding my mind with images of her. I didn’t think she’d let me kiss her the way I did, but, shit I’m glad I pushed my luck.


  Closing my eyes to the screech of her voice, a frustrated huff leaves me. I try to ignore her, but when she shouts again, I know there’s no getting out of it. I roll from the bed and march downstairs.

  “Give me your money then.”

  She holds out a twenty-pound note to me, I snatch it from her fingers.

  “Only if I can get a pack of fags.”

  “You little shit. I’m not paying for your fags.”

  “No vodka then.” I shrug as I give her the ultimatum.


  I smirk, I knew I’d win.

  “I’m taking the car.”

  “It’s about time you got off your lazy arse and found a job, bring some money into the house.”

  “I could say the same for you, Mother. See you later.”

  “Hurry up.” She shouts as I run back through the door, waving my middle finger at her, slamming the door shut behind me as I leave.

  I throw her Vodka on the passenger seat while I have a smoke, then make my way to Harry’s. My Aunty pulls open the door before I get a chance to knock.

  “Shit, you’re like a neighbourhood watch,” I say as I light up a much-needed cigarette.

  “He’s not here.” Raising an eyebrow, she totally ignores my joke, but I know she’s lying.

  “Do we have to go through this every time Aunty Sheila.”

  “Please don’t call me that.”


  “Because someone might hear you.”

  “Look, you can’t keep having a go at me because of my parents…”

  “You’re just like them, you’ll never amount to anything...”

  “Thanks, so you keep saying.” I take my last few drags from my cigarette before throwing it down and stamping on it.

  “I’d like it if you didn’t come around here, you’re leading Harry astray, he’s a good boy - unlike you,” she sighs, but I just laugh anyway.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you shouldn’t verbally abuse children because it can mess them up and make them feel bad about themselves? I mean, you really hurt my feelings.”

  I hold my hand against my chest. “Every word batters at my heart, but then you don’t know what a heart is, because yours is a swinging brick,” I smirk.

  “Who’s at the door Mum?” Harry shouts down.

  “Oh, look at that - he’s appeared. He must’ve climbed through the window. Now if you’ll excuse me.” I push past her as Harry shouts again.

  “Is that Jax?” She ignores him while my smirk just gets bigger. “Mum?”

  I see his form stand at the top of the stairs.

  “Yeah, it’s me…”

  “Mum, just let him in.” Harry sighs.

  “Thanks, Aunty Sheila.” I run up the stairs laughing.

  God, I hate my family, they’re so fucked up.”

  Chapter Four


  “There’s a party Friday night, you fancy it?” Harry asks Addison. She turns to me, her eyebrows raising in question.

  “Well? Wanna go?”

  “Why are you asking me?” I ask her as we walk out of the school gates with the rest of the crowd and stop. A smirk forms on Harry’s face as he looks past me. Turning, I see Jaxon walking towards us. My tummy flips when I see him in his customary leather jacket and the cigarette hanging from his lips. I haven’t seen him for over a week since he kissed me. I thought I would have heard from him after that. I’ve had an odd couple of texts but that’s it really, but we’re not officially going out anyway. I kinda missed him though, I really like him.

  Swinging back around, I face Addison and Harry.

  “And where’s the party?”

  “A kid in one of my lessons, his parents are on holiday. He’s staying with his older brother at home, so he’s having a party. It’s one of the newer houses on that big estate, the big houses. Got about five bedrooms, I think.”

  “What you think, Addy?”

  “She’s coming.” Harry pipes up out of nowhere, and with a little too much confidence, I wonder where that has come from - she hasn’t said anything to me.

  “What if I didn’t want to? I may be washing my hair that night…” She tells him stubbornly, flicking her hair about. I know Addison, and she can be so stubborn when she wants to be, but I know she’ll go anyway because one, she likes him and two... it’s a party.

  I feel Jaxon’s presence before he reaches me. The goosebumps that prickle my arm are a real tell-tale sign.

  “Hey, Shelb.” His arm works around my shoulder resting there comfortably.

  “Jax.” Dipping his head, he kisses my cheek and stands next to me.

  “So? Come on girls, don’t be boring. Come with us.” Harry pleads. My head turns slightly to the side to look at Jax, winking at me, Jax smiles.

  “You think my mum’s going to let me go? You know what she’s like.” I say to Addison, voicing my concerns.

  “Go on, we’ll have a great time together.” He whispers so the others can’t hear.

  “You can stay at mine.” Addison shrugs, turning my head to the side to look at Jax.

  Nodding my head, I agree, “I’ll go as long as Addy goes.” I say more so to Jaxon.

  Well, Shelby. There’s nothing like making him work for it.

  Harry and Addison are standing away from us talking, Jax pulls me with him, walking further away.

  “I missed you,” Jax tells me, quietly taking my hand and smoothing his thumb over my knuckles.

  “Really?” Raising an eyebrow in question, I wait for him to answer but before he does, I stop him. “Well, you have my number, you could’ve messaged me.”

  He smirks. “Yeah I could, but I wanted to see your pretty face instead.”

  “Well, there’s such a thing as Facetime...”

  “You have an answer for everything, don't you?” He tells me as he steps closer, looking down at me. Tipping my head back slightly, I look up at him and stare into his dark, stormy eyes.

  “Funny, that’s what my Mum tells me too,” I whisper.

  I smirk as his finger lifts my chin up further. His lips press against mine. His one hand cupping my cheek with the other around my neck holding me close to him as our tongues meet and slide against each other. My body presses against his as both hands work into the back pockets of his jeans. He ends the kiss with a soft peck to my lips.

  “Come on, I better get you home. Yo, Harry, you two coming?” He shouts out as he keeps his arm around my shoulder. I place mine in his pocket again as we walk.

  “Hey, do you both wanna come back to mine for a bit?” Harry asks.

  “I can’t, my Mum should be back soon, another day though…”

  “I will,” Addy tells Harry before turning to me. “That’s if you’re okay with walking back without me Shelb?”

  “I’ll walk her home, it’s all good,” Ja
xon tells her with a smirk.

  We say bye to Addy and Harry as they walk a different way than us. We don’t say much to each other and Jaxon doesn’t move from my side, he keeps me tucked into his side all the way home. I smile wickedly at him when we reach my house because I know that she isn’t back yet.

  “Do you want to come in for a bit?”

  “What will your Mum say if she catches me?” Jaxon looks a bit undecided, but I make sure to make his mind up for him.

  “That’s the whole point don’t you think? She has to catch you first…?”

  I pull him by the hand and lead him in through the door. Dropping my school bag, I shrug off my blazer and pull off my tie. Then we take a seat on the couch next to each other, with his thigh resting against mine. He turns on an angle to face me; reaching out, he cups his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me into him, crashing our lips together, kissing me much more intensely than before. I edge closer to him, our bodies touching softly. With my arms around his neck, he uses his hands to brush down my sides, a surge of electricity passes through me like a bolt as his finger grazes the side of my breast. I feel the flush cover my body.

  Leaning back, he pushes me to the couch gently until he’s half covering me. His lips to mine again, his weight pressing me into the cushions, feeling something hard against my leg I realise that he’s hard in his jeans.

  With my hands on his shoulders, I gently push him away.


  “Shit. Sorry, got a little carried away.”

  I smile, I know I’m blushing, I feel the heat rising in my face as I start to get embarrassed under his gaze. I turn my head, so I can’t see what he’s thinking.

  “Hey, look at me.” He cups my chin bringing my face to his. “Don’t be embarrassed. This is what you do to me.”

  Oh, my days. He’s much more experienced than me.

  A groan rumbles from right at the back of his throat as he brushes his fingers over my breast this time.


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