Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 5

by Sienna Grant

  “Arms up.”

  I push up further and over her head. Shelby pulls it from her head and flings it to the floor. Rolling her onto her back, I push up onto my knees and undo her skirt, pulling them down her legs, over her boots. Then I take the zip and pull it down on each leg and pull those off too until she’s part naked underneath me. I unzip my jeans and push them down, leaving my boxers on. I can’t tell what’s going through her head though.

  “You okay?”

  She only nods. Leaning down I kiss her again then lie on top of her, holding my body off her with my elbows.

  “Want to get into bed?”

  “Yes please.” She answers quietly.

  Getting up I pull back the duvet, and she climbs inside, covering herself with it. Not wanting to scare her, I leave on my boxers and slip into the bed and take them off. Stiffly, she lies next to me. Turning my head to the side, I take her in, her eyes are closed, but she looks tense. I take her hand in mine and roll to my side towards her. I place our joined hand on my crotch and wait for Shelby’s reaction. She doesn’t speak, just closes her eyes.

  “Shelby? Please, if you don’t want to... we don’t have to, but you have to be honest with me.”

  “I want to - I’m just nervous.” She answers quietly. Facing her, I stroke her pretty face with my knuckle.

  “Open your eyes,” I whisper. They flutter open slowly, crooking my finger I direct her to come closer to me. Edging over, she stops when there’s no gap between us.

  “I won’t hurt you, I promise.” She nods, lifting her chin until her lips are touching mine. Her hand begins to move, tender touches stroking softly until her breast is filling my palm, softly kneading until she’s biting down on her lip.

  “I love you, Jax.” She turns her head to the side.

  Stopping in my path, I shift the hair from her face, I want to see her pretty eyes.

  “I think I love you too, Shelby.”


  “Yeah, really. I’ve never said that to anyone before.”

  Smiling, I see the twinkle in her eye. Looking away for a second, I look in the drawer, but I find I have no condoms. Scowling, I look back to her.

  “What’s wrong?” Her voice sounding worried.

  “I have no condoms. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “What?” I frown at her statement, I’m not sure what she means by ‘it’s okay.’

  “I mean it’s okay, I’m on the pill.” I study her for a second.

  “You sure? I’ve never been with anyone without a rubber, I swear.”

  “I believe you.”

  Smiling, I kiss her again. This girl never ceases to amaze me. I make sure she’s ready to take me, to show her how much she means to me. I take my time to show her just how much I want her.

  Chapter Six



  My head turns to the side to look at him, a cigarette sitting between his lips as he lays back relaxed. I can’t believe we had sex and it was terrific, he was so gentle and caring…

  “Yeah, babe?”

  Rolling to my side, I rest my head on my hand, so I can see him better, pulling the sheet up to keep myself covered as I move. He watches my moment of insecurity with his full attention and winks.


  Looking at me puzzled, he pulls the cigarette away from his lips and rests it on the ashtray at the side of him on the drawers.

  “What for?” He opens out his arm for me, and I roll into his side, getting as close to him as I can until my head is resting on his arm.

  “For being you. For being gentle.”

  “With you, always.” Tapping my nose with his finger, he dips his head until our lips, seeking entrance into my wanton mouth with his tongue as he owns me with his kiss.

  “You know you don’t have to cover yourself up on my account? I think you’re gorgeous.”

  I shift my embarrassed gaze from his and admire his smooth chest. I snuggle my cheek against his warmth while he cups my head with his hand and strokes my hair, soothing me, helping me to feel relaxed again. He kisses the top of my head as I feel myself drifting off into a deep, restful sleep.

  Waking in a strange bed and lying next to someone is weird, but funnily, I slept like a baby. I thought I’d be all over the place - I usually starfish in my own bed. Jax is running his fingers through my hair, it’s nice.


  “How did you sleep?”

  “Really good.” Turning my head to look at Jax, his eyelids are at half mast, sleepy but so sexy. “How about you?”

  “Better than normal.” The boyish smirk graces his lips making him even more good looking. His hand on my shoulder pushes me to my back as he leans over me kissing my lips. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  A broad smile lifts the corners of my mouth just from hearing him call me beautiful. “You don’t mean that…”

  He leans back as he looks at me. “Don’t mean what?” he frowns.

  “That I’m beautiful.”

  “Listen, you are beautiful, and you’re my girlfriend, so if I say you’re beautiful, it’s because I mean it. I haven’t had anyone that I’ve ever felt so close to before.” He sighs, “Shelby can I share something with you?"

  "Of course, you can Jax., you can tell me anything."

  "I feel close to you, like I can tell you anything.

  "I'm glad you feel that way."

  Inhaling a deep breath, he begins. "My mum isn’t like most mums, and I don’t have a dad, I'm afraid I'm going to mess up because of my fucked-up parents."

  “Your parents don’t define you, Jax. You can be whatever you want to be.”

  “You think so?” His intense dark eyes stare into mine.

  “Yeah, I do. I know they’re supposed to guide us, but it’s not always the case, sometimes you have to make your own path.”

  “My Mum is an alcoholic.” His statement floors me.


  I’m a little lost for words…

  “I didn’t realise. I’m sorry.”

  Lifting his hand, he tracks his finger down my cheek.

  “You are the best thing in my life right now. Mum hates me, my Aunt hates me because she says I’m my father’s child and says I’ll turn out like him….”

  “But isn’t that more reason to not be like him and prove them wrong?” I ask cutting him off.

  “How do I do that?” Jax shrugs, “I came out of school with nothing, I haven’t got a job... I have nothing….”

  “You’ve got me.” Cutting him off again, I look at him, “I mean it, you have me - I’ll help.”

  He rolls over me, hovering, as he holds his weight on his elbow. His fingers threading into my hair, while his palms cup my cheeks, his thumbs smoothing across my cheekbones.

  “I’ll be better for you.”

  “I don’t want you to just do it for me, Jax. I want you to do it for yourself, to prove to you that you’re better than the rest - to prove them wrong. I like you for you. You make me happy.”

  Giving him a small, shy smile, my head dips as I look up at him. Placing his finger beneath my chin, Jax lifts my chin then tips it back to look in my eyes.

  “You don’t get to go shy on me after that speech. I think you’re way too wise for a sixteen-year-old.” He kisses my nose, my forehead then my lips, wrapping me in his arms and holding me close to him, feeling his warmth.

  Pulling away from him I question, “Do you think I’m too young?”

  “I’m not saying that I’m saying I think you’re more mature than you should be.”

  “Hmm, maybe. I think that’s what my Mum always aimed for. She didn’t want me to make stupid mistakes like she did. She’s kind of kept me sheltered, but I hate it. How am I supposed to learn if she doesn’t let me see for myself if she doesn’t let me be a teenager? I hate it sometimes, she’s really strict.” He holds my gaze.r />
  “Well, I’m here if you want to be bad.” He arches an eyebrow with a wicked grin which makes me smile again. “What time do you have to go home?”

  “I’m not going yet.”

  “Good, let’s try and get some more sleep - I’m knackered.”

  Jax rolls to his back and pulls me with him, so I’m stuck in the crook of his arm. I drape mine across his stomach, tracing my fingers lightly over his abs; before we know it we’re both asleep again.

  My eyes flutter open, and we’re still in the same position we went to sleep in. Squinting to look at my watch I just make out the time and see that it’s almost eleven.


  Looking up at Jax I see he’s still flat out. Instead of waking him, I slide out from his arms and get up. I put last night’s clothes back on and have a quick wash. Taking the hair elastic that I always keep on my wrist, I put my hair in a messy bun, kiss Jax on the lips softly and make my way out of the house.

  Once I’m home, I feel lost. I flop on my bed and look up at the ceiling. Grabbing the scatter cushion from my bed I hug it to my chest. Loud footsteps bang up the stairs, and my door flings open banging on the wall.

  “Hi, Mum.” I smile sweetly, her face is like thunder.

  “Where have you been?” Mum asks in a sharp tone.

  “Addy’s.” gulping hard, I lie through my teeth.

  “No, you haven’t, I checked at eight this morning.”

  “Why were you checking up on me? Don’t you trust me?” I turn it around on her.

  “I was right not to, wasn’t I?”

  “Why don’t you trust me?” I ask sternly. “I’ve never done anything for you not to.” My voice takes on a high-pitched screech.

  “It’s not you I don’t trust.”

  “Then why check up on me? You have a funny way of showing it. If it was me you trusted, you’d wait for me to come back and ask where I’d been without shouting at me.”

  “It’s that boy you’re seeing, making you like this.” Her head shaking in disappointment.

  “Like what, mum? I’m sixteen, I’m allowed a life, surely.”

  “Not until you’ve done exams you’re not.” She lays down the law bluntly.

  “They’re months away. This isn’t fair…”

  “No Shelby. What isn’t fair is you lying to me about where you’re staying.”

  “I didn’t lie, I was supposed to stay there, but something came up.”

  “Then you should’ve come home. You’re grounded for lying to me.”

  “Oh, whatever. Just cause' you have no life doesn’t mean I don’t get to have one.” I stand up from the bed and stand my ground. “I might be sixteen, but I’m not a child, mum.”

  “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m your mother and while you live here you abide by my rules.” She shouts.

  “Fine. I’ll go to school, pass my exams and get a job I hate and become just like you. How’s that?” I sneer

  I hear the slap echo around the room before I actually feel it. As soon as her palm connects with skin, my cheek is left feeling numb. Covering my face with my palm, I cut my eyes to her and turn away. My cheek begins to sting bringing water to my eyes. Biting down I push back the pain and lie down with my back facing her.

  “Shelby?” My mum calls out.

  “I want you to leave.”


  “I mean it, mum. Leave.”

  I refuse to let her see my tears, I won’t let her see how much she’s hurt me. I keep my eyes fixed to my wallpaper until I hear her loud huff, the door slamming shut behind her. I release the breath I’ve been holding, I grab my phone and type a text out sending it to both Addison and Jax telling them I’m grounded.


  My phone wakes me with the loud tone of a message. Tapping the bed, I find it and bring it up to my face and attempt to look through my squinting eyes. I didn’t feel Shelby leave, when I look at the time, though, I see it's almost midday, maybe she didn’t want to disturb me. Opening the message up I see it’s Shelby, I feel the smile stretch across my face.

  Shelby: Hey I know you’re sleeping and sorry to leave like I did but I needed to get back. Also, my mum found out I didn’t sleep at Addison’s. She’s grounded me for lying so I’ll maybe see you in about seven or eight months... maybe. Unless you can be my knight in shining armour and come and rescue me from the witches tower, she’s keeping me locked in?

  See you soon and thanks again. Miss you already


  Me: Hey babe. Why seven or eight months? This is my fault I’m sorry. Xx

  Pulling myself up in the bed, I scrub my hands over my face. I move from the bed and pull on my jeans from last night, then use the toilet, swilling my face with some cold water and head back to my bedroom.

  I look at the lit-up screen on my phone and see she’s sent another.

  Shelby: It’s not your fault. She’s just being a bitch, she hasn’t got a life and doesn’t want me to have one either. She wants me to be miserable like her. She said I’m grounded until I’ve done my exams. I won’t be able to get out all weekend now so I’ll have to see you Monday after school if you want to that is?

  Me: Of course I want to. At least she can’t stop us texting.

  As soon as I send the message, I’m waiting for the bubbles to pop up onto the screen.

  Another message appears on the screen.

  Shelby: Not unless she takes my phone... she can’t stop me seeing you after school either unless she doesn’t go to work and she won’t do that. Her job means more to her than I do. She’s making me do a load of chores then I have homework to do so I have to go. TTYL xx

  Me: Text me later. Xx

  She doesn’t send another message, so I slide my phone into my back pocket and head downstairs to find breakfast. Once I’m in the kitchen I look in the cupboards, but there’s nothing to eat at all - not even stale cornflakes, which is what I usually end up with. I haven’t heard mum this morning, maybe last night was a heavy one, and she’s not come round yet. I take a tenner from the jar and head to the cafe for an all-day breakfast. I think I deserve a fry up.

  After a big breakfast and a cup of tea, I go home, happy and with a full stomach. Both of those things don’t happen to me often.

  Chapter Seven


  It’s killing me not seeing Jax all the time. It’s been three weeks already, but he’s done everything I’ve asked and stayed away from the house. Of course, we’ve still managed to sneak around a little bit. He’s walked me home a couple of times from school, but not right up to the door, just in case any of the neighbours blab to mum. They do love a good gossip, and I know she’s probably asked them to keep an eye on me. I need mum to think I’m abiding by her rules, so she’ll let me out again.

  I doubt it though...

  My phone lights up with a text. I’ve been trying to concentrate on revision, but I can’t seem to. My head is all over the place, and I’m tired - maybe it’s being cooped up in this house. Getting up from my desk in my bedroom, I open up the windows letting some air into the room to see if that helps.

  Sitting back at my desk, I look across at my phone, seeing Jaxon’s name on the screen. Instantly, I feel a smile pull at my lips and open the text.

  Can you meet me? I really need to see you… I miss you, babe.

  The smile doesn’t shift as I click reply…

  I’ll try and sneak out in a bit if that’s any good? Give me half an hour?

  I press send and wait.

  He sends a message straight back.

  I’ll be waiting on the end of your street, but out of sight, I have mums car.

  I don’t message him back. Instead, I change my bed shorts for denim ones and pair it with a strappy vest top. This heat is bloody killing me at the moment. I brush out my hair and tidy it up putting it back in a ponytail. Sliding my phone into my back pocket, my key in my other, I put my traine
rs on. I leave my bedroom the way it is and run towards the corner of the street as fast as I can.

  I reach the corner but don’t see Jax. Headlights flash from the road opposite me, and I look over. Smiling wide I run across the road to him, pull open the door and jump in. As soon as my butt hits the seat, Jax is grabbing me by the face and planting his lips to mine in a hard kiss until he softens and pulls away an inch.

  “I’ve waited three weeks for that,” Jax says as his deep voice rumbles through me.

  “I’ve missed you.” My teeth graze my bottom lip nervously.

  “I’ve missed you too.” Covering my cheek fully with his palm, he softly runs his thumb over my skin, “You look, tired babe, are you not sleeping?”

  “I’m fine. Revision is kicking my arse though. I wish the mocks were over already.”

  “It won’t be long babe, just hang in there.”

  “I know, but once these are over, we have a short break then we're off for Christmas, then we have shitloads of revision to do for the main exams. I don’t think I can do it.”

  “Yes, you can." Jax stops me, "I believe in you.” Pressing his lips back to mine I let him kiss me, his kisses takes my worries and stresses away. “Come on let’s get out of here for a bit.”

  “I can’t, my mums only out shopping, she could be back anytime.”

  “Come on Shelb, I need to spend some time with you …” His dark head dips down as he trails sweet kisses down my neck.

  “Jaxon.” Stopping him with my hands in his hair, his gaze raises to mine. “Please don’t make it harder for me.”

  His custom smirk soon drops to a guilty expression.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Come and meet me Monday after school, she isn’t back until six, we will have at least two hours to ourselves.”


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