Harlequin Desire June 2021--Box Set 1 of 2

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Harlequin Desire June 2021--Box Set 1 of 2 Page 3

by Katherine Garbera

  She showed him the rest of the venue and he asked a few questions but not really that many. Tension gnawed at her. She was worried that he wasn’t impressed, and she had no idea how to wow him. But she was determined to do whatever she had to in order to get him on board with the event.

  “How do you feel about grabbing a drink at the hotel?” she asked. “We can discuss your thoughts there.”

  “Sounds great,” he said.

  She drove them over there, and they were seated on the patio of the restaurant, which afforded them an unspoiled view of the bay. He ordered a Jack and Coke. She had sparkling water with a twist of lime.

  Finally she couldn’t wait any longer. “So what do you think? Will you let your followers know about the Soiree on the Bay?”

  He took a sip of his drink, then leaned back. “There are a lot of festivals out there. Why should people come to yours?”

  Well, he had her there. Why should they? They weren’t Coachella, but she felt with the right planning and people in place they could be. “I don’t know. I’m not sure I can figure that out on my own.”

  “Don’t worry, I can. What you need is sizzle.”


  “I mean I can guarantee some sizzle from the Texas heat, and the food is going to be great, but I’m sure that’s not what you meant.”

  “It isn’t.”

  She knew it. She looked into Zach’s blue eyes. He had sizzle. Oodles of it. And sex appeal. But there was no way she could figure out how to get that into the event. Not on her own. She’d tried to do sexy one time and it had backfired—big-time. Convincing her to stick to what she knew. Who she was. And she was that quirky, smart girl whom everyone liked. Not a hot fantasy woman.

  “So what should we do? I mean you are absolutely right. We don’t have anything that makes us stand out.”

  “Don’t worry, Lila, I got this.”

  “You got this?” she asked. “Sure, you have your own brand of sizzle but I don’t see how that’s going to translate to Soiree on the Bay.”

  “You think I have that?” he asked, leaning in, and she noticed the tiny gray flecks in his irises. He smiled at her and wriggled his eyebrows.

  He liked to flirt, and she had to admit she wasn’t used to that sort of attention from any guy. She was the reliable woman everyone turned to in order to get things done. But Zach acted like...well, like she was that hot blonde who’d stalked away from his car. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but he seemed to actually see her. And that was new. She kind of liked it but at the same time, she was scared. No one had ever really seen through her quirkiness. She knew she used it as a shield. And now she was wondering what she was going to do with Zach.

  * * *

  “You know you do,” Lila said, taking a sip of her sparkling water. She’d put on those thick-rimmed sunglasses of hers so he couldn’t see her eyes. Only himself reflected in the lenses. He looked good in this light, but he wanted to know more about her.

  “You’re right, I definitely do,” he admitted. His mom had always said that he was born with the spotlight on him. He just had naturally gravitated to attention. And yeah, he liked it and had luckily found a way to cultivate that into the life he wanted.

  “So humble.”

  “Listen, why pretend that I can’t see what I’m good at?” he asked, grinning at her. He wasn’t like Lila—he didn’t want to blend into the background. And to be honest, he wondered if she wanted that for herself. Though she was a plain dresser, her attitude and her personality were anything but. Lila Jones was born to sparkle, but for some reason she hid that side of herself. He wanted to know why.

  She just smiled and shook her head. “Why indeed. Actually, that is why I contacted you. If you promoted our event. Just talked about it...”

  He could. But he wasn’t sure that he was going to be able to spend the kind of time in Texas that he needed to in order to help her that way. It would be better if she had a following that she could use to promote her cause.

  “What’s your social media account?” he asked.

  “What? Um...I messaged you from it. LilaJones93.”

  He pulled it up and there were a grand total of twelve pictures listed on the account. The most recent had been last Christmas and a photo of her tea in a Christmas mug that said I’ve Been Good. The account seemed like it would belong to, well, a grandma and not the young hip kind, but one who was ninety-three. “No offense, but your account screams crazy cat lady.”

  “Okay. Calm down. Not everyone is so obsessed with themselves that they feel they need to post a selfie four times a day.”

  “It’s six, actually,” he said. “And you reached out to me. So I’m guessing you wanted feedback.”

  “Feedback on the event. Not a personal critique of my own social media presence. Or lack thereof. But that is my life. I have my job and my quiet life. I know it’s not going to bring the ‘sizzle’ you’re talking about. But I’m not you.”

  No, she wasn’t him. But she could be with a few tweaks. He shouldn’t have been so blunt in his assessment of her Instagram account and he knew she’d taken it as an attack on her way of life. Which was as foreign to him as his was to her. But as she’d so aptly pointed out, it was her life.

  “I’m sorry for what I said,” he apologized. “I never meant to hurt your feelings.”

  “It’s okay. I’m glad you were honest with me,” she admitted. “It’s just who I am.”

  This was who she was? No way. Lila was so much more than a few pictures of teacups and books or the PBS Masterpiece screenshots she posted. She was funny, witty, smart and someone people would find engaging...if she changed a few things.

  And she was the perfect distraction, he thought. No use trying to pretend he wasn’t doing this for himself. He wanted her, but the way she was right now...well, there was a very real chance he’d hurt her if they had a summer hookup. But if he helped her out of her shell, showed her how to be that sassy woman she kept hidden behind her plain clothing and thick glasses, maybe a few nights burning up the sheets with him would be enough. And maybe, along the way, he’d start feeling like himself again.

  “I have an idea,” he said. The thought had come to him suddenly. He knew how to make anyone famous in the social media world and then translate that to the real world. He’d done it for many of his protégés. And he could do it for her.

  “Great. That’s why I asked you here.”

  That smart mouth just made him want to kiss her. But he wasn’t going to. Not yet, anyway. Zach wanted to prove his point that she was hiding her true self behind her girl-next-door persona. He knew she believed in herself, so why was she shy at times and feisty at others? His eyes roved over her, drinking in every gorgeous facet. He wanted to pull that dynamic woman to the surface. Show her the sizzle she had deep inside and for some reason was afraid to show the world.

  “What if I told you that I could make you famous? That you could promote the Soiree on the Bay without me.”

  “I’d say the Texas sun has gotten to you,” she said, laughing. “I promise you right now that won’t happen.”

  “If you put yourself in my hands it will,” he assured her. “In fact, I bet you right now that if we go into the shop in the lobby and get you a different outfit, I could post a picture of you that will get over five hundred likes in the first hour.”

  “And if it doesn’t?” she asked. “Will you give up this notion and promote the event from your own account? And attend all of the press events?”

  He narrowed his eyes. She was fighting this change. He got it. For as much as he put himself out there every day, there were still pockets of truth he hid from the world. Was he urging her to do this for any reason other than as a sop for his conscience so he could feel okay about seducing her?

  He turned away from her. Forced himself to be real for a minute. As much as he want
ed Lila in his arms, he wanted the world to see that beautiful, quirky, sassy woman.

  He saw what she was doing but he knew that under his guidance he could create a social media image for Lila Jones that would garner more attention than she ever dreamed possible. “You have to do exactly what I say. That means clothes, hair, everything...and I’ll tell you what to post until you get the hang of it. No quibbles.”

  “No quibbles? Exactly what does that mean?” she asked.

  “That I get final approval on everything you wear and eat and talk about on your account. I get to mold you.”

  “Mold me? I like me.”

  “I like you, too, Lila. But no one is noticing you the way you are now. I’m not talking about changing you, I’m talking about dressing you and photographing you in a way that shows the world the real Lila. That way the success of the event is yours.” This was his hard sell. She hadn’t come to him asking to be Insta-famous, and if he was honest, a part of him expected her to turn him down. But another part, that deep-seated masculine part, sensed she’d rise to the challenge. His gut told him there was a part of her that wanted to stop blending in with the background.

  “I don’t need the success to be mine,” she said. “The committee has a lot of really talented people on it.”

  “Including you.” She was too quick to hide her own sparkle and he didn’t understand what made her do it.

  But regardless, he wanted to change that. Of course he knew once she started getting the attention she’d change. Maybe lose a little of that innocence, and then he wouldn’t feel so bad about flirting with her and maybe getting her in his bed. Then they’d be a part of the same world and understand that nothing lasted.

  He felt a pang.

  Did he want to do that?

  She was more complicated than he wanted her to be. But then so was life. And it was her decision. “So what’ll it be? You in?”

  She didn’t answer immediately and he wondered if she would turn him down. He was asking her to change a lot about herself and he could tell she wasn’t unhappy with her life.

  He wanted to get back to that himself.

  “Okay, doll, you’ve got yourself a deal.”


  Lila felt foolish as she stood in the dressing area of the chic boutique in the island resort. Zach had nudged her toward the changing area, asked the shop attendant to get her a glass of champagne and told her to wait.

  She’d declined the champagne. That wasn’t her style, but she went and sat down. Everything in this shop was totally out of her budget. She hoped that they would be amenable to some sort of payment plan where she put the pieces on different credit cards. Ugh. Why had she agreed to do this?

  Truth be told, she had never really been that interested in fashion. She liked her clothes comfortable, and she kept her hair trimmed and occasionally wore lipstick, but that was it. That one time she’d tried to be different—no. She wasn’t going there. She liked herself just as she was. This makeover was all about Zach. Because she needed him to help promote the Soiree, and if this was what she had to do to get him on board, then so be it.

  Bottom line? They had gotten a lot of charities involved and they wanted to get A-list stars and chefs at the event, so she needed to do this. She wanted the event to be successful. Also, she was honest enough to admit that she liked Zach. His challenge was silly but the thought of having his full, undivided attention was...intoxicating.

  “Where’s the champagne?” he asked when he came into the dressing area with another shop assistant she hadn’t seen earlier following him with a wheeled clothing rack.

  “I decided water would be fine. Who’s that?”

  “This is Georgia. She’s one of the Benningnites. She spotted us when we were having our drinks and volunteered to help out.”

  “It’s no problem at all, ZB. I’m so thrilled to do it! Who is this?” Georgia asked, pointing at her.

  “This is the woman I am making over,” he said. “She and I have a little bet that I can’t get her five hundred likes in an hour.”

  Georgia raised her eyebrows as if “ZB” had bitten off more than he could chew. Lila bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. “I don’t know if these clothes are going to be enough to do that.”

  “Trust me,” Zach said. “Georgia, will you go and see if we can get some champagne?”

  “Love to, ZB. Back in a mo,” she said, turning and dashing away.

  “Now, let’s see,” Zach said, turning back to the rack. He pulled off a pair of tiny tropical-printed shorts and a lacy top and handed them to her.

  “Uh, I’m not letting you photograph me in something this...small.”

  “This is just so I can get an idea of your shape. Those pants and that shirt don’t really tell me enough,” he said. “Also, I’m offended you think I would pick something that wouldn’t flatter you.”

  She wondered if he were pushing to see how commited she was to this makeover. She didn’t blame him for picking something that was so totally different from what she was wearing.

  She shook her head and took the clothing from him, going into the changing room without saying another word. He’d asked her for her sizes, so she knew they’d fit. She’d been a solid size 10 since eighth grade and rarely fluctuated. She knew it was trendy to be 00 but Lila liked food and not worrying about her figure too much to try to fit into that size. Her mom had once joked that the Jones women had hips; no use trying to pretend they didn’t.

  She took off her shoulder bag and placed it on one of the hooks on the wall. Then turned back and looked at herself in the mirror. Was she going to do this? She felt like she could back out at any time, but she knew if she did Zach was out the door.

  Lila stopped debating and got changed. The shorts were shorter than she normally would wear but they were cute and the top...it was flattering, too, revealing her arms and scooping down over her breasts.

  What would Zach think when he saw her? Oh, gosh, what if he didn’t see any difference? Or if he was like—no. She couldn’t let her mind go there. The clothes didn’t change who she was at her core.

  She forced herself to open the changing-room door and stepped out find Zach nowhere around. But she could hear his voice in the other room, and he was laughing and joking with someone. She went to peek out and see who he was talking to. A group of men and women were smiling at him and snapping selfies.

  Oh, for Pete’s sake.

  At this rate, she was going to be here all day waiting for him.

  “Hey, ZB, if you can spare a minute, I’m ready,” she called to him.

  “Later,” Zach said to his fans, and came back over to her.

  He took her hand in his, pulling her arm away from her body as his gaze scrutinized her from head to toe. She felt a tingle as if he were touching her as his eyes moved over her neck, lingering on the curve of her breasts, before he finished looking down her body.

  She shifted her legs as his gaze lasered in on them. She pulled her hand back and put it around her waist. This was a mistake.

  Of course she never could resist a dare, and this had felt like one. But standing here, feeling so vulnerable...

  She hated this.

  “Nice legs, Lila,” he said. His voice was deeper, huskier. “You look fabulous. I really like this on you. Do you?”

  She scrunched up her mouth. His words washed away some of the self-consciousness that had settled on her. She turned back to the full-length mirror and saw herself this time without the fear and doubt. If she was doing this, she needed to be honest. Both with him and herself. “Yes, but not for a photo. I’d prefer to have my legs covered to mid-thigh, and the top is light and airy but the scoop is lower than I like.”

  “Okay. I can work with that,” he said. “Now what about shoes?”

  “These are fine,” she said. “Already I’m going to be payi
ng off these clothes for a few months.”

  “Oh, this is all on me,” he said. “Then if you are as popular as I think you will be, the rest of your wardrobe will be gratis.”


  Who did he think he was? She wasn’t going to argue with him just now. “Wardrobe?”

  “Yes. If this works, one photo won’t be enough. You’re going to have to keep posting. Every day, Lila, not just at Christmas.”

  She laughed at him, tossing her hair, and for the first time she really let her guard down with him. There was something about Zach that felt very open and real, as if he were just what she saw. Though she knew everyone had hidden layers. “If it works. If not, then you will be posting about the Soiree.”

  “If this makeover fails...then yeah, I will fulfill my end of the deal. But I’m sure it won’t. Now give me a minute to think about what will look best on you. Can you wear a heel?”

  “Yes, I like the added height.”

  “I thought so. I noticed those chunky Mary Janes you were wearing.”

  “They are comfortable. Shoes have to be.”


  She waited while he went over the rack of clothing and then put several things in the dressing room. Georgia came back with a waiter from the bar and a standing ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it and three glasses. Lila left them to their drinks and went into the changing room to try on the clothes he’d put in there. She shook her head. The colors were bold and eye-catching. Not her normal muted navy, peach and cream.

  “Come out when you have the first outfit on. Wear everything I provided, and oh, here are some shoes.”

  He pushed a pair of strappy gold sandals under the door.


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