Rush Against Time

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Rush Against Time Page 4

by Willow Brooke

  Her eyebrows shot up, and after she retrieved it, she smiled. “Thank you, Logan. That was…really sweet.”

  “You act shocked that I’m a nice guy. I don’t know what got you thinking that I’m some evil, demented, fugly rapist, but I assure you I am not.” He casually rested his arm on the back of the seat, allowing his fingers to rest on her shoulder.

  “Not fugly.” The corners of her mouth tilted up in a grin.

  He laughed. “Not fugly, huh. So….you think I am sexy. Score!” He did a fist pump in the air.

  “Easy there, Fabio. I said you weren’t fugly. I don’t recall mentioning anything about sexy. You aren’t hard on the eyes, but that’s about as far as I will go.” Her eyes narrowed in a flirtatious crease.

  “Well, let me assure you, you are safe with me. I will show you what a perfect gentleman I can be. Anyway, I gave you scouts honor, remember?” He flashed his boyish smile, intentionally accenting his dimple, back at her.

  She shook her head and giggled. It was the first time he had heard her actually laugh in a long time. Maybe what she needed was just some reassurance and a friend. If he could keep his wolf on a leash, and his dick in a cage, maybe he could put his feelings on a backburner and be what she needed. He spent the next few minutes of the ride in silence, with nothing but the sounds of Otis Redding’s “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” humming through the speakers. When he pulled through the drive-thru, she shoved a wad of cash toward him. “Here. Get one of everything. I will eat the leftovers for a week, but I like a variety.” He pushed her hand away, only to have to hold her wrist down while he attempted to order through the crackling speaker. After everything he said, the lady in the speaker responded, “And then…” He tried to explain over and over, but the lady seemed to be having difficulty understanding, so after the tenth attempt, he said in a very irritated tone, “Just give me one of everything!” Before she could give him the total, he had pulled up to the window and had his card out and ready. When he handed it to the ancient lady, Jessa tried once more to give him money. “Logan, don’t be silly. Forty-six bucks for Chinese takeout for two is ridiculous. Let me pay. Like I said, I love leftovers.”

  “Jessa, quit. You act like it’s a big deal. Have you never been on a real date, like to a nice restaurant before? Forty bucks is nothing.”

  He noticed her face flush before she became intensely interested in her fingernail polish. “No.”

  He shook his head. “Who the hell have you been dating? You should be treated like the lady you are, Jessa.”

  “No one. I mean, I…I have never been on a date before.” Her head was so far tilted down that her cute little chin rested on her collarbone.

  Her embarrassment tugged at the strings of his heart. He turned in his seat and tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. “Hey, Jess…don’t you dare be ashamed. That only means that no one has deserved to take you out, you hear me?” Her eyes misted, and her bottom lip began to quiver ever so slightly. “I mean it…the boys don’t know what they have been missing. If you will allow me, I would love to take you out tomorrow night. On a real date, like you deserve.” He held his breath, hoping he didn’t just ruin any chance he had with her.

  Before Jessa could answer, the lady flung open the drive-thru window and handed out two huge bags of food. In a strong accent, she said, “Fortune cookie special for you. It hold magical power. Enjoy food, and have good day!” She smiled, revealing a beautiful smile showing the tiniest glimpse of the beautiful young woman she once was. He smiled and thanked her, and drove away.

  He didn’t want to push Jessa, so he remained silent the remaining ten miles of their drive. Every so often, he would sneak a peek at her from the corner of his eye and see her still stuck in the same position staring aimlessly out the window. When the pavement ended and turned to dirt, she turned to him. “Yes. I would love to.”

  It took him half a second to comprehend what she was talking about before excitement flooded him. Trying his best to remain cool, he just shook his head and said, “Good. I promise you will have a good time.” Both the mood and conversation, was light and fun the rest of the drive.

  When he pulled up and stopped in front of Autumn’s country home, she went silent. “Are you sure this is the place?” Her eyes stared at the Victorian house before them. It was beautiful, with stained glass windows and framed with pretty wood details and a massive porch. A swing hung from one side, and a small iron table and chair sat on the other.

  “Yep. I have been out here a bunch of times. Pretty cool, huh?” She nodded, still raking her eyes over the entire house. He continued, “It was built in 1900, but Autumn put in a gourmet kitchen last year. All of the other updates she tried to keep with the character of the house. Come on, let’s go eat. I am starving.” Without waiting for her to respond, he hopped out with the sacks of food. Before she could unbuckle her seat belt, he was at her door offering her a hand down.

  He pulled out a large key ring and sifted through them until he grasped an old skeleton key. They jingled and clanged while he ungracefully fit it in the key hole. He unlocked the massive wooden door, and stepped inside to turn on the light.

  Chapter Three

  Jessa couldn’t believe her eyes. Autumn never mentioned that her country cottage looked like it came straight out of a romance novel, it was breathtaking. There were so many details that she couldn’t take them all in. Everywhere she looked, she spotted something new and exciting. The porch itself was a wooden masterpiece. The long summer day had begun to draw to an end, and the pinks and purples from the sunset reflected in the windows, giving it an even more magical glow. It was like the house called to her in some weird way. Lost in the spell of the architectural beauty, the sound of Logan’s voice shook her from her daydreams.

  “You can admire the construction later, but it is nine o’clock and I am starved. Come on, let’s go eat.” He waited, looking patiently impatient, so she nodded and followed him inside.

  He walked through the entrance hall that held a crystal chandelier that sparkled in the space. A grand wooden staircase snaked up ahead, and doors opened on either side of them. She followed Logan to the right into a formal dining room that led to the modern kitchen. He sat the bags down and began removing the contents, setting them out along the center of the table. “Would you mind grabbing a couple of plates and forks out of the kitchen while I get our buffet open?” He grinned, teasing her about her menu selection.

  “Sure, but don’t mock me. You have never truly eaten Chinese food until you experience it like this.” She bit her lip, and turned to fetch the dishes. When she came back into the room only moments later, she held a bottle of wine and two glasses juggled on top of the plates. “I found Autumn’s stash. Hopefully she won’t mind.” Jessa laid the place settings down and poured the pink sparkling liquid into each goblet before sitting. Her bracelet dangled with every movement, making her take notice of it. She released her fork and examined it closer. The chocolate diamond wolf appeared to be illuminating. It must be the lighting. Wow, that is so pretty, but weird. She dismissed it to exhaustion and hunger, and proceeded to load up her plate with the contents of each cardboard bucket. Her fork was buried in the fifth container when she caught Logan staring at her in disbelief. “What? I’m hungry. You better get some before it’s all gone.” She wrinkled up her nose and smirked at him. He shook his head and filled his plate, still grinning from ear to ear.

  “You do realize it took you less than three minutes to fill your plate, don’t you? It was nine o’clock when I sent you in the kitchen. So, technically it was less time than that, because it is nine o’ three.” He looked down at his watch.

  She had already shoved a heaping forkful into her mouth, and had to chew before she could answer his banter. After two swallows, she still had food piled in her cheek. “That’s weird.”

  “It’s not weird, it’s cute. I gotta say, it is nice seeing a girl that will actually eat and not bird pick.” He dug in, following her example.

  “No, not that. Well, thank you I mean. I said it’s weird, because Autumn told me to eat dinner at exactly nine o’ three, and I had forgotten until now. Somehow we ended up eating at the correct time. I just think it is an odd coincidence, that’s all.” She dismissed it with a shoulder shrug, and they both ate and enjoyed small talk.

  Jessa sat back, gripping her over-expanded belly. A soft giggle escaped her when she caught Logan unfastening the top button of his jeans. “What? Okay, I admit. Ordering one of everything is pure genius. Unfortunately, I’ll have to buy bigger jeans if this is a frequent event.” He reached down in the bottom of the plastic sack and handed her a fortune cookie.

  “It isn’t. I can’t afford for it to be for one, but besides that, I would be fatter than a cow if I did. This is strictly for emergency bad days.” She shook her head, refusing the confection offering.

  “You have to eat it. The old Asian lady said it was magical.” He made air quotations and snickered.

  “The only magic it will do is make me vomit up dinner. No thanks.”

  “Well, at least open it and read your fortune. I will with mine, too. Maybe if we do it together, it will still work and we will get a pony or a unicorn.” His high-pitched sarcasm made her laugh.

  “Fine. Only for the unicorn though. On three, ready?”

  “Yep! One… two… three!” They both cracked their cookie and pulled out the paper inside. Jessa read hers while squishing up her nose in confusion. She glanced at Logan who had a shit-eating grin plastered across his features. It amazed her, that with a simple expression he could look like a twelve-year-old boy with a new bicycle. Other times, he was a pure, hot, and sexy man—not that she would ever admit that to him. Jessa had only seen him pissed on a few occasions, and it had scared the daylights out of her. She knew he was capable of major damage if someone ever created a situation that needed it. A soft tremor tingled up her spine at the idea. Logan was built like a Greek god, and she knew without a doubt the rippling muscles he sported were more than just eye candy. He was multifaceted, and she loved seeing each dimension.

  “Okay, you go first. We gotta save the best for last.” He leaned back in his chair with one arm lazily stretched above his head.

  It took Jessa a few seconds to avert her attention from him and get a grip on her overzealous libido. Damn, he looks sexy like that. She noted how huge his arms and chest looked with it up like that, and wondered if it did the same justice for his abs. After mentally wiping the drool off her chin, she rolled her eyes, hoping he hadn’t caught her gawking. “These things are stupid. Did you know they aren’t even made in Asia? They were made in the states for the American customers. Some dude named Bob or Jim probably has a printing press in a huge warehouse somewhere that randomly picks phrases off the internet and prints them.”

  He smooshed his lips out in a cockeyed pucker and gave her an un-amused look through his thick lashes. “Spill it, buttercup.”

  She overly exasperated a look of annoyance, complete with an eye roll so big she actually felt dizzy. “Fine. It says, ‘True love awakens with the first kiss of fate, trice times before it is too late.’ See, another stupid meaningless riddle. What does yours say?”

  “Wow. Yeah, that is a bit vague. Okay, mine is better. It says, ‘You will get lucky tonight.’” She stood and reached over the table to grab the tiny piece of paper, slapping and swatting at him. He burst out in a fit of chuckles and dodged her playful banter with ease. She fell back into her seat with one foot tucked under her. Straightening the somewhat crinkled wad, she cleared her throat dramatically. “‘Tonight is a night you will never forget.’ Well hell. Why did you get one that isn’t confusing? See, this one may prove to be true. You will never forget gorging yourself this full on wontons and sweet and sour chicken. I got jipped.” They both laughed, and fell into a comforting light conversation. Jessa was glad Logan was here, and even more glad she had the chance to actually get to know this softer, fun side of him. He was good company, and not the horny, mindless asshat she had assumed before.


  After the dishes had been cleaned, and dinner had been wrapped and stored in the fridge, Jessa walked out on the front porch and sat on the white suspended swing. She heard the front door squeak and knew Logan had followed her out. He sat down beside her, and stared out at the huge moon that hung in the sky. “It is pretty tonight.”

  Jessa was surprised at his comment. She had no idea he was anything but the shallow, egotistical, pain in the ass she had known before. She had learned so much about him in just a few hours. Her mind spun, taking in all of the newfound things she had discovered. She felt slightly guilty for never taking the time to actually get to know the man he had become. He and Chad both had always been ornery, careless teens whom she didn’t ever think would grow up. For so long she had felt attacked by everyone she had contact with, especially males. Everyone seemed to want to judge her for wanting to be different. Instead of being judged for being overly promiscuous like some human girls went through, she was the center of every shifter gossip group for wanting to be pure. It had eventually made her put up walls to everyone around her, and automatically assume the worst. She wanted to thank him, but every time she started to speak her throat tightened. Finally, she pushed forward. “Logan, I…I…well I just want to say thank you. You have been really sweet to me today. I forgot what it’s like to just relax and have fun, and not have to worry about an ulterior motive. So, um, thanks.” Way to go, Jessa. Now I sound like a babbling idiot. Now he is going to go home, and never speak to me again.

  Logan grabbed her hand and pulled her against him. Before she could protest, he wrapped his arm around her and held her tight. She didn’t know whether to run, or melt into a puddle of arousal. Please don’t, Logan, I don’t think I can fight it if you come on to me now. Oh my gosh, he smells so good. No, no, no! When she clenched her eyes shut and waited for the inevitable, Logan tucked her head under his chin. He didn’t try to touch her, or kiss her, or fuck her. He just pulled her close and held her. Once again, she was left in a sea of bewilderment. At last she began to relax, and sink into the tornado of emotions that slammed into her with brute force. Her immediate reaction was not from her normal horny bitch wolf, but from her. She felt electric currents zapping throughout her body, infusing with every cell of her being. Her heart seemed to warm in her chest, and she grew instantly aware of every hard, lean, muscle that rested against her body. She could smell the faint scent of a familiar cologne, mixed with a spicy scent she couldn’t describe. With every rise and fall of Logan’s chest, her body hummed louder and more. She could feel his breath exhaling over the top of her head and swore she could almost see it mist in front of her in ribbons of soft velvet. Her nipples jumped up, front and center, as if in a military formation. She could feel moisture leak from her pussy, and hoped he wouldn’t smell her arousal. There was a soft breeze, so she wished silently it would send her scent down wind and not alert him to her sudden body’s betrayal. Unfortunately, his body stiffened abruptly, signaling he knew she was dripping with arousal. Freaking great. Now how in the heck can I fight him off when it is obvious I want him, too? How do I get him to understand that even though I may be attracted…okay, more than attracted to him, I still don’t want to have sex? Here goes a night gone bad. I hope it doesn’t come to me having to hurt him. It will be such a shame to mess up that sexy square jaw…or dot his huge chocolate eyes…or those kissable lips….

  Her wandering thoughts were stopped abruptly when he turned her to face him and crushed his mouth to hers in a smoldering, tummy tumbling, blood boiling kiss. He didn’t tease or taunt his way into her mouth, but instead heatedly took possession of it. She could taste the sweet remnants of wine that still lingered on his tongue, mixed with the smoky flavor that was uniquely him. His tongue danced with hers, mixing and turning, never landing in the same pattern. He drove her higher and higher, heating her core into molten lava. She plummeted into the lakes of desire, unable to
resist the consuming erotica that this simple kiss promised.

  Jessa wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in the silky curls she adored so much. When she earned a growl from her simple gesture, her heart raced faster. She pulled away, breaking their lip lock, only to have him devour her neck in kisses and warm laps of his tongue. She reciprocated, kissing, licking, and sucking every inch of skin she could reach around the neckline of his black t-shirt. Without hesitation, she jumped up and straddled him. Logan grazed the palm of his hands over her tits. The thin material of her shirt and lace bra did nothing to hide their approval of his attention. She arched into his hands, presenting them to him.

  She reached down and found the hem of his shirt, ripped the thin material over his head in a violent urgency. Licks turned to nips and bites, sending her wolf into a hormonal frenzy. Lions feasting over a buffalo held more control than she did at this single moment. Her breath rasped in shallow pants, burning her lungs, unable to excrete the heat that built higher and higher inside of her. With every caress and touch, Logan sent currents of cosmic explosions through her veins. She could feel the hard outline of his shaft through his jeans, and grinded against it, searching for any form of release for the deep needy ache that throbbed in her swollen folds. The sudden friction sent her over the fence to the wild side. She darted her hands down to the clasps of his jeans, and ripped the top button off, sending it shooting across the porch.

  Logan roared, arching into her before wrapping his iron-clad fingers around her wrists and restraining them behind her back. She let out her own feral sound, unable to contain her desire and acceptance of his dominant demand. He kissed her again, only this time he stopped abruptly without reasonable cause. His head fell to rest on her chest as gasps of air rushed in and out of him. Jessa tried to squirm and continue their heated episode, but he held her firm and prevented her from advancing any farther. After the realization hit that he wasn’t going to continue, tears began to flow from her eyes, streaming down her cheeks in rivers of sexual frustration and embarrassment. She couldn’t wrangle her emotions in, and instead they poured out in wailing cries. When he eventually released her human cuffs, Jessa tried to get up and run, but she was stopped before she could even finish the mere thought. Without giving her a single moment to figure out his intentions and act accordingly, he had her turned and cradled in his arms across his lap. With the last bit of will she had left, she tugged against the massive muscled cage, only to end up collapsing against him in defeat.


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