Ruthless Knight: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Royal Hearts Academy)

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Ruthless Knight: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Royal Hearts Academy) Page 1

by Ashley Jade

  Ruthless Knight

  Royal Hearts Academy - Book Two

  A. Jade


  Ruthless Knight


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74

  Chapter 75

  Chapter 76

  Chapter 77

  Chapter 78

  Chapter 79

  Chapter 80

  Chapter 81

  Chapter 82

  Chapter 83

  Chapter 84

  Chapter 85

  Chapter 86

  Chapter 87

  Chapter 88

  Chapter 89

  Chapter 90

  Chapter 91

  Chapter 92

  Chapter 93

  Chapter 94

  Chapter 95

  Chapter 96

  Chapter 97

  Chapter 98

  Chapter 99

  Chapter 100


  Sneak Peek

  Royal Hearts Academy


  About the Author

  Ruthless Knight

  Royal Hearts Academy - Book Two

  “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

  ― William Shakespeare, Henry V

  For every girl who’s never felt good enough.

  And every knight with cracked armor.

  May we all find the love we deserve one day…

  within ourselves.

  First published in USA, Janurary 2020

  Copyright © Ashley Jade

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be circulated in writing of any publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, or events is purely coincidence.

  Ruthless Knight

  Photographer: @rafagcatala_photographer on Instagram

  Cover Design: Lori Jackson at Lori Jackson Design

  Editor: Ellie McLove

  Kristy Stalter

  Rosa Sharon

  Brandi Zelenka


  Two months earlier…


  “You’re gonna be late.”

  My little sister really needs to fix this annoying habit she has of not knocking on my bedroom door before barging in.

  You’d think walking in on Casey giving me head last month would have ruined her for life, but evidently not.

  I glare at her. “Ever hear of knocking?”

  She pops one hand on her hip, and I fight the urge to scratch my eyeballs out because she looks nothing like the frizzy-haired, brace face girl she was two years ago.

  Especially in the cheerleading uniform she’s wearing.

  Jesus Christ. What the fuck was I thinking asking Casey to give her a spot on the squad?

  Bianca’s only a sophomore, which makes her the youngest girl on varsity. It’s also the reason the guys on my football team have given her a nickname. Jailbait.

  Jace is gonna kill me when he finds out.

  My brother’s only a year older than I am, but since my dad tapped out after our mom died, he’s pretty much raised me and Bianca.

  However, he graduated last year and moved into an apartment near his college campus with his girlfriend Dylan.

  The two of them are so in love it’s nauseating, but I’m not about to take a dump on his happiness.

  The shit-eating grin on Bianca’s face tells me she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

  “It’s hysterical how scared of him you are.” Before I can argue that I’m able to kick his or anyone else’s ass with one arm tied behind my back, she adds, “If you bothered to look at your text messages, you’d know he can’t make it to the game today.”

  I tamp down the flicker of disappointment in my chest. He’s never missed a game of mine before…let alone the first one of the season.

  “Oh.” I quickly shrug it off. “Whatever. No big deal.”

  She studies her nails. “Apparently, he’s on a strict deadline with those gaming people to finish that zombie island thing.” Her gaze sharpens. “Between me and you, I think it’s a load of crap and he wants to spend more time with Dylan. Apparently him living with the bitch and seeing her every day isn’t enough for her, so now she’s convincing him to blow us off.”

  Yeah, I’m not touching that one. Bianca’s beef with Dylan is her shit, not mine.

  On second thought.

  “Your little spoiled princess act is getting old.” Turning around, I grab my gym bag off the bed. “Keep it up and people will start thinking you have the hots for your brothers.”

  “Ew,” she squeaks. “That’s disgusting.”

  Spinning around, I waggle my eyebrows. “Don’t worry, I’m sure most won’t blame you.” I point to my face. “Given I look like this and all. However, you saw what happened to Dylan last year when everyone thought she fucked Oakley. You really think you could handle a shitstorm like that?”

  Oakley is Dylan’s step-cousin and Jace’s best friend.

  Mine too, for that matter.

  And technically—as of recently—he’s also our tenant, since my dad lets him rent out our guesthouse because his family�

  Well, let’s just say his current family dynamic makes mine look like the Brady Bunch…which is saying something.

  “What exactly are you implying, asshole?”

  Wow, she almost sounds like a grown-up. Guess all her studying to become a doctor is starting to pay off.

  It’ll be fun to knock her down a few pegs.

  “You can barely tie your shoes without Jace.” I get close to her face. “But he isn’t here anymore. Which means I’m in charge.”

  She has the audacity to cackle. “Ohh, my pom-poms are shakin—” She yelps when I grab her arm. “Ouch. What the hell, Cole?”

  “Pay attention and let what I’m about to say sink into that thick skull of yours.” The look I give her wipes the smile off her mouth. “I’m not Jace, so don’t expect me to clean up your messes. You fuck up this year, you’re on your own. Got it?”

  She needs to learn this shit now. She might be the baby of the family, but I won’t coddle her like Jace and our mother did.

  Like he did.

  If she goes down, she won’t be taking me with her.

  My brother and I have ruled Royal Hearts Academy for the last four years, but whereas Jace ruled with an iron fist, I’ve ruled it by being everyone’s golden boy.

  Every guy wants to be me, and every girl wants to be the lucky one to suck and fuck the cum out of me.

  And it’s just the way I like it.

  “You’re such a jerk.”

  “Careful. Last I checked, I was your ride to the game.” I flash her some teeth. “Rumor has it your cheer captain can be a bitch if you’re not there on time.”

  Shaking her head, she glares daggers at me. “Which is exactly why you agreed to get me a spot on the team.” She pushes me away. “I thought you were doing me a favor, but you only did it so you could manipulate me.”

  “Manipulate is such an ugly word.” Clicking my tongue, I stroke my chin. “I prefer the term—keep you in line.”

  “God, I will never understand why—” She clamps her mouth shut mid-sentence.

  “Why what?” I probe.

  We both know what was on the tail end of that statement, so she might as well fucking say it.

  Whatever gusto she had is replaced by anguish. “It’s not fair.”

  With that, she storms out of my room.

  I’m grabbing my car keys off the dresser when I catch my reflection in the mirror.

  Instantly, I tear my gaze away.

  She’s right…it’s not fair.

  The wrong twin died that day.

  And it’s all my fault.


  I never should have come here tonight.

  For some reason, I honestly believed Oakley when he said he wanted to hash out his tutoring schedule over a beer during the party at Christian’s.

  He didn’t graduate with his class last year and since his cousin Dylan is my bestie, I agreed to do him a solid and make it my mission to make sure he graduates this year.

  However, for the last hour, all he’s done is smoke blunts, drink copious amounts of whiskey, and stick his tongue down some cheerleader’s throat.

  Well, not just any cheerleader. Morgan, who happens to be Casey’s—the cheer captain and queen bitch of RHA—best friend.

  I’m so annoyed with him for dragging me here for nothing, I snatch the red Solo cup from his hand and take a few sips.

  “Oakley,” I gripe for the hundredth time tonight. “Can you please try and focus?”

  Finally, he pries his lips from Morgan’s. “Shit. My bad, boo.” Leaning his head back against the couch, he lights a blunt. “Where were we?”

  I muster up the tiny kernel of patience I have left, no doubt thanks to the whiskey in my system. “I work Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sunday evenings. I also have youth group at my church on Wednesdays after school, but—”

  “Jesus Christ,” he moans when Morgan starts nipping his earlobe.

  Less than a second later she’s mauling him like a tiger again.

  Good grief. I’m starting to miss his old girlfriend Hayley. At least she’d let him finish a conversation.

  I down whatever’s left in the cup and place it on the coffee table. “I give up. Text me tomorrow if you’re serious about tutoring.”

  I stalk off before he can stop me, not that he will. Hell, I highly doubt he’ll even remember I was here tonight.

  I’m fishing in my purse for my phone when a familiar voice drawls, “That’s the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen in my life. Do everyone a favor and get stronger glasses.”


  The newest member of the varsity cheerleading squad and the youngest Covington spawn.

  Squaring my shoulders, I utter, “Wow. Look at you. Your brothers finally let you out of your cage.”

  Unsupervised no less…which is awfully brave if you ask me. Not only is the girl ridiculously gorgeous, she has a reputation for being a troublemaker.

  On second thought, given the wide berth all the guys in the vicinity are giving her…I can only assume word spread that she’s off limits.

  Bianca doesn’t really seem to mind it, though. “Yup. Cole doesn’t give a shit what I do tonight.”

  Not surprising. RHA’s golden boy with the golden arm won the first game of the season a few hours ago. Chances are he’s partying so hard he doesn’t even know his name.

  I’m about to ask who’s looking out for him, since I know his older brother Jace isn’t here tonight, but then she says, “If you’re looking for the quarterback who barely acknowledges your existence these days, I last saw him making out with his girlfriend, Casey, in the hot tub.”

  Her statement shouldn’t feel like she rammed an ice pick into my chest and twisted it. Yet…

  Twist, twist, twist.

  The look on my face must give me away, because she tosses her head back and laughs. “God, you make it too easy.” She brings her cup to her lips. “Pro tip? Get some thicker skin, girl. The world is full of assholes.”

  “I guess that would explain why so many attend RHA.”

  “Damn straight. High school is where they’re bred.” She peers at me for a moment too long. “Speaking of assholes, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now.”

  It’s safe to say I’m surprised. “What?”

  Her expression turns thoughtful. “Why do you like my brother? And just so we’re clear, I don’t mean that in a ‘you can do so much better than him’ type of way, because let’s be honest, you can’t. But I’m genuinely curious as to why you’d knowingly waste your feelings on someone who will never return them?”

  Bianca’s a bitch with a capital B, but she also has a point…sort of.

  “I don’t have feelings for him.”

  Not exactly. It’s just…Cole Covington has always fascinated me. But not in the same way he does every other girl at school.

  I can’t explain it, but I feel like there’s more to him than what’s on the surface.

  Maybe it’s because he studies people the same way I do.

  As if he’s on the outside looking in.

  Which is crazy considering he’s the most good-looking, most popular, and most talented quarterback on the planet…but still.

  No matter how many times he proves me wrong, I can’t help but think his true colors aren’t as one-dimensional or superficial as he wants everyone to believe.

  He’s not an empty black hole on the inside.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper. “Sometimes you’re just—”

  “Drawn to someone who’s all wrong for you?” she interjects, and I can’t help but notice her stare is pinned to something across the room.

  I follow her gaze to where Oakley and Morgan are still making out on the couch.

  Oh, boy. I really hope it’s Morgan she’s pining over, because her brothers would never allow her and Oakley to be a thing.

  Not only is Bianca a sophomore…he’s Jace and Cole’s best friend.

  Plus, he’s n
ot exactly Mr. Stable.

  He lives in the Covington guesthouse because he had an affair with his stepmom—an affair his dad still doesn’t know about—and she’s knocked up.

  Fortunately, it’s her husband’s and not Oak’s, but according to my best friend, her aunt really did a number on Oakley and broke his heart.

  Poor thing is just trying to put the pieces back together.

  And by the looks of it, he’s enlisting Morgan’s help with that tonight…which isn’t sitting well with baby Covington.

  It’s awful seeing someone you feel this weird gravitational pull toward making out with someone else.

  “Boys suck,” I declare, offering her some support. “You’re beautiful and—”


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