Jaded By Desire (Lust, Desire, and Love Trilogy Book 2)

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Jaded By Desire (Lust, Desire, and Love Trilogy Book 2) Page 4

by Cox, Desiree A.

  Candace and Georgia met me out by the elevator. “Are you getting excited?” Georgia asked. “Only one more month before the big day.”

  “I am; I can’t wait.”

  “I know it’s going to be beautiful. I’m excited, too,” Candace chimed in. “Is Jeff getting nervous?” We stepped out of the elevator and made our way across the lobby.

  “I don’t think he is, or at least, he never shows it. He always seems so cool and calm. I’m a frantic mess, especially when he’s home. I feel like I’m nagging and making sure he’s getting things done, but it doesn’t seem to faze him much.”

  “I’ve been talking to Jackie about your bachelorette party in the coming weeks. First, let me say, I love her.” Georgia flashed a wide grin. “We were thinking an all-male revue is in order.”

  I pressed the crosswalk button. “I don’t know about that. I don’t want to be put on stage or have some strange guy grinding all over me like that in public. I think I’d rather have something maybe a little more low-key.”

  “You can’t be selfish; you have to think about the rest of us, too.” Candace laughed.

  “I’m not telling you guys what to do. You’re planning the party; you don’t need me to help with this. I’m just giving my two cents since it was brought up. Please, don’t take me anywhere in public and have me groped and dry humped into humiliation.”

  “The only promise I’ll make is no public dry humping.” Georgia opened the door to the pizzeria and we all entered.

  “That’s all I ask.” We ordered our pizza and made our way to the cashier to pay for our food before we found the least crumb-covered table with three chairs. “Jeez, I guess it’s too much to ask for a clean table. That would be nice.”

  “Relax, Sparky,” Candace said. She pulled out a couple of napkins and wiped the table off. “There you go.”

  “Thanks. I didn’t mean for you to clean the table.”

  “I know, but they are pretty busy, especially around this time of day.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I’m on edge.”

  “You do need to relax. Hey, I don’t think you ever told us what the doctor said about your lightheadedness.” Georgia took a bite of her pizza as she looked at me. She swallowed. “It really sounds like blood pressure to me.”

  “My appointment is next week. I’m curious what they think it is, too. They didn’t find anything when they ran all the tests in the emergency room. I can’t imagine they’ll find anything now.” I already knew what it was, but I had to keep pretending. I was scaring myself with the ease of telling all of the lies, I thought. “It’s probably nothing, just nerves and anxiety, with everything going on right now.”

  “Probably; you do have a lot on your plate,” Georgia added.

  “Yep, after the honeymoon, things will get back to normal for you and you’ll be feeling good as new.” Candace smiled at me.

  I only ate half of my slice of pizza before we gathered all of our trash to toss out. I was starving. It hurt like a bitch to roll up that half a slice of pizza into the napkins and plate, then throw it in the trash. Fucking hell. I felt like I was going to pass out from lack of food. I knew I wasn’t starving, starving, but, man, my appetite had seriously increased.

  We made our way back up to our department, and I waved at them both as they walked back to their desks. I sat at my desk and fantasized about food for the rest of the afternoon.

  Chapter 4

  I hadn’t realized how fast two weeks could pass. The hours and days seemed to be on fast-forward.

  I also would have never guessed in a million years that I’d find myself at a party to celebrate my upcoming wedding where I couldn’t drink. I was with all my friends who did drink, and all I could do was watch them. That made it seem like it was going to be one of the hardest events of my life, and definitely the most difficult celebration for me to get through. I knew the questions about why I wasn’t drinking with them wouldn’t stop until the night ended.

  Jackie and I had arrived at Georgia’s house an hour early to help make sure everything was set up and ready for the party. Well, Jacking was anyway.

  I had told them I preferred not to go out, which went against everyone else’s wishes. Since Jackie and Georgia were planning the party, we were going out. They unanimously wanted to go to an all-male revue show, then head over to Sunova Beach to finish the night with some dancing and more drinking, something else I had expected. I couldn’t drink, though, and that really sucked.

  When Georgia opened the door, she was already a couple drinks in. I couldn’t blame her. It was a party, and we had hired a limousine service for the night so no one had to drive. Since Georgia lived alone, most everyone had planned to stay, at her house when we got back, just in case they had drank too much to drive. I wasn’t going to stay, and neither was Candace. Candace didn’t normally drink much, and she wanted to get home to her husband. I wasn’t drinking at all, so I would be more than capable of driving home. I was more than willing to go home and sleep in my own bed, next to Jeff’s warm body.

  Georgia welcomed us in and was quick to pour two glasses of wine, one for Jackie and one for me. In an effort to not draw too much attention to the fact that I couldn’t drink, I accepted the glass and made up my mind I was going to pretend to drink that one glass all night. A couple drops surely wouldn’t hurt me or my secret bundle.

  We chipped in and helped set out the snacks and the drinks for mixers on the dining room table. Georgia’s kitchen counter looked like a full bar, complete with every type of liquor anyone could ever want. You name it, she had it. She also had many different red and white wines.

  Her kitchen and dining room were creatively decorated in the penis theme for the party. She had penis straws, penis stirs, penis whistles, and penis-shaped ice cubes. She had set out the cake shaped like a penis on the dining room table in between two penis-shaped candles, and there was a small bowl of penis mints near each candle. The mints were delicious. I chuckled to myself at the thought that quickly raced into my head: of course they’re good, I love penis. She had a long banner of several penises taped up above her sink in the kitchen and another hanging in the dining room. It all made sense knowing we were headed to a male strip show later. I smiled and shook my head.

  We had invited ten women in total for the bachelorette soiree. My mom had declined, but offered to pick up Abby Sunday morning from Sky’s place, then she’d come to the rehearsal and deliver her back to me. Another friend from college had declined, so we were expected to be a party of eight for the night.

  As the time got closer to seven o’clock, one by one, everyone showed up.

  “Are you still on that first glass of wine? You need to drink up, girlfriend; we’ve got one hell of a night planned for you,” Jackie said.

  “I’m pacing myself. I don’t want to get drunk too fast.”

  “That’s smart,” Georgia added. “Too bad I didn’t think of that about two hours ago.”

  We all laughed.

  Jackie and Georgia made sure everyone was introduced before we played the first game -- pin the dick on the stud.

  After everyone had a drink in their hand, Georgia briefed all of us on how the game was to be played. “So, ladies, here’s how this works. Each of you gets a paper dick from my lovely assistant, Jackie.” The whoops and whistling began. “You’re going to be blindfolded, get spun around twice, pointed at the wall, and you will pin your game piece on the poster. The one who gets the closest to correct anatomy placement will win a prize.”

  “What’s the prize?” Candace said and laughed.

  “That’s a surprise, but - you’ll love it. Well, if the winner doesn’t, someone here will.” Georgia was so funny. I had only seen her teetering on being intoxicated one other time. “Jackie, please give them their dick.”

  Jackie handed each lady a paper dick with a push pin stuck through the head. “Everyone gets to feel a Prince Albert piercing gone wrong.”

  “I’m passing a pen around; write
your name on your piece so we know who gets the closest. To help with figuring out who goes first, I have everyone’s name in this bag, and I’ll pull them out one at a time, then you’ll take your turn.” Georgia shook the plastic Publix shopping bag, then reached in and pulled out a slip of paper. “Caitlin, you’re first.”

  Caitlin was a friend from college and one of the dorm resident assistants. She was always nice, and we had stayed in touch over the years. She had been at my first wedding, which made me feel kind of weird when I prepared to send her the invite to wedding number two.

  She set her drink on the end table and stepped up near Georgia to get the game kicked off.

  Jackie tied the blindfold on her then tested to make sure she couldn’t see. She was spun twice, turned to face the huge unic poster-boy, and told to go. She wobbled a little as she made her way to the wall. She felt for the edges to make sure she at least stuck the poster, attached the penis, and stepped back before removing the blindfold. Laughter erupted. She had placed it on his arm. That gave a little more advantage for the next person. Caitlin headed for the kitchen and began mixing up another drink.

  Georgia stuck her hand in the bag and pulled out the next name. “Candace, you’re up.” Candace finished off her drink before setting her glass down.

  “I’m ready; blindfold me,” she said. Jackie quickly covered her eyes and tied the straps behind her head, performed the two-second vision test, and began spinning her.

  Once Candace was pointed toward the wall, Jackie turned to me. “You aren’t done with that wine, yet? What’s taking so long? Hurry up so I can get you a refill.”

  “I’m fine, don’t rush me. I don’t want to get too drunk tonight.”

  “The way you’re going, Grandma, you won’t get a buzz at all.” Everyone laughed and I returned a smile to them. There was no way I was going to be so irresponsible to drink myself stupid just to make them happy. Even if Jeff didn’t want to acknowledge it yet, I had his baby in my belly and preferred for him or her not to come out of me needing to be checked into an alcohol rehabilitation clinic.

  The game seemed to drag on, and eventually, it was my turn. I was the last person. I had sipped about half of the wine by the time I was told to come up and faced Jackie. “Drink that wine all gone before I tie this on you.”

  “I can’t, my stomach is bothering me. If I drink too fast, I might get sick.”

  Connie, my old neighbor, and now Sky’s neighbor, jumped into the conversation and asked, “Are you pregnant?” I tried not to let it be obvious when I rolled my eyes. What in the actual fuck? Is that shit flashing on my forehead?

  My face flushed. “No, I drank too much last night with Jeff. I just don’t have a taste for anything alcoholic tonight. But we’re still going to have fun. I don’t have to get wasted.” Surely that would buy some leeway for me on the drinking.

  “Whatever, put the glass down, bitch, and turn around.” Jackie seemed annoyed, but knowing her, she really wasn’t. She just enjoyed calling me a bitch. I set my glass down and let her tie the blindfold on. She spun me around, and, as many uneventful times that I’d been spun in the past, this time made me feel dizzy and a little queasy. I swallowed hard a couple times before getting a push in the back to get walking. I felt around, holding my arms out straight, and just stuck my piece on the wall.

  Everyone laughed and cackled. I stepped back and removed my mask. Oh-my-god!

  “Everyone, meet dickhead,” Gloria said. She laughed hysterically, with everyone else joining in, including me. Leave it to me to be the one to put my piece above Caitlin’s, right on the poor man’s head.

  “Okay, so the winner is Connie. She got the closest to right. Here’s your prize, my darling.” Georgia handed her a wrapped box. “Oh, and you have to open it here.”

  Connie ripped the paper off and gasped. “Oh my! I have a new boyfriend.” She held up her gift, a rabbit vibrator. I never had understood that thing.

  Jackie stepped forward and spoke. “Congratulations, Connie, hope you enjoy that. We’re going to have Nikki open her gifts, then we have another game to play.”

  Everyone screamed and hollered as if they were at a concert. Most were visibly on their way to being quite intoxicated. I, unfortunately, was not.

  I was escorted to a chair in the living room, and all the gifts were brought in to me. I opened seven gifts and was the recipient of seven different pieces of very sexy lingerie, most in black, one in red and another in white. There were a few two-piece items and a couple that were only one piece. One of them had attached garters and thigh-high stockings. Jeff was going to love these women. I planned to pack each one of the items. I had a couple new items stashed in my collection that would round out the trip, and would surprise him in something new each night we were in Hawaii.

  “Thank you all so much,” I said. “Thank you for coming, and thank you for these wonderful gifts. I’m sure Jeff thanks you too; he just doesn’t know it yet.” We all laughed.

  “You all ready to keep the party going?” Jackie pulled a paper bag out from behind a lamp. “For the next game, we’re playing charades. Everyone knows how to play, right?” Everyone was nodding their heads and some replied yes. “I’ll pass the bag around, and you pick what you’re expected to act out. Georgia will be picking names from her bag for the order again. We have to go kind of fast because the limo will be here in about a half hour. And I’m going last.”

  She walked around and made sure everyone got their slip of paper from the bag.

  Georgia, who was working on polishing off her next drink, threw all the names back in her plastic bag, gave it a shake, and pulled the first name. Lucky me, I was up first. She pulled the coffee table back out of the way, opening the space between the seating in her living room. I moved to the center of the room as they all circled around me, sitting on the couch, loveseat, and chair.

  I inhaled deeply. Here goes nothing. I took a minute to gather my nerve to make a complete ass of myself. I bent and got on my hands and knees, and the suggestions started.




  I began crawling around, feeling more awkward than ever. This might be more fun if I was two sheets to the wind, but sober, it was just humiliating. I began licking my tongue around my lips, then thrashed it in and out of my mouth.

  “What in the hell?” Jackie laughed.

  “A toad.”

  I crouched down a little lower and continued to stick my tongue in and out.

  “A snake.”

  I felt like I had been down on the ground for an eternity. Jeez, someone guess this shit right already.

  “A lizard,” Caitlin finally said.

  “Yep, a lizard.” I stood and smiled. Thank God someone guessed it.

  Everyone else had taken their turn except Jackie when the doorbell rang. Thirty minutes had already passed, and she didn’t even get to do hers. I know she was a party organizer, but it didn’t seem fair to me. She held up her slip of paper then said, “I’m going to need help.” She went and opened the door, and the chauffeur was standing on the porch. She invited him in as she assured him we would be ready shortly. I went to the restroom, a side effect of the surprise package in my belly, and heard the music start up.

  When I walked out, I saw everyone sitting in the living room having another drink. “Are we going out or what?”

  Georgia answered, “Yeah, we’re going. We’ll leave in a few minutes, when this song is over or we finish our drinks, whichever comes first.”

  I sat in the chair that was across from the fireplace. A new song was started, and I saw, out of the corner of my eye, our chauffeur removing his jacket and stalking toward me. Holy shit, he’s a stripper.

  He had a perfectly sculpted, muscular form that, if I hadn’t been so used to Jeff’s fantastic body, would make me drooled. He stood right in front of me. He flipped his hat off, over toward the couch. He ripped his pants off, tossing them the other directio
n to the loveseat. Then, he stood there in that piece of barely-there, just-covering-his-junk loin cloth and proceeded to give me a lap dance. I’d never had a lap dance before, but was very appreciative of his fine talent. He was able to swivel his hips, grind and rub against my thighs, all while balancing and holding himself up with his powerful, flexed thighs. He made his chest muscles jump for me, then held onto the arms of the chair as he snaked his body up mine over and over. I knew it was wrong, but I was really enjoying this man’s performance.

  When the music stopped, he gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek, before wishing me well and conveying his hope that I’d have a long and happy marriage. He told me my fiancé was a lucky man, which made me blush, and I thanked him. He had an incredibly deep, and sexy, voice.

  He really was our driver, too, and was there to take us to Whiskey North. The club was putting on a Saturday night show. He redressed himself and said he was ready when we were. Being sober and watching those crazy friends of mine gave me a glimpse of what I looked like when I drank. It wasn’t like seeing them made me want to give up drinking. I was looking forward to drinking in five months, but I wouldn’t drink to excess again. Not on purpose anyway.

  We got to Whiskey North, and the pressure to drink started up again. Jackie went to the bar and bought shots of Fireball for all of us. I pressed my lips together and rubbed my forehead. How was I going to get out of this?

  “On the count of three, we slam these. Here’s to you, Nikki. Be happy.” Jackie offered up the toast. Everyone added in their sentiments as we did the celebratory glass touching thing. I wasn’t sure exactly how I was going to pull this off, but I was getting ready to not drink this shot.

  As everyone tipped up their glass, I turned and tipped mine halfway, and bumped my arm into a woman who happened to be passing by us. I dropped my glass on the floor for good measure. Fortunately for me, it didn’t break on impact.

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the woman said.


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