Love in Bloom (De La Fuente Family #3)

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Love in Bloom (De La Fuente Family #3) Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  She turned, her tears obvious and watched as Allie dragged him toward his truck.

  He met her gaze so she shook her head.

  Mateo watched her, an apology on his face as he climbed into his truck and sped after the ambulance.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was after midnight when Mateo had finally gotten home.

  As he crept through the house, he wondered what kind of reception he’d get from Erin. He’d been a bastard back in town. He’d had no clue how to handle the wrong woman clinging to him in grief, while he‘d pushed the right woman to one side. He’d tried to include her. To let her know that he wanted her with him, but she’d listened to Allie instead of him.

  He’d heard the hurt in Erin’s voice and panicked when she’d turned her back and walked away. He should have been more insistent with Allie; instead he’d inadvertently pushed Erin away just when he’d accepted that a relationship with her was worth everything regardless of age and all the other crap that he’d thrown in their way.

  He pushed into his bedroom and tried to make out her shape in the bed, but from what he could see she wasn’t in there. He flipped the lights on and his room was bare but her things were still in the room. The bathroom door was open so she wasn’t in there. She hadn’t been in the living room or kitchen because he’d walked through there and no one had been around.

  Where the hell was she?

  He went back out of his room and down the hall to his brother’s room. He’d called Diego to get her from town so he hoped like hell that he had. Mateo should have fucking checked.

  Knocking on Diego’s door, it was suddenly opened and Diego stepped into the hall. “Keep the noise down.”

  “You picked Erin up, right?”

  “Yes, I picked your crying woman up from town.”


  “You’re an ass.”

  “Where the hell is she?” He’d apologize for being a jerk and cuddle up to her for the rest of the night. Okay, he’d been a really big ignorant jerk and needed his ass kicked for the way he just left her without much fight. He couldn’t make it right when he couldn’t find her, though.

  “She’s in my room.” Diego stood, his legs apart and his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. “And that is where she’s staying until morning.”

  “Let me get this right? My woman is in your bed.” Mateo felt like his head was about to explode.

  “You’re an ass if you’d think I’d make a move on someone who you can’t keep your hands off.” Diego brushed his over-long black hair back from his forehead. “She was upset after you abandoned her in town and planned to leave tonight. As you know, the chair in my room pulls out as a single bed so I insisted on sleeping on it and for her to take the bed.” He sighed. “I even offered to switch rooms with you so you could have the chair and stay with her, but she said she wouldn’t stay if I did that.”

  “Let me talk to her, she’ll come back to my room.” Mateo tried to move Diego out of the way to get into the room.

  “Look—” Diego started, when the door behind him opened.

  Erin slipped out, but stayed beside Diego. “I don’t want you to argue with your brother because of me, Diego. I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”

  “I like arguing.” Diego grinned.

  “Are you going to give us some privacy?” Mateo asked his brother.

  “I’ll be okay,” Erin added, which got his back up.

  “Of course you’ll be okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” He felt that he was losing his hold on her and he didn’t like it.

  “You already did,” Erin countered.

  “I’ll be in my room.” Diego disappeared and closed the door, leaving him facing an upset looking Erin.

  The silence stretched and he realized that he’d have to be the one to break it, which he hated. He hated that he had to explain himself, and what’s more, he hated it more because he knew that he’d been wrong in leaving her.

  “I’m sorry, okay?” He leaned against the opposite wall. “I couldn’t just leave her when her brother had been in a serious accident.” Why couldn’t she understand that?

  She sighed and met his gaze. “I understand that. I’m not heartless. What pissed me off is that you so carelessly tossed me to the side and left me in town. It would have taken thirty seconds to quickly stop and let me out at the bottom of your parent’s lane. But as soon as she started crying on you about wanting to be alone, you went along with her.”

  He’d known at the hospital that he’d blown it with Erin, but he thought she’d be okay after he’d apologized. He didn’t really think that she’d be as upset as she obviously was.

  “Allie is an old friend, but you knew that already. She was upset and she was obviously upset at the thought of you being with us. I thought I was doing the right thing by getting Diego to get you from town. I did try to call you back when you walked away. I was so damn torn, but watching the ambulance pack up and about to leave I knew that I had to just go. I’m sorry, Erin.” He glanced at his brother’s room, feeling his temper simmer at the thought of her sleeping inside with Diego.

  As though she read his thoughts, she admitted, “Your brother felt sorry for me and has been the good guy. Please don’t think that he had ulterior motives in offering me his room. He isn’t interested in me in that way and I’m not him…And going back to earlier, I would have expected a lot better from you. If you can’t see what Allie was doing when she knew you were with me then you’re an idiot.”


  “She wants you and hated the fact that I was with you, so she used what happened to her advantage and no matter what you say to the contrary, that’s the truth.”

  “I don’t want to argue with you about Allie. She’s my past and I couldn’t walk away from her today, regardless of her motives.” He hadn’t thought the same as Erin had. Perhaps her waterworks had been for show. But hell, he was so tired of trying to work it out and deep down he knew that he’d wronged Erin. He should have tried harder, but he’d hoped that she would trust him.

  He’d been wrong.

  “You wanted me to trust you when you told me what had been going on with the whole Caprice thing and I did. I believed you and supported you with my family. You can’t trust and support me with this?”

  “Different circumstances, Mateo.” She ran a hand through her hair, looking as tired as he felt.

  “You’re not going to come back to our room are you?”

  She met his gaze and he could see that she wanted to say yes, but instead, she said, “No. I’m leaving in the morning.”

  “Fuck, Erin. Look, I screwed up and I’m fucking sorry. I was a jerk.” He paced in front of her, his hand on his head while he tried to calm down. He wasn’t angry with Erin, he was angry with himself because he knew that Erin had been right.

  No matter how he looked at it, he’d still agreed to pick Allie up in the morning to take her back to the hospital.

  What a fucking mess!

  “Please come back to our room. I promise to keep my distance…Please.” He’d never begged for anything in his life and wished that he hadn’t needed to now.

  Erin looked at him long and hard before she nodded her head. “Okay.”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “Your beds comfier anyway.”

  Pausing mid-step, he laughed and finally released the tension he’d felt from the moment he realized he’d possibly screwed up with Erin. “Whatever your reason for coming back with me, I’ll take it.”

  Once they were back inside their room, Erin sat on the edge of the bed, looking unsure of herself.

  She lay on her side of the bed, her back to him as he admitted, “Allie really is just an old friend. I have no interest in her in any other way but as an old friend, helping a friend in need. That’s it, Erin. Please trust me.”

  She didn’t answer him or even give any indication that she’d heard him. He wanted to pull her around so she’d lo
ok at him but he knew she didn’t want his touch. With a heavy heart, he slowly stripped out of the rest of his clothes apart from his briefs and climbed under the covers.

  He’d shower later because, right now, he was too damn tired and his knee throbbed with being on the go for so long. Sleep would be good, but he wondered whether that would happen as he turned to his side and watched Erin.

  To his surprise, she turned over and slipped straight into his arms. “I trust you…keep me safe,” she mumbled.

  His first thought was always.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Erin woke alone, showered alone, and dressed alone. It was unlike Mateo to just get out of bed and leave her asleep although she appreciated being able to sleep in. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until she opened her eyes at eleven the next morning. It was nearly noon so she planned on finding Mateo to see if he wanted to go and get lunch, as their planned date of the night before had been screwed up.

  Mateo hadn’t even mentioned the planned date so she didn’t know what to make of that. Had he forgotten completely, or had he just not mentioned it?

  Just like the engagement ring she still wore. That had been the only thing she’d argued with them about. Her hands were small and would have looked stupid with a huge rock on her finger, so eventually they’d given in and let her choose a small platinum band with a square cut diamond. It was beautiful and she loved wearing it. She would, of course, have to return it when she returned to Dallas. If it hadn’t been for Diego, she’d have already gone back home, but he’d talked her out of it. She had the idea that it had been because of his loyalty to his brother. Either way, she was glad he’d talked her into staying.

  Now just to find where the man in question had disappeared to.

  The house was quiet, but in the kitchen, she found Emelia rolling out what looked to be dough.

  Emelia hadn’t liked her from the start, and of course, Erin didn’t blame her for that, it just would have been nice to have a female friend in a family filled with testosterone. And it’s their lack of friendship that had her poised half in and half out of the kitchen.

  “Come in. I promise not to bite,” Emelia offered Erin a smile of encouragement.

  “Thanks…I think.” Erin smiled at the other woman and moved closer. “I slept in. Would it be okay to get some coffee?”

  “Yeah, sure. Help yourself.” Emelia carried on kneading the dough while Erin made herself a much needed coffee.

  She could do without a lot of things in life but coffee wasn’t one of them.

  Emelia glowed with happiness in her slim frame, and Erin had always longed to have a head full of shiny black hair like she had. Her twin, Diego had the same dark hair and eyes that seemed to look straight through you. She felt hopeful that Emelia would accept her like Diego had.

  “You’re daydreaming,” Emelia commented. “Come and sit at the table and keep me company.”

  Erin hesitated, which Emelia caught. “My family is giving you a chance, so I’m willing to do the same.” She smiled. “Especially after having my ear bent by Diego and Kasey.”

  She accepted the other woman’s words and hoped she meant them. Emelia was known for speaking the truth, though. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”

  Emelia grinned. “Yeah, we never hit it off. So, let’s just forget about the past. Deal?”

  “Deal.” Erin sat opposite and watched as Emelia, flipped, caught and rolled the dough. “I’m impressed. That must have taken some practice.”

  “Years.” Emelia used her arm to shove a piece of loose hair back from her face. “You know that my mother is Italian, right?”

  Erin nodded and smiled, hoping Emelia would continue.

  “Her mother made the dough for a famous Italian restaurant, and my mom would watch and when she was old enough, she’d help. Just like I did when I was little.” She smiled a faraway look on her face. “At one time, Mom used to say that Diego would open his own restaurant. I don’t think anyone expected Dante to.”

  “Diego does all that your doing?”

  Emelia laughed. “He’s better than me. Don’t let that sweet talk and cowboy swagger of his get to you. He’s a mama’s boy, but he’ll deny it if asked.”

  She frowned. “He didn’t come across like that. Well, I’ve heard the sweet talk and seen the swagger, but the other stuff, not so much.”

  “Oh, it’s there.” Emelia broke off some dough and tossed her a piece. “Do what I do. I’ll go slow.”

  Erin’s dough ball looked more like a pancake while Emelia’s looked good enough to eat. So, she rolled hers out again until the shape became more dome shape.

  “That’s better.” Emelia smiled, and Erin took a long drink of her now lukewarm coffee while Mateo’s sister took her masterpiece away to the stovetop. “Let it rise for a short while before I’ll put them in the oven.”

  “Okay. I love fresh bread, I hope you’re planning to share.”

  Emelia raised a brow. “I just might.” She laughed. “I’m making them for lunch with the soup Mom’s made.”

  Homemade soup and bread—it couldn’t get better than that.

  “If you want anything to eat, there are some muffins in the tub next to the bread basket. Just pop one into the microwave for a few seconds. Delicious.”

  “I will, thanks.”

  “I’m going out with Dante while the bread rises. I’ll catch you later.”

  “Okay. Do you know where Mateo is?”

  The fact that Emelia paused should have warned Erin and although her stomach cramped, she asked, “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like the answer.”

  Emelia sighed and met her gaze. “I’m not supposed to tell you.” She winced. “He wasn’t going to tell anyone, but I got caught listening to him talking to Diego.”

  “You spied on your brothers?”

  “It’s hard to break a habit of a life time,” Emelia admitted.

  She knew that she’d like Emelia.

  “So, um, you were about to tell me…”

  “Don’t worry about it. Join Diego in the stables.” Emelia turned tail and left her standing there in the kitchen.

  Mateo had apologized the night before but something didn’t sit well if Emelia wasn’t talking.

  Her life had been complicated enough without adding this week into the mix of things. Perhaps she should have listened to herself last night when she’d thought about leaving.

  She really didn’t want to but at the same time could she stay?

  It didn’t take her long to come to the decision that she’d stay, at least, for now. First though, she’d go and talk to Diego. She knew if there was anyone who’d tell her it would be him. Something serious then he’d keep it to himself but when it meant annoying one of his older brothers, he was game—usually.

  As she arrived at the stables though, she wasn’t sure of Diego’s cooperation anymore. He was tossing things around until he saw her standing in the doorway.

  “Are you okay?” She stepped inside and patiently waited for Diego to get himself under control.

  “I will be.”

  That wasn’t really the answer she wanted.

  “What’s up?” He moved toward her and met her gaze.

  “Emelia wouldn’t tell me, but, will you tell me where Mateo is? And why it’s such a big secret?” She bit her lip and waited.

  Diego had an expressive face and she knew the minute he’d made the decision to tell her.

  “I don’t begin to understand my brother, but he went picking Allie up to take her back to the hospital.”

  “Oh.” She hadn’t been expecting that, or should she have?

  “I’m sorry, Erin. I told him to call and ask her to drive herself. I did see him on his cell as he walked away so I don’t know if he tried. If he did, I’m guessing Allie had other ideas.”

  “Thanks Diego.” She turned away, but turned back. “Would you be able to give me a lift to the airport once I’m packed?”

sp; “No way.”

  At the new voice, Erin turned and found Sylvia and Eric walking toward them.

  “Please stay, Erin.” Sylvia took her cold hands into hers and rubbed. “I’d really like you to stay and be at our wedding.”

  “I really wanted to, but now, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.” She felt close to tears and hated the fact that once again she was second place.

  “I’ll think about it.” Erin moved closer to Diego, reached up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, Diego.”

  Walking back to the house, she hoped she’d get some privacy.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Late afternoon and Mateo had really had enough of Allie and her clinging. She even had the hospital staff thinking that they were an item.

  No way in hell.

  With a bit of luck, his brothers would tell Erin that he’d gone into town to sort out a problem with his truck instead of the actual reason. It didn’t sit well with him that he was lying to her, although he told himself it was only temporary. He’d tell her the truth once he returned. He just didn’t want her to know about it while he wasn’t there to do damage control.

  He hadn’t lied to Erin last night and he really didn’t have any interest in Allie. He’d just found it difficult to walk away from her when she said she needed him. He believed her when she’d said that she had no one in town, as her brother was the only family she had left.

  But sitting around outside the hospital room was boring as fuck. As he slipped his cell from his pocket, he grimaced at the lack of messages on the phone. Why hadn’t Erin messaged him? It was disappointing and if he was honest, it hurt. He hung his head and stared at the blank screen.

  “She hasn’t called?” Allie asked, standing in front of him.

  “No reason for her to.” He stood. “You ready to go?”

  “I guess.”

  Mateo glanced at Allie and tried not to let her tears get to him. After all, it was those that had caused all the trouble with Erin just as he’d decided to try the relationship thing.

  “I’m hungry,” she smiled, “and I think I need to buy you lunch for coming to my rescue.”


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