Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2

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Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2 Page 8

by Lexxie Couper

  And before she could respond, he hooked his thumbs into the wide elastic waistband of his boxers and removed the last item of clothing from his body.

  Jenna’s stare roamed over the full extent of his scars, a soft gasp escaping her. “Oh God,” she whispered, eyebrows knitting.

  He couldn’t move.

  His head roared. The room seemed suddenly devoid of air.

  A tear slipped down Jenna’s cheek.

  She took in his scarred hip, lower abdominals and legs. The scarred left side of his scrotum, devoid of any pubic hair.

  The scarred flesh of his penis.

  Evan’s stomach rolled. “This is me, Jenna. This is me showing you I’m not scared to let you in.”

  “Oh God.” She hugged herself tighter, her knuckles white as she gripped her upper arms, and then raised her gaze to his face. Another tear fell down her cheek. She shook her head, her forehead furrowing. “I’ve never…” She shook her head again, palm pressed to her lips.

  An invisible punch slammed into Evan’s gut. He clenched his jaw. Nodded. “I understand. It’s not…I’m not—”

  “Oh, Evan.” She stepped towards him, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “I really do think I’m going to have to shake some sense into you.”

  He frowned.

  “I won’t lie to you,” she went on, her smile soft, “and tell you I’m not shocked. I’ve never seen such scarring. I can’t even begin to fathom what you have endured. But I’ve looked. I’ve seen. I’m aware. And I’m not repulsed.”

  He swallowed. “You’re not?”


  And with that, she grabbed at the hem of her T-shirt and yanked it up over her head to stand utterly naked before him.

  Evan didn’t move.

  For a heartbeat.

  In that heartbeat, he drank in the sight of her, feasted on the beautiful curves of her hips, her breasts, wondered at the flawless coffee cream of her skin, at the mocha-brown of her nipples. In that heartbeat, his gaze found hers and every fear of rejection that had kept him imprisoned since the chopper crash, every doubt of self-worth that had crippled him, that had damn near turned him into a hermit, shunning life, shunning happiness, disappeared.

  Incinerated in a second by the pure desire he saw in Jenna’s eyes.

  He moved to her, and she met him halfway, wrapped her arms around his neck and captured his lips with hers. She claimed his tongue with fierce swipes of her own as she pressed her body to his. The curve of her sex aligned perfectly with his groin, the downy-soft curls of her trimmed thatch an incredible caress.

  He groaned, a tsunami of raw pleasure crashing through him.

  She was there, with him. Her naked body against his. Her perfect skin like velvet on his scarred flesh.

  Hot blood flooded his cock. Stiffened it. Lengthened it.

  Thickened it.

  Jenna groaned, rolling her hips to stroke his growing erection with her mons.

  Evan’s head swam.

  Five years he’d been without physical contact.

  Five years of believing he’d never experience the sensation of another person’s body moving against his again.

  And then the woman he’d once believed could only ever be a fantasy to him had proved him wrong.

  Undone by the sheer rapture of the realization, he tore his lips from hers. “Jenna,” he groaned her name, aching for her on a level beyond comprehension. “Jenna…thank you. Thank—”

  She silenced him with two steady fingers on his lips, a molten heat burning in her eyes. “Thank yous come after.”

  Before he could ask after what, she lowered herself to her knees before him and took his erection in her mouth.

  “Ah fuck!” he burst out, throwing back his head as Jenna laved the hypersensitive flesh of his scarred length. “Fuck, that feels so good. So good.”

  She cupped his scrotum with a gentle hand, kneading the engorged globes with gentle pressure.

  Fresh bolts of concentrated pleasure sheared through him. His spine bowed. His toes curled.

  At his knees, Jenna sank lower down his engorged cock, her mouth a warm, wet exquisite seal.

  He trembled, every muscle in his body thrumming.

  She took him deeper into her mouth, sliding her tongue over his ridged flesh, her fingers worshipping his sac.

  Over and over, she slid up and down his length, flooding the very core of what made him a man with liquid heat. Sometimes she would moan around her mouthful, the humming sound sending delicious waves of vibrations through his groin. Sometimes she would nip at the tip of his cock. Sometimes she would lick his flesh. Sometimes she would blow a cool stream of air over his wet length.

  He groaned her name. Fisted his hands in her hair.

  Dropped his stare to watch her through a fog of heady pleasure.

  Her gaze met his, and for a perilous moment, he feared the undeniable desire he saw in her eyes would push him over the edge. A tingling pressure began at the base of his spine. His heart slammed faster, harder in his chest.

  “I’m going to come, beautiful,” he ground out, knees quivering. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to come.”

  Stare still holding his, Jenna slowly sucked her way up the length of his cock. Lips ringing the distended crown of his organ, she flicked her tongue at the tiny beads of pre-come he knew were seeping from his tip.

  “Oh fuck, Jenna,” he groaned, a shudder rocking through him.

  Five years of being untouched, and now this…

  “I can’t…I can’t hold off any longer. I can’t…” His eyes fluttered closed. His heart thumped faster. Every muscle, every fibre of his body thrummed.

  Jenna released his cock from the seal of her mouth with a gentle pop.

  He opened his eyes, incapable of finding breath as she rose to her feet, sliding her naked body up the length of his.

  She rubbed her breasts against his thighs, his hips. For a giddy moment, his balls nestled between the perfection of her breasts, and then it was her belly moving over his sex as her lips and tongue charted a path up the centre of his abs.

  She licked at the scarred nub of flesh that had once been his left nipple.

  A rush of euphoric disbelief shot through him as the nerve-endings of his damaged skin reacted to the warm caress. He gasped, his hips bucking forwards in base, unconscious response.

  And then her lips were leaving his chest, moving over the scar tissue covering his neck, his chin, his jaw, her pussy drawing level with his groin.

  “This is me,” Jenna whispered in his ear as she wrapped one long thigh around his hip. The cream-slicked lips of her sex kissed the underside of his engorged cock. “Showing you there is nothing grotesque or repulsive about your body.”

  His head swam. He sucked in a ragged breath. “Jesus, Jenna…”

  She brushed her lips over his, cupping his face in the palms of her hands. “I want you inside me. Please. Now. I need—”

  He hauled her off her feet, carried her to the bed and lowered her gently to the mattress.

  When he tried to slip his arms free from her body, she shook her head, her lips curling as she tightened her grip on his shoulders.

  He let out a wobbly chuckle. “I have to get a condom. I think…I think I might have one in my wallet, but God knows how old it—”

  “You, Evan,” she said, shaking her head again. “I want you inside me. Your skin sliding against my skin. Your flesh moving against my flesh.”

  A raw groan tore at his chest. He stared into her eyes.

  “This is me showing you how much I trust you, Evan.” She tugged him down to her body, tangled her fingers in his hair and drew his head closer to hers. “This is me showing you everything about you, every scar, every bump, every ridge is everything I want.”

  She wrapped her thighs a
round his hips, arched on the bed and aligned the head of his cock to the wet seam of her sex.

  The tip of his erection nudged her pussy lips. Parted them.

  Another rush of dizzying euphoria surged through him. He froze, his weight supported by his elbows on the bed.

  Five years…

  “I…I won’t…” he rasped. “I…I won’t…last long. I can’t…you’re too…” A strangled laugh burst from him. “Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted…this…you…”

  A smile curled her lips. The smile of his long-harboured dreams and unspoken fantasies. “Evan Alexander, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were making excuses.”

  His chuckle was ragged. “You could…you could say that. You’re probably right. It’s…been a long time.”

  She cupped his face in her palm. “Don’t be scared.”

  “Scared?” His own smile warmed his soul as surely as hers did. “No. I’m not scared. Scarred? Yes, but scared? Not anymore. Thanks to you.”

  Jenna’s eyes fluttered closed and she raised her hips higher, taking just a little more of the tip of his cock past her moist folds. “Oh God, keep talking like that and I think I’ll fall in love with you.”

  Another laugh rumbled in his chest. “I think I’m okay with that.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened. Her lips parted. She touched her fingertips to his left cheek and trailed them down his face to his jaw. “Can I quote you on that? Or is it off the record?”

  “Totally on the record,” he murmured. “You can tell the world if you like.”

  “I wanted you for a long time,” she whispered, watching the path her fingers took over his scarred face, “but the man you are now…he’s the man I’m falling for. He’s the man I’m going to tell the world about. Understand?”

  Evan turned his head and pressed a lingering kiss to the centre of her palm. “Understood.”

  She smiled. “The world is going to have to wait for a while though. Until we’re finished h—”

  He thrust his hips forwards and buried himself inside her tight, wet heat.

  “Oh God, yes,” Jenna cried out, arching beneath him.

  His girth stretched her wide, a powerful invasion of delicious friction.

  Of incredible connection.

  She wrapped her thighs around his hips, a part of her mind recognizing how uneven the flesh of his left hip was, another part of her mind realizing it made no damn difference.

  He was inside her. After all these years, he was inside her, making love to her.

  Being with her.

  Being hers.

  They moved as one, Evan thrusting deeper and deeper into her, his stare holding hers, their bodies sliding against each other, smooth skin on rough, hard on soft.

  Until, a mere few minutes later, the base of Jenna’s spine began to tingle and her core began to flood with liquid heat.

  “Evan,” she moaned, the distinct tension of an approaching orgasm almost undoing her. He’d had been the one worried about coming too soon, and here she was, about to— “Evan, I…I…”

  “I’m going to come.” His rhythm grew faster. His nostrils flared. “Fuck, I’m sorry, babe, I’m sorry but I’m going to—”

  Jenna came.

  A heartbeat before Evan.

  And as they rode the waves of their mutual climax, it was all Jenna could do not to laugh with the sheer joy and wonder of the moment.

  It was perfect.

  So perfect.

  “Do me a favour?” Evan mumbled into the side of her neck, threading his fingers through hers as he slowly ceased his thrusts.

  “What’s that?” She chuckled, loving the weight of his body on hers as much as she loved the fading throb of the orgasm he’d given her still pulsing in her core.

  He lifted his head a little, the edges of his mouth curling. “When you write your story on the hero of Wallaby Ridge, can you leave out the fact he has no staying power?”

  She laughed. “Only if the hero of Wallaby Ridge promises to bribe me with at least another four orgasms before sunrise.”

  His smile stretched to a wide grin. “Only four?”

  And with that, he captured her lips with his and proceeded to get to work on the first.

  About the Author

  Lexxie Couper started writing when she was six and hasn’t stopped since. She’s not a deviant, but she does have a deviant’s imagination and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get romances that can make you laugh, cry, shake with fear or tremble with desire. Sometimes all at once. When she’s not submerged in the worlds she creates, Lexxie’s life revolves around her family, a husband who thinks she’s insane, an indoor cat who likes to stalk shadows, and her daughters, who both utterly captured her heart and changed her life forever.

  Contact Lexxie at [email protected], follow her on Twitter www.twitter.com/lexxie_couper or visit her at www.lexxiecouper.com where she occasionally makes a fool of herself on her blog.

  Look for these titles by Lexxie Couper

  Now Available:

  The Sun Sword

  Tropical Sin

  Triple Dare

  Dare Me

  Sunset Heat

  Suspicious Ways

  Party Games

  Suck and Blow


  Heart of Fame

  Love’s Rhythm

  Muscle for Hire

  Guarded Desires

  Steady Beat

  Lead Me On

  Blame it on the Bass

  Getting Played

  Savage Australia

  Savage Retribution

  Savage Transformation


  Dark Destiny

  Dark Embrace

  Outback Skies

  Breathless for Your

  Coming Soon:

  Outback Skies

  Bare for You

  Better with You

  When desire goes sky high, things get hot. Really hot.

  Breathless for You

  © 2015 Lexxie Couper

  Outback Skies, Book 1

  The middle of the Outback seems the perfect place for city-bred Dr. Matt Corvin to recover from the beating life has given him. Working in Wallaby Ridge as a member of the Royal Flying Doctors is just what this doctor needs, until he finds himself paired with a pilot who’s every sexual fantasy that’s ever done barrel rolls through his head. She rekindles in him a desire for something he thought he’d never want again—connection.

  Natacha Freeman was one medical exam away from RAAF fighter pilot status when her lungs royally screwed her over. Flying a medical plane in the Outback should have provided isolation to match her desolation. Instead, she’s stuck in a tiny plane with a nice guy who sends her hormones screaming full throttle.

  Though Tash is jumping on the brakes with both feet, Matt’s not above using this thorough knowledge of the human body to change her mind. Until the dangerous reality of living the Outback brings them crashing to the ground.

  Warning: If gorgeous sexy doctors with incredible bedside manner and a dominating sexual side make you shudder with sheer orgasmic rapture, this book may be…wait for it…just what the doctor ordered.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Breathless for You:

  The lush grass felt cool under her bare feet. Matt had insisted she take her boots and socks off and wriggle her toes in the soft blades. They’d both checked for snakes first, of course. Any Australian, whether from the city or bush, knew it was both foolish and dangerous to plant their feet in long grass without first searching for snakes and spiders. Matt had given the all clear with a smile before crossing his arms over his chest, affecting a serious expression and ordering her to begin bare-foot toe wriggling.

“It’ll help your body relax,” he’d said with the same tone she’d heard him use with Reg and Beryl McGuire, a wonderful mix of firm command and warm comfort.

  How many times had she heard him talk that way to patients and felt her soul respond to it? How many times had she played that tone over and over in her head, her body aching for a connection she hadn’t known she’d wanted until Matt entered her life?

  How many times had she pretended he’d spoken to her in that tone, telling her to strip naked, to stretch out on her bed, to spread her legs so he could fuck her with his mouth?

  Too many times. She’d gone through a truckload of batteries on that one fantasy alone.

  And now here she was, thinking of it again, her body—already wired on a post-inhaler blast—thrumming with charged need and her vibrator six hundred and fifty kilometres away.

  But the subject of those fantasies is here, Tash. Right here. In the flesh.

  She shot the doc a quick look and her breath caught. Not due to her traitorous lungs, but because of the open hunger in his eyes.

  Oh God, did he—

  “Fuck it,” he muttered, a second before he closed the distance between them—barely a few feet—in two long strides, buried his hands in her hair and crushed her lips with his.

  He swept his tongue into her mouth, a dominating invasion of greedy desire. He pushed his hips to her, the rigid pole of his erection nudging her belly. She whimpered into the kiss, clinging to his shoulders.

  A raw groan tore from him, vibrating deep in his chest, and then he dragged his lips from hers and stepped backwards, putting distance between them once again.

  “I’m sorry, Natacha,” he ground out, head turned away from her. The muscles in his jaw bunched. His eyebrows dipped in a frown. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Rooted to the spot, her heart wild, Tash stared at his profile. “Why not?”

  He raked his hands through his hair with a fierce swipe of clawed fingers. “Because you’ve just had an asthma attack, because we work together, because I’ve only just survived a broken heart and because you hardly ever talk to me, let alone give any indication you want me to—”

  Tash destroyed the space between them and silenced him with a kiss hungrier than the one he’d given her.


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