by T S Florence
“Can you take me to your home to rest, while you go and visit your leader and the princess?” Hilda asked.
“You do not want to meet the princess?” Ragnar asked.
“Not right away, maybe after I’ve rested from the travel. You’ve made your home sound so lovely,” Hilda said.
“Well they aren’t going anywhere. You can meet them whenever you’re ready. I will take you to my house, first,” Ragnar said.
Ragnar set out their sleeping furs, making the bead as comfortable as he could for Hilda. She noticed that he even rolled up an extra blanket for her to rest her head on. She went and lay down and watched as Ragnar gave orders to men to stay awake on watch for the night. She enjoyed watching him walk up and down the lines of vikings, and the respect he commanded from his men. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally came and started to take off his weapons belt in front of her, but left his clothes on, in case he was required to rise quickly in the middle of the night.
Hilda tried to imagine what it would have looked like if he did not stop at just the weapons belt, but continued taking each item of clothing off, one by one. She tried to imagine his stomach muscles under his tunic, his thick thigh muscles under his pants, then the thought of what was between his thigh muscles caused her to blush and look away.
“What’s the matter?” Ragnar asked, as he settled down next to Hilda.
“Nothing,” Hilda replied, turning to face him.
Ragnar lay on his back, with his arm spread out for Hilda to rest her head on. Without thinking, Hilda found her hand resting gently on his stomach, and the hardness of his stomach muscles surprised her.
The prickly sensation of anticipation tingled on the back of her neck as she slowly moved her hand, feeling the muscles that jutted out, causing herself to grow excited. She went to move her hand away, but a low growl from Ragnar accompanied his hand as he took her hand in his, and rested it back on his stomach.
Hilda’s imagination ran wild with the possibilities of sharing a house with Ragnar, and whether or not he would continue to crawl into bed with her, until she fell asleep with her head on Ragnar’s chest, neglecting the blanket he had rolled up for her pillow.
The morning went by in a blur, with Ragnar stomping about and ordering his men to get into orderly formation, and Hilda’s thoughts running in a loop of possible scenarios of when she would eventually meet Princess Isla. She had done so well at burying Rose that when the time had finally come to dig her back up, she wasn’t sure how. She wasn’t sure if she knew how to be Rose anymore. She was scared that she was irreconcilably Hilda. What if Jack and her mother, Elsbeth, were in Newcastle. Would they see Hilda, a woman from the North, or would they see Rose? Where did she truly belong, with whom?
“Are you ready to depart, Hilly?” Ragnar asked, once his men were packed for the last leg into Newcastle.
“I guess so,” Hilda replied, not even convincing herself.
“You will be with me,” Ragnar said, as he took her hand in his, and took her into his gaze.
“I know,” Hilda smiled, feeling slightly better, as she appreciated the warmth of his hands on her cold skin.
With that, Ragnar lifted Hilda onto her donkey-horse. But when they started to move, Hilda’s beast refused to follow.
“Ragnar,” Hilda called out, catching his attention, as she started to get left behind by the group.
“The stubborn half breed donkey,” Ragnar growled.
“Maybe it’s a sign to stay here one more night?” Hilda asked.
Ragnar laughed, but instead of responding, he lifted Hilda over onto his horse, nestling her snugly infant of him on his much larger destrier.
“What about my horse, we can’t just leave him here,” Hilda said, as Ragnar’s horse began to move again.
“It will follow when it starts to fear it will be left behind,” Ragnar said.
“How can you be so sure?” Hilda asked, as she relaxed backwards into Ragnar’s huge body.
“Wait and see,” he said, mildly.
Sure enough, after several minutes, Hilda turned her head to see the stubborn horse slowly following a hundred yards or so back.
“I could have stayed on him then,” Hilda said.
“I don’t want you so far from the pack, and if I stayed with you, he would have never moved,” Ragnar said.
“You think I would be in danger so close to Newcastle?” Hilda asked.
“There are opportunists and branded outlaws living in the forests that surround Newcastle. A pretty girl like you would be worth losing a limb,” Ragnar said.
“Ragnar please don’t say such things,” Hilda gripped his arm.
“It’s true, unfortunately. I told you, I’m not taking any risks with your safety,” Ragnar said.
“I can see that,” Hilda sighed, resting her head against his chest.
“So, are you going to tell me what or who is in Newcastle? If there is something a danger to you there, I want to know,” Ragnar said.
“Nothing a danger, I will tell you soon,” Hilda said, struggling to find the strength to join her two worlds together.
“When you’re ready,” Ragnar said, quietly.
“Thank you,” Hilda said.
“Thank you for what?” Ragnar asked.
“For being patient with me,” She said.
“I should be the one thanking you for forgiving me,” Ragnar replied, barely a whisper.
“Who says I’ve forgiven you,” Hilda sighed, as she felt his hand wrap around to her stomach. Suddenly she felt an unmistakable hardness poking into her backside.
“Ragnar,” Hilda gasped.
“I tried to fight it, but if there is one fight I cannot win, it is the fight against my manhood while you’re sitting on it,” Ragnar said, bashfully.
Hilda felt herself going bright red, and she was thankful that he could not see her face, but another part of her, deeper within, burned with desire. She felt herself growing warm and wet, and before she knew it, found herself wiggling against it, her curiosity wanting to know more about it.
“Hilda, I won’t be responsible for what happens if you keep wiggling your behind on me like that,” Ragnar growled.
“Ragnar,” Hilda gasped, surprised by his admission.
Hilda was thankful that the trip into Newcastle was short, for the building tension was causing her to squirm, and she could tell that her squirming did nothing to help Ragnar’s situation, either.
There was no welcoming party, for the people of Newcastle would not have expected Ragnar to arrive by horseback, since they had continued on by boat just two days before. After the guard recognised Ragnar, their party was let through the gates. Hilda recognised the streets that travelled up to the castle of Newcastle, and was relieved when Ragnar took a left turn, onto a well-kept, quiet street. The houses on this street had great pillars out the front, and were decorated with faded paintings and tiles.
“Are these the Roman buildings you spoke of?” Hilda asked.
“They are, and this is my house,” Ragnar said, as he dismounted his horse, and gently lifted Hilda down.
Torsten and Brenna were already waiting out the front when they arrived.
“We were hoping to rest here for a few days, before heading inland,” Torsten said, referring to the viking village, which he lived in, that was situated 50 miles west.
“That, and I did not want to leave you so soon,” Brenna said, looking at Hilda.
“I don’t need your smelly ass in my house,” Ragnar grumbled to Torsten.
“You can both stay,” Hilda smiled from Torsten to Brenna, before shooting Ragnar a scowl.
“Hilda is good for you,” Torsten said, in a humorous voice to Ragnar.
“Shut up Torsten,” Ragnar said, before leading the small group inside.
Hilda was amazed at the inside of the house - she had never seen anything like it before. Even in the castle that Isla lived in, which she visited as a c
hild, was not as well built as this house. The tiles on the inside of the house gave it a clean finish, with pictures of men and women, walking and carrying pots.
“What do the tiles mean?” Hilda asked Ragnar.
“I think it is just for the owner’s pleasure to look at,” Ragnar said.
Hilda ran her hands along the smooth tile, which felt cold to touch, and smooth, like a stone from the bed of a river. Ragnar then led them out to a large courtyard, where a square of grass took the centre, of the courtyard, lined by roses. The roses caused a twinge within Hilda.
Ragnar led them through the house. It had its own kitchen room, just like a castle, and individual rooms for each guest. A large vase stood in the corner of the courtyard which caught rain, leaving a pure, cool and tasty water to drink.
“Ragnar this house is perfect,” Hilda smiled.
“I’m glad that you like it,” Ragnar said, pausing before continuing, “I must go and see Ivar and explain what has happened with his ship.” Ragnar turned and left the house, after giving rose a kiss on the crown of her head.
Ragnar mounted his not yet rested horse, and kicked into its belly, causing it to leap into action, towards the main castle. He couldn’t help but wonder what it was that Hilda was not telling him. He knew that there must be something serious for her to not just tell him.
Once he made it to the castle, he tied off his horse and walked up the steps into the great hall. He was pleased to find Ivar and Isla already there, sitting at the great table, listening to some priests advising them on courtly matters.
“Ragnar,” Ivar shouted, causing the priests to jump.
“Ivar,” Ragnar boomed, striding towards the viking leader.
Normally, men were not allowed so close to Ivar and the princess, but the guards did not move, and let Ragnar pass the point where no men would normally pass. They did the warrior’s handshake and embraced in a manly hug. Ragnar could hear Isla laughing at their excitement.
“You made it back, brother,” Ivar said.
“I did, though one of your boats didn’t,” Ragnar said.
“What do you mean?” Ivar said, frowning.
“I had the boat docked at the wharf in Kingston, and a drunken captain with an out of control boat was forced into our boat as it was docked.”
“Out of control?” Ivar questioned.
“There was a significant storm that gave him a strong tailwind. It was still his fault. A captain worth his salt would not have caused damage,” Ragnar said.
“Did you beat the man and get some money from him?” Ivar asked.
“I wanted to, but Hilda stopped me,” Ragnar said.
“Hilda… Is this your slave girl?” Ivar asked.
“She’s no longer a slave, but yes,” Ragnar said.
“So, you got her back? Was she harmed?” Ivar asked.
“She was not harmed. We had to chase down her captors and take them back,” Ragnar said.
“So, another day for you then, Ragnar the Destroyer?” Ivar said.
“Something like that,” Ragnar said, stretching his neck.
“Where is Hilda, then?” Ivar asked, and then Isla interrupted, “Of course, I would love to meet this girl who has your heart,” Isla said.
“She doesn’t have my heart,” Ragnar growled.
“I haven’t even seen the pair of you together and I can already tell she has your heart,” Isla said, rolling her eyes.
“Well she’s resting in my house. She’s tired from the journey,” Ragnar said.
“Of course,” Ivar and Isla said together, “Well stay for some food, and tell us about your journey. You must bring Hilda for dinner as soon as she’s rested.” Isla said.
Ragnar told them of the journey, the state that he found Fyrkat in, and his appointment of Earl of Fyrkat. He told them of his father, and how he left his father in charge of Fyrkat. He left tout much of the detail of his relationship with Hilda, and his struggle to regain her trust, and the feelings that he had been developing for her. He did, however, describe Hilda to them. The golden-haired English girl, who refused to tell him of her English identity.
“So, she’s a slave from England?” Isla asked, curiously.
“Yes,” Ragnar said, “why do you ask?”
“A blonde slave, and she is just turned twenty one?” Isla continued.
“Yes, why?” Ragnar asked.
“Why did you both go to Kingston?” Isla asked.
“It was her home town, she wanted to see if her home was still there. But it wasn’t I believe her family is dead,” Ragnar said.
“I really would like to meet her,” Isla said, curiously.
“I will bring her as soon as she’s ready,” Ragnar chewed on the leg of a chicken, a little curious about Isla’s intense questioning.
“That would be lovely,” Isla smiled.
After spending the afternoon talking with Ivar and Isla, Ragnar rode the short distant back to his home, where he knew Hilda was waiting for him.
He went into the main courtyard, only to find Torsten and Brenna talking quietly.
“Where is Hilda?” Ragnar asked.
“Asleep,” Brenna said.
Ragnar left the pair of lovebirds in the courtyard and went to find which room Hilda had chosen. All the rooms were empty, and suddenly a feeling of panic set into his stomach. He marched to his own room to take a sack of gold for any emergency purchases, if he needed to go searching for Hilda, only to find her asleep in his bed.
Relief washed through his body as he watched her sleep, curled up under his furs and blankets. He moved through his room carefully, not wanting to wake her. He removed his weapons belt and his copious layers of clothing, and hopped into his bed, next to Hilda, in only his undergarments.
Hilda woke in the middle of the night, and panicked for a short moment, before she realised that Ragnar was already asleep next to her. She crawled closer and wrapped herself around him, which caused him to stir. Without a word, he moved his arm down and rubbed her back, before squeezing a handful large of her behind.
She wiggled in his hands and moved herself closer against his body, enjoying his warmth. When she had pressed herself up against him fully, she could feel his hardness press against her stomach. The sensation caused a surge of excitement, and her head went dizzy with excitement.
She was still too nervous to put her hand near it, so instead she reached around, similarly to him, and felt his behind. It was firm, all muscle. She slowly moved her face into his neck, breathing in his deep, earthy scent. She ground her body against him, and enjoyed his shaft as it pressed against the warmth between her legs.
Ragnar went to move his hand down, but she pushed his hand away.
“Not outside of marriage, Ragnar,” Hilda said.
“Hilda,” He rumbled.
“No,” She said.
“Very well,” Ragnar said, rolling onto his back, pulling her with him, until she was practically laying on top of him.
Without feeling like a moment had passed at all, Hilda woke to an empty bed. The sun had started to rise, which she could see through her window. Sound of horses trotting along the street, outside the house reminded Hilda of her childhood, and the time spend on horseback, travelling between towns, trading sheep’s wool.
She moved to the adjoining room, where a large bath of water had been kept. She was still rubbing her eyes once she had reached the middle of the room.
“Hilda,” Ragnar’s voice shocked her eyes open with surprise.
Ragnar sat before her, in the large steel tub, completely naked. She could not help but look directly to the spot she should not have looked. Between his legs. Her eyes widened at the thickness that lay between his large thighs, and let out an audible gasp.
Ragnar stood, reaching for the closest drying linen, and wrapped it around his body.
“I’m sorry,” Hilda breathed heavily, but found she couldn’t avert her eyes from his scarred and musc
led body, dripping with warm water. The length of his shaft was outlined through the linen, causing her eyes to drop down once more.
“Are you enjoying yourself,” Ragnar laughed, as he tied the linen at his waist.
“Oh, be quiet Ragnar,” Hilda said, suddenly embarrassed, as she moved her gaze to his face.