Cutthroat City Wolves Volume 1: BBW Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Cutthroat City Wolves Volume 1: BBW Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 7

by Lyra Valentine

  Gabriel raised his hands. “Whoa, whoa. Easy there, tiger. I didn’t mean to offend you."

  “People don’t really like talking about their deaths.” Phoebe grumbled.

  “All right. I’ll show you what I am.” Gabriel stood up from the bed and Phoebe couldn’t help but eye him. As mad as she was, she couldn’t deny how utterly perfect Gabriel looked.

  Her eyes lingered over the bulge of his cock. Still straight and perfect, and hard as before. “You’re still hard?” she asked in a small voice.

  Gabe laughed. “Of course I am. Look at you. You’re enough to make me want to go another round right now.”

  Phoebe felt a blush creep over her face. As satisfied as she felt, she knew what he meant. She longed to feel him fill her again.

  He offered her a hand to stand. “Go into the bathroom."

  Phoebe's brow crinkled. “What? Why?”

  “Because if you run, I don’t want to chase you.” Gabriel looked her straight in the eyes when he said it.

  The note of danger sent a shiver down her spine, and straight to her core. Her anger was fading, too. She was more intrigued than scared. And aroused, she smile wryly. Who knew she was so into the dangerous bad boy type.

  Chapter Six

  Gabe rested his hands on the doorjamb of the bathroom. He didn’t know for sure if his wolf’s instincts would kick in and chase down any moving thing, but he wouldn’t risk Phoebe. She’d bared herself to him, and he owed her the same. He would show her his other self and keep her as safe as possible. “Now, count to thirty before you come out.”

  His wolf rippled just under his skin. The change would be over before she reached thirty, but he wanted to give the wolf time to adjust to the setting. He had more control over his shift than most of the others in his pack, but he also had more experience. The Cutthroat City Wolves were new to letting their wolves loose without bars between them and the world, but he came from an old family. His family let their wolves run.

  Phoebe started counting slowly. “One… two…three…"

  Gabe closed his eyes and let the wolf take over. It was an easy process for him. They were two creatures sharing a body, and each trusted the other. He rarely needed to fight for control. His wolf uncurled in the back of his mind and Gabe stepped aside. Blue-black fur and paws replaced human limbs when he looked down at himself.

  When the counting stopped and Phoebe stepped out of the bathroom, the wolf was curled on the bed. He raised his head and sampled the air. The wrongness was more noticeable in wolf form.

  Phoebe approached him with careful steps. Her breath came in quick gasps and her eyes were wide, but she still came closer. She reached a hand out tentatively, and the wolf sniffed her skin. She reached further, and rested her hand gently on the wolf’s head.

  “So soft,” she whispered between gasps of air.

  Her eyes rolled back, and she fell to her knees. Her blonde hair fell across the bed as she clung to the mattress.

  Gabe pushed his wolf aside and shifted back to his human skin. He cradled Phoebe’s face in his hands. “Phoebe, Phoebe, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  “Inhaler. Purse,” she gasped.

  Gabe rushed back to the living room and found her purse sitting on an end table. He didn’t feel comfortable going through her belongings, so he brought the entire thing back to the room with him.

  Phoebe fumbled with the opening and pulled out an inhaler. She let out a deep breath, then squeezed the inhaler as she breathed in. Her breath evened out after a few more gasps. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  Gabe wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. “You’re sick. You have no reason to be sorry. I shouldn’t have shocked you like that."

  “So you’re a werewolf, huh?"

  “Yeah. I’m a werewolf.” Gabe and his wolf both were frustrated. How could such a lovely creature be sentenced to an early death? Life wasn’t fair. She was perfect, and hadn’t run screaming when he revealed himself. He didn’t want to let her go.

  Maybe the crazy, something in the water theory was right. He believed there were many possible loves for every person, and most people settled for the one that fit them in that moment. Fated mates were something rarer, almost a legend to his kind. Cameron and Tiana were a pair, he felt sure of that, and he thought the pair running the Inferno Wolves were fated as well. Something about Phoebe made him believe she was meant to be his mate.

  He found himself saying words he never imagined speaking to a human. “I could try making you a werewolf. It would heal you."

  Phoebe raised her head. A spark of hope shined in the green eyes meant to pierce the night for many years to come. “What’s the catch?”

  Gabe looked down at his hands. "Turning a human is always risky. Most of the time, the shift is fine. Sometimes it goes wrong, and the human dies or goes mad. I won't make the decision for you."

  “But I would be cured?"

  “Yes. We live disease free lives. Most otherworlders do, actually."

  Phoebe pressed her lips together. Gabe could see the wheels turning in her mind. He wanted to know what she considered, but didn’t push. It would be her decision, and hers alone.

  “I think it’s a win-win for me,” she said finally. At his confused look, she explained, “Either everything goes well, and I’m a disease-free werewolf. Or everything goes wrong, and I die a quicker death than wasting my last few days in a hospice with weeping family members all around. I don’t want to watch my family mourn me while I still live."

  “Or you go mad."

  “Or I go mad. And won’t know what’s happening to me.” Phoebe shrugged. “How does it work?"

  “We can’t do it here. We need a safe place that a new, confused wolf won't trash. I happen to know exactly where we can go.” Gabe winked and stood.

  Chapter Seven

  Phoebe was surprised at how quickly Gabriel readied them for the journey. He grabbed thick blankets that were more like animal pelts than anything she’d slept under, and wrapped her in them without letting her dress. He only threw on a pair of pants.

  “Clothes will only get in the way,” he explained, and her protests subsided. What did she know about werewolf transformations?

  He slung in a thick steak, griddle, some small contraption, and some water bottles into a pack. The items seemed at odds with his general appearance. He didn’t look like someone who liked to rough it, even for a little while. “You’re into camping?”

  Gabriel frowned. “No, but it doesn’t hurt to know when part of you is a wolf."

  He bundled her out of the apartment and down the elevator, where thankfully no one was to be seen. Phoebe didn’t know how they’d explain a bare-chested man with a backpack and a girl clad only in thick blankets to a bystander. The thought sent another blush across her cheeks.

  Gabriel focused hard on driving. He didn’t even turn on music, and pushed her hand away when she tried to fiddle with the radio. Phoebe sat back with a huff. The blankets were warm enough that she let them slide off her shoulders a little. She noticed Gabriel’s eyes slant her way when the swell of her breasts appeared just over the blanket hems.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when they turned on a darkened road. A thought of real danger entered her mind.

  Gabriel mulled over his answer before speaking. “There are two wolf packs in the city. Mine, the Cutthroat City Wolves, and another, the Inferno Wolves. My pack was ruled by the old Ross family patriarch, and rarely allowed to run freely. The Inferno Wolves hold a lot of land and have always been able to run as wolves when they want. My new pack leader, Cameron, decided that needed to change.

  "You see, Cameron’s mate comes from the Inferno Wolves. It’s almost like a Romeo and Juliet story with them. They didn’t merge the packs, but they put a lot of the hostility aside. We were invited to use their land for a time, but wolf packs are territorial. We recently purchased our own bit of land, and that’s where we’re going."

  “So you’re taking me to an unpo
pulated area that most people don’t know belong to a werewolf family? The Ross family, as in the big law firm? They’re werewolves?!” Phoebe didn’t know how to process all the information Gabriel had packed into his words.

  She caught him smile. “I never said it would be uncomplicated.”

  Phoebe rolled her eyes. “So, city scandal aside. How does this work? Will it hurt?"

  Another frown crossed Gabriel’s face, and she wished she hadn’t asked the question. “There are a few ways to change you. I don’t believe we have time for the most common. That is, I turn into a wolf and bite you. The full moon just ended, so you wouldn’t have your first shift for another month."

  It was Phoebe’s turn to frown. “No. The doctors don’t think I have even that long. They’re surprised I’m up and about as much as I am, but I guess I’ve never been one to let feeling sick hold me back from doing what I wanted."

  “I love that about you, Phoebe. You will make a fierce she-wolf.” Gabriel shot her a grin. “The other way I know is to share blood in our human forms."

  Phoebe cocked an eyebrow at Gabriel. “Are you sure you’re not a vampire? That’s what happens in all the books I’ve read."

  He chuckled. “It’s not far from the truth. Those authors know what they’re talking about. I hear Anne Rice herself has been turned to the darkness. Rumors, probably, but who doesn’t like a little mystery in their lives?”

  Phoebe giggled before turning serious again. “So we share blood,” she urged.

  “And then we wait. Your first shift should follow soon after that.” Gabriel reached over and set his large hand on her blanketed knee. The heat was almost unbearable through the blanket.

  Phoebe glanced over and found Gabriel’s cock was pushing hard against his pants. She had to admit it felt wonderful to be so desired.

  He eased the blanket apart, and his hand slid up bare skin on her thigh. Phoebe’s breath came faster in anticipation, but he didn’t immediately zone in on her sweet spot. He let his fingers dance on her skin, gently rubbing higher and higher. He dipped lower until she squirmed with a traitorous tickle. He focused again on teasing her upper thigh.

  Phoebe let the blankets drop lower from her chest. She caught Gabriel glance over at the increased swell before he tore his eyes away and back on the road. His leg pressed down and the car jumped faster toward their destination.

  His fingers kept walking closer to her slick opening. Phoebe rocked her hips back to give him more access. He stroked her wet lips before slipping a finger inside. It was all she could do to not come right then. The blanket dropped completely from her torso as she gripped the sides of the seat.

  His fingers stroked her insides, and she knew she’d make a mess of the leather seat. She choked back a moan and palmed her own breast. The pink points ached to be touched, and Gabriel couldn’t very well use both hands on her at the moment. She pinched her nipple between her fingers and further stiffened the peak.

  Gabriel’s fingers caught her sensitive patch, and stroked her inner fire even hotter. She tightened against him with her oncoming climax. Her breath rasped loud in her ears, and her hips moved to meet his fingers.

  Headlights from a passing car flashed just as Phoebe threw her head back and let the waves of pleasure crash through her body. Her back arched and her muscles rippled around Gabriel’s fingers. He stroked her down until her ragged breath returned to normal.

  “I hope they saw how amazing you look when you come, baby.” He licked his fingers clean. Phoebe wondered how she'd taste licking herself from his cock.

  Phoebe pressed her head against the side window. The unexpected voyeurism didn’t scare her as much as she thought it would. No, just like her surprise at finding she liked a little bit of danger, she found she liked the idea of someone spying on her when she came. It was a little secret she shared with a total stranger.

  Gabriel made a turn down a hidden road. She doubted she’d be able to find her way there, or back to the city without him. The danger sent another spike down her spine.

  He pulled to a stop a while down the road. There were no lights around them, and the stars shined brighter than in the city. He hopped out of the car and slung the backpack on his back before coming to her side and opening the door. Phoebe wrapped the blankets firmly around her, but let out a surprised squeak when Gabriel scooped her up in his arms.

  “You won’t be able to see in the dark. I don’t want you tripping over anything and hurting yourself," he explained.

  The gentle caring of his voice melted her against him. He set off on a path she couldn’t tell apart from any other part of the woods.

  Phoebe lost track of time as she rested her head against Gabriel’s shoulder. The soft sway of his steps lulled her into relaxation. She felt safer than she had in years, and could let go of her fears of dying. Sure, this whole thing may not work out, but she felt safe giving it a shot. Gabriel would make sure she was taken care of, regardless of the end result.

  She jolted from a half-dream state when he set her on the ground. Rope appeared out of the pack somewhere, and he tied the entire thing to a high branch. Phoebe remembered something about camping safety from her brother's ramblings during childhood - food should be kept high to avoid any unwanted creature visits.

  Once done, Gabriel gathered some sticks and piled them nearby. More camping supplies appeared out of nowhere, and soon a fire was burning almost too hot for her taste. Only then did Gabriel come to share her blankets.

  He took one layer out of her hands, and spread the blanket over the ground as a cover. The other he let her huddle in. He let his long legs stretch out, and propped himself on an elbow to look at her.

  “You don’t make a bad camp,” she said at last. They had arrived at the Moment with a capital M, and nerves made her fidget inside her blanket.

  “If you’d rather be a vampire, I’m sure we can go find someone in the city willing to turn you. It’s early morning for them,” Gabriel flashed her a smile.

  “No. I want you to do it. I trust you,” Phoebe insisted.

  Gabriel leaned in and swept her hair away from her face. He cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes before pushing forward one last inch to let their lips touch.

  Phoebe’s entire body set aflame. Her lips absorbed Gabriel’s heat, and the rest of her responded in kind. Her nipples perked and her core ached with longing for him. She was consumed from the inside, and the feelings only grew when their tongues mingled. He probed her gently, letting his tongue trace over her teeth before his teeth caught her lower lips in a gentle bite.

  She let the blanket fall back. Exposed, she let Gabriel take the lead. His hand moved from her face and skimmed down her body. He plucked at her hardened nipples until she moaned into his kiss. He skimmed his hand further, over her soft stomach, to grip her wide hips. He squeezed gently there, before setting his fingers to move between her legs again.

  He broke their kiss to lay her down against the blankets. Her blonde hair spread out like a comet’s tail from her head. His mouth moved to her breasts again, and he teased the peaks of her nipples. The points throbbed with the same ache she felt between her legs. Phoebe closed her eyes and bit her love-bruised lower lip.

  Gabriel’s fingers found her nub, and he gently pinched it between his fingers. Her gasp made him choke back a groan of his own. She opened her eyes to see him rubbing at himself while watching her writhe under his grasp.

  Phoebe reached for him, and unzipped his pants. His cock sprang out hard and ready. She rubbed his length again, impressed she’d been able to take him all, and wanting to do it again. Their eyes locked as they stroked each other to greater need.

  Phoebe broke when Gabriel slipped a finger inside her again. She was slick with desire, and couldn’t wait another second for him. She crawled her way over, and pushed him down on the blankets with a firm hand. She straddled his body, and let his cock tease against her entrance.

  He was large, and she loved it. She eased down his shaft, le
tting her body adjust around him. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of stretching to accommodate him between her tight walls.

  “Phoebe,” Gabriel moaned as she lifted herself back up his length and lowered herself on him again.

  His hands grabbed her hips and his fingers dug into her skin again. She wondered if bruises would carry over after she shifted, but that was a worry for the morning. Right now, she needed to feel him.

  She rose again, and his hands on her hips slammed her back down. Almost in an intimate dance for control, she fought to rise up, and he fought to push her back down.

  Her hands found her breasts, and she cupped them as they bounced in the movement of riding Gabriel. She flicked her nipples to still harder points, and let a wild moan fill the woods. She felt Gabriel thicken in response.

  He pulled her down, and rolled them so he was between her legs and her back was on the blankets. His hand inched up her body and wrapped loosely around her throat. “Tighter,” she whimpered, and his hand tightened slightly around her as he rocked his hips hard into her.

  His eyes glowed gold, and Phoebe knew it wasn’t a trick of the light. His teeth changed shape until points appeared, and his face looked longer. She drew her nails down his chest, leaving marks, and he threw his head back with a howl.

  He plunged his face into her neck, and Phoebe screamed at the pain and pleasure of his fangs piercing her skin and the orgasm rocking through her body. She felt hot blood welling at the bite. Gabriel pulled back and bit into his own arm. The blood rose from his skin, but the flesh was already starting to heal. He lifted Phoebe’s head away from the ground and she locked her lips around the wound.

  She sucked deep. The bitter taste of blood didn’t make her gag, she found. She enjoyed it. The taste was right for a wolf. The taste meant a successful hunt. The taste meant her pack would survive.

  Gabriel pulled away from her, and laid to the side. He pressed a corner of the blanket to her neck, but Phoebe could already feel the wound begin to stitch itself back together. She rolled to face Gabriel, and smiled. Her eyes drooped close, but she knew changes were already happening inside her. She would be a wolf with Gabriel.


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