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Earl Page 4

by Griff Hosker

  He nodded and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I can do that."

  "However you have to be big enough to ride a horse alone, wearing armour and your helmet and you must satisfy John and Leofric that you can fight with a sword." I looked at him. "Will they say you are ready yet?" He looked at me and I could see that he was desperate to say yes but he knew it would not be true and he shook his head. I smiled, "See, already you are showing that you are growing and learning."

  “I promise that I will soon be big enough to come with you and John and Leofric will say that I am ready.”

  We left before dark. My wife held my children and I leaned down to kiss them both. “Aelric and Edgar will command while I am away and John son of Leofric will keep me informed of the situation here in the north. I promise I will return as soon as I can manage."

  "I know. Take care, my husband."

  William said, “I will ask Edgar to continue my training!”


  The sound of the hooves clattering through the bailey would have woken all in my town. It could not be helped. I saw waved farewells from some of the young girls in the town as they saw their young men riding to war. It was ever thus. I hoped that all would return rich men and with tales to tell to their pretty ladies but I knew it would not be. Some would fall and some girls would forever mourn their dead warrior.

  We did not unfurl my banner, now complete with a wolf on the blue background with the two stars, until daylight when we were heading through Northallerton. It told the world that the Earl of Cleveland was going to war. The column was strung out over a large part of the road. There were sumpters as well as destrier at the rear. We had tents and cooking pots as well as food to sustain us. I hoped that we might find hospitality from lords along the way but I knew that our route would pass few castles. We would be travelling over the bare backbone of the land. We would cross the high moor. Even in summer it was a cold and sometimes inhospitable place. It was another reason for speed. There was little to be gained from a leisurely journey over the moors. It was still cool and the high ground would be even colder. It would be a good test of my new warriors so recently arrived from the east. That and the fact that they had to contend with horses would make their first few days a rude awakening to campaigning in England.

  I rode with my knights in the van. Aiden and two archers ranged ahead. I did not feel that there was any danger but it was a good habit to get into. Riding with my four knights gave me the chance to refine my ideas for the coming war. I had fought in the county of Cheshire and the north Welsh borders before and knew that the land could turn against us in but a few miles. It went from flat plains to thick forests to impossibly steep valley sides filled with rocks and gullies. It could prove a death trap for our horses.

  "I intend to strike quickly as soon as we arrive. It will frighten the Welsh, give hope to those within Chester and will be our best opportunity to make easy kills."

  Sir Tristan asked, "You do not intend to raise the siege?"

  "Unless I miss my guess there will be many Welsh around the walls and they will outnumber us. I do not doubt that they have prepared their own defences well but there will be one weak point. There always is. Aiden will find it. We will attack quickly and cause as much damage as we can. We then cross the Dee. There is a hill fort, an old Saxon structure at Broughton. It is protected by a marsh but, more importantly it controls the main road along the coast from Gwynedd and Anglesey. It is the easiest way for this Owain to supply his men and transport his booty. I intend to use that as our stronghold until the Earl of Gloucester reaches us."

  "And how long will that be, my lord?"

  "I am guessing, Edward, five days after we arrive. Our journey is shorter than the Earl's and less hilly. Once we have crossed the moor the going will be easier. It is flat and will make good time. We will annoy the men of Gwynedd so much that they will be forced to attack us."

  "How so my lord?"

  I waved a hand at the four of them. "Each day you will set out and raid as far as you can to give heart to the men of Cheshire and to take as much from the Welsh as you can. You have good horses and with four conroi you can cover a large area. Owain will think we have an army. It will do your young warriors good to fight together under your banners. They will compete with the other conroi for the most honour and booty."

  Edward nodded. He was experienced enough to know how it would work. "But when Owain does come he will have the advantage for we are horsemen and we will have to fight on foot."

  "And yet we have fought on foot many times and successfully too. Besides we now have a secret weapon; the men who follow Erre. Along with Wulfric they will form the heart of my defence."

  "It sounds a risk, my lord."

  "I am merely planning for the worst that could happen. I hope that the Earl of Gloucester will reach us before that happens." I laughed, "However, Harold, think of all the booty we shall win while we await our leader."

  There were finer details we had to manage. I had learned, over the years, that failure to do so led to more confusion than was necessary. It was another reason why I had chosen these four. They were closer to me than any other knights. Perhaps Hugh of Gainford would have fitted in too but I was happy with those who were with me.

  We reached the Mersey on the evening of the fourth day. We had done well. We made camp in the forests they called Wirral. It was the lands used by the Earls of Chester for their hunting. Now that we were close to our enemies we made a defensive camp with sentries and traps to warn us of any incursion. I gave instructions to Aiden. He would leave before dawn and scout out Chester. I had confidence in him. He would bring back detailed information of who we faced and an accurate count of their numbers.

  That evening, after we had eaten, the camp was filled with the sounds of swords being sharpened on whetstones. My men were going to war and they would be ready. There was a confident air in the camp. Success breeds success and we had been successful thus far. I did not expect to be worried by the Welsh warriors.

  It was just a handful of miles from where we camped to Chester. When we rose we made ready to fight. Those who were guarding the horses were protected by Erre and his men. Each conroi gathered around its banner. We waited for the return of Aiden. We did not have long to wait.

  "My lord, they have over two hundred men along three sides. A further hundred are on the fourth. They have Welsh archers and spearmen but only five knights. I saw many Vikings and the wild Irish. They have ringed the town with a ditch."

  I nodded. That was unexpected and might cause a problem. Vikings were like dismounted knights and they were fearless. They were as tough as the Varangian Guard but, thankfully, less disciplined. They were an unexpected element in this equation. "And where are they weakest?"

  "To the east of their defences they have a camp with tents and their horses. It lies outside their defensive ditch." He smiled, "I think, from the animals I saw on their fires, that the knights have been hunting in the land of the Earl of Chester."

  "Good. Then we have our opportunity. Aiden, lead Erre and the pack animals towards the ford over the Dee. Wait for us on the other side." I had already told Erre what he would be doing. At first he had taken it as a slight but he now saw the wisdom. We would be using our horses as weapons. It was not in Erre's experience and he was a professional enough warrior to realise that.

  Aiden led them off. "Dick, command the archers. When we attack I want you to shower their defences with arrows. When we have raided the camp then follow us and stop any pursuit."

  "Aye, my lord."

  "Wulfric, you command the men at arms. The knights and the squires will lead the attack." I patted the neck of my jet black destrier, Star. "Let us see if they can stand against our warhorses."

  Leofric brought me my lance and John unfurled my banner.

  "We ride!"

  We had little order as we rode through the forest. We had been here before and we knew the way. As the trees began to thin we caught the f
aint whiff of wood smoke. It became stronger and I slowed the column down. I saw the camp in the distance. We were too far to the west and I led the column of men through the trees to the east. We emerged from the trees in a small dell. We were hidden from the camp. I lifted my lance and the other knights formed on me. Behind me the squires formed a line with my banner in the middle and then Wulfric cajoled the men at arms into their lines. Dick had plenty of time to organise his men once we had charged.

  I led the men from the forest and we trotted. I could feel Sir Edward's foot next to mine on one side and Sir Richard's on the other. It kept us tight. Our horses were not moving hard enough to thunder yet but when they did then the enemy would see us. We crossed over a hundred paces before a sentry spotted us as we left the hidden dell. He was pulling up his breeks having relieved himself. His shout made every head turn towards us. It was too late for those within the camp. We were within charging range. We were but three hundred paces from them. I spurred Star and he began to move a little faster. I kept my lance upright.

  The men of Gwynedd sounded their horns and began to turn to face us. I saw the spearmen racing for their spears and the archers stringing their bows. It would be too late for them. I had time to see that there were no Vikings in this camp. It was the knights, the squires and perhaps thirty of their spearmen and archers who had occupied this part of the siege works.

  At a hundred paces I lowered my lance and kicked Star on. He leapt forward. I tucked my shield tightly into my body and looked for my target. I saw a knight with a red shield. It had a single leopard upon it and he had a war axe. I saw him shouting orders. He would be my target. Others were gathering around him. They were brave men. Star's hooves crashed and smashed into the skull of an unlucky spearman who did not get out of his way. I stood in my stirrups as I pulled back my lance and, as I neared the knight I punched forward. He tried to swing his war axe at the head of my lance but my hand had been too fast. The head went into his open mouth even as he was cursing me. His head snapped back and I relaxed my hand to let his body slide from my lance.

  We were now like foxes in the henhouse. We were a wall of horseflesh and metal which ploughed through the disorganised Welshmen who had barely had time to arm themselves. I was aware of arrows falling to my right. Dick and the archers were doing as I had bid. I saw a squire brace himself against the ground with his spear. He intended to skewer my horse. I wheeled Star to the left and struck down with the lance. The head went into his shoulder and, as he fell, it broke. I let go of the ruined weapon and drew my sword.

  I wheeled Star to the right around the wounded squire and leaned forward. An archer was aiming at Wulfric and the men at arms. As the Welshman's arm drew back I slashed my sword across the back of his neck. The sharpened blade bit into the flesh and the archer's head flew across the ground. It struck one of his comrades on the leg and he turned. Before he could bring his bow to bear I had hacked into his side and he fell in a heap at my feet.

  I reined in Star. He was not yet tired but I knew not what lay ahead. I conserved his energy. I lifted my helmet and scanned the field. The warriors who were facing Chester's walls were beginning to organise themselves. We had achieved what I wanted. I turned and saw John, where he had been ordered to stay, close to my horse's flank.

  "John, signal our men to hold." Harold and Leofric drew up next to me. "Tell the squires to collect the horses and head for the ford."

  "Aye my lord."

  I saw the men at arms moving around the field finishing off the wounded and gathering the booty. It was mainly from the dead knights. Dick and the archers had mounted up and I saw them approach. Edward and my other knights appeared at my side. "Have we lost many?"

  Sir Richard said, "I saw one of Sir Edward's men fall. They took his horse with an axe and then slew him. The men at arms finished them off."

  "Good that is less than I expected." Dick approached. "Have you thinned them?"

  "Aye my lord, but there are still many remaining. Those Vikings in their mail shirts are certainly hard to kill."

  "Cover us as we withdraw."

  Heavily armoured men from Dublin were now heading purposefully towards us in their classic wedge. There was no flesh to be seen and they sheltered behind their enormous shields. There was little to be gained from trying to fight them on horses which had become tired. It was time to leave. I was aware of men on the walls of Chester cheering and waving banners. We had achieved our purpose. Chester would not fall any time soon and it would take a day or two for them to reorganise their camp.

  "John, withdraw!"

  As the banner signalled my orders I wheeled Star and headed south and east to the ford where, I hoped, that Erre and my men would be waiting.

  Chapter 4

  Erre showed how reliable he was. When we approached the ford I could see that they had their spears ready to repel any enemy who tried to take the ford. The horses and baggage were protected by the servants further up the bank while the Varangians stood close to the water's edge. He raised his helmet and waved as he recognised us.

  I dismounted next to him as the column crossed the ford. I waved over Aiden. "Go and make sure that the hill at Broughton is unoccupied."

  Erre grinned, "I see you succeeded my lord. Perhaps we should have stayed with you and we might have relieved the siege."

  "There are Vikings here, Erre, many of them. You know their worth. Can you imagine trying to dislodge them from behind their ditches?"

  He nodded, "You need to catch them in the open."

  "And we can only do that when they are hungry enough to come and seek us. And when they do so then you and your brothers will be the wall upon which they will break."

  "You are a true strategos, my lord. I can see why the Emperor tried to tempt you to his service."

  As we neared the vital hill I noticed the burnt out farms which dotted the plain. The Welsh had been busy. I wondered how many families had been taken west to their island of their mountain as slaves. I began to be assailed by doubts as we approached Broughton. Suppose the Welsh had fortified and defended the old hill fort? We did not have enough men to assault it; at least not enough to assault it and then hold it. An attack on a well defended position was always expensive on both men and horses. I was relieved when Aiden met us. His demeanour told me that there were no problems.

  "There is no one there, my lord. It looks much the same as the last time we were here."

  "Well done."

  He was right. The ditches had not been deepened; indeed some were still half filled with fallen leaves, rocks and broken branches. The walls which had fallen had not been repaired. The Earl of Chester had been remiss. He had left his back door not just open but broken. It was no wonder he had been surprised. Had this been my land I would have rebuilt the castle and garrisoned it. I pointed to the top as the servants arrived. "Set up the tents at the top. Prepare food. Our men have earned it."

  Wulfric dismounted next to me. "I will set the sentries, my lord."

  "Good. We were lucky there Wulfric. We caught them by surprise."

  He shook his head, "We make our own luck my lord. I will have the men gather the loot together."

  "You will organise it into five equal piles. On this raid we share equally."

  Dick rode up to me but did not dismount. "We will scout the woods and see if there are either men or game hereabouts, my lord."

  Dick and half of his archers were Sherwood woodsmen. It was second nature for them to forage first and rest later. They knew the value of a full stomach. The labour was a fair division. The men at arms would make the camp defensible and the archers would provide food.

  We barely had time to set up the camp before darkness fell. Dick returned with two deer and a report that the land close by was clear of all signs of the Welsh. His grim face spoke of the dead he had found. The farmers of Cheshire had paid for the indolence of the Earl. “There is no one alive for many miles, my lord. There were few bodies. I am guessing the rest of the people and
their animals have been taken.”

  Next morning my four small conroi each left the camp to head north, south, east and west. They would find the Welsh and cause havoc. The camp seemed emptier when almost two thirds of our men left. "Wulfric let us make this a harder nut to crack."

  "Aye my lord." He shook his head. "The men feel slighted that they have to work in the camp while others go to war."

  "Then tell them that tomorrow will be our turn. Our four conroi today will disturb the enemy and tomorrow they will look for us. We have the biggest conroi." I wagged a finger at him, "Let me do the planning, Wulfric and the men will all profit."

  "It was not me, my lord but…"

  "I know. Now clear the ditches and replace the fallen stones. We will not build a Miklagård but we will make it harder for them to dislodge us."

  I waved Aiden and my squires over. "Aiden I want you and Leofric to ride and find the Earl of Gloucester. He needs to know where we are and my plans. Keep hidden. Once you pass our men and the Welsh lines it should be easier." I smiled, "I would tell you where to go but I am certain that you know how to suck eggs!"

  Aiden grinned, "Aye my lord.” He turned to Leofric who had once been one of the boys who held his falcons. "Come Leofric let us see just how well and swiftly you can ride."

  My men worked hard and as the morning turned to afternoon you could see the difference they had made. The walls were remade so that we could fight from behind them. It was an ancient fort and so there were no towers for my archers but Dick and his men improvised a step to give them some height. The ancients had used twists and turns in the ditch to guard their entrance and Erre and his Varangians made that into a death trap. We did not have the tools to deepen the ditch but by clearing it we made it into an obstacle once more. We also fired some sharpened stakes and put them in the ditch. I had men dig another ditch directly in front of the open gateway so that any enemy could not run directly in. They would have to turn. It was only a small ditch but it would slow down an enemy.


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