Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10 Page 3

by WL Knightly

  So far, he was very pleased with his newest investment.

  Chapter 4


  Ethan was glad to be back home, even if it was just a quick stop on the way to the next gig. Day in and day out in a new hotel, night after night, listening to the traffic of the cities he toured made him feel like a permanent guest in the world.

  Homesickness was real, and not only had he missed his bed, his kitchen, and his fishing pole but the house and the hundred and fifty acres surrounding it where he could breathe fresh air and have peace and quiet.

  He rose up in bed and looked out over his acres to the private lake that was his favorite part of his home. He loved it so much that he had built his room to overlook the view so that every morning when he woke up there, he could feel like he was king of the world.

  A knock sounded at his door.

  “Go away, Nate,” he said, knowing that his best friend and manager was going to ignore his request and come barging in, which he did.

  “Sorry, man. I just needed your signature on this. It’s to pay the lawn service.” Nate passed the check over, and Ethan scribbled his name on it. “I’ve got our arrangements all set for this weekend. We’ll arrive in New York on Wednesday.”

  “Then Wednesday night, we’re going to party our asses off. I’ll call my friend, Bay. He’s the owner of that club I was telling you about. We’re sure to have a good time.”

  “Discretion, Ethan. And if this guy can’t provide that, then we should really lay low and forget it.”

  “He’s got women he pays handsomely to keep their mouths shut, and I’m sure it’s going to cost me, but I don’t care. I’m sick of jerking off, and when I do pick someone up, you’re on my ass about it. Besides, I feel like I’m giving a clinical exam with each fucking. No thanks.”

  “It’s a dangerous world for you, my friend. You’re a big star. You can’t just stick your dick anywhere you want.”

  “I thought that was one of the perks of being famous, that I could stick it anywhere I wanted and no one would give a fuck. It would be expected.”

  “If you wanted to live that lifestyle, then you should have gotten an electric guitar and a devil tattoo, and you could have been a rock-n-roll front man.”

  “So, you’re saying just because I’m a country music star that I can’t be a little wild? You know better, man. We were wild and crazy before you had me settle down and date Shannon.”

  “Right, you had the reputation of a bad boy, and all of the country stars hated you. You were so drunk presenting at the CMAs that first year that you weren’t even invited back, and you’re still banned from Tucson. I cleaned up more puke and piss in those days than I want to remember, and you were spiraling down a path I didn’t want for either of us. So yeah, I had you settle down with a gorgeous woman who put you on the right path.”

  “Until she fucked my bodyguard and broke my heart. I remember.” The sting of what Shannon did was still there, lying beneath all of the layers of armor he’d built up, trying to look like it didn’t.

  Nate let out a sound of frustration as he snatched the check from Ethan’s hand. “I don’t care if you want to have a wild orgy. I just want it to be discreet, especially before this show. If the media gets ahold of you out slinging your meat while in town for a show where Shannon is queen, you’re going to look like an asshole.”

  “That’s all you’re worried about?” Ethan opened his mouth prepared for more arguing, but Nate held up his hand.

  “It’s not easy doing the balancing act. I get that. But I have the scales balanced right now. Finally, most of your fans and hers know she was the bad guy in the relationship, so you’re going to have to play the nice guy a bit longer. Let the wounds heal. It’s still too fresh.”

  “I’m going to have my fun. I’ll call my friend and tell him the situation, and he’ll fix us up. You will have a good time. Besides, I think you need to get laid more than I do. Your pent-up sexual frustrations are starting to bring me down.”

  Nate shook his head. “I planned on going. It’s the only way I can keep your ass from doing something stupid. So make sure your friend can get someone lined up for me.” He turned to walk away but stopped at the door. “And make sure she’s hot and dirty. If I’m paying for pussy, I’m not holding back.”

  “I’ll do you one better, my friend. I’m buying. Hush money on me.” He gave a wink, but Nate rolled his eyes.

  “And make sure she’s legal, for fuck’s sake.”

  He wondered sometimes what Nate really thought he was capable of. Had he been that bad back in the day?

  “Yes, Dad,” he mumbled as Nate shut the door behind him.

  Ethan grabbed his phone and made his way to the balcony where he sat in his rocking chair to enjoy the view. After dialing Bay’s number, he eased back in his seat and stared up at the blue sky and fat clouds in the distance.

  “Bay Collins.” Bay’s voice was steeped with suspicion.

  “Bay? This Ethan Cline.” He realized Bay didn’t have his new number.

  “Ethan? Damn, I didn’t recognize the number right off.”

  “I got a new number last week. I thought it was time after the whole tabloid circus event with Shannon Steele. I kept getting a lot of hang up calls and strange texts. I figured she was being a nosy bitch.”

  “Ah, I see,” said Bay. “I’ll make sure to save it. Are you calling about Carter?”

  Shit. “No, but I kind of feel bad now that I’m not.” He had forgotten all about his missing friend. It wasn’t like they had kept in close contact through the years. He’d gone his way, and Carter another.

  Bay chuckled. “Don’t feel bad. We all have more important shit to think about. He’s bound to turn up.”

  “Yeah, I think he’s probably running from his responsibilities. It’s tough having a close eye on you all the time, and I can’t imagine having an entire church watching your every move, always judging. Add to that the accusations from those women, and it’s bad, man.”

  “Yeah, if anyone should know, it’s you. Have things gotten any better since the last time we met?”

  “About the same, actually. Still keeping a low profile.” About as low as he could manage anyway.

  “So, what are you calling about?”

  Ethan decided to get right to the point. “Pussy,” he said with a chuckle. “I guess that makes it even worse. Forget my friend, but call about pussy. I think I might burn in hell.”

  “Trust me, pussy is a far better subject than Carter Hamilton, and from the sound of those accusations against him, I think he’d agree.” They shared a chuckle. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Well, there’s a fashion gala in New York this weekend, and I’ll be in town to perform at it.”

  “I’ll see you there,” said Bay.

  “Oh? You’re going to the event?” He didn’t think Bay ran in the same circles.

  “I know a few people, believe it or not. I have represented a lot of them in court, and as it turns out, I’m investing in a new company in the industry. Mia, Lila’s baby sister, is going to design handbags and shoes. I’m investing.”

  The fact that Bay was helping his family was not a shock, but trying to break into the fashion industry was a bit crazy. He knew how much hard work it would take. “You better call in all favors, man. That’s a tough crowd and a hard climb.”

  “I plan on it,” said Bay. “But I think it’s like anything else in life, money talks.”

  Ethan was ready to get back to the matter at hand. “Well, I hope that’s true. I need it to buy some discretion.”

  “Pussy and discretion? Don’t tell me you need an escort.” Bay sounded shocked.

  Ethan wasn’t ashamed to explain how things had been. “I’ve had to be on my best behavior, and the few times I’ve slipped, my manager is giving me hell. I need a girl who isn’t going to try and trap me and will know to keep her opinions of me and what we do to herself.”

  “I feel ya, man. I’ll have to t
hink about it. I know it has to be someone we can trust, and while most of the women at Taunt know to keep their mouths shut, I’m not sure if they’re what you’re looking for. I’ll make a call or two.”

  “Oh, and my manager is coming along for the ride, so he’ll need someone to give him the same kind of special attention.” He hoped that Nate wouldn’t ruin their fun by being a pain in the ass. He was always so professional and uptight that Ethan was ready to see him loosen up again. Ethan missed the old days of the two of them in college.

  “Two special requests,” said Bay, sounding amused. “I rarely get these, you know? But I’m sure I can help you out.”

  “I need some fun, man. This breakup and the tabloids? I need more than just a quick release. I need to party. I hope you and your girl might come hang out a bit. We’ll have a few drinks. Maybe Darek, too?”

  Bay made a sound of disgust. “Not Darek. He may be a crooked cop, but his girlfriend is an FBI agent. Talk about a buzzkill. My cock goes limp just thinking about her.” Lizzy McNamara was hot, but he had no interest in anything wearing a badge.

  It was no surprise that Bay wouldn’t like a cop. He barely liked Darek. Or anyone else for that matter. “Well, maybe we can all do lunch or something. I’ll be around Wednesday, so I hope that night I can meet someone and carry her through the week as needed. My manager warned me against random groupies.” He gave a soft laugh.

  “Sounds good. I can arrange something at Bakes for us Thursday maybe, but I’ll have someone lined up for Wednesday night.”

  “And make sure these chicks are hot, okay?”

  “I’ll choose them like I’m going to fuck them myself,” said Bay.

  Ethan had seen Bay’s wife, Lila, who looked like a living goddess. “Perfect.”

  Bay cleared his throat. “You are bringing a security detail, aren’t you?”

  “My bodyguard, Riggs, he fucked Shannon and got the mess with the tabloids stirred up. I haven’t replaced him since.”

  “Well, you might need to hire someone.”

  “Nate’s always with me. He’s like a fucking Siamese twin growing out of my ass. I can’t shake him.”

  “Well, I’d consider it, man. Ever since this killer got going, the Zodiacs are dropping like flies.”

  “Do you think that Carter being gone has something to do with that?”

  Bay hesitated a moment. “I don’t know. But whoever it is, they’ve been responsible for actions leading to the deaths of our friends. I know you’re rich and famous, but it doesn’t make you untouchable.”

  “If there’s one thing the tabloids taught me, it’s that. But I really think I’ll be fine. If I tell Nate I need extra security, he’ll make me stay in, and that will fuck up my party plans.”

  Bay gave a soft chuckle. “We wouldn’t want that, then. I’ll take care of you, man.”

  “I knew you would, Bay. I’ll see you soon.” They ended their call, and he let out a sigh. The trip might not be so terrible after all with something fun to look forward to.

  Chapter 5


  Darek stood in the medical examiner’s office feeling like he could nod off at any minute. He’d been fine all morning, but something about the sound of Dr. Cobb’s voice lulled him into a trance. They had been poring over his photographs of the victims for an hour now.

  “So, you see,” said Cobb. “I think we are dealing with the same person because of the striations on the bone. It appears to be the same weapon with the same consistency of the depth.” He wasn’t telling them anything they didn’t know or already suspect, but with Reed on his way in after lunch, Lizzy wanted to make sure that they were without a doubt on the trail of the original killer.

  Ophi had planted too much doubt in the minds of the Bureau and the district attorney. They would be doing as much damage control as they had done investigating.

  “Thank you,” said Lizzy. “That’s just what I needed to know. As long as we know we’re dealing with the same person. I know Ophi and his multiple killer claims had us all worried, and we’re still dealing with different methods. Some of our victims weren’t shot. Are we to assume that there is another killer? A partner? Or could the same killer be using different means?”

  “It’s possible. It’s hard to tell much from the types of wounds inflicted. The gunshots can tell us the height of the triggerman in some cases but not all. So, it’s hard to tell.”

  “We’ll keep that in mind.” Lizzy looked over to Darek and gestured for the door. “Thanks again, Doc.”

  The old man turned his attention to his paperwork as Darek gave one final goodbye before following Lizzy. “Well, that told us a lot of what we already knew,” he said.

  “Yeah, well that fucker Ophi turned everything on its ear. Fucking asshole. I really thought his confession was real when it came to his minions, and now I feel like a fool. I had already determined multiple killers.”

  “But you knew he was full of shit,” Darek said. “You just didn’t want to believe it. And you wanted something to hold on to that’s normal.”

  Lizzy sighed. “Well, now that he’s dead, the department is making us go back from the start on this.”

  “Back from the start? Are you kidding?” He didn’t think he could go through it all over again. Not the lying and covering up and distracting her from his connection to the case.

  “Nope, and that’s why I went ahead and had the card checked out.”

  “The card the killer left? The Sagittarius card?” He had gotten chills when he saw that card. Not only did it send his blood pumping, but it refreshed his drive to make sure the killer didn’t get as far as killing him. One day, if things kept going the way they were, Darek would be the last Zodiac standing.

  Lizzy stopped at the elevator and pushed the button. “Well, forensics might be able to determine where it was printed. We never told the media that the cards exist, so we know it wasn’t left by a copycat.”

  As the doors opened, Darek followed her in. “I think they leave the cards when they’re in too big a hurry to carve symbols.”

  She nodded. “I think you’re right about that. And we know that the killer makes multiple copies of each card. We’ve had more than one card for a few of the symbols, and I doubt the killer is having them special made each time. That would take too much time.”

  Even though he knew the symbol was for him, a grim message from the killer, he needed to pretend he had no idea. “So, was the symbol a match to the victim’s sign?”

  “No, she was an Aquarius,” Lizzy said, shaking her head. “I thought I was onto a pattern. Tad Halston had a mark on his shoulder. His uncle died and then Halston died. Then the same could be said for Logan Miller. His girlfriend ended up dead and then so did he. It was like each time we found one of those marked victims, they had a connection to another one. But then the pattern stopped. It’s like it all went to hell. None of our victims are giving us any leads, and when we think we have something, it winds up in a dead end. This is the worst case I’ve had to work on.”

  “Don’t let Reed hear you say that,” he warned. “He’ll want to pull us off.”

  “Maybe that’s a good idea. Scrap it all and let someone else do it.”

  Darek couldn’t imagine having to sit back and wait for someone to come along and put it all together. He felt a sinking feeling in his chest wondering if he had left a trail.

  They took the elevator down to the parking lot, and the whole time, Darek could see the weight of the case in Lizzy’s eyes. When they got to the car, he pulled her close. “Don’t let the case get you down, and don’t let it make you quit. We’ll get this killer. I don’t know how, or when, but we will. And we’ll do it together.” He hated to make promises he couldn’t keep, but he had to make sure she didn’t quit. Anyone else on the case might land him and the others in jail.

  She smiled, searching his eyes. “You’re too good to me, Darek.”

  “I don’t like seeing you upset. This case will get solved. I be
lieve that.”

  Lizzy planted a quick kiss on his lips and then pulled away to unlock the door of her Rover. “I think it’s going to send us both to an early grave.”

  Her words gave him chills. He might very well be in the grave by the time it was all over, and he would do whatever it took to keep that from happening.

  After grabbing a quick bite at a food cart, they headed back to the station, hoping to steal a minute to eat without being bothered. But when they rounded the corner to the office, Reed was standing at their file cabinet flipping through a folder.

  “Sam?” Lizzy dropped her food on the coffee bar as she headed across the room to greet her boss.

  He pulled her into a hug and then swatted her shoulder with the folder. “I told you I’d be around for lunch.”

  Lizzy’s eyes widened. “I’m so sorry. We thought you said after lunch. I hope we didn’t keep you waiting.”

  “It’s no bother. I had time to eat. I just wanted to come by before I had to be at the office.” Reed put the folder back in the drawer and closed it. Then he walked over and pulled out Lizzy’s chair. “Sit down and enjoy your food while we talk.” He looked up at Darek, who made his way across the room to his desk.

  He sat and unwrapped his food. It wasn’t the intimate little lunch they’d hoped to grab at his desk, but at least he would get to eat.

  “We went to the medical examiner’s office just to look into a few things,” Darek said.

  Reed nodded. “Brief me on this latest crime.”

  “The victim was a young mother who was brutally stabbed. We found a card that indicated it was the same killer that we were dealing with before Ophi.”

  “And you’re positive it has nothing to do with that man or his following?” Reed narrowed his eyes, and Darek tried not to roll his.

  Why anyone still believed that there was an ounce of truth to anything that Ophi had said was beyond Darek. Maybe because he’d never believed it, but it just seemed so ridiculous.


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