Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10 Page 9

by WL Knightly

  Once the file was open, Darek leaned in. “This is her?”

  Bay looked at the blonde’s photograph. He’d studied it until he was sick of looking at her. “Yeah, that’s her.”

  Darek narrowed his eyes. “She looks familiar, Bay. I’ve seen her, but I don’t remember where.”

  “Was she related to the case?”

  “Yeah, it seems so. But I’m not sure. Can we send this to me?”

  “Yes, but let’s look at this.” Bay changed the images, bringing up the one he had put together. “I don’t think little miss Betty was alone. Look at what I was able to piece together from a series of her body shots. The foot of the bed that was in the background had been captured at several different angles, and this is what it was when I put it together.”

  Darek’s eyes widened. “That’s pants and shoes.”

  “Yeah, but look at the kind. Don’t pretend you don’t know what kind those are.”

  “They look to be the same kind I was issued.”

  “Bingo,” said Bay. “And what did Corey find out about those pings?”

  “That they came from near the police station.” Darek shook his head. “Are you trying to tell me she’s a cop? Come on. Look at her. Those shoes are issued to cadets in training as well as cops.”

  Bay shook his head and brought up the next photo. “Look, there’s someone in the room with her. Betty isn’t our killer. It’s all highly likely that she’s with our killer, though.” He pointed to a shadow on the floor. “You can make out two things from this photo. Let’s see if you can tell what I can.”

  “It’s a man,” said Darek. “Brow ridge and the throat tell me that. So, whoever they were, they set Justin up. Probably got information from him.”

  “Yeah, a man and probably a cop. Are you sure it’s not you?” Bay hoped his goading was going to piss him off. Darek needed motivation.

  Darek pegged him with a hard look, but Bay continued. “Come on, we both know you’re suffering from mental breaks, Darek.”

  “I think I’d know if I was murdering people, and most of these victims, I don’t even know. So, no, fuck you very much, I know it’s not me, asshole.”

  “Fine, don’t get your badge in a twist. I just don’t know if I can ever trust anyone now. Justin wasn’t as tight-lipped as we all thought. There were some messages still showing up on his phone. He talked about his dark side. The dark things he’d done. While vague, I could tell that she knew what he was talking about. I’m sure there was some kind of confession in there, but he may have been scared and deleted them, or they could have taken place on the web somewhere. We’ll never know.”

  “Damn.” Darek shook his head. “So, that would make sense how they know all about us.”

  Bay let out a long breath. “Yes, and if we can figure out who this girl is, then there’s a chance we can find the killer.”

  Chapter 14


  Ethan hadn’t been grounded since he was a kid, but thanks to Shannon, he felt that way now. A small crowd had gathered down in the lobby, and cameras waited to capture a peek of either one of them. With Raven on her way, at least he wouldn’t be bored or have to spend the night alone.

  Nate had warned him that having Raven come up was a terrible idea. If she was followed in and the press caught wind of the two of them together, it would be horrible for his reputation and bad publicity for the gala.

  But Nate’s head for business was eating on his last nerve, and Ethan was determined to make the most of his trip to New York.

  His phone vibrated, and he glanced down at it to see that Raven had messaged. On my way up.

  It amazed him how four words could send his pulse racing. He paced the room and walked to the bathroom for one more shot of mouthwash and to check his reflection.

  A moment later, she knocked on the door, and he let out a calming breath before answering it. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, but something about this girl was different. Special. He could tell why Darek had been with her, but he couldn’t understand how he’d ever let her go.

  He walked to the door and opened it, and she rushed into the room. “Sorry to barge in. There’s a man coming down the hall. He followed me up from the lobby.”


  “I thought I lost him in the elevator, but he must have taken the other one up. I guess they know what floor you’re staying on.”

  That didn’t surprise him one bit. Shannon had probably told them exactly what room he was in. He could see now that she fed off the crap those rags were saying. “Don’t worry. You’re here now, and if we need anything, we can just order up.”

  “So we’re both trapped? I don’t know if that’s any better or not.” She gave a soft giggle, and Ethan’s pulse race.

  She was like a walking aphrodisiac, perfectly and distinctly made to arouse him. Her laugh, her lips, her walk? There wasn’t a thing about her that turned him off.

  “Do you not want to be stuck with me?” He took her bag and put it on a chair. Then she took off her wrap and handed it to him.

  “I guess if I have to be stuck somewhere, this is the place to be.”

  Ethan walked over and took both of her hands. “That’s more like it. For a minute there, I didn’t think you wanted to stay. Especially after what happened earlier.”

  “Let’s just put that behind us, okay? What Darek and I had is in the past.”

  He didn’t want to argue with that, but it just didn’t make sense to him. “I just can’t understand that, though. You and Darek. And he just let you go?”

  She sighed. “I let him go.”

  He suddenly felt like an asshole. “Of course, you did. It makes so much more sense now. I just couldn’t see how anyone would let a gorgeous woman like yourself slip away.” He led her across the room to the foot of the bed, where he sat.

  She sat beside him “Are you going to marry me and take me away? Because if that’s not in the plans, then I don’t quite understand your logic.”

  “I see your point, but you never know. Don’t underestimate a country boy. I might just sweep you off your feet. But in case you’re right, let’s just enjoy what time we do have. I want to make the most of it.” He reached over and brushed her hair back from her face. Then he cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss her softly.

  Even though they had already fucked, they had shared so much time talking, and now that he knew about Darek, he felt like he had to ease into things.

  Raven pulled back and took a deep breath.

  Ethan frowned. “Shit. Something’s wrong.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s nothing. Really. I just need a minute.”

  He pulled away, dropping his hands to his lap. She got up, grabbed her bag, went to the bathroom, and shut the door.

  Ethan spent the next several minutes wondering if he had said or done something wrong. But when she came out, she had changed into a long T-shirt and boy shorts. “I thought since I’m sleeping over, I’d get comfortable.”

  “Sure, do you want to order up some food? We can take things slower. I mean, we have all night, right?” He was interested in her company as much as he was in a piece of ass. He could have sex any time he wanted, but he never felt like he could talk to those women. He missed connecting on a deeper level.

  “You know what I want?” she asked, crawling into bed.

  “What’s that?”

  “A big, fat, juicy cheeseburger with lots of fries and a boatload of ketchup.”

  He liked a girl who could eat. After he and Shannon split up, he took girls to dinner a lot because she had never wanted to go. She had a strict diet, eating leaves and raw foods. “You eat all of that?”

  “Now and then. And I haven’t really felt like eating a lot lately. I guess I have my appetite back now, thanks to you.”

  “What’s been going on? You make it sound so bad, and then you just change the subject. We have all night if you want to talk about it.”

  She gave a breathy laugh. “I don
’t think Bay paid me to sit around talking to you.”

  “Hey, he paid you to spend time with me, and that includes talking. Besides, Bay only hooked us up for one night as far as I’m concerned, and the rest we’ve arranged on our own. Or am I wrong?”

  “No, I can honestly say I’m here because I want to be. I needed to get out of the hotel room. I can’t stand being alone with everything going on.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Didn’t Bay tell you anything about me? About my situation? I just assumed he would, since you’re kind of in the same boat as me.”

  “The same boat? What boat is that?”

  “The killer. The one taking out Zodiacs? They killed my cousin, Honey. He didn’t tell you?” She gave him a sideward look and narrowed her eyes.

  “Shit. When did this happen?”

  “A little over a week ago. My nephew was there when it happened. I’m trying to get custody, but since they think I’m the intended victim, they won’t let me have him. Plus, he hasn’t talked since the night of the murder. Darek thinks he saw his mother’s killer, possibly while still in the act, and he hid in a clothes hamper in the bathroom until it was all over. The killer most likely didn’t know he was there, or he’d be dead too.” Her eyes ringed red with tears, and she reached up and wiped one away.

  “Dear God. I mean, I knew someone was trying to come after us, but I guess I just live in such a bubble that I didn’t think they’d be a threat to me. It sounds like I should be worried.”

  “I’m sorry to dump this on you. I just assumed that Bay had said something. I mean, this is your life. You’re here in New York City, so why wouldn’t he tell you?”

  “I don’t know. But why you? Why come after someone like you?”

  “That’s what this asshole does. Apparently, he comes after those people you care about most and then takes you down after you suffer. At least, that’s what Darek tells me.”

  “And Darek cares about you, so the killer came after you?”

  She shook her head. “Why weren’t you in New Orleans? I thought you guys were meeting for business.”

  “How do you know so much about us?” Ethan asked. “The fact that you even know I’m a Zodiac puts me on edge.”

  He’d been told never to let anyone know about the club. It was a secret society never to be spoken of, and apparently, Darek had spilled his guts. To what degree, he had no idea.

  Raven shrugged. “I’ve been around a while. I knew Finn. We were friends. I met a few of you that way. Seth Stone, for one; and of course, I know Bay, and that’s how I met Darek. Once you see a few men with the same type of brands, you tend to notice the pattern. Darek wouldn’t tell me much, but I know there was something you guys did. Something that set off this killer.”

  Ethan broke out in a cold sweat. He had not allowed himself to think about the ritual with Emily Johnson in quite some time. Not only because he wasn’t that person anymore, but also because it scared him to death knowing what he was capable of. “That was a long time ago. We were kids, Raven. Stupid kids.”

  Her eyes widened, and she reached out to him. “Hey, I know, okay? I don’t know what happened, but I do know that you all seem like nice guys. You don’t owe me anything; no explanations or excuses.”

  “There was no excuse. Not for what we did.” He let out a deep breath then cleared his throat. “Anyway, I shouldn’t go on about that.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t expect any of you to tell me what the fuck happened. It’s not like it’s my business to know why my cousin was brutally stabbed or anything.” She stared away from him as if her eyes were unfocused, lost in her own thoughts.

  “Shit, I didn’t even think of it that way. I don’t even know what to say. Sorry isn’t enough. But could I help you? I mean, I could do something to help you get the boy, and maybe you two could come and stay with me in Tennessee. I have a big place, so big, and it’s a great place to raise a kid.”

  She laughed. “You want to raise a kid with me now?”

  “Well, not me, you. But I do have a guest house. You could do your own thing.”

  “I think it’s best if I get Noah and get the hell away from all of you, honestly. That’s what I was trying to do when I left. To get away from it all. I let my cousin take over the last month of my lease to help her and her kid out, and now look.” She wrapped her arms around herself, and Ethan couldn’t resist moving closer to hold her. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her hair. There had to be something he could do for her and the kid.

  Ethan cleared his throat. “What if I make you an offer?”

  Raven chuckled. “I’m all ears.”

  Chapter 15


  Darek hated to see Raven after what had happened, but with the counselors wanting to meet with police and the potential guardian, he didn’t have much choice. So, as he drove to the doctor’s building for another meeting, he tried to focus his mind on anything else but her.

  With the recent bomb that was dropped on him concerning the killer’s possible connection to the police, Darek had been wracking his brain for a different possibility.

  Just because the woman, who he still couldn’t place, had been taking photos with another person in the room, and just because they had a uniform, didn’t make them a cop. There were many different jobs that had similar uniforms, and Darek knew it could be any one of those occupations.

  The girl was his focus, and if he could find a moment where Lizzy wasn’t on his back, or over his shoulder, he’d dig into the evidence folder and see if he could figure it out.

  He pulled into the parking lot and quickly found a place, wondering how Raven would get to the meeting. Had Bay arranged a private car? Or would she get Ethan to give her a lift? Although knowing her, she would just take a cab. Bay had certainly paid her enough. Hell, maybe she had bought a fucking car. So much for not thinking about Raven.

  He shut off the engine, and after another moment of hesitation, he got out and went inside.

  Raven sat in the waiting room out front, her legs crossed and her foot shaking like she was a bundle of nerves.

  Darek walked over and signed in at the window, and then he walked over to sit several chairs down from her.

  She looked over at the space between them. “So, this is what it’s come to? You’re not going to sit by me?”

  Darek sighed and got up to quickly move down next to her. “Happy? I knew the minute my ass hit the cushion, you’d have something to say about it.”

  “Then why do it? I thought we were going to be friends?”

  “We are friends,” he said. “We just need to be friends at a distance.”

  “Okay, well that won’t be a problem. As soon as I get custody of Noah, we’re dropping off the face of the earth.”

  Darek didn’t like the sound of that. “Going back to your sister’s house?”

  “I don’t know. I have a few options. Ethan’s even offered to help.” She met his eyes.

  He shook his head. “I offered to help you.”

  “You threw me to the wolves.”

  “Apparently, you met a great guy that way. I’m sure his rich and famous lifestyle will be just what you need to disappear. Maybe you’ll be the next tabloid sensation.”

  “No, he’s not helping like that. He’s going to help me get Noah and put us up somewhere. I have the money. He has a few houses in Nashville. Investment properties. He wants to open a bed and breakfast and needs someone to run it.”

  “You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, I see. Pillow talk?” Darek popped his knuckles, wishing he could break something with his fist.

  “Look, I know you don’t like it—”

  “I hate it,” said Darek. “But I’m with Lizzy now, so it’s not my fucking business.”

  “No, it’s not,” she snapped.

  He angled in his chair to face her. “I hate seeing you do something you’ll regret. And trust me, going away with Ethan, being close to h
im, he’s got a target on his back as big as the one on yours, or have you not realized that?”

  “I know, but we’re leaving New York as soon as this show is over. This maniac, whoever they are, they’ll have a hard time getting to us when they can’t find us. And he’s in the market for a new bodyguard. We’ll be fine. After this meeting, he’s going to talk to the counselors and let them know we’re together.”

  “You’re together? Like a couple together?”

  “As far as they’ll know, yes. Who cares if it’s true or not?”

  “I care. So, is it?” She was in more danger than she knew. “You’re just closer to the fire than you know.”

  “We’re not together, Darek. Not like that. We’re just trying to do what’s right and what’s best. You’re not the only one who tries to do good deeds because you’ve fucked up so badly in your life. You’re not the only one paying your penance.” She turned toward him, their knees touching. “If he’s in danger and I’m in danger, then how about you do something about it? Do your job. How many of you have to die before you forget what happened in the past? You’re so busy trying to cover it up that you’re letting the others fall.”

  “It’s not that easy. This is my life, Raven. You don’t know a fucking thing. You think you do, but you don’t.” She eased back in her chair and shook her head. Darek could see in her eyes. She knew.

  She knew everything.

  “What did he tell you?” His voice was practically a growl, and the two exchanged such wild looks that when the woman came to call them back, she had a worried look on her face.

  “Detective Blake? Ms. Bishop?”

  They got to their feet, and Darek looked down his nose at Raven before turning around. “That’s us.”

  “Mrs. Wallace will see you now.” The woman pushed her glasses up on her nose and looked them up and down as they approached. Then she turned around, and Darek fell into step behind her, not waiting on Raven. He didn’t want to let her go first. He didn’t need to see her any more than he had to.


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