Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10 Page 14

by WL Knightly

  Ethan gave him a nod. “Thanks, Marvin. I’ll be ready.” He turned to Nate, who was still giving him sour looks. “What’s your problem?”

  “This whole event isn’t turning out how I expected. I thought this would be a chance to win the media’s heart, and when they find out that you’re with someone else, it’s going to go south.”

  “Stop worrying. If you do your job, they’ll never know.” He took the pants off the hanger, and they were so starched they almost stood up on their own.

  About that time, the door opened and in walked Shannon. “You sorry ass, motherfucking loser. You brought a date to my show?” She pushed him up against the wall, and while he wanted to slap her and push her away, he knew better. He had to take it.

  “Get her the fuck out of here, Nate.” He looked her in the eyes. “For your information, I brought a friend to my show.”

  “What happened, Nate?” Shannon gave him a pointed look. “You said that this was going to work out, and as soon as he resists, you drop the ball? You were supposed to convince him that this was a good idea.”

  “Wait, what?” Ethan turned and looked at Nate. “What is she talking about, Nate?”

  Nate’s face paled. “I never guaranteed her shit. We were just talking about a way to make the best of a bad situation, is all.” He jumped to his feet and began pacing the small room.

  “And I held up my end of it, Shannon said. “You said if we got him to be on board with a reconciliation, that we could use this opportunity to get them off our asses.” Shannon swung her arms and ranted like a mad woman. “Who is she?”

  “She’s a friend, and if you don’t stop making a scene and drawing attention to us, I’m going to get that restraining order I’ve promised.” This time, he meant it. He was sick of caring what other people thought was a good or bad idea.

  “Get your damned restraining order, you piece of shit. You have no respect for me at all, bringing someone here in among my friends. I thought what we had was special enough to be fixed, but I can see now why I had to go outside of our relationship to be satisfied. You’re a sorry excuse for a man, and I hope you drop dead.” She grabbed his shirt from the hanger and ripped it down the middle.

  “Son of a bitch.” Ethan snatched the shirt, which had been reduced to nothing but scrap fabric, from her hands and then tossed it onto the floor. “This is what you two get for conspiring behind my back. Did it ever occur to you to talk to me about this when you were sitting around plotting? Do you, either fucking one of you, ever consider my feelings in anything you do?”

  Nate sank down in the nearest chair, and Shannon folded her arms and stuck out her hip. “I’m not leaving until I know who that woman is and what you’re doing with her, and don’t tell me that she’s not your girlfriend,” she said. “I’m not stupid.”

  Suddenly, the door opened, and Marvin walked in. “Why aren’t you ready, handsome?”

  Ethan reached down and picked up the two halves of his shirt again. “Shannon happened.”

  Marvin’s eyes widened. “You have ruined this shirt, girl. You and that temper are going to get you into trouble with Spencer.” He took the fabric from Ethan and assessed the damage.

  Shannon rolled her eyes. “Please, Marvin, this is a private conversation.”

  Marvin looked at her like she was beneath him. “He has five minutes till stage time, sweetie, so you had better make it a fast one.”

  “Shit,” said Ethan. “Nate, since you like to talk to her so much, you can explain Raven and who she is. I’ve got a contract to hold up, and that’s happening in less than four minutes now.” He breezed past her to get the shirt that he wore to the show, and she tried to leap past him to get it. “You’re insane.” He got the shirt and pulled it on.

  “I really think you should hear me out, Ethan,” Shannon said. “If this girl doesn’t mean anything to you, then end it now. I’m giving you one last chance to make things right between us. We can start over. We could even start the family you’ve always wanted.”

  There was a time when he would have been excited to hear she felt that way. But that ship had sailed, and there was no turning back. “No, it’s done, Shannon. You can tell the whole world anything you want. I’m done living like the two of you want me to.” He smoothed out the shirt and began to button it up.

  “Fuck you, Ethan.” She turned and left the room.

  He turned to Nate. “I’ll deal with you later.” He walked away and couldn’t believe how sideways things had gone. All he’d wanted to do was play his show and get the fuck out of there.

  He walked down the long hall and past the few people who remained backstage. He looked at Marvin and grabbed the man’s sleeve to pull him closer. “Do me a favor, Marvin?” The man gave a nod as the emcee was talking before his introduction. “Tell Mia to tell Raven that we need to be ready to go as soon as this is over, please.”

  “Will do, handsome,” said Marvin as Ethan’s name was called. “Knock ‘em dead.”

  “I plan on it.” He flashed Marvin a grin and sauntered out on the stage. Even with a ton of fucking shit on his mind, he began singing his song.

  Lucky for him, he’d performed it so many times he knew it by heart and could do the song in his sleep because all he could think about was how Nate betrayed him.

  The two-and-a-half-minute song was over before he knew it. The crowd cheered, many of them standing to clap. He took a bow and looked right at Raven, who seemed worried as Marvin walked away from her. She gave a nod, and excitement overtook him that he’d soon be out of there.

  He wanted to fly back to Tennessee with Raven as soon as possible, and with any luck, they’d be able to make it by nightfall. He wasn’t going home, though. Instead, he wanted to show her the farmhouse. Her new home.

  Helping Raven meant a lot to him. He was doing it all in hopes of atoning for the horrible things he’d done with the other Zodiacs. That poor girl had been brutalized in the name of something wicked. And whatever happened to him now, even if the killer got the best of him, he could die peacefully knowing that he had done some good to balance out the evil.

  He gave a final wave and hurried backstage, where he was bombarded by models and press who all wanted his attention. He walked through the crowd and offered smiles and handshakes until Marvin greeted him at the very back of the group. “I told Raven. She said she needs a quick trip to the ladies’ room and she’s good to go when you are. I warned her you’d have one more song.”

  “Thanks. I’m not staying here a minute longer than I have to. Shannon is out of control, and I’m not going to sit around and take it.” He took off his shirt as soon as he hit the back room, and Marvin offered him a towel.

  “Those lights are just awful, aren’t they? You better cool off. I think you’ll be called out for an encore performance after this next run of models.”

  “Yeah, I was told that’s the plan,” he said. “Thanks for taking that message to Raven. I appreciate it.” He had to cool down a bit and hoped that the next song went over as well as the last one.

  “Is she your girlfriend?”

  “She’s a friend. A new one, but a good one. She’s a good girl.” He didn’t want Marvin to go spouting off anything he heard to the tabloid reporters who were covering the event, many for the sole purpose of making his life miserable.

  Marvin nodded. “I’ve made a new friend too. You’re not the only one who is sick of these assholes around here.”

  Before Ethan could agree with Marvin, the door opened, and Nate walked in. He walked over and let out a long breath. “I need to talk to you, buddy,” said Nate. “I owe you an apology.”

  Marvin excused himself and left Ethan alone with Nate. “How could you conspire with her? She broke my heart, stomped on it, and has made my life hell since. We’ve always been a team, you and me, and this is the thanks I get? I mean, shit, I know you’ve done a lot for me, but I’ve given you everything I have to make you a better life.”

  Nate couldn’t even
meet his eyes at first. “I know, Ethan. Hell, you’re like my brother. When my old man said we’d never do this, you went out there and did it. It was you who proved him wrong.”

  “We did that together. But this? You did it with her. Behind my back. I can’t trust you anymore, Nate. I know you’re sore about the whole Raven thing, but it’s happening. I need to do it for me. I have done things in my past, things I’ve never told you about, and I need to do this to make up for those things. So, either you’re with me or against me. But if you’re against me, I’m going to have to find a new manager.”

  “I’m with you, Ethan. I always have been.” He put his head down and walked to the door. “I’ll make it up to you, man. I promise.”

  Ethan hated that it had come to that and hated to see his friend hurting. He walked over and shook his hand. “I hope so, man.”

  If there was one thing he had learned through all of the tabloid lies and the scandal, it was that he needed to learn to treat people better and be mindful of their feelings. And while he might not give Shannon a second chance, Nate deserved another shot.

  Chapter 23


  As the models paraded around the stage, Mia leaned over and whispered in Bay’s ear. “I have to go to the ladies’ room.”

  “Ask one of the other ladies to take you. Raven is going.” He watched as Raven got to her feet. “Excuse me, Raven?”

  Mia spoke up. “Ladies’ room?”

  Raven smiled. “Good, at least I don’t have to go alone.”

  “I’ll tag along too if you don’t mind,” said Lizzy.

  Raven gave her a hard stare. “Suit yourself.”

  The three of them crossed the room to the other side where the restrooms were. Bay had heard the lines were always terrible for them, so he didn’t expect them back anytime soon. With Ethan and Nate gone, it left him, Darek, and Lane at the table. “We should have gone backstage to congratulate him.”

  “He’s got an encore. I heard the man whisper it to Raven.” Darek dug a cherry out of Lizzy’s drink and popped it into his mouth.

  “Paying a lot of attention to her, aren’t you?” asked Bay.

  “I have good hearing,” said Darek, giving him a withering look. “Did you get any texts?”

  Nona walked over and sat next to Lane in Nate’s chair. “I’m starving. I missed the appetizer round.” The food was being served to the tables across the room.

  “They’ll be here in no time,” Lane said.

  Darek nodded. “Hopefully, the girls will be back by then.”

  Nona shook her head. “Not if they’re in the bathroom. The line is a mile long.” She looked over to Lane. “Won’t you please come backstage with me this time? I’m due in the makeup chair, and it’s so boring. Besides, Spencer is an asshole.”

  Lane got to his feet. “How can I refuse you?”

  “You can’t,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

  “See you guys later,” said Lane. Then he hurried off after her.

  Bay eased back in his chair as a man approached. “Bay Collins?” the man asked, holding out his hand.

  “Yes, the one and only.” He searched the man’s eyes, certain he hadn’t met him before.

  “I’m Greyson Gibson. Owner of Gibson’s Sewing International. We’re sewing contractors who are looking to provide a service for your new business.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” said Bay. “How did you find out I needed your service?”

  “Marvin told me I’d find you here. I have some information regarding my services that I thought I’d pass along. I don’t want to disturb you or take up your time, but I just wanted to drop my card. I look forward to working with you in the future, and if you have any questions, feel free to call.” The man slithered off as quickly as he’d stopped by. Bay looked at the card and had to admit he was impressed with Mia’s friend, Marvin.

  He looked across the room and saw the man coming from out of the back. He looked like he’d done more work than anyone else at the event, and a good worker was hard to come by. Starting off with one would be an awesome advantage.

  He looked toward the bathroom, and the girls were nowhere in sight. The waiters were still making their way around and getting closer as the models worked the stage. Finally, a minute later, the last model walked off. The emcee strutted up, and the crowd clapped. Bay didn’t bother. He looked around the room, hoping to see where Max had gone. With him being out of sight, he couldn’t help but wonder if he would try and talk to Mia. Asshole.

  With all of the commotion around him, he barely caught the ass end of the emcee’s announcement. Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and Ethan stormed the stage again, doing his thing. This time, he sang a much slower song that the females ate up. Some stood clapping, and one even stormed the stage to touch his hand.

  Bay couldn’t believe how far he’d come. He’d always liked to think he was a stud, though, and while he’d bragged for years about “baggin’” babes,’ it didn’t take Bay long to figure out he was full of shit. But he kept his secret and held it over his head.

  But now, he really could get any woman he wanted. The little shit had grown up and made something of himself.

  As he watched his friend move around with his guitar, his phone lit up in the darkened room. Bay thought it was probably Darek again, but he glanced down to see and immediately went into high alert when he read the message.

  Right under your nose.

  He jumped to his feet and got Darek’s attention as he hurried to the side of the room near the stage.

  “What’s wrong, Bay?” asked Darek. “And before you tell me nothing, let me just say that I’ve never seen you so scared before.

  “The killer told me they would take one of us right under my nose. I was goading them the other night, and then this morning, they responded, asking me if I remembered what they’d said. I have been waiting for a response. This is what they just said.” Bay turned the phone around, and as Darek read the words, his eyes narrowed.

  “Fuck that,” said Darek. “They’re here. We have to go hunt for him.”

  “In case you’ve forgotten, your fucking partner is here and that asshole Max. I don’t want either of them knowing what’s going on.” Bay didn’t need a bunch of fucking cops involved.

  Darek suddenly covered his mouth. “The killer is going to be after someone right under our noses. Ethan is on stage—the girls!”

  “Shit. We have to go and get them out of the fucking bathroom.” As Bay started for the other side of the room, the servers finally brought the food to their empty table. He rolled his eyes and vowed if they all got out of this stupid event alive, he’d buy them all a steak and lobster dinner. He got to the ladies’ room, and the line had dwindled, with many of the women returning to their seats to eat. And when he reached the door, prepared to barge in, Darek stopped him.

  “Whoa, you can’t just go in there. You’ll scare everyone and alert Lizzy. Look, I’m prepared to tell her I’m sick, and I want to leave, but you need to help me get Raven and Ethan out of here.”

  Bay agreed. He banged on the door. “Mia?” he called.

  A moment later, Mia stuck her head out of the door. “Are you trying to embarrass me? Mission accomplished.”

  “Look, something’s come up. I need you to come with me now. Stay close.”

  “But, Bay, I—”

  “Mia! Do as I say.” He pegged her with a hard look. “Get the other ladies and come on. Now.”

  “Is our food served?” asked Lizzy, walking up behind Mia.

  Bay pushed the door open wider. “Darek is sick; you need to come on. Where’s Raven?”

  Lizzy glared at Bay. “She’s at the sink. We just finished up.”

  “Raven, let’s go,” said Bay.

  But Lizzy grabbed Bay’s arm before he could step away. “What’s going on?” asked Lizzy. “You’re very rude and disrespectful.” She got in Bay’s face.

  “Hey,” said Mia. “Back off.” She pull
ed Lizzy away.

  Lizzy glared down her nose at Mia. “I’m an FBI agent, so if something is going on, I want to know.”

  “It’s nothing,” said Darek. “We just think there was something in our drinks that made us sick. Bay doesn’t feel good, and neither do I.”

  Bay pulled Raven aside as Darek tried to worm his way out of the situation. “You need to stay with Darek and Lizzy and keep Mia close.”

  “What’s this about?” She met his eyes. “You’re scaring me.”

  Bay released a long breath. He was scared himself. “Look, let’s all just get back to the table.”

  “I thought you were sick?” asked Lizzy.

  Darek pushed them back across the front of the stage. “Let’s just enjoy this food,” he said as the table next to theirs was being served. One of the servers began placing their food as each one took their seats.

  “Darek?” Lizzy grabbed his arm, and Bay shook his head. He didn’t want Darek to spill the beans. Now was not the time to involve the fucking FBI or even the NYPD.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “We just thought you were taking forever.”

  “We were on our way back.” Lizzy glared at Bay. “You know, you might have some strange dominant shit going with this little girl you call your lover, but some of us women don’t want to be controlled.”

  Bay tightened his jaw and tried not to say anything. But when he took his seat, Raven gave him daggers.

  “As soon as Ethan’s finished, we’re leaving,” she said. “This is getting too weird.” She shook her head and took the drink from the tray as the waiter held it out.

  Ethan finished his song, and the crowd went wild. Raven and the other girls clapped, and Darek and Bay exchanged a look.

  Then, there was a pause, and one of the coordinators ran on stage and whispered something in Ethan’s ear. “Okay, it seems I have a special request. I’ll do one more song.” He looked over at Raven and shrugged as he walked over and got his guitar from Nate, who had been standing in the shadows just off stage.


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