Tripping Nitro (Charon MC, #6)

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Tripping Nitro (Charon MC, #6) Page 12

by Khloe Wren

  Swiping her fingers over her eyes, she took a deep breath before she twisted around so she could pull me down to kiss me.

  “You’re too good to be true, you know that?”

  I had no response to that. I could see love in her gaze, and hear it in her tone, feel it in her kiss and touch, but she hadn’t said the words yet. I wasn’t sure what I needed to do to make her feel secure enough with me that she could admit her feelings, but I was determined to figure it out. I needed to hear her say the words she used to give me so freely.

  With a small sniffle, she slipped off my lap and back onto her chair.

  “So, this pie is supposed to be the best in town, right?”

  “Damn straight. Marie has a gift when it comes to baking pies. No matter the flavor, they’re all good.”

  Using a fork, she carved off a small piece and when she wrapped her lips around the tines, I had to rearrange myself to relieve the pressure. Her groan of enjoyment didn’t help my situation any.

  “Oh, this is good.”

  Her next bite wasn’t a dainty little piece like the first one. Nope, once she discovered she liked it, she plowed through the piece of pie in no time at all. With a chuckle, I moved my plate closer to her so she could have at my piece too. The moment she saw it, she froze and her cheeks grew redder before she gently placed her fork down and wiped her mouth.

  “Babe, don’t be embarrassed. I like seeing you enjoy yourself.”

  “And I love to see people enjoy my food.”

  I smiled up at Marie and stood for a minute to give her a hug. “Hey, Marie, I’d like you to meet my old lady, Cindy. Cindy, Marie. Scout’s keeper.”

  She scoffed and playfully smacked my arm. “In my dreams I keep that man under control. Hi, Cindy, it’s lovely to meet you and I’m glad you’re enjoying my apple pie.”

  Before she could say another word, Cleo started up as Mac came back over.

  “Dada dada!”

  Marie’s face lit up as she turned to face the child. “Well, hello, my sweet girl. Did your daddy come in to say hi?”

  Mac laughed when the little girl planted a wet kiss on his cheek after he sat back down with her. The chime over the door tinkled a moment before Silk came blasting through, nearly taking out Zara, who happened to be walking past at the time.

  “Sorry. Where is she? What’s she like?”

  Deciding to cut Silk off before she said anything else, I called out.

  “Silk! Getcha ass over here and introduce yourself, before you embarrass yourself.”

  The woman didn’t even look sorry at being busted talking about Cin. She hitched little Raven up higher on her hip and rushed over. After she settled her eight-month-old son into the playpen, she turned her attention on us.

  “Hi! I’m Silk, Eagle’s old lady. Not sure if you’ve met him yet. Love your ink.”

  Silk had always been full on, but since hooking up with Eagle and having a baby, she was even more in-your-face. I wasn’t sure how Cindy would take her, but I shouldn’t have worried. Anyone with as much ink as my girl had, would be an instant hit with Silk.

  “Thanks.” Cindy pulled her sleeve up. “I’ve got ink on my arms, neck, legs and back. If I had more money, I’d have more, but damn, tatts add up fast.”

  Silk was holding Cin’s forearm and turning it so she could see the large tattoo of a pin-up chick on roller skates that covered her bicep.

  “This is some really good work. Where’d you get it done?”

  “Ah, that one was by this guy over in Austin. He’s a huge roller derby fan so I got a good deal after we won this big tournament there a few years back.”

  Both women were grinning and I relaxed back into my seat after sliding the plate of pie back in front of me. I shouldn’t have worried about how the old ladies would treat Cindy. You couldn’t not love her. And I should have known that just like the rest of the club, the women would have my back and Cindy’s.

  “Well, you need any more ink, you come see me down at Silky Ink. First one’s on the house.”

  Zara groaned as she came back over to the table and wrapped an arm around Mac’s shoulders.

  “Cindy, just don’t let her choose the tattoo for you.”

  Silk glared at Zara. “I will get that playboy bunny tatted on you one day, mark my words.”

  Zara turned on Mac. “Have I mentioned lately how much I hate that everyone knows you call me bunny?”

  Mac smirked at his woman and I shoveled more pie in my mouth as I attempted to contain my laughter.

  “Well, bunny, maybe if you hadn’t run off on me so many damn times, I would have picked something else.”


  With a shake of her head, Zara picked up Cleo and put her in the pen with Raven to play. Or rather, to snatch the toy off Raven that he was playing with. Damn, that girl was possessive.

  Once the coffee and pie were all gone, I looked at the clock and winced.

  “Well, as much fun as this is. I do actually have to get some work done before we head back to Houston tonight. Cin? You want to stay here with the girls or come see Styxx with me?”

  She looked so relaxed and happy, I hated to pull her away, but I wasn’t making shit up. I had bookwork to get done before I could take off with her again.

  “I’d love to see where you work. And you know, I have worked in a bar for a damn long time. I’m sure I can help you.”

  A surge of happiness flowed through me at her words―that she wanted to help at the bar. Hopefully, that meant she’d be open to moving here soon, to moving her life to Bridgewater. I was sure we’d be making regular trips up to Houston for the rest of our lives, and that didn’t bother me one bit. But I wanted our home here and our kids to grow up here with the other Charon kids.


  I don’t know what I was really expecting the other old ladies to be like, but these ladies weren’t it. Even though I realized the term old lady didn’t mean the women were old, for some reason that’s where my brain went. But even Marie, who was a little older than the others and me, still had plenty of life and sass in her. I really liked all the women I met while we were at Marie’s Cafe, and the babies were completely adorable too. Once I got over my little panic attack about my own biological clock, I’d enjoyed watching the two of them. Poor little Raven looked to be a little older than Cleo, but quite clearly, Cleo was the boss. That kid was going to drive her folks insane by the time she hit her teen years, I was sure.

  “Oh, before you go, give me your phone.”

  I wasn’t sure exactly what Silk wanted my phone for, but Nitro didn’t seem upset by her demand, and it wasn’t like I had anything on there that I wanted to hide from the world, so I reached for my pocket.

  “Ah, why?”

  She grabbed my phone the moment I held it out toward her.

  “So I can put all our phone numbers in, of course. Next time you’re in town, we’ll have to be more organized and sort out a girls’ night. Us old ladies stick together. We’re family...”

  She trailed off as she typed rapidly into my phone, and I glanced at Nitro, who was looking way too pleased with himself for some reason.

  “What are you planning that you have that look on your face?”

  Instantly his expression blanked, making me even more suspicious.

  “Not planning a thing, babe. C’mon, let’s get moving.”

  I didn’t believe him for a moment, but got caught up saying goodbye to the girls before I could quiz him about it further. Then I was the one grinning because I got to go for another ride on Nitro’s bike.

  “You really love it, don’t you?”

  I smirked over at him. “It’s fast and has wheels. Of course I love it!”

  That had him shaking his head with a chuckle. “C’mon, Evel Knievel, on you get.”

  I gave his shoulder a light smack before I climbed on behind him.

  “Cheeky man.”

  Then we were off again. It was only a short ride over to the bar, and
no one followed us this time so it was only the rumble of Nitro’s Harley I could hear. I was already used to the throaty sound the machine made, and couldn’t wait for our ride back to Houston, when I could have enough time to really enjoy the wind in my face and the freedom of being on the motorcycle.

  He pulled up at the rear of the building and my feet had barely hit the ground before Nitro was on me, shoving me up against the wall and taking my mouth with his in a rough kiss that was all desperation. With a moan, I opened up to let his tongue dance with mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Fuck, babe. I want you again, but I really need to get this shit sorted out. You working tonight?”

  I tried to catch his lips with mine again, wanting more of his kisses, but he shifted and buried his face against my throat before he lifted up and nipped at my ear.

  “Answer me, Cin.”

  “Yeah, working tonight. But don’t have to go to practice. Kiss me.”

  “If I keep kissing you, I’ll end up fucking you and then either you’ll miss work tonight, or I won’t get the payroll and ordering sorted out.”

  With a pout, I lowered my arms. As much as I wanted to have more of Nitro, I wasn’t so selfish that I’d risk people getting paid late, or leaving Natalie in the lurch when I didn’t show up.

  “Fine. Well, let’s get it done as fast as we can then, maybe we’ll be able to fit in some sexy fun times after we ride back to Houston.”

  He shook his head with a grin. “You really like riding that much?”

  “I truly do. Thinking I might need my own bike.” I paused when he growled at me. “What? Are old ladies not allowed or something?”

  He scrubbed a palm over his face while he unlocked the door and punched in the security code. After flipping a bunch of switches, he started walking down a dark, timber-paneled hallway before he finally answered me.

  “Old ladies can ride. Silk has her own bike, but if the club’s going somewhere officially, she’s on the back of Eagle’s bike. My issue is I fucking love how you feel pressed up against my back as we ride. Need you on my bike with me for that. And I know you well enough to know that the moment you get your own ride, I’ll be hard pressed to get you off it and on mine ever again.”

  I did my best not to laugh. He was most likely right.

  “Wow, this place is nice. Very dark and biker-like.”

  He froze as he was about to open a door off the side of the hallway, to turn and glare at me.

  “Very dark and biker-like? What the fuck does that mean, exactly?”

  I waved a hand around, enjoying the hell out of teasing him.

  “All this. Everything in here is dark and dim. Is the main bar area the same?”

  “People can see what they’re drinking.”

  His voice was gruff and sounded hurt as he shoved the door open. Then he let loose a string of curses that I was pretty sure had nothing to do with my opinion about all the dark and gloom. I moved around him into the small room and whistled at the desk.

  “You weren’t kidding about the paperwork.”

  “Fuckers didn’t do a damn thing all week. I wasn’t expecting this much of a mess. Fuck it all, this is going to take me for-fucking-ever to get through.”

  Moving to stand in front of him, I ran my palms up his chest under his cut in an attempt to try to calm him down a bit.

  “I’m here to help, Nitro. What do you want me to do? I can go check out the bar, make sure it’s all stocked and the storeroom is in order. Do you have a ledger of what should be in stock?”

  His arms tightened around me, holding me to him for a few moments before, with a sigh, he released me and moved toward the mess on the desk.

  “Yeah, there’s a ledger in here somewhere. Doubt it’ll be any use. Fuck.” He scrubbed his palms over his face. “Right, okay. If you could go check on the state of the bar and the storeroom, then come let me know the damage. Hopefully by then I’ve found the ledger for you.”

  Nitro was looking so pathetically sad, I rushed over and kissed him loudly on the lips.

  “Cheer up, babe. We’ll have this sorted out in no time. You’ll see.”

  His expression didn’t indicate he believed me, but I’d show him. With a little bounce to my step, I left the office and continued down the short hallway until I found myself in a large room, which was like I suspected, more of the dark and gloomy. But then it was literally a biker bar, so I guess this is what the men wanted it to look like. My mind started coming up with ideas for improvements but I pushed them aside for the moment. Today was all about getting what was already here sorted out. Later I could chat with Nitro about my ideas.

  I made a quick lap around the area and was impressed with how clean everything looked. Clearly they had cleaners come in to go over the place. The bar itself had been kept clean and well-stocked by the look of it, with only the odd bottle missing on the racks. So at least the boys had kept the front of house up to par in Nitro’s absence. I wondered what the storeroom was going to look like.

  Heading back down the hallway, I paused for a moment to glance in on Nitro. He was fully engrossed in sorting all the papers into piles. His face was pulled into a nasty glare and I really didn’t want to be whoever had been left in charge in his absence. I doubted the conversation was going to end well for them.

  Back near the rear entrance was another door on the opposite side from the office. Pushing it open, I ran my fingers up the inside of the door frame, flipping the switch when I found it.

  “Ah, fuck.”

  This was almost as bad as the office. Boxes had been shifted around and I couldn’t see any kind of obvious order. There had to be one. No way would Nitro have this room anything less than sorted perfectly. As I slipped off my cut and hung it on a hook on the wall, I looked around for a place to start. The pile of empty boxes seemed logical, so I headed over toward them and started tearing them down and making them into a pile.

  There were so many, I couldn’t take them all out in one trip, so I propped the rear door open so I had a clear path to the dumpster that was out in the parking lot. First trip went off without a hitch. On my second run out, I’d just released my armful of cardboard into the bin when my head was suddenly jerked back. Some fucker had grabbed my braid and yanked on it, hard. With a shriek, I pin-wheeled my arms out to try to catch my balance. Before I could attempt to twist free from the grip on my hair, a jab of pain flared in the side of my neck.

  “What the f—”

  My words were cut off when suddenly, a big arm wrapped around my middle, tight enough I had to focus to breathe. Or maybe that was due to whatever he’d drugged me with. I was roughly dragged backward and the realization I was being kidnapped shot through my brain, slamming adrenaline through my bloodstream. I tried to scream but before I could get a sound out, the hand from my hair slapped over my mouth.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch. You made me do this. It’s all your fault.”

  It was my stalker, it had to be. I tried to fight my way free, but my arms and legs wouldn’t work right. I couldn’t do a damn thing but watch the open doorway into Styxx and safety get more distant as my stalker dragged me away.

  Chapter 12


  Heads were gonna fucking roll for this mess. How hard was it to put shit in piles? Or fucking call me if they got stuck? But no, someone, or most likely several someones, had just started dropping stuff on the desk in here and shutting the door. I hated to think of what Cindy had found in the storeroom. The cleaning crew that came in twice a week would have the main bar area looking neat, I hoped. But I bet that back storeroom was a bigger mess than in here.

  “Yo! Nitro? What’s this door open for? Where’s your girl?”

  Arrow’s voice had me instantly on full alert. A quick glance at the clock had me cursing and rushing to get out from behind the desk. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed. Bolting down the hallway, I shoved Arrow aside to get into the store room.


/>   The room was empty. I could see where she’d started cleaning up empty boxes and knew she must have started taking them out to the trash. In seconds I was out the back door and beside the dumpster. The parking lot was empty aside from my and Arrow’s bikes.


  My voice echoed around the lot as my blood rushed through my system. Her stalker had her. He’d fucking snatched her right out from under my fucking nose. With a roar, I turned and threw a punch at the bin. The front caved in under the pressure and the sting across my knuckles helped me focus. I needed Keys, needed to see the feed from the camera back here. I went to grab my phone when I heard Arrow on his.

  “Need you, man. Cindy’s been snatched from Styxx. Yeah, from the back lot. Not so great. Yeah, gotcha. Be there soon.”

  He hung up and came over to grab my shoulders so I was forced to look him in the eye.

  “Listen up, brother. We will get her back. I’ll ride to the ends of the earth with you until we do, but right now I need you to find your calm. I’m gonna run in and lock up, then we’re going over to the clubhouse. Keys is doing his thing with the cameras and her phone.”

  Of course, her phone. I’d turned on the GPS tracker Keys put on all the girls’ phones the first chance I’d gotten. So long as that was on her, we could track her.

  “My keys are on the desk.”

  “I’ll grab them. You wait here, no running off on your own—got me?”

  After a nod, he released me and jogged into Styxx. My gut twisted as reality crashed through me. A sick, twisted fuck who had been fixated on her for nearly two decades had her. My girl was in danger and I didn’t know where she was. Rolling my shoulders and neck, I paced in front of the bin as I waited for Arrow, but stopped when something caught my eye. Crouching down, I glanced under the edge of the dumpster and saw the end of the plastic plunger of a syringe. Standing back up, I ran for the door and bolted into the storeroom. Grabbing a zip-lock bag and a glove, I ran back out. Arrow called out to me but I ignored him for the moment. He’d work out what I was up to soon enough.


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