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I Know You Love Me

Page 3

by Aline de Chevigny

  Forty-eight hours. I can handle forty eight hours...I hope. Drew closed his eyes and massaged his temple. “Fine, but you'd better be back here by two."

  "Is that an order, Sheriff?"

  Her annoyed tone deepened, telling Drew not to answer right away. “No, just a request."

  "I'll do my best, but you need to leave, if you're to make your date...I'm sorry. I meant appointment. You wouldn't want to be late,” Allison told him, pulling her feet up under herself and curling into the chair.

  "How...? Damned Gertrude."

  "Jimmy, will Jeremy be home for lunch? He wanted my help on an assignment."

  "When did you meet Jeremy?” Drew asked.

  Allison threw him a look of disgust he wanted to kiss right off her face. Drew cursed at his lack of control.

  "Last night, of course. Sweet kid; he even packed me a snack before leaving for school this morning."

  Jimmy must have sensed the path Drew's thoughts had taken, because he helped her out of her chair and ushered her out of the office. “The audit can wait, even if that means you have to stick around for a while longer. Go home, lie down, and don't touch the dishes. Jeremy will do them tonight when he gets home, like he was supposed to yesterday."

  Allison laughed and ran her fingers down his arm. “We were busy conquering Asia."

  "And once the conquest was over?"

  Giggling, Allison slipped her arm through his. “You're just sore that you lost. Besides, once that was done, we had to operate."

  "Asia? Operate?” Drew was confused. What the hell were they doing last night? And why was she letting Jimmy distract her from the audit? He'd never get her out of town at this rate.

  Jimmy stopped at the office door. “True, but then there was that damned mouse, the real estate venture, and feeding the hippos. I still can't believe..."

  "What the hell were you guys doing last night?"

  Allison laughed. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Sheriff. We played board games—specifically, every board game Jeremy had in the house. I've never felt so relaxed in my entire life around handsome men."

  "Board Games? You two played board games...all night?” Drew couldn't believe his ears. Why would any man play board games when he had a woman like Allison in his home?

  "Three.” Allison corrected with an unladylike snort.

  "Excuse me?"

  "The three of us played board games all night. Well, until three a.m., when Jeremy couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and went to bed. Then we switched to poker."

  Drew sat back arrogantly. That explains the board games. Can't get lucky with baby brother in the room. The poor Sap. “Wait a minute. You play poker?"

  Jimmy grinned and slipped his arms around Allison's waist. “Not just any poker, Drew—strip poker!"

  Damn. He threw Jimmy a dirty look. The man was baiting him...again.

  "Poor Jimmy really sucks at poker. He lost every hand, but at least I can now say for certain he's a cutie with and without his clothes on."

  Double-damn. For the first time in his life, Drew actually envied Jimmy, and the man had done nothing to deserve it.

  "Wish I could say the same, but the damned woman's a card shark."

  "Comes from years of spending long hours on the tour bus. I needed something to do to keep from losing my mind."

  Drew felt hope for the first time since the conversation started. It was almost as if Jimmy was either taking pity on him, or trying to reel him in.

  "So she..."

  "The little imp got to keep her clothes on. Well, until we went to bed, that is."

  Allison blushed and turned away. “Yes. Well, this imp is exhausted and is going back to Jimmy's to lie down. You, my dear Sheriff, have wasted away all the time we had left, and will now be late for that date...Forgive me, I meant appointment. You should really call her before leaving; it's not nice to keep a lady waiting."

  I'm going to fire Gertrude for this. Narrowing his eyes, he flashed Jimmy an evil grin. “Actually, I have a dentist appointment and I was hoping Jimmy would take that statement for me. I would hate to have to reschedule.” Drew tried his best to ignore the knowing look he was getting, but after a few minutes of intense stares he couldn't take it anymore.


  Jimmy answered. “The witness in question would prefer if you took the statement. The dentist..."

  Allison laughed and stopped Jimmy from rambling. “What he's trying to say, Sheriff, is that the woman in question wants you, not him, and most likely won't accept a substitute. This is'll have to take care of on your own."

  He hated that he'd just been expertly manipulated, especially by her. “Fine. I'll take care of it myself."

  "Good. Jimmy, I'll see you for lunch, and this time you can cook."

  Drew watched, feeling as if he were trapped in a bad dream, as Allison walked over to kiss Jimmy on the lips, and then left the precinct. Not wanting to deal with Jimmy's gloating, he stormed back to his chair and closed his office door behind him.

  He should have known that Jimmy wouldn't cooperate and leave him to his pouting in peace. A groan escaped his lips when his old friend followed him in, closed the door and had a seat.

  "Get out!"

  "Easy, Drew. You'll like what I have to say."

  Sitting back in his chair, Drew narrowed his eyes at his friend and bit back his spiteful retort. He'd never realized how hard it would be to sit back and watch his best friend hold and kiss the woman he wanted for himself. It wasn't something he'd ever experienced before, seeing that he and Jimmy had opposing tastes in women. It felt as if his heart was being ripped out every time he saw them together. He didn't like that feeling one bit.

  "Remember the conversation we had yesterday?"

  "Remind me. I'm feeling suddenly forgetful."

  Jimmy laughed and shook his head. “I told you if there was no chemistry, and if she were interested, as long as it wasn't to use her as a plaything, I wouldn't stand in your way if you wanted to pursue her."


  "You seriously want me to spell it out for you, don't you?"

  "Yes.” When did he turn into a teenage girl? Lord this woman had him acting like a loon.

  "There's no chemistry between us, Drew. Friendship, yes, but definitely no chemistry."

  Drew refused to get his hopes up without confirmation. “What are you telling me exactly?"

  "Allison got seriously jealous this morning..."

  That was the last straw. “The woman gets jealous over you, and you try to pawn her off on someone else? Excuse me if I sound a little confused."

  Jimmy wiped away his tears of laughter. “Yup, you two are perfect for each other. Now, if you'll let me finish...Allison got jealous when she learnt about your standing weekly lunch date. Then there's the looks, the questions, the trying to make you jealous. I was doomed the moment you showed up on my date and let her sit on your lap. Why did you show up on my date?"

  "Did she really...what am I saying? Good Lord, Jim, what has that woman done to me?"

  Drew had never noticed how annoying Jimmy's grins could be, until now. “You mean besides ignore you, order you around in your own precinct, and completely distract you without even trying?"

  Drew leaned forward to grab a file. “Exactly— she's been rude..."

  "No, she hasn't. She's been nothing but extremely polite each time the two of you have been together. Hell, she was even polite when you brushed her off that first night at O'Grady's pub."

  Drew put the file down and stopped pretending to work so he could get this conversation over with. “That's the problem, Jimmy. She's too polite— when she apologized for hurting me...hell, I wanted to hurt someone. How could she think she hurt me when she sat on my lap?"

  "I know how you feel, and you can thank McHenry for that, but, Drew, I do need to tell you something."

  He knew Jimmy's news was too good to be true. “Jimmy, if you're about to tell me that you slept together..."

  "I kissed her after she won at poker, but..."

  "So you did sleep with her.” Linking his hands together, Drew rested them on the folder. “That's the end of that insanity."

  "That, Drew, is between me and Allison. You know better than to ask that question. We don't talk about our women."

  He's right; he also knows I don't go after the women he's bedded, so why are we still having this conversation? Drew stood and headed toward the door. No sense making Denise, wait much longer. “I need to go."

  Jimmy moved to intercept him. “Will you pursue her, Drew?"

  "We have one rule that's never been broken. I don't see why that should change now. Besides, she's gone in forty eight hours. Out of sight out of mind."

  Jimmy threw his empty coffee cup at him and flashed him a look of disgust before getting up to leave. “You are an idiot!"

  Drew glared back, following him to his desk. “What gives you the right to call me an idiot?"

  "Thirty-odd years of friendship. You'll be happy to learn that Allison isn't staying home tonight to pine over you. She has a date with Andrew McHenry tonight at nine."

  That stopped Drew in his tracks. “What?"

  "Well, like you said, she's gone soon anyway, and they do have a history. They were engaged, and you were right about the chemistry. Personally, I'm thrilled for her..."

  "She can't go out on a date with McHenry; she's mi...” Seeing Jimmy's triumphant look, he growled angrily and ordered the man back into his office.

  "She doesn't really have a date tonight, does she?"

  Grinning, Jimmy sat back down and put his feet up on the desk. “Oh, but she does. McHenry called her cell this morning and told her he wanted to talk. At first she told him where he could go and hung up on him. But then she overheard Gertrude talking about your date and called him back and agreed to meet him. So I repeat, you are a fool!"

  Grabbing his hat and jacket, Drew let out a string of curses all the way out of the precinct.

  * * * *

  * * * *

  Drew couldn't focus on his paperwork; Allison was an hour late, and in the few days he'd known her, she was never late. Early—often exceedingly so, but never late. “Where the hell is she? It's almost three pm."


  "Christ.” Looking up at Gertrude, Drew tried to keep the scowl from his face. “Where's Jimmy?"

  "He went home about an hour ago; you scheduled him for a split shift today."

  "I'll be back,” he told her, heading out to his car. He needed to get to Jimmy's before his mind played out the rest of the scenarios he was imagining. Reaching the house, he all but ran to the door and knocked.

  "Sheriff, what are you doing here?” A quick glance back over his shoulder told Drew, Jeremy knew exactly why he was there.

  "Jeremy, where's your brother?"

  Jeremy pulled himself up to his full five feet, nine inches, and held his head high in arrogance. “He's in bed; you scheduled him to work a split shift today, Remember?"

  So I've been told! Damn it all. Why is everyone giving me attitude today? “I need to talk to him for a minute. You can go back to whatever you were doing. I can let myself in.” When Jeremy got in his way and blocked his path, Drew was impressed with the kid's determination to keep him out.

  "No offense, Sheriff, but I don't think you should go in there."

  Having Jeremy call him Sheriff twice in a five minute span, when he'd known him his entire life got his attention and flared his suspicion. “And why the hell not?"

  "Cause he's not alone!"

  "That dear boy is exactly why I need to go in there. Sorry, kid. I know you mean well, but this is important."

  * * * *

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Four

  Drew opened the bedroom door and saw his worst nightmare come to life. Jimmy was lying in bed, gently holding the one woman he couldn't get out of his head in his arms while she slept. Unexpected pain flared in his chest.


  "Uhmmm Jimmy?"

  "Ms. McKay you're late.” Drew watched her crack open an eyelid just enough to look at the man holding her while she'd slept, then burrow back into the crook of his arm.

  "Now I know I'm losing my mind,” Allison grumbled.

  "Why exactly is that, Ms. McKay?"

  Her head came up, the blanket slowly sliding down her chest to reveal Jimmy's college jersey covering her body. He didn't like seeing her wearing that piece of clothing one bit. Seeing her in the jersey was worse than if she'd been naked. They'd always had one thing in common, he and Jimmy—they never let anyone wear their jerseys.

  "Do you always enter other men's bedrooms, Sheriff?"

  "Only when I know he's in bed with the woman who's been keeping me waiting for the past two hours.” A woman he knows I care about, and after he had just promised not to stand in the way of my pursuit.

  "Care to explain why you couldn't just call?"

  I was jealous, and needed to know for sure if I was right. Schooling his features into a scowl, he tore his eyes away from her body. “Can we please just get back to the station and finish that damned audit now?"

  Sighing, she ran her hands through her hair. “Very well, I'll give you until six pm."

  Drew stood transfixed, unable to look away when she started to get out of bed. The dark blue comforter pooled around her hips. Jimmy never once even stirred. How the man could sleep like the dead with the woman of his dreams in his bed, Drew would never understand.

  "Aren't you going to get out of here?” Allison asked in annoyance.

  He watched as her eyebrows rose into her hairline and her head tilted to the side, but she'd stopped moving out of the bed, which annoyed him further.


  "I'm not going anywhere until you're ready to go."

  "Jimmy...Jimmy wake up!” Allison nudged his shoulder.

  Drew's jealousy started boil when he saw Jimmy try to pull Allison back down into the bed. The lying, double crossing son of a bitch, he'll be on graveyard till I die, for this.

  "Allison, unless I'm hogging the blankets, or Drew is standing over my bed, I really do need to sleep. I've gotta work later. Come back down here and keep me warm."

  Laughing softly, she gently brushed his hands away. “Jimmy, we have company. Drew is standing over the bed."

  "What are you talking about?"

  She leaned down next to his ear and whispered something so softly Drew couldn't over hear it, but whatever she said made Jimmy bolt upright in bed, suddenly awake.

  "Shit. Drew, this isn't..."

  Drew waved him silent; he'd had enough. “Save it, Jimmy. I just want to finish this damned audit tonight so that I don't have to deal with this woman anymore."

  Jimmy threw him a disgusted look and turned back to Allison. “Sweetie, why don't you go shower; your clothes should be clean by now."

  Her slow crawl over Jimmy in the bed made him groan and deepened the resentment Drew felt toward the man.

  "Fine, but he'd better be gone when I get back. I don't approve of a man barging into a room knowing there is a lady present."

  "I promise to take care of this. Please, just go."

  The moment she stood, Drew felt his whole body come to life. The woman was everything he wanted in a partner—beautiful, smart, sexy, and opinionated. That combination was difficult to ignore.

  Wiping a hand over her face, Allison deflated before him. “I don't know what you have against me, Sheriff, or why you seem to dislike me so much, but it's been a really long time since I've met a guy who likes me enough to share his bed with me. Did you really need to ruin that for me?"

  Yes. He couldn't bring himself to actually say the word, but he truly meant it. Well, damn I didn't see that coming.


  The annoyance in her voice combined with the hurt on her face did him in. What he felt for this tiny woman was more than a simple attraction. He wanted her, but not for a single night. He wanted her f
orever and a day. Drew was beyond caring if she'd had sex with Jimmy or not; he was no saint himself. Allison had a vulnerability about her he felt impelled to protect and a sadness he wanted to wash away.

  Movement from the bed snapped him back to the situation at hand. “Oh, damn you, woman. Yes. Yes, I did have to ruin this for you. I should be the one in that bed with you, not him!” Grabbing her shoulders he pulled her into a kiss that wiped all coherent thought from his mind. The moment her arms came up around his neck and her body pressed up against his, he knew he'd finally found the one he'd been searching for.

  "It's about time!” Jimmy teased.

  Drew was both grateful and disgusted with Jimmy for interrupting the moment. He'd never forgotten there was another person in the room before while kissing a woman. That he could lose himself in her so completely...he knew he'd lost his battle and fallen for her.

  "I'm...I'm going to shower now.” Her hand came up to caress her lips as she backed quickly away from him. “This can't happen, Drew; it's wrong. It's against regulations. You need to leave now. I'll drop off the documents for you to sign in a few days. If you have any questions, you can call my office and I'll be more than happy to answer them all for you. Over the phone."

  "Woman, have you lost your mind?” She was the one he'd been waiting for, and he refused to let her go over some damned regulations.

  "This cannot, will not... happen again. Therefore, we can't be in the same room together—not even with others around—ever again. I'm leaving."

  Drew blocked her exit. “Like hell you are. I've finally come to terms with my feelings for you, and I'm not letting you go now. That kiss told me two things: one, you're just as attracted to me as I am to you, and two...” He'd never had a woman look at him with such intense fear in her eyes before. It made him doubly determined to have her for himself.

  Planting her hands on her hips, she scowled at him. “What? Why do you keep doing that?"

  "You're mine!"

  "No...” She started backing away from him, her head shaking in denial so violently he was afraid she'd hurt herself. “ I need to leave."


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