A Home for my Heart (Matters of the Heart #3)

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A Home for my Heart (Matters of the Heart #3) Page 1

by Velvet Reed

  Copyright © 2015 Velvet Reed / Kristine Englefield

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written consent of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who may quote a brief passage in their review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to any person, living or dead is by pure coincidence. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the places and products referred to in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission and is by no way sponsored by the trademark owners. The author also acknowledges the artists and songs mentioned in this work of fiction.

  This is a contemporary romance novel and is recommended for readers over the age of 18 due to strong language and sexual content.

  Cover Designer: Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Editor: The Word Wench Editing Services

  Proofreader: Fiona Dreaming Proof Reading

  Formatter: Champagne Formats

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Matters of the Heart Series

  Book One - The Rhythm of my Heart

  Book Two – Saving Our Hearts


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Contact Velvet Reed

  Books by the Author

  To my readers,

  You all mean the world to me.

  I can’t thank you enough for standing by me and continuing to support me even though it’s taken a long time for this book to happen.

  I wouldn’t even be an author without you taking the time to read my books and loving them. For that I am eternally grateful.

  This is for all of you who love this series and the characters who live between these pages.

  Thank You from the bottom of my heart.


  Author’s Note:

  The books in this series are NOT standalones.

  The series NEEDS be read in order to fully understand each book.

  While there are different main couples, every story is intertwined and background information is given in the previous books.

  This series is recommended for people over 18 years due to strong language and sexual content.

  Beware there is a cliff-hanger at the end of book one.


  Grace Rivers is your everyday twenty-five-year-old. She could have the world at her feet, but instead chooses to help run the family business. After experiencing great loss early in her life, Grace values what's most important: her family and friends. But she aches to find that certain someone—that one great, passionate love who values family as much as she does.

  Cole Tierney loves his life. He has a wonderful family, a loyal best friend and a successful career as an ER doctor. The only downside is he wants someone to share it with. After being used and left heartbroken, he wants to find someone who will love him for him and not his or his family's status.

  "Every beat my heart makes is for you. Every time it beats faster it's because of you—because you're near me, because of your smile—because you take my breath away."

  Their two hearts collide by chance and an undeniable connection is quickly made.

  But when others are plotting against their happiness, will their love flatline, or will the rhythm of their hearts continue to beat as one?


  When your whole world shatters and time stands still, recovery is never easy. Plans and dreams ripped apart now seem impossible, and finding a steady rhythm for your beating heart seems unattainable.

  Cole Tierney and Grace Rivers had a bright, uncomplicated future ahead of them, but the accident changed that. In the aftermath, there are wide reaching consequences, not only for Cole and Grace, but their loved ones, too.

  Only together can they battle to survive the impact. Is it enough for them to heal and fight for their future?

  With just one glimmer of hope before them, will a small miracle have the strength to save their hearts?

  For an entire year it’s been building up to this night.

  I’ll admit I found her attractive the first time I walked into that karaoke club. Ashley would kill me for calling it that. We verbally sparred that first night and I clearly remember her making smartass remarks about my job as an OBGYN and calling me Vagina Man. It annoyed me as much as it turned me on.

  The next time I saw her was at the club again. I remember experiencing a mass of emotions; lust, anger, frustration, and desire like I’ve never known. I knew then she pushed all my buttons and when she appeared on stage in revealing black leather, my dick damn near exploded in delight. It wasn’t until a long time after, I learnt that the outfit and performance were meant to grab my attention. Of course, I acted like an asshole and insulted her, setting precedence for our future interactions.

  I know now I screwed up again when I sent her flowers as an apology. Women love flowers, but I guess when you own a successful florist, receiving flowers from a competitor, no matter what the sentiment behind them is, doesn’t bode well for the sender. Lesson learnt.

  For six months we co-existed at family gatherings, like the Fourth of July, barbeques and Christmas. We never deliberately interacted, apart from when I called her when Cole and Gracie had their big fight and break up. I always made sure I had a date for those occasions and it both intrigued and baffled me why Ashley didn’t. Not once in all the time I’ve known her have I seen her with another guy. Quite honestly, I think that might have been a good thing because I’m sure I’d have ended up being more of an asshole than usual. Not that I intended or wanted to be that way. She just made my emotions soar and dip like a freaking roller coaster which resulted in me behaving like one.

  New Year’s Eve was definitely the turning point. I took Valerie, a nurse from the hospital, to Cole and Gracie’s party. While she was similar in appearance to Ashley, her eyes just weren’t the right blue and her hair not the right shade of blonde. I remember watching Ashley all night and pretending to be completely into Valerie when I knew Ashley was looking our way. A display of true assholery. Ashley slipped away before the clock struck twelve and I felt compelled to follow her. Heated words were thrown back and forth and when I couldn’t take it anymore I pushed her against the wall and claimed her mouth.

  That kiss… That kiss was like no other kiss I had ever experienced in my life. I demanded she kiss me back even after all the shit I spewed at her. Then when she did and she threw herself into the embrace as much as I was, it threw me off balance and somehow touched something inside me. I couldn’t hold back. Especially not when she said that she thoug
ht I hated her. She drove me crazy but I could never hate her. It took everything I had in me to hold myself back that night and not take her right there against the wall in my best friend’s house in the middle of a damn party. But I walked away. I walked away and couldn’t think about anything but Ashley for days and weeks to come.

  When all hell broke loose at the end of January, something snapped inside me. I don’t know if it was helping to save both Gracie and Cooper’s lives or if it was watching my brother and best friend almost lose the love of his life and his son, but that day, and the days that followed, changed me.

  The moment I found Ashley by herself in a small waiting room, broken down and overwhelmed by fear and sadness, I knew I had to be there for her. In that moment it became my job… my responsibility to comfort her, to support her and to be her rock. And that’s exactly what I did. I never expected the moment to lead into another soul shattering kiss. I never expected to feel the comfort and tenderness Ashley was providing me. I never expected to feel all the things I felt and they scared me to death.

  Gracie’s arrival home and Cooper’s excellent progress had everyone less stressed so I finally made my move. I kissed her again in Cole and Gracie’s house only to be caught by Olivia and threatened by Charlie, but from then on we were together.

  It hasn’t been long, and we’ve had to work around our work schedules, but I’m in a relationship. An honest to God, adult relationship. Does it scare me? Absolutely. Would I rather be single than have Ashley by my side? Hell no! It’s just taking some adjusting.

  While there have been excessive amounts of making out, and other manually achieved pleasure, we haven’t taken the step and slept together yet. Ash said she wasn’t ready and wanted our relationship to develop more. Most of the time I can understand her reasoning but when we’ve gotten to the point where my dick is rock hard and my blue balls are aching for release, I really wish there was some way of making her change her mind. Those times are when I’m mentally cursing up a storm and praying for her to be ready. But as I said, this relationship thing has taken some time to adjust to and I respect her enough to wait. Too bad my dick doesn’t feel the same way.

  Which has lead us to tonight, and the first time in my life that I’ve ever experienced jealousy. We went to Pitch and Tone’s at Cole and Gracie’s request. It was their first time out since the accident and Cooper’s birth. I watched my girl up on stage singing ‘Betty Davis Eyes’ and, as usual, she had the crowd in the palm of her hand. She was incredible and I truly regret calling her a Pink wannabe the first time I saw her sing. Thank God she doesn’t know about that comment because otherwise, she’d have my balls.

  We were dancing and things got a little too… let’s just say exciting. I told her I wanted her as we rubbed up against each other and kissed with desperation. I could tell by looking at her, though, that she still wasn’t ready and there I was, hard as a rock, ready to take her then and there on the crowded dance floor.

  I couldn’t take it. I was on the verge of completely losing my shit. When the song stopped, I guided Ash back to the table and offered to get a round of drinks. I damn well needed a strong drink. Everything went a little haywire from there, though, because while I was at the bar, Valerie materialized and she’d had way too much to drink. She was flirting like crazy, giggling at things that weren’t even funny, and then she lost her balance and I had to catch her to make sure she didn’t fall.

  Unbeknownst to me, however, was the fact that Ash saw me with my arm around Valerie’s waist and got the wrong impression. Her fiery little temper got the better of her and I’m sure she was a little hurt. She had decided that dancing with Tanner, the new mechanic at Bryan’s garage, who is also an old friend of Charlie’s, would be the perfect retaliation.

  A red haze clouded my sight when I took in the performance that Ashley was putting on, on the dance floor. Rage consumed me. My body filled with intense and unadulterated jealousy. I left Valerie where she stood and charged across the room with one goal in mind… to introduce my fist with this asshole’s face.

  Who the fuck did he think he was, putting his hands on my woman! He had no right looking at her, let alone touching her. My heart was pounding, adrenaline was pumping through my veins and my only thought was to kill the bastard.

  Surprisingly, this Tanner guy backed away without a fight or any hesitation. I can’t say the same for Ashley, however. What resulted between us was an argument full of heated accusations and confessions, all culminating into a passionate kiss that changed something between us.

  Everything had been building up to this for the past year. Ashley said she was ready to take the next step with me. I sit here, gripping the steering wheel, while driving back to my place after leaving Pitch and Tone’s, giddy as a horny freaking teenager right before he gets laid for the first time.

  This will be our first time. The first time I have sex with this gorgeous woman sitting beside me, who drives me crazy but who I can’t get out of my head no matter how hard I try.

  Yep… Tonight I make Ashley Brookes mine.

  Sitting in Sam’s red 1965 Thunderbird, a car that Gracie falls into a lust induced coma over every time she sees it, I stare out the window watching the dark cover of night slip by. The sexual tension cloaks us in the confines of the car’s small interior, and I know if I chance a glance in Sam’s direction I’ll lose my grip on the control I’m just barely holding onto.

  This is it! After denying our attraction for almost a year, and after weeks of long drugging kisses as we test the waters of our new status as a couple, the time has finally come to bare ourselves to each other completely. Considering the undeniable heat that Sam has always created within me and the fact that the buildup to this has been going on for quite some time, I’m ready to go off like a firecracker.

  “Ashley?” Sam’s deep voice pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Hmmm?” I mutter without turning to look at him and jump slightly when his hand comes in contact with my thigh and rests there.

  He clears his throat. “Are you okay?” he asks, his voice full of concern.

  Nodding, I continue looking out the window, my heart pounding a little faster and my thigh tingling from the sensation of his hand gliding softly up and down. I’m sure his touch is meant to be soothing but as it inches that little bit higher, that inch closer to my aching core, I drag in a sharp, ragged breath and press my thighs together tightly in an effort to alleviate my pulsing need.

  His hand stills and then starts to pull away. “We don’t have to do this,” he mutters, his disappointment evident.

  Knowing he’s gotten the wrong impression I turn to him and take the hand that was on my thigh. “Sam, I want this. I want you. Please don’t think any different.”

  He looks at me, his gaze probing, and I hope he can see the sincerity in my eyes, as well as the desire.

  “You haven’t said a word since we left the club.” He pauses. “I’ll understand if you’ve changed your mind. I mean…”

  “Sam!” I cut him off. “I’m seconds away from crawling over there and mauling you while you drive the damn car. I’m hanging on by a thread and if I keep looking at you, that thread’s going to snap. It would be a good idea to be behind closed doors before we rip each other’s clothes off, don’t you think?”

  Taking his eyes off the road for a second he looks at me again, his sinful mouth curling up into a sexy grin. “Maul me, huh? Lucky we’ll be at my place in a few minutes. We wouldn’t want you getting arrested for indecent exposure, now would we?”

  “Definitely not.” I smirk and interlace my fingers with his, resting our entwined hands on my lap before turning to look out the window again. We lapse back into silence as we travel the final few minutes to Sam’s house.

  The first time I went to Sam’s place I expected it to be like Cole’s house; homey and welcoming. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Sam lives in a very modern, very sleek and industrial looking apartment complex. The inside of his apartment
is similar. Everything is white, silver or black. There’s no clutter, not a single thing out of place. Even the remote controls for the television are perfectly aligned on the glass coffee table in front of the black leather couch. The whole place is devoid of color and by no means feels at all like a home. Suddenly, I’m wondering if his place is where I want to experience our first time together.

  I have no time left to think about it as Sam pulls into the underground parking garage of his building. He turns off the engine and sits for a moment before turning to me. “We’re here,” he murmurs and I suppress a laugh as he states the obvious.

  “Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed,” I reply wryly with a smirk.

  Sam just smiles and shakes his head “You’re such a smart-ass, Ash.” He gets out of the car and is around my side in a flash, opening the door and taking my hand as he pulls me from my seat. One arm wraps around my waist and drags my body against his, while the other dives into my hair and holds my head still. “You need to put that mouth to better use, Beautiful.” Then his lips are on mine in an instant, desperately staking claim.

  Unable to control my need for him, I throw myself into the kiss. I’ve literally plastered my body to his so there isn’t the slightest space between us. My hands are clawing at his back and my right leg is wrapped around his hip. I can’t get close enough. Our teeth clash as our hunger for each other reaches a whole new level.

  The loud beeping of a car alarm being activated has us breaking the kiss and I snap my head around, looking for the source of the noise, only to find another couple around our age huddle together laughing as they walk to the elevator, giving us surreptitious glances as they go. I bury my face in Sam’s shirt and giggle. “That’s embarrassing.”

  I feel Sam’s chest rumble as he laughs. “Not embarrassing at all. I bet we’ve just put them in the mood and they’re going to their apartment to get it on just like we are.”

  I turn and glance back to the elevator bay where the couple is waiting. Their hands are stroking each other and the guy is nuzzling the girl’s neck. Hmmm, I guess Sam’s right.


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