In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4))

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In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4)) Page 28

by Griffin, Kara

  He pulled her into his embrace. “You’ll be well?”

  “I shall. You read his words. He wants me, Griffen, and I want him.”

  “I hope you’ll be happy, sister. I will leave this day as well. You’ll take her to James?” Griffin said to Laird Ross.

  “Aye, but you’re not going anywhere, lad.”

  “What do you mean?” Griffen asked.

  “You spent the night with my daughter. Ye both were alone for two days.”

  “What of it?” Griffen’s face began to redden with his affront.

  “No man does such a thing without repercussions.”

  Emlyn was ready to burst forth with laughter, but held back her mirth.

  Griffen looked at each of them and it finally dawned on him.

  “Father, nay, this is not the way I want my marriage to begin.” Anne scowled fiercely at her father, with her hands on her hips.

  Laird Ross ignored her and kept his gaze on her brother. “Griffen, do you oppose to be wed to Anne?”

  Emlyn touched his arm to get him to look at her. She couldn’t read his thoughts on the matter and worried that he would reject the lass.

  “Nay, I don’t oppose at all.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  James was elated his infirm was over. He walked without much of a limp toward the sea. This day he would wash away the stench of the salve from him forever. Soon it would be too cold to take to the sea to swim or wash and he was fortunate to have completed the regimen when he did.

  When he reached the sandy shoreline, he dropped the extra garments he carried and stripped, and walked into the water. It was strange that no others were in the water at that early hour. Usually a handful of soldiers could be found taking a morning swim.

  After ensuring he washed thoroughly, James relaxed and looked up at the sky. He was beginning to become impatient about Emlyn. A sennight had passed since Griffen and Anne departed. He hoped they’d arrived safely back at the Ross keep and that they were able to impart his message.

  After leaving the sea, James dried off and dressed in the freshly laundered tunic and tartan. He carried his boots and other items, and set off for the keep. The back gate had been closed. He was certain he’d left it slightly ajar, but it wasn’t locked so he entered. He sauntered at a faster pace than he’d been able to before Muriel’s remedy. Mayhap it had worked to further heal his injury. At least he hadn’t felt any pain in several days.

  James put on his boots before taking the lesser-known path and he passed the cottage he’d used during his infirm and reached the end of the lane. This day he would occupy his new home which had only been completed the day before. Upon arriving at the door, he heard Bree within.

  “Put it there.”

  He stopped short when he saw her and the two lads she directed inside. She’d brought furnishings: a good sized table with four chairs set near the kitchen area, a large bed at the far wall, and two chairs covered in fabric that matched their clan’s tartans. An area to the left had been set up with various items to tend wounded soldiers. The kitchen area was stocked with various foodstuffs in sacks and pots sat in the small hearth. He was speechless at her generosity.

  “I hope you like it. I took the liberty to furnish it for you.”

  James didn’t know what to say. “My thanks, milady. But you didn’t have to do this.”

  “Aye, I did.” She smiled and directed the lads to leave. “If you would like to come to the keep for supper later, I’m having Gell make a fat goose. No sense in you making anything for yourself.”

  “Mayhap I will come. Do you deem she got my message?” James sighed and hoped Bree would have some insight.

  “I’m certain she received it by now. Worry not, James. Emlyn is likely on her way to you. I know you must be anxious to see her.”

  “I am.” James wanted to see her now, this minute, and he wasn’t about to let her get away again. He thought about leaving to go to the Ross keep himself, and he might do so later this day if he didn’t hear word. He considered having Grey send someone to find out if Anne arrived home, just to assure himself that Emlyn was given his message. But what if she received his missive and gifts and still wouldn’t accept him? James wasn’t wont to be negative, but since she hadn’t come yet, he couldn’t help but be so.

  “I must go. Greer and Grace want to forage in the woods, and Gray promised to teach them hunting tactics.”

  “Is he taking anyone with you?” He became concerned, for he had yet to select the men who would guard his laird’s family.

  Bree turned to leave and set her hand on the door. “Aye, Duff and Cait will be joining us, along with some of the guardsmen.”

  “It is a good day to get outdoors.”

  Bree squeezed his hand and vacated the cottage. When she reached the outside, she called his name.

  He thought something might be wrong, for her voice pitched.

  James stepped thought the threshold and rooted to the spot he stood. How lovely she looked. God how he missed her.


  Emlyn ceased walking when she saw him. Grey said something to her, but he couldn’t hear what because they stood too far away. His laird held the reins of a pristine white horse, which he tethered to a post in the lane.

  Emlyn started to run toward him and James took two steps when she reached him and threw herself at him.

  He embraced her and they stood silent, holding each other. He daren’t speak for it could be his imagination playing tricks on him. But Emlyn felt real in his arms. She continued to hold him tightly with her face pressed against his chest.

  He watched Grey take Bree’s hand and lead her away, down the lesser-known path.

  Alone now, James let her slide from his body until she gained her feet. He stared at her bonny face and knew his grin had to be wide, for he couldn’t hold back his jubilation that she came.

  “I love you, James Gunn. I was foolish to leave you. I never want to be parted from you again.” Her voice filled with emotion and he thought she might be weeping. She continued to hide her face, against his tunic.

  “Are you proposing, lass? Because if you are, then I say aye.”

  Emlyn laughed and hugged him again. “I would marry you fifty times. My heart is aching and I can barely breathe. For I never meant to hurt you.”

  “I suspect you received my message and gifts?” James kept his hold on her and wouldn’t release her, but he had no choice when she stepped back.

  She took his hands in hers and peered at him, tears glistened on her eyelashes. “I did. I didn’t keep the arrows though.” Emlyn laughed, and the sound eased his heart, for he missed hearing the sound of her laughter more than anything. That and her sweet lips, bonny face, and sexy body.

  “You didn’t?”

  “Nay, I bartered them with Laird Ross. He practically drooled over them and I knew you needed a horse, since you let Oran go. I traded all but one stack of arrows for the horse there.”

  He kept her hand in his and pulled her along until they reached the horse. “He’ll be a good warhorse, but I won’t be taking to arms and won’t need such a horse.”

  Emlyn leaned into him and he put his arm around her shoulder. “Why not? Tell me you’re not going to farm your father’s land. You said didn’t wish to do so.”

  He wanted to kiss her, but until they spoke, he would hold back his desire. “Nay, I cannot be a guardsman what with my leg. Och Grey asked me to head the team of new guardsman at the keep and tend the wounds of the soldiers when they get hurt.”

  She squeezed his arm so tightly. “Then you shall need a warhorse if you’ll be tending their wounds, you’ll need to get to them.”

  “I suppose you’re right. And what of you? I thought you would be taking to the field and warring with your father’s army, mayhap going after Marshall.” James leaned against the stone wall that lined the cottages, and pulled her between his legs.

  Emlyn set her hands on his shoulders. “I was foolish to believe my father
would allow me to fight in his army. I’ve given up on that ambition.”

  He raised her chin. “Not foolish, Emlyn. But the matters of war are not what a woman should experience. I commend your father for his conviction even though you are upset by it. There are other ways to aid the cause of war without taking your sword into battle.”

  “I am not certain there is, but it doesn’t matter for I am happy to be here with you no matter what I do to occupy my time.”

  James sighed. He knew she was defeated but hoped to appease her. “There’s a position here for a trainer of the new recruits. The lads need a guiding hand and only someone with talent and patience can lead them. Are you interested?”

  She frowned and looked down the lane where Grey and Bree had gone. “Truly? What of your laird? Is he in agreement with this? I think he’s still ireful with me.”

  He chuckled. “Aye, he might still be ireful. Grey is not one to let go of things so easily. But he is in agreement. The job is yours if you want it.” James took her face in his hands and forced her to look at him. “Sometimes, lass, we have to compromise even if we don’t get to do what we want. We were both on a path and were led elsewhere. But I’m not displeased because it led me to you and you back to me.”

  “Oh, James, that is the kindest thing anyone ever said to me. I shall be happy for the position. Will you kiss me now? I’ve gone too long without you and all I want—”

  He didn’t let her finish and pulled her forward. His mouth settled over hers before she could finish. He kissed her long and hard, and within seconds, lusty desire overtook him. For she always affected him that way and likely always would.

  James didn’t break off his kiss when he lifted her and carried her inside the cottage. When he set her on her feet, she began tugging at his tartan. Excitement and desire affected them both, and he didn’t want to wait another second.

  “I want you. I want to feel your nakedness beneath me.”

  He grinned, for shouldn’t he be the one saying such to her. “Then I am yours.”

  Emlyn finished undressing him and he stood before her as she walked around him, touching him and letting her hands glide over his musculature. Every touch hardened him, for he grew tense with anticipation. She circled him and slid her hand down his spine and then kissed his back in the center.

  “I’m sorry, James, for … what happened at Marshall’s keep. I’m relieved you’ve healed.”

  He turned and drew her in his arms. “Let us not speak of unhappiness. Nothing will make this day unpleasant.” James pulled the lovely gown she wore over her head. She wore a cream-colored shift that barely hid the hue of her nipples. He groaned, knowing it would be his downfall, for she had the loveliest breasts. He leaned in to kiss the tautness. Her curls were tied in a perfect coif, of which he’d never seen her wear. He liked her better with her curls flowing freely and undid the bounds, letting it fall to her shoulders.

  “You are the most bonny woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  She giggled when he forced her back to the bed. “I wager you say that to all the lasses you want in your bed.”

  James maintained a serious gaze, one he was sure was filled with his intent. “Nay, there’s only one lass I want in our bed.”

  She pulled him forward, and he set his face against her neck, breathing in her scent. Nothing smelled akin to Emlyn, and he kissed the sensitive spot beneath her ear. She tried to pull away and giggled.

  “How I've missed you,” he said, as his lips continued to hover over her skin. Without hesitating, he entered her body. It was always like this: his heart raced, his blood heated, and his impatience ruled him.

  “I love when you’re inside me. Oh, that feels nice.” She gasped when he purposely moved with deliberate thrust. “Harder, my love.”

  James swore he’d lost his mind, for he couldn’t focus. The feeling of being with her, that of her hands moving over his skin, and the way she shifted her hips to meet him, all caused his thoughts to scatter. He concentrated on pleasing her and used his hands to caress her in return. His mouth moved over her breasts until he reached her throat, where he sucked at her skin.

  Emlyn took hold of his face and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Her sweet mouth suckled his tongue and caused his moan. He knew the moment she culminated, for her body shook and James helped to support her legs. She squealed as her release took complete control over her. James grinned, for he liked nothing better than looking at her beautiful face when she was in the thorough of her climax.

  He continued to move his body and within seconds he joined her. His sanity fled in that moment and he gave over to the culmination, and groaned in unadulterated pleasure. James fell beside her, content to hold her, and he closed his eyes.

  “My love, are you well?” She petted his chest and leaned on her elbow, watching him rasp from his exertion.

  “Never better.” James’ breath calmed, and he pulled her into his arms. He was happy to have her beside him. “I have imagined you here in our home a hundred times and here you are, finally.”

  “Our home? This is ours? How?” Emlyn set her hand on his abdomen and lightly caressed him.

  “Grey gifted it to me for my service. Bree furnished it. I deem we could be happy here. Would you mind raising our family here?”

  She gasped a light sound and tilted her face to look at him. “You want to have a family with me?”

  “Aye, and we shall wed at the harvest celebration. If you’ll have me.” He took hold of her face and smiled. “For nothing else matters but you, Emlyn, only you.”

  “Of course I’ll have you, James. Nothing would make me more contented. We shall discuss this family you’re wanting. How many children are we speaking of?”

  James laughed, knowing he was about to astound her. “Plenty. Enough so you’ll have your own army.” He took her in his arms when she bolted to a sitting position. “Or at least a good-sized regiment.”

  “I concede to two or three at the most,” she said, and a settled next to him.

  He gave her a light kiss on her temple. “Then we have an agreement.”


  Highlands Scotland

  September, 1225

  It was a perfect autumn day for a wedding. James rose early and noticed Emlyn had already left the cottage. She liked to be on the field before any of the lads. He hastened to the small kitchen in their cottage and set the flame to the logs that sat in the small hearth. Taking a small pot in hand, he began mixing a pottage to break his morning fast. As much as he was hungry, he only made a small amount for himself.

  This day was going to be filled with happiness, for he would finally make Emlyn his wife. James thought the day would never come, especially given what they’d gone through to get to this event. They both decided they wanted everyone present when they bespoke the sacrament, all the Gunns, some of the McInnish clan, the Ross’, and unfortunately because the king was attending Donal’s keep about some issue he was having with a clan, Alexander himself. With all the duties of the harvest complete, all would attend the gathering.

  Before the ceremony and feast, they also needed to swear in the new guardsmen James had selected. Grey wanted it done this day, and James hastened to get them ready in time.

  The door opened and Emlyn strode inside. She set her sword and other training objects near the door. “It smells good in here. What are you making?”

  “Pottage.” James added more mixture to the pot and stirred it. He’d been given the recipe from Sean, who used it whenever he traveled and had no cook to attend him. “You’re back early.”

  “Aye, I let the lads go since they’re took excited for the day’s events. Duff released the seasoned soldiers as well.”

  “The question is, are you excited?” He laughed when she sat wearily in the chair at the table.

  “I am, ‘tis just … are you certain you want to wed me? I cannot cook, cannot mend a tunic. I’m useless as a wife."

  James let out a bellowing laugh. “Not compl
etely useless. And we can always find someone to cook for us and mend our tunics. You will say aye, this day, when Father Geoffrey asks the questions.”

  “I will, worry not, James.”

  They ate their morning fare in silence and Emlyn rose. She kissed him on the side of his face. “I must be off. Bree wants me to ready for the ceremony at the keep. I will see you later.”

  “Wait, I shall walk with ye.” James closed the cottage door and took her hand. He walked with nary a limp and it rarely bothered him. The day had gone from chilly and misty to sunny and bright. He was glad they’d have a fair-weathered day for their wedding and the harvest celebration. When they left the lesser-known path, James released her hand. “This is where I leave you. You promise not to change your mind?”

  Emlyn laughed. “Nay, I will be there. I do love you, James Gunn, and nothing will keep me from becoming your wife.” She kissed him passionately and when her lips left his, she smiled. “Now go and worry not.”

  He turned and headed toward the stables and decided to ride out to exercise his horse. The white needed a strong hand to lead him for he was as wily as his soon-to-be wife. James laughed to himself for they both tended to need a strong hand. He had begun the horse’s training, but still had a ways to go before he could trust the horse to do his commands. When he approached the stables, he saw many had arrived given the amount of the horses within, and poor Jonny, who led two horses away, seemed to be out of breath.

  James was able to get in and out without being seen. He led his horse by the reins until he reached the outside. Without saddling him, he mounted him and headed toward the gate. Grey approached on his horse and said nothing as he sidled next to him. Before he knew it, Duff, Kenneth, Colm, and Sean joined them. They rode silently along the trail outside the keep toward the sea.

  “Seems we all had the same idea,” Grey said.


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