Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 19

by Leigh Morgan

  Ram addressed the blond. “Your suitcase is in the front hall. I’m assuming that you’ll be leaving with Wainwright?”

  “William’s here?” She asked.

  Ram grabbed a coke from the fridge and leaned against the counter, no way was he sitting at that table if he could help it.

  “Yea, he’s here. He’s apologizing to Hunter.” Ram took a sip of his soda. “You’d better drive home though, I think he’s had too much to drink.”

  “William doesn’t drink.” The blond and Rhia said over one another.

  Ram harrumphed. “Yea, well. You could have fooled me.”

  Both women began to stand up. “Oh no you don’t. Leave them alone. Neither Hunter nor Wainwright needs you right now.”

  Both women sat. Well it seemed he had some authority in his own home after all, Ram thought, taking his points where he could find them.

  “So, what brings the new Mrs. Wainwright for a visit?” Ram asked wondering when he lost control of his life so completely.

  “Candi’s leaving William. She wanted to talk to Ethan and Hunter before she left.” Rhia answered.

  Did he imagine that tilt to Rhia’s chin and the challenge in her eyes? What had he missed? Hell, she didn’t even know he was being sued yet. What was going to happen when she found out and she really had something to be pissed about?

  “Why?” He asked. Three sets of female eyes bored into him like he was some kind of exotic baboon at the zoo, kind of cute but hell to talk to. He suddenly felt like an idiot, the urge to walk on all fours and beat his chest was stronger than it should have been. Maybe he could just throw Rhia over his shoulder and lock her in their bedroom with him where they could stay until all their unwanted guests found their own homes.

  Rhia was the one who gave him a chance to redeem himself. “Ram, Candi’s pregnant.”

  God he hated it when women talked in circles and the men in their lives were supposed to be able to follow because it made some sort of twisted sense to them. Ben teased that every female over twelve went on a yearly retreat to the same obscure ranch in Montana where they learned how to communicate in a code no male was ever going to understand. Now he knew exactly what Ben meant.

  Ram tried to feel his way. He’d played Texas hold ‘em on the celebrity poker channel, he knew how to bluff, sort of. He finished his coke, crushed the can with one hand, a trick he’d learned at seventeen to impress the ladies, and threw it in the recycle bin under the sink.

  The ladies were not impressed. “I can see that.” He said trying to buy time.

  Rhia’s eyes narrowed and she started talking very slowly. Even a baboon could figure out he’d just lost whatever status he had when he walked into the room.

  “Candi is pregnant. With William’s baby. She’s leaving him.” Rhia shot Candi an unreadable look, then looked back at him like he’d grown another head to go with the fur.

  “She wanted to see Hunter and Ethan to smooth things over before she left. I suggested she stay here for a few days. To clear her head. Before she did anything rash.”

  She was willing him to get it. Ram could see that much in Rhia’s face. Unfortunately all his pistons weren’t firing and he just wasn’t up to the twists and turns of woman-speak.

  “Okay, so why is she staying here? Wouldn’t she be more comfortable at the Marriott? Or how about the Hyatt?” Made sense to him, the women weren’t biting.

  “She’s pregnant.” Rhia and Becca said at the same time.

  “I’m pregnant.” Candi added, just in case he hadn’t gotten it the first three times.

  Ram smiled wryly. “I got that. Believe me, that is the one thing I got loud and clear.”

  Rhia was looking at him like he just crawled out from under a rock, and she didn’t even know the half of it yet.

  Becca smirked at him and tried to explain. “Ram, Candi’s pregnant. She’s leaving her husband. She doesn’t want to break the ties Hunter and Ethan have to this baby just because she’s leaving their father. So, she came here to set things right with Rhia and her kids. Before she leaves.”

  Well hell. That did make some sense, but the kid wasn’t born yet and Ram sure didn’t want her in his house until that happened. He was saved from saying anything else these women would interpret as idiotic by Wainwright.

  “You are not leaving me.” William said from the door way. That’s my baby. I screwed up with my family the first time around. I won’t this time.”

  Candi didn’t even look at him. She crossed her arms under her ample chest causing her breasts to come within centimeters of spilling out of her low cut sweater. Ram couldn’t help but fixate on that admirable length of cleavage.

  Rhia scowled at him. Ram rubbed a hand across his face. And the day had started out so well.

  “Ha. That’s why you put in seventy hours at the office this week? Seventy. You call that being there for your family?” Candi threw at Wainwright.

  Ram thought Wainwright looked like he’d slept at the office for a week and forgotten that he needed more than one suit. But the man didn’t raise his voice or show the desperation he had to be feeling.

  “Look Candi, I told you I had to finish that Cutter estate.” William began, his wife cut him off.

  “It was the Cutter estate this week. The Holden trial last week. You haven’t been home before ten any night since you learned about the baby. I’ve been all alone in that damned condo, which I hate, while you slowly work yourself to death.” Candi’s voice was softer when she continued.

  “If I’m going to raise this baby on my own I’m going somewhere I’m comfortable. Somewhere I have people around me who will help with the baby.” Candi finished and Ram could feel the chill from where he stood.

  Unfortunately for Wainwright he had all three women staring at him with the same accusing look, although Rhia seemed to have a little empathy in her eyes.

  Hunter was the only woman in the room who wasn’t torturing her father with her eyes. Ram’s estimation of the man went up a few notches, he was holding his ground in the face of overwhelming odds.

  “I wasn’t planning on raising another child at this time in my life Candi. I know how much it costs. I’m trying to set some extra aside. If you don’t like the condo, we’ll sell it. We’ll buy a house.” William offered. Hell even Ram was willing to give the guy a chance and he didn’t like him at all.

  “Give him a chance Candi. He’s trying.” This was from Hunter. All the women in the room watched as she took her father’s hand. They obviously hadn’t seen her come in.

  William kissed the top of Hunter’s head and gave her a quick hug. “Thanks honey.” He whispered.

  Ram could tell that everything was going to be all right between Hunter and her dad. The emotions were still a little raw and just under the surface, but they’d taken the first steps toward reconciliation. Ram was pleased to see the light come back into Hunter’s eyes. She worried too much and was so sensitive Ram wanted to protect her from the world. If he felt that way, how much harder was it for her father?

  Candi got up and crossed to William. “The doctor said your blood pressure is too high. You know you’ll hurt your heart if you keep up this pace. We have enough money. Our child needs a father William, not a membership at the yacht club.”

  William cupped his wife’s face. “If I slow down will you come home?”

  Candi nodded. “I never really wanted to leave you stupid man.”

  William smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss. “I cancelled my membership at the yacht club over a couple of gin and tonics tonight. Let’s go home. We can start looking for a house tomorrow.”

  Ram saw that plotting look in Rhia’s eye and wondered what she was up to. “William, I know it might seem a little odd...but...”

  William spoke over her. “Thanks for being here Rhia. I appreciate the fact that you were here to take care of my family when I wasn’t.” Ram couldn’t detect anything but sincerity in William’s tone and words. He watched his wife soften.
  “William, take the house. I can’t go back and you’ve always liked the area. The kids still have most of their things there and you can turn the guest room into a nursery. I have to sell it and you’d be doing me a favor. The listing agreement is up at the end of the week and the realtor hasn’t produced a buyer...” Rhia trailed off.

  Ram wished he’d have thought of it. It was a great solution as long as Rhia could stomach Candi living in her house. The fact that she’d even suggested it had Ram feeling incredibly proud of her. She’d had her life turned upside down, and unfortunately thanks to him that wasn’t over yet, and she landed on her feet. More than that, she was helping her ex-husband land on his too.

  Ram crossed to the pantry and retrieved the keys to Rhia’s house. He tossed them to Wainwright. “There’s even a brand new mattress on the bed. Why don’t you go check it out. See if it’s a place you could raise your family in before you decide anything.”

  William smiled at Ram and Ram caught a glimpse of the flawed but decent man Rhia had married. He and William wouldn’t be hitting golf balls together anytime soon, but Ram didn’t want to break the man’s jaw any longer either. Since it looked like William and Candi were going to be part of his family’s lives, Ram took that as progress.

  William nodded toward Ram, grabbed his wife’s hand and moved toward Rhia. “Thanks.” He said kissing her cheek. He hugged Hunter and then he and Candi were out the door.

  Ram was grateful to have them gone. “Well at least we got rid of the crazy pregnant lady and her husband.” Rhia, Hunter and Becca looked at him like he’d just grown horns. Had he just said that out loud? He was picking up Rhia’s bad habits. Ram turned and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

  When he looked back he was alone.


  Ben Stark let himself in the back door of Ram’s house, using the key Ram had given him earlier. Ram was in the kitchen drinking a beer, two empties on the table next to him. Ben went to the fridge and grabbed one for himself.

  “Well I tried to buy her off, but she figures she can get more mileage taking the thing to court.” Ben said.

  “Holding out for more money no doubt. That, or a little free publicity. She can’t take this past the early stages. It’ll get thrown out like all the others after I counter. It’s just a question of how much damage it’s going to do first.” Ram slammed his bottle on the table.

  “Damn it, Ben. I never cared about the press before. It didn’t hurt anyone but me. I’ve got a family now. Shit.” Ram knew he was going to have to face the music pretty quickly. It was bound to get out, and bad news traveled faster than any other kind when the one at the center of it was a public figure. Ram had learned that the hard way on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, this time his family was going to pay the price right along with him.

  Ben picked up the remote from the table and started flipping channels on the small flat screen kitchen T.V. He was looking for the score on the pre-season game when Ram’s picture flashed on the screen, followed by footage of Rhia coming out of the doctor’s office. That was followed by Ram grabbing the arm of Wainwright’s pregnant wife earlier today in his driveway.

  Ram looked up, making sense of what he was seeing at the same time he heard Rhia’s shriek from the family room.


  “Ah hell. So much for trying to do things the easy way.” Ram looked at Ben, a sad smile twisting his face. “Is it too late to sneak out the back?”

  Rhia’s sudden silence was worse than her shouting and Ram knew it was way too late to run away.


  “What were you doing at the doctor’s office?” Ram asked his wife. “Are you all right? You’ve been acting strange lately. I just figured with the album and everything that you were feeling a little stressed, a little left out.”

  Ram went over to Rhia where she was curled into the couch watching T.V. She looked smaller and younger than she should have with the extra pounds she’d gained filling out her pixie face.

  “I’m not feeling left out. I’m feeling puffy and fat and sick to death of seeing my husband’s face on T.V.” Rhia knew she sounded childish, but she didn’t care.

  Ram knelt next to her and tried to soothe her with his sweet smile. He looked so damn good to her, like a pirate with his long hair, small yellow diamond studs and bare feet. She was going to buy him some sandals just as soon as she was done being mad at him. Winters in Wisconsin were too cold to go around barefoot, even in the house.

  Rhia felt tears well in her eyes and couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so totally out of control. Ram touched her face, his green eyes concerned.

  “You’re not fat honey. You’ve gained a few pounds, but you’re not fat.” He wiggled his eyes at her and lowered his voice, although he didn’t need to, Becca and Ben were out of ear shot across the room. “Besides, I’m finding I like a bit of meat on my women.”

  Ram tried to kiss her and Rhia hit him, hard. He landed on his butt, staring at her like she’d lost her mind. “Are all ‘your women’ pregnant?”

  Rhia screamed that loud enough to be heard across the room, and unfortunately she wasn’t done. “You’re not pregnant are you Becky?”

  Becca didn’t miss a beat and she shouted back. “No. The only man I was interested in sleeping with is a bloody monk. I don’t want him anymore anyway.” She shot Ben a scathing glance. “I deserve better. Frankly Rhia, so do you.”

  Ram narrowed his eyes at Becca. “Yea well, she’s not getting anyone better. She’s stuck with me. Get her outta here Ben, before I strangle her.”

  Ben growled, “My pleasure.” As he tried to lead Becca out of the room, she pulled away from him and stomped toward what had been designated as her room. Ben followed determinedly behind.

  “Well that was rude.”

  “I can be rude. It’s my house.” Ram countered, getting up from the floor. He picked Rhia up and sat down on the couch with her in his lap.

  He saw a bleach blond’s picture flash on the entertainment magazine’s news cast and he turned up the volume. Rhia tried to get up but he held her.

  “I was hoping to pay her off before it got this far.” He said. When Rhia tried to say something he cut her off. “Shh, Rí. Let’s just see how bad it is. I can explain it all, I promise. Just give me a chance.”

  Rhia allowed Ram to hold her and she listened. She needed to know the worst of it and what little contact she’d had with Ram’s world had shown her if there was a negative spin it would find it’s way into print or onto the screen.

  The anchor’s voice grated her already frazzled nerves. “...a picture of the new Mrs. Macleod coming out of the OB-GYN clinic yesterday morning. And here’s some footage from the Macleod home, also taken this morning. No word on who this pregnant blond-bombshell is...”

  “Blond bomb-shell my ass.” Ram murmured.

  “Shh. You’re the one who insisted on turning the sound up.” Rhia said, curious now to hear the rest of it. Ram held her tighter and she felt comforted despite herself.

  “Starz-This-Week has just learned that a paternity petition has been filed by the lovely Ms. Rhodes naming none other than Ramsey Macleod as the father of her unborn child. Just how many pregnant women does Ramsey have around him these days? And how does his wife feel about it? More on this story and more when we return...” They cut to the latest Cadillac commercial.

  “Well that was ugly.” Rhia said shaking. They showed pictures of their rented house on T.V. and they even brought Candi into it as well. That wasn’t going to do William any good at work.

  “It’s about to get uglier. I’ve been through this before. I’m not the father of that baby, Rí. But that won’t matter. All that matters is that it’s a story today. Eight months from now when they’ve completed the DNA testing and I’m excluded as the father, that won’t make news.” Ram sighed. “It never does.”

  There was something in Ram’s tone that called to her. “If you say you’re not the
father I believe you. You are telling me the truth?” Rhia couldn’t stop herself from asking. She’d been lied to before and she wasn’t as trusting as she wanted to be.

  Ram turned her in his lap so she could see his face. “I didn’t sleep with that woman. I recognize her. She hangs at parties and there was a time after Becca and I split that I attended more than my share of parties. But I haven’t fucked a groupie since I was twenty-one and even when I was screwing anything in a g-string I always, always, wore a condom.”

  His eyes bored into hers willing Rhia to believe him. “I am not a kid anymore. I haven’t slept around in years. I’m clean, if I wasn’t I never would have touched you. You are my life now. I don’t need or want any other women. I want you. I’ll want you every day for the rest of my life. I’m not about to throw away the only real thing in my life.”

  Rhia believed him. “Ram this woman would have gotten pregnant before you met me.”

  “I want to answer all your questions now, Rí. Every single one about my past sexual history. Then I don’t ever want to talk about it again. My life is with you now. Nothing, absolutely nothing, else matters. So ask away. Take your best shot.”

  He’d tensed beneath her and Rhia knew how uncomfortable he was talking about this. She’d always known deep down that she wasn’t enough for William, that he needed other women.

  Things felt different with Ram. He was, and he would be, faithful to her. She didn’t know why she was certain of that, but she was. Still, something about this didn’t make sense.

  “How many times has this happened to you? Women saying you’re the father of their children I mean.”

  “I know what you meant. I’ve had five paternity actions filed against me.” Ram waited for the fireworks. He was slightly disappointed when they didn’t come.


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