Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas Page 19

by Natasha Thomas

  Pressing her deeper into the mattress, I rumble,

  “Not gonna happen, Beth. I get that’s what you want, but you’re not gonna get it. Don’t mistake me for a stupid man, baby because I’m anything but. I know the second I let you out of this bed I’ve lost my chance to talk to you the way you know I need to. If you’re honest with yourself, Beth, know you want to stay right where you are just as much as I want you here. So do me a favor, yeah?”

  No waiting for her answer, I adjust my hips so that my cock is resting against her slit. Not pushing in, just putting enough pressure on her outer lips to have her eyes snap to mine, and repeat,


  With her eyes on mine, her arms pinned between us, and the heat radiating off her pussy engulfing me, I lay it out for her. Not all of it, but what she needs to know now. The rest will come in time. Being a smart man, I figure it’s best to give her time to adjust before I blow apart her carefully constructed world.

  “You calm now, sweetheart,” I ask knowing she’s far from it.

  “Ah, that would be a no, Captain.”

  Did I say I love her smart mouth yet? If I haven’t, I should have, especially because it’s giving me all sorts of idea on how to keep it busy.

  “I’ll rephrase. You as calm as you’re gonna get?”

  “At this juncture, I would like to reserve the right to answer that question until after you’ve said whatever you have to say,” she retorts haughtily.

  “And I’ll allow that,” I say grinning at her.

  Tilting her head, Beth huffs,

  “That’s big of you, and much appreciated. Now, if you don’t mind, can we hurry this along? I’ve got the distinct feeling this is going to be a long day, which means, I’d like to get this part of it over and done with so I can shower and see what else is in store for me.”

  Placing a kiss to her lips, I roll to my back reversing our positions with my hands spanning her waist.

  “Yeah, baby, we can do that too,” I answer.

  Needing to test the waters, I query,

  “How much do you know about MC’s, sweetheart?”

  “Not a lot,” she shrugs. “I had a client in L.A. who was the President of one of the clubs out there. He shared a few things about old ladies, which I’ll have you know, I still find strange they’re called that. Dray explained what prospects were seeing as I did a few patch tattoos for them. That was another thing he had to educate me on. What the hell a patch tattoo was. Other than that, he didn’t share.”

  I’m not surprised at the mention of Dray. Jay told me Beth knew him, had inked him many times before, but I am surprised at the jealousy I feel knowing that he’s shared any of that with her.

  “Right, so you know the basics. Do you have a problem with any of that? Any of it not sitting right with you?”

  Sniffing she answers,

  “Again, I don’t know much, but what I do know doesn’t particularly concern me. Mind you, that was before I found myself pinned to the bed by a badass, alpha biker who’s hell bent on making me listen to him whether I want to or not. However, I think it’s worth mentioning that I’m sure there will be many, many things about what you’re going to say next that I’m going to take issue with. So it’s safe to say, I’ll reserve the right to freak out about any or all of it in the future too.”

  Smiling at her, I agree,

  “Noted, sweetheart. I’ll let you reserve the right to anything you want if you’ll sit there on my lap and hear what I’ve got to say.”

  Pretending to consider it, Beth purses her lips before nodding her ascent once. Taking that as my cue, I begin.

  “First, I’m gonna explain what a soft lockdown is. Sarge told me you overheard some of the others talking about it last night. He also said you didn’t ask what it meant even though you had plenty of opportunities to talk to him about it when he was sitting with you. You heard and saw some shit last night, so I know it’s not gonna come as a surprise that we’re closing ranks to keep our own safe. The difference between a soft lockdown and a full lockdown is this one only pertains to old ladies, girlfriends, their kids, and vulnerable family members who belong to patch-wearing members of the club.”

  Cocking my knees, I slide Beth further forward until she’s straddling my abs.

  “I’ve got no clue how long this is gonna last, but while I think there’s a viable threat everyone who means anything to my brothers who sit at the table with me at church are gonna stay in the clubhouse where they can be kept safe.”

  “Okay, honey,” Beth interjects.

  “In saying that, what you’ve got to understand before anything else is that while you’re here, you’re safe. There’s not one man here who’ll hurt or scare you, Beth. That I can promise you. Anyone upsets you, says anything to piss you off, scares you, you let me know and I’ll take care of it. We on the same page with that?”

  Bobbing her head up and down, Beth doesn’t speak, but I see she’s taking it in and processing it.

  “Good. Second, you have to know that there’s some stuff I’m just not going to be able to tell you about. If I say it’s club business, then it’s club business. Women aren’t members of MC’s, sweetheart, and this one’s no different. We’ve got old ladies, Dray told you about them. Other women hang around because they like to party with the boys. Then there are women, and I hesitate to say this, baby because I know it’s gonna piss you off, but the others are club whores who don’t mind sharing their body with whichever brother has a taste for them.”

  Beth gasps, one of her hands flying to her mouth.

  “Jesus. Really?”

  “Yeah, really, sweetheart.” Pressing a finger to her lips to stop the endless flow of bitching I’m sure is about to commence, I continue. “Do not mistake me when I say that these women are here voluntarily. They choose to walk their asses out into the main room and throw themselves at whoever will catch them. They make the choice to drop to their knees and suck my brothers off with an audience. They make the decision to take two at a time, or sometimes more. They aren’t coerced, Sweetheart.”

  “Jackson,” she whispers cautiously.

  Giving her a hard look, I shake my head.

  “No, Beth. I don’t want to hear it. I can see that you want to give me shit about it, but that’s not why I’m telling you this. I’m saying it because there are a lot of things you’re gonna see or hear while you’re here, and I’m doing my best to prepare you for it. What I don’t need to hear is you judging how they chose to live their lives. That goes for my guys too. We ride hard, work hard, and play harder. How my men elect to do that, how they want to spend their time, and with who isn’t anyone else’s business but their own.”

  “Okay, honey,” she breathes quietly.

  Gripping her hips tighter, I add,

  “I get this isn’t something you’re used to, and it’s going to take some time for you to adjust so I’m gonna be as patient as I can in explaining it to you. But you’re going to have to follow my lead, yeah?”

  “Yeah, Jackson,” she replies softly.

  “Okay, sweetheart that’s done. Now we’ve got to get to the rest.” Rubbing my thumbs over the soft skin of her hips, I explain further. “I need you to get that being here, in my bed, moaning my name, taking my cock, and begging me to give it to you harder means something to me. I’ve got to hope it means something to you too, but if it doesn’t, if this was just a walk on the wide side for you, you’re gonna have to let me know now before this goes any further.”

  After a few awkward seconds of silence, Beth tips her head down asking,

  “Um, what does it mean to you?”

  Lowering my voice, I push myself up the bed until my back is flush against the headboard. Securing her in my lap, knees still cocked keeping her close, I give her the honesty she’s looking for.

  “I already told you I don’t do this shit, sweetheart, but what you’ve got to take from that is; I don’t do this shit at all. I’ve never let a woman spend the ni
ght. I’ve never held a woman while she slept. And I’ve never woken up with that woman curled around me like a vine. Like I said, I don’t do this. Never wanted to, not until now. So that means, at least to me, that we’re building something here. Something I want to work. Something I hope to fuck you want to work too.”

  “Oh,” Beth murmurs. “Last night and this morning meant all that?”

  Fuck she’s adorable.

  “Yeah, it did. You answered me with a question, though, sweetheart. I need you to confirm you get me, then tell me what your take on it was.”

  Studying me intently, Beth lips quirks as she says,

  “I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise that I don’t do this sort of thing often. I don’t sleep with men I barely know. So if you’re asking me if I think this is kind of a big deal, I’ll answer that by saying; most definitely. What I don’t understand is where you see this going. I only just met you, and call me crazy, but of the twice we’ve spent time together, one of them was under threat of a hail of bullets so I’m not sure that actually constitutes a date.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you’d call last night a date or not, Beth because I don’t date,” I return.

  “You-you don’t date? Ah, Jackson,” she stutters. “If that’s the case, then what is it we’re doing here because you’re confusing the hell out of me.”

  “I don’t date, baby. I don’t woo women. I don’t take women out to lunch or dinner unless I’m hungry and happen to have one with me at the time. And, I don’t do movies. If you and I are going to do this, you’ve gotta deal with that, baby.”

  Tipping her head still confused, she asks,

  “So let me get this straight. You don’t do any of the things that define dating, but you want to have a relationship with me which I’ll never be able to label. So when I gab on the phone with my girls or meet up with friends for drinks what is it you expect me to tell them? Yes, I’m banging a shit hot biker. No, I’m not dating him. And yes, his cock really is that big.” She ends irritably.

  It’s then I shove my face into her neck and burst out laughing.

  When I’ve got a handle on my hilarity, I tilt my head back piercing her eyes with mine.

  “Baby,” I rumble. “You don’t have to tell your friends shit, but if you’ve gotta put a label on what we’ve got going on here, you can tell them you’re my woman, and I’m your man.”

  “I’m your woman? What does that even mean?”

  “It means that I’m the man who’ll ensure you’re taken care of, that you’re protected, safe, and you want for nothing. I’m the man who’ll make sure you end every day with an orgasm or two, maybe three if you’re a good girl. And it means I’m the man who’s lucky enough to have you go to sleep in his bed, in his arms every night and wake up that way every morning. That gonna work for you?” I question through a grin.

  “Ah, yes,” she replies without hesitation. Like I said, fucking adorable.

  Pulling her in for a deep, wet kiss, I place my palms flat on her thighs when I’m finished taking her mouth.

  “Right, that’s sorted now too. I’ve gotta give you the rest, but I don’t have a lot of time, sweetheart. Church is scheduled for a half hour from now and we’ve still gotta shower. And you know when I get you in there naked, wet, and slippery I’m gonna have to take care of both of us again, so you need to shut it while I tell you this next bit. You can ask questions later when I’ve got more time to answer them, yeah?”

  “I’m not sure I like the sound of that, handsome,” Beth snaps.

  “Which part? Me telling you I’m gonna get you off in the shower, which I’ll expand on by saying that when I do, I’m gonna make sure you’re hot, dripping, and panting for me. I’ll use my fingers to prime you before I fuck you so hard you’ll feel me inside you for the next week. Or are you pissed about me not having time to answer questions that will answer themselves within a couple of days of you being here?”

  “Oh my God, are you kidding me? You did not just say that,” she says, mouth gaping at me.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely, I did. I meant every word of it too,” I confirm. “Now, quiet while I finish this, baby.”

  Glaring at me, Beth snaps her mouth closed, but not before she huffs at me and rolls her eyes. Ignoring her pouting, I let her in on the rest.

  “The men you saw me talking to last night are not good men. Hells Riders is nothing like Vengeance, and the fucked up shit they’re into isn’t something I’m ever gonna discuss with you. And before you say anything, it’s not because it’s club business. It’s because you don’t need to have images of the level of fucked up they are in your head. I’ll confirm they’re the reason soft lockdown is happening, but that’s all you’re getting.”

  Sucking in a breath, I go on.

  “Bella will be around this morning. She’s not on lockdown, though, so don’t expect her to be here all the time. She’s free to come and go as she pleases, so if you want company, I’ll get you a burner phone so you can call her and get her ass out here. Next up,” I say squeezing her thighs. “There are a few people that’ll be here that aren’t usually around. One’s a woman who’ll be staying here for a while coming in from a club we’re friendly with, and the other is a woman I was with years ago.”

  “Um, what?” Beth interrupts.

  “Quiet, baby,” I remind her. “We haven’t been together for years, but there’s history there. With the shit swirling around the MC at the moment I can’t risk leaving her in the wind and one of those assholes getting hold of her. She’s here for her safety and my peace of mind, nothing more to it than that. I’m gonna have to ask you to trust that, baby. Trust that what I’m telling you is the truth, and if you hear different that you’ll come to me and talk about it before getting pissed and doing something stupid.”

  “Something stupid,” she hisses. “Like what? Jumping her? Bikini mud wrestling with her for your honor?”

  Grinning widely at her, I say,

  “While I like the sound of the last one, no, Sweetheart. I mean before you take off on a wild hair because you hear something that hurts your feelings. I’m serious when I say I want to see where this is going between us, Beth, but I can’t do that if you’re not going to give me a fair shot at making this work.”

  “I think I can do that,” she answers softly.

  “There’s no think about it, Beth. Either you can or you can’t,” I demand more harshly that I intended.

  Without hesitation, she repeats,

  “Then, yes. Yes, I’ll trust nothing is going on between you, and I’ll talk to you before I get a wild hair and so something stupid.”

  “Fucking excellent,” I mutter.

  Needing to get my ass up and to church, I shift us to the edge of the bed, Beth still straddling me.

  “Sarge is assigned to you, sweetheart. If you need anything, you ask him and he’ll see to it that you get it if he can. If he can’t, you come to me and I’ll make it so. Avery, the woman attached to the MC we’re friendly with is a good egg. She’s sweet, feisty, and funny as fuck. If you’re looking to expand your girl posse, she’s a good woman to add. Stick close to her if you’re uneasy because of anyone, Avery knows her way around an MC. Her Dad’s been a brother since before she was even thought of, so she was born into this shit. If you’ve got questions, ask them, but do it smart and do it quietly. Take her aside, sit her down, but do it privately, baby.”

  At her nod, I add,

  “I’d ask you to keep your distance from, Laura, but that’s not gonna be realistic. She’s gonna want to talk to you, find out what the deal with us is, and she’ll be nosy as fuck when she does it. It’s up to you what you say to her. You can tell her everything, or nothing, that’s your call, sweetheart. I don’t give a shit what she’s knows, and it won’t be long before she sees for herself what you mean to me, but I’ll leave it up to you for now how you wanna deal with is.”

  “Last thing I’ve gotta impress, baby is that you can’t leave the clubhouse. Not
at all. You want to go outside you do it with a brother at your back. Preferably, Sarge. You need shit from your apartment, we send one of the prospects to get whatever it is. You feel like going into town that’s not gonna happen for a while, sweetheart. I know you’re new to this, we’re new, but you’re gonna have to trust me on this too. I’ll do everything in my power, bleed and die to keep you safe, but you’ve gotta help me do that, yeah?”

  Watching her eyes flash, fear etched all over her beautiful face, Beth drops her head to the crook of my neck inhaling sharply.

  “Yes, I’ll help you do that,” she mumbles quietly.

  Cupping her face in my palms, lifting it until I’ve got her eyes, I promise,

  “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, sweetheart. I promise. You’ll be safe as long as you have a mind to everything I’ve said, and keep vigilant.”


  ~ Beth ~

  First impressions

  After a phenomenal shower, featuring some even more incredible sex where Jackson, as promised, used his fingers and cock to bring me over the edge not once, not twice, but three times, I followed him obediently out into the main room of the clubhouse.


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