Prism (Awakened Chronicles Book 3)

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Prism (Awakened Chronicles Book 3) Page 16

by Harley Austin

  “They’re still in danger,” Astrid grumped.

  “Oooh, grand observation. Of course they are. You can’t do everything for them, Astrid, my dear. Otherwise they never grow up.” She turned to leave.

  “Now where are you going?” Astrid’s tone wary.

  “You already know, honey. I have a little date—with the Dominion. Don’t wait up.”


  W hat’s that sound?” Tyler asked, looking around. “Like rushing air—”

  “Not air, Chase, it’s water,” Wynn corrected. “There must be a falls somewhere nearby.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised,” Romero agreed. “The stream we’ve been following keeps getting wider and wider with the other ones feeding into it.”

  “Maybe it falls into a real pool. I could use a good bath about now,” O’Brien admitted.

  “I think we all need one of those,” Brayden added. He’d been trying to keep his distance from the others for the past couple of days. He wondered how people ever got along before modern showers, going weeks or even months without bathing. They’d brought changes of the clothes, but a fresh set of clothes wasn’t going to hide his intense air at the moment.

  “What’s wrong with the way you smell, Bray?” O’Brien asked. “It’s nice.”

  He didn’t think so himself, but then, O’Brien always smelled nice to him. Her scent was even more alluring to him now than ever.

  “Your sense of smell is way messed up, Bryn.” Wynn chuckled, pretending to back away from Brayden while waving his hand.

  “This is probably a good lesson in genetics, guys,” Tyler looked around the group. “Cierra smells just fine to me.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” O’Brien countered, backing away from the Brazilian.

  Parker laughed.

  “No, I’m serious.” Tyler continued. “As ripe as all of us are right now, find someone who still smells nice to you and it’s a good sign of complementary genetics.”

  “What are you, Wikipedia?” Wynn snarked.

  “I know. I study too much.” Tyler mocked himself.

  “You smell just fine, Chase,” Romero assured.

  “Not,” both Brayden and Parker said at the same time. Then both started laughing.

  “What about you two,” Lear looked at both Brayden and Parker. “You guys have been hiking close together for the past two days.“

  “Bray smells fine.”

  “Oh, God, dude, I do not.”

  Parker moved in closer to him taking a deep breath. “No, you do. You just smell like Brayden to me. It’s a little stronger, but nice.”

  “Knock yourselves out,” Wynn disagreed. He acted like they both smelled bad to him. Actually, just Brayden did. Parker smelled like he was wearing cologne, but Wynn wasn’t about admit that.

  “What about you, Wynn?” Romero asked. “Who smells nice to you still?”

  “Honestly? Just you and Brooke. The rest of you need a serious bath.” Again, he lied. Parker smelled nice to him—really nice.

  “Oooh, ouch. Not even me?” O’Brien frowned at Wynn. “I can’t believe I even let you sleep with me,” she groused.

  “Sorry, Bryn, just being honest.” Wynn backtracked.

  Their conversation continued until it was apparent who really liked whom. Surprisingly, everyone thought Lear smelled just fine.

  “I do not,” Lear protested. She’d been smelling her own air for the past two days and wasn’t at all happy about it.

  “Interesting,” Tyler added. “We all like Brooke.”

  “Brooke, who do you like?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m not telling. I don’t want to offend anyone.”

  “You’re not offending anyone,” Wynn assured.

  She said nothing.

  “You don’t have to play the game if you don’t want to, Brooke,” Romero assured, giving her a smile.

  Lear nodded, appreciating the kind words. The truth was, the only two people in the group who smelled nice to her at the moment were Romero and Parker. She been walking behind both; their intense scents teasing her senses wonderfully for the past couple of days.

  It wasn’t long until all of them trekked to a small bluff where the sand and rock dropped gradually into another even bigger cavern that dimmed into the distance as far as the light would allow them to see. The wide but very shallow stream flowed fast down a smooth, hewn part of the hill face creating a wide channel for the water to flow down. At the bottom of the hill the water splashed a very short distance off a three or four foot falls into a shallow pool that looked no more than maybe three or four feet deep.

  “That looks like a fun ride if I ever saw one.” Brayden was already slipping off his shoes. He handed his bag of provisions to Parker.

  “Dude, you don’t know what’s down there!”

  “I will in a minute—”

  Everyone watched Brayden step into the warm water and get caught in the fast current. He slid as the waters carried him the fifty or so yards down the smooth rock slope and then dropped him a few feet into what wasn’t much of a pool at the bottom. He’d landed a little hard but not hard enough to get hurt. The bottom of the pool was sandy and felt like a beach under his bare feet as he stood up out of the almost three foot depth of the pool; now soaking wet in his drenched insulated tights.

  “That looks like a bath to me.” O’Brien stepped out of her shoes and handed Parker her things. Brayden half caught her as she splashed into the pool, her long Irish red hair laying flat and wet against her shoulders. She kissed him as he began lifting off her shirt while she pushed his pants down.

  “Go ahead, guys,” Parker pointed at the slide with a grin. “I’ll bring our stuff down.”

  O’Brien and Brayden had already laid their wet clothes onto some rocks as they splashed each other naked within the warm steamy pool.

  Soon the pool was filled with frolicking and fun as water sprayed and skins felt fresh and like new again.

  Binoculars focused from above them as others watched, utterly unnoticed by the skinny-dipping nascent newbloods playing and sliding over and over into the warm shallow pool.

  “God these newbloods have some nice ass.”

  “Nice cock too,” another said, his Hispanic accent thick.

  The assassin next to him scowled. “I was talking about the bad kitty with the snake tattoo.”

  “She’s alright.” He focused his glasses on the large muscles of the biggest of the four guys. Jesus, the big-muscled guy had some round ass. He bit his lower lip.

  “How long do you suppose we’re going to keep tailing them?” Another asked, focusing on the amber-haired hottie.

  “Until Brad says stop.”

  “What’s he up to anyway? We could have taken them out of here days ago and been done with it.”

  “I guess he likes the pretty crystals.”

  “Well, he can take aaall the time he needs, if you ask me,” the fourth assassin loosed a heavy sigh. “As assignments go,” His binoculars focused on the large bobbing breasts, perfect ass and wide curves of the Brazilian lifting herself wet-skinned out of the steaming water. “This one’s not … half … bad.”


  L ear sat next to Parker in one of the many other warm-water pools that dotted the bottom of the bluff. The water in this one moved by swiftly leaving no sand and only a smooth rock bottom. The others had fallen asleep in a small, mostly unlit sandy clearing away from the light of the great crystals. The two of them had wandered away for a quiet rendezvous. Both kissed quietly, her fingers moving daintily over his hard spire beneath the water while his own fingers had pushed between her feminine folds to tenderly caress her, his finger gently resting against her hard clit in a slow tease that had her half breathless now.

  “God I love how you touch me,” she whined into their kiss.

  “I like touching you, Brooke.” Parker pulled her bottom lip sweetly between his own.

  “I think I’m getting too warm,” she stood up out of the steamin
g water, pulling him to standing as well. Both continued to kiss and tease each other intimately.

  “Uh-oh,” he smiled against her lips.

  “Now what?” she was almost there.

  “I think we’re standing next to some of your Kryptonite.”

  “Huh?” She turned around to see a small patch of some of the gold metallic crystals growing out of the side of the pool’s edge.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not my Kryptonite.” She opened her mouth. God Winter’s finger was talented.

  “It made you almost pass out.”

  “YOU, hhhhh,” she drew a deep breath, “also make me almost pass out,” she felt a building wave of euphoria move through her as Parker teased her slowly.

  “Why do I always have come at the same time you do?” He’d felt little building emotion with her fingers dancing over the tip of his male, but now that her peak was within sight, suddenly now he was about to peak as well.

  “I don’t know,” she teased herself, rocking her hips against his fingers. Parker liked to go slow and she loved how he made love to her, but now was not the time to be dragging this out. She needed to come! “I do that to everyone.”

  He pulled back his hand from her clit.

  “OHHhhh! Dammit!” she complained. “You always do that to me!”

  “You’re trying too hard.”

  “You’re not trying hard enough.”

  He left their embrace for just a moment to pickup a small cube-shaped piece of the metallic-gold crystal.

  “What are you doing with that?”

  “You said the big crystal almost made you pass out. I was curious what a little one would do.”

  “We’re making love and now you want to play doctor?”

  “Sure,” he smiled, touching the small golden cube to her bare shoulder.

  “I don’t think you know how to play doc—ohhhh, God!”

  Parker watched her carefully. The skin all around her shoulder took on a soft golden aura as did the tiny crystal itself.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  She nodded approvingly. “Yea. It’s really nice.”

  He moved the tiny dice-sized gem over her arm watching it light her skin in soft trails of light.

  “Are you dizzy?”

  “No, it just feels nice, like a tiny massage.”

  “Massage huh?” Parker drew an evil grin. He slid the natural cube bauble from her upper arm and onto her breast, lighting a small area of her chest. Slowly he moved it to where the stone was illuminating her nipple. He watched her as she held onto him, gripping his thick arms in her grasp.

  “OHHH! God! Parker. You’re going to kill me doing that,“ she whispered in a heavy breath.

  Her whole nipple glowed now and seemed to firm taller and wider than it had when he was just teasing her with his fingers.

  Sliding the gem across her chest, the stone moved over her tattoo between her breasts. Suddenly most of the tattoo covering her chest and tummy sprang into light.

  She held onto him as a new warmth spread through her body. Not a sensuous feeling, but something that made her feel—alive. She looked at what the stone was doing to her.

  “Wow. Are you okay?” Parker asked.

  “Yea. It’s—invigorating somehow.”

  “I think this little rock likes you,” he grinned, moving it along her shoulder where the tattoo snaked to her back and then down her arm.

  “I think I like that little rock,” she grinned beautifully.

  Moving it down the tattoo, he lit up most of her arm with the small stone.

  “Hmmm,” she smiled. “Keep doing that.” Then she wrapped her now illuminated fingers around his still hard-standing male.

  “Aaahhh!” Parker almost dropped the crystal, his cock throbbed suddenly hard with new euphoria. His jewels all at once ached for release. Within moments he was suddenly at his peak. “AHHHH! BROOKE!” he whined against her neck, almost gritting his teeth it felt so good, like nothing he’d ever experienced before!

  “OHHHHHH!” Parker cocked his head back as his seed shot hard and straight up between them, higher than their heads.

  “Ohhh,” Lear watched in surprise with the poor guy in the pains of a massive ecstasy she could only imagine. Her glowing hand now had his thick spire illuminated as well while she watched him spray tall and high again and again.

  “HHMMMMAAH!” Parker continued to spray, shooting forcefully and trying to keep from calling out. God he’d never felt anything so good in his life!

  “Hmmm! Hmmm!” He whined against her lips now, grabbing her ass and pulling the two of them together. Parker was still shooting hard with her hand wrapped around his cock. God it felt good! He drew several deep breaths against her lips.

  After a few more splashes of ecstasy he finally stopped, but he was still pulsing empty for long moments and she wasn’t letting up. He drew her hand away from his cock before he got any more sore than he already was.

  “OH!” Parker drew another badly needed breath holding on to her. He could barely stand.

  “Are you okay?” This illumination around his rock-solid male fading slowly once she pulled her hand away.

  Parker shook his head trying to simmer his shaft and emotions after having the most powerful climax he’d ever had. His heart raced and his chest rose and fell for badly needed air. “Ohhhh,” his body began settling.

  “That was big,” she smiled.

  “Oh we are so getting married now. Right now!”

  She giggled. “You’re already engaged to two people.”

  “God.” He caught his breath, simmering his emotions. Damn his cock hurt, his glands mostly. “Then you can be our mistress.”

  “Our?” she chuckled. “How does that work, exactly?”

  “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out,” he assured.

  “I told you this wasn’t my Kryptonite.” She watched him recovering. “I think it’s yours.”

  He nodded, finally back in control of his body in deep afterglow. “We need to figure out what this stuff is.”

  “I liked the feeling of it the first time I held it; but, it was just too much of a surprise I think. I wasn’t prepared for it.”

  She turned out of his embrace, reached out and broke off a near foot-long piece of the mineral, lighting up both the crystal, her hair and sending waves of scintillating light through her tattoo.

  “Wow.” Parker looked at her in awe. She looked even more beautiful lit up.

  She moved back into his embrace, wrapping his fingers around the smooth-edged crystal so that he was touching her with it. He moved the stone over the tummy part of her tattoo.

  “I like this place, Parker. It—resonates with me. I never want to leave it.”

  “I think I can see that.” He slid the stone down into her pubic hair lighting up her thick white-blonde bush and weakening her knees.

  “Ahhhh,” she drew a sudden breath while holding onto him.

  “Oh, you like the way this feels, huh?”

  She could barely speak. She nodded quickly.

  Parker grew a half-evil grin as he moved the radiant stone between her wet folds.


  T here’s only five here,” one of the assassins quickly counted while pointing his automatic weapon at the small group of newbloods they’d just captured. “Where are the other two?”

  “The kitten with the tattoo,” another of the assassins glowered, “where is she?”

  None of the newbloods said anything.

  “I asked you a question!” Several rounds from the automatic weapon began flying over their heads, sending everyone to their knees, except Wynn.

  “Fuck you.” Wynn glared, his arms folded.

  “Don’t push your luck, smart ass,” another of the assassins chided, looking at Wynn, “he’d probably like it.”

  The assassin who fired the shots met eyes with Wynn, a wanton smirk crossing his lips.

  “Alright, you two, fan out and find the kitten and her boy toy. They c
ouldn’t have gotten far.” He turned his attention back to the group. “The rest of you have a seat and keep quiet. That includes you, tough guy.”

  Wynn didn’t move.

  “I admire the courage, but if want me to put one in you, I can. It won’t kill you, trust me, but it will hurt like hell for the next two months.” The assassin trained his short-barreled automatic weapon on Wynn while flipping the weapon’s select fire setting to semi-auto. “Your choice.”

  “Dade,” Romero touched his leg. “Don’t get yourself hurt for nothing. Sit down.”

  Wynn grumbled and sat down. Romero took hold of his hand, locking her fingers in his. Partially because she wanted him safe and partially because she’d never seen anyone so brave. Just watching him stare down the assassins had made her tighten up between her legs. She moved herself closer to him as he snuggled up beside her.

  “Jesus!” Parker sat up suddenly from the natural stone bank of the pool they were laying naked on, both in deep afterglow, recovering from the effects of the ‘love crystal’ still laying beside Lear. “That’s sounded like gunshots!”

  Lear was on her feet. “It was gunfire.”

  “The others!” he got to his feet.

  “Shhh.” She quieted him. “There are other people down here. Looking for us.”

  “How do you know?”

  She held up the small golden stone crystal. “I can feel them. Like Bryn was doing the other day.”

  He nodded and kept quiet.

  “There are only four of them.”

  “Four too many. And obviously they have guns. What do we do? We don’t have any weapons.”

  “Wait a minute. Maybe we do. Bryn can put people unconscious, but she needs to touch them.

  Parker connected the dots quickly as she held up the golden crystal between them.

  “You think if she’s holding this she can take them out—without having to touch them.”

  “We can’t run, Parker. They’ve probably tracked us all the way down here. They’re going to find us in a few minutes.”


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