Diamond Sky

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Diamond Sky Page 27

by Annie Seaton

  A smile had lifted her lips as she tucked her hand beneath her cheek and drifted back to sleep.

  Connor had vowed to keep her safe too.

  After lunch with Connor, Dru had spent the afternoon going over the summer schedule in her demountable office. It was too hot to work outside. By the time she got back to the donga, the sun had set and she was tired. She threw her hat on the table and lifted her heavy braid up from her neck; perspiration had soaked the collar of her T-shirt.

  There was a knock at the door, and she wiped the sweat from her face with the back of her hand as she crossed to open it. Connor stood on the top step. All thoughts of being hot and tired fled. He came inside and she closed the door behind him with a smile.

  ‘Hey, you,’ she said.

  ‘It’s stuffy in here. Why don’t you have your air conditioner on?’ he asked.

  ‘I thought I did.’ Dru frowned and lifted the remote from the cradle next to the door. She hit the power button and it came on with a roar. ‘It must be playing up again. The maintenance guy said he’d fixed it.’ She let her eyes linger on Connor’s broad shoulders as he reached for her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. She lifted her face and his lips settled gently on hers.

  ‘Hello,’ he murmured softly.

  Dru pressed closer to him as his hand trailed down her back. A pleasant sensation ran through her as his fingers caressed the bare skin between her shorts and her T-shirt. ‘I’m all hot and sweaty.’

  ‘You feel all right to me.’ He stepped back but kept his hands on her waist. ‘I only called in for a minute. I’m going to keep working. Greg thinks he’s making some progress with the GHC link.’

  ‘Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a while?’

  ‘No, I’ve got work to do, and besides—’ he nibbled his way down her neck ‘—there’s barely enough room for one in your bed, let alone two. My back is still aching from the other night.’

  ‘I’ll move over.’ Dru smiled and cupped her hand around the back of his neck but he shook his head with a smile.

  ‘You are a temptress, but I can’t. I’m waiting for Greg to call back.’ His voice turned serious. ‘And you are too much of a distraction. I need to focus.’

  ‘Do you think you’ll be able to come back to Darwin with me tomorrow night? If you’ve solved the case by then . . .’

  ‘And pigs might fly.’ He touched his hand to her face gently. ‘If Greg’s info isn’t what I’m hoping for tonight, I’ll head out to Wyndham to see him. I called John Robinson this afternoon and he’s as frustrated as I am. Whoever is doing this is a top operator. But I reassured him; slow and steady and we’ll get him.’

  Dru knew Connor’s frustration was building as every lead he’d followed had come to a dead end. ‘If you do go to Wyndham, maybe I could come with you?’ The thought of going back to her apartment in Darwin alone held little appeal. ‘It’s not far from Kununurra, is it?’

  ‘It’s only a short drive. And I’m happy for you to come if I go. Depends on what Greg’s found out today.’ Connor wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  Dru leaned on his chest; she loved being in his arms. ‘So how long till he gets back to you, do you think?’

  Connor sighed and leaned against the door. ‘He had a lightning strike and his router got fried. He said he was picking one up at Wyndham Post Office today. So, soon, I hope.’

  ‘Well, you’d better go back now. I’ve got an early start in the morning.’ Dru bent down to unlace her boots but she stiffened.

  She felt the cold tiptoe across her shoulders and deliberately fought the reflexive shiver as she looked around the small room. ‘Someone’s been in here.’ She walked across to the table under the window where she kept her bag and her keys.

  Connor pushed away from the door and followed her. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Last night I thought I heard someone at the door but I put it down to my overactive imagination giving me a bad dream. But I have been making doubly sure the door has been locked since we came back on site.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Look. My bag’s unzipped. I always keep it zipped up.’ Dru leaned over the bag and pulled the zippered opening apart and rummaged through the contents. A couple of T-shirts and pairs of shorts and her sandals were in there, where she’d left them when they’d come back from Darwin. She frowned as her fingers encountered something hard. She lifted the bag up and brought it over to the large table.

  ‘What the . . .?’ She reached in and lifted up the edge of the stiff layer of vinyl-covered padding that formed the base.

  ‘What’s wrong? Is something missing?’

  ‘No, there’s something under the base.’ Dru worked her fingers beneath the hard edge. A small box was wedged beneath the base in the back corner of the bag. She pulled it out and held it up.

  ‘It’s the face cream I bought in Kununurra. But it was gift-wrapped.’ She frowned and shook her head as she looked at the white box covered with gilded writing. ‘How the heck did that get in my bag?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I didn’t buy this for me. It’s not mine.’

  ‘But you did buy it? You’ve lost me, Dru.’

  ‘I bought it as a favour for Adam.’ She opened the box and peered inside. ‘It’s wrapped in different paper. How strange.’

  Connor reached out and took the dark blue package from her hand. ‘It’s carbon paper,’ he said slowly. Unwrapping the paper from around the jar, he set it on the table with the carbon paper beside it. The lid was gold and the label was embellished with gold ink.

  ‘This is definitely the cream I sent back from Kununurra for Adam. But it was gift-wrapped,’ Dru said.

  ‘Adam Hennessey?’

  ‘Yes, this is the second time I’ve bought it for him,’ Dru said. ‘The first one was for his wife’s birthday and this one was for her sister.’

  ‘What do you mean you sent it back?’

  ‘I picked it up in Kununurra on the way to Dubai. I didn’t want to take it with me, so I asked the shop assistant to post it to Adam at the mine.’

  ‘Tell me more,’ Connor said thoughtfully.

  ‘I watched her gift-wrap it and then put it in a post bag. I wrote out the address for her.’ Dru screwed her nose up. ‘So how did it get back in my bag? And why is it wrapped in carbon paper? It doesn’t make sense.’

  Interest flared in Connor’s eyes. ‘That’s the bag you always take off site when you go off duty?’

  ‘Yes. I don’t take much because everything I need is in my apartment in Darwin.’

  Connor’s whole body was tense and Dru could see his mind ticking over. ‘What are you thinking?’

  ‘Maybe you’re on to something here,’ Connor said.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  Connor took the jar from her and twisted open the lid. A sweet smell pervaded the small room.

  ‘Hey, that’s a gift.’

  ‘If it’s really a gift, why is it back in your bag? And more to the point, how did it get there?’ Connor crossed to the table and picked up a magazine from the pile on the floor. ‘Can I tear this?’


  Dru watched as he carefully pulled two centre double pages out and spread them over the table. Kim Kardashian stared back up at them.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Bear with me. I have a theory.’ Excitement filled Connor’s voice and Dru stared at him. His eyes were bright and a faint flush stained his cheeks. As she watched he placed the jar on the paper, and then carefully dipped his forefinger in and moved it around.

  ‘Smells nice,’ she said.

  Connor shook his head with a grimace. ‘It’s sickly sweet and it’s slippery.’

  ‘It’s supposed to be brilliant for the complexion.’ Dru watched as Connor moved his finger slowly around the edge of the jar. When he lifted his hand, his finger was covered in soft pink cream. He reached for the box of tissues on the table and went to wipe
his finger.

  ‘Hey, no. Don’t waste it.’ Dru held out her hand and opened her palm. ‘You’re holding four hundred dollars’ worth of cream there.’

  He ran his finger across her palm, leaving a trail of the diamond cream. Dru ignored the warm feeling that shimmied up her arm. ‘Might as well get some of his money’s worth, since you opened it.’ She sniffed her hand and then rubbed the cream into her skin. ‘A bit of a con, I think. It smells and feels just like Olay. Except it’s got sparkles in it.’

  Connor grunted and inserted his finger into the jar again. Excitement flitted through Dru when a satisfied smile crossed his face.

  ‘Pass me another tissue, please.’

  She pulled a tissue from the box and held it out.

  ‘Hold out your hand and spread the tissue over it.’ Connor’s voice was soft but she could hear the excitement in it. He stood still as she spread the white tissue on her hand.

  This time he put two fingers into the jar and frowned as he worked his way to the bottom. ‘Yes! Got it!’ Connor withdrew his fingers with painstaking slowness and Dru held her breath as he lifted his hand triumphantly.

  He opened his fingers and dropped a glob of something solid onto the tissue.

  Dru gasped at the two large violet diamonds nestled in the white bed of tissue. As she lifted her hand, the light caught them and reflected a pattern of violet light onto the wall.

  ‘Diamond fire,’ she said slowly, lifting her eyes to meet Connor’s intent gaze.

  ‘I think we’ve found our thief.’ Connor’s voice was tight with satisfaction. ‘You bloody beauty.’

  ‘Adam?’ Dru shook her head. ‘No, it can’t be. He’s a lovely guy.’

  ‘Many criminals are,’ he said drily.

  ‘But why would he take the diamonds and then put them in the jar in my bag?’

  ‘To get them off site. You’re driving out tomorrow. I’d put money on there being camera interference at the front gate, and I’d say Adam—or his offsider, I’m sure he has one—will be down there when you leave.’

  ‘But what about the X-ray machine that our bags go through?’

  ‘That’s where the carbon paper comes in.’ Connor’s expression was one of satisfaction.


  ‘Carbon paper blurs X-ray images. With the cream already having diamond flakes in it, the larger diamonds will appear distorted as the jar goes through the machine. Very, very clever. But he has to be working with someone else on site.’ Connor frowned. ‘How long have you known him?’

  ‘Since I started here. Nine months now.’

  ‘Is he extra friendly with anyone that you’ve noticed?’

  ‘Not really. He does play cards with us very occasionally.’

  ‘Anyone in the card game you’ve noticed he’s palled up with? Rocky? Liam? Dave?’

  Dru shook her head. ‘No, I don’t think they like him very much. He’s not really a guy’s guy if you get my drift. He’s a hard worker.’ Dru narrowed her eyes. ‘But hang on, I do remember Adam and Dave talking once about how they both lived on the Gold Coast. I vaguely remember them organising a squash game here once.’ She shook her head again. ‘I think it was Dave. Or maybe it was Liam. Sorry, I’m not really sure. I didn’t take much notice at the time.’

  ‘Okay. We can check Dave out. We haven’t looked at him yet.’

  Thinking back over conversations, Dru suddenly widened her eyes as her mouth dropped open. ‘Oh my God!’

  ‘What? What’s wrong?’

  ‘When Adam first asked me to buy this stuff, he said it was for Cathy. His wife’s name is Cathy. Cat. Is that a coincidence?’

  They looked at each other at the same time, eyes wide.

  ‘Cat?’ Connor’s voice was full of suppressed excitement. ‘You said Cat?’

  ‘I did. Cat! Isn’t that the name Van Hoebeek heard?’ Dru shook her head. ‘My God! Not Adam. I can’t believe it.’

  Connor grabbed her and kissed her hard. ‘Cat is the name I was given by Zayed’s personal assistant. That, sweetheart, is another awesome link.’

  ‘I’m sorry I didn’t think of it before.’ Dru couldn’t believe how far they’d come in just a few minutes. ‘So what are we going to do now?’

  ‘First up, I need to talk to John Robinson and Don Finlayson.’ Connor glanced at the diamonds still sitting on Dru’s palm. ‘But before that, we need to secure these diamonds.’ He took the tissue from Dru’s palm, holding the diamonds carefully. ‘I’ll let John know what’s going on and then we’ll set up a plan for tomorrow when you leave the site.’ Connor frowned and then walked across to the window. ‘You know what this means, don’t you? Somewhere out there, someone is going to try to access your bag.’

  Dru could see his mind ticking over. Here was the ex-cop, the consummate professional, planning and preparing for any eventuality.

  ‘As soon as you’re through the front gate security and off site, I’ll follow you closely. That way, if he tries anything before you get to Kununurra, I’ll be right behind you.’

  ‘Adam wouldn’t hurt me.’

  Connor’s stare was serious, his mouth set in a straight line. ‘Dru, don’t be naïve. After what you’ve just been through, you of all people should know that what you see is not always what you get. More often than not.’

  Dru dropped her head as a small tingle of fear ran through her. ‘So what do you think he’ll do? Just try and get to my bag?’

  ‘Does he know where you stay in Kununurra?’

  Dru thought, trying to remember past conversations with Adam. ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘I’ll get John to alert the Kununurra police. Have them on standby. The minute Hennessey makes his move they can arrest him. I’ll be with you and the bag every minute once we get to town.’ Connor ran his hand through his hair. ‘But we can’t afford anyone else on site knowing about the diamonds. Just in case there’s someone else working with him. The most important thing is that you’re safe. I wish I could travel with you in your vehicle but I don’t want to alert Adam to anything different as you leave.’

  ‘Do you think he’ll be the one to take the cream from my bag?’

  ‘I’ll bet anything you like that Adam will be down there waiting for you to leave tomorrow. He’ll be watching like a hawk when you go through X-ray to make sure you have your bag and that the jar of cream shows up nothing. With any luck, I’ll be able to spot his accomplice there too.’ Connor reached over the table and took Dru’s hand. ‘I want you to promise that until I catch you up on the road to Kununurra tomorrow you’ll do exactly as I say.’

  ‘I can look after myself, Connor.’

  A smile hovered around his lips. ‘Okay. Grab your stuff. My swag’s still in the ute. You can have my bed and I’ll sleep on the floor in my room. I’m not going to risk anything happening tonight.’

  Dru looked at him from beneath her eyelashes. ‘I won’t take up much room in your bed. There’s room for both of us.’

  Connor stood and came around beside her. He rested his hands lightly on her shoulders and her nerve endings tingled as he chuckled. ‘You’re incorrigible, woman.’

  His eyes were alight with satisfaction. It looked like they were about to solve the case.

  But where would he go then?

  Chapter 34

  The following afternoon Connor sauntered over to the security booth outside the airport terminal, adjacent to the main exit from the site. The guard looked at him and pointed to the building.

  ‘Boss is inside, mate. If that’s who you’re looking for.’

  ‘The boss?’ Connor raised his eyebrows.

  ‘Adam Hennessey. He’s in charge here.’ The guy raised his hands. ‘You’re the safety guy, aren’t you?’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Well, no point talking to me, mate. Adam’s your man.’ The guy looked past Connor as another ute drove into the car park. ‘He’s inside.’

  Connor nodded his thanks and crossed to the building. So far his suspicion
was right; Adam was on duty. Dru wasn’t going to head out until just before the outgoing plane was due to leave, so he had plenty of time to engage him in conversation and watch closely as she went through security.

  He knocked on the door and opened it. The room was empty apart from a man sitting at the X-ray machine. Connor kept his expression blank. Things were going down exactly as he’d expected.

  ‘Hey, Steve, isn’t it?’ Connor injected a friendly tone into his greeting. Steve nodded at Connor as he walked over and then turned his attention back to the screen. ‘Adam around?’

  Steve jerked his head to the closed door. ‘There’s someone in there with him. You’ll have to wait.’


  As Connor spoke, there was a bang from inside the office and the sound of raised voices. Steve shrugged and ignored Connor’s raised eyebrows. The door opened and Liam Carruthers hurried out with a scowl on his face. He pulled his car keys from his pocket and headed for the exit.

  ‘Hey, you leaving the site, mate?’ Steve called out after him.

  ‘Yeah, what’s it to you?’ Liam’s mouth was turned down in a sneer.

  ‘Grab your bag out of your car and join the X-ray queue. You know the rules.’

  Liam shifted his gaze to Connor and laughed. ‘Ah, following procedure in front of our safety guy. I’m in a hurry. Gotta plane to catch.’

  ‘Don’t care, mate. Join the queue.’ For the first time, a grin crossed Steve’s face as the door opened and a crowd of workers began to fill the building. ‘Boom gate won’t open until I clear you.’

  ‘Shit.’ Liam glared at them both, and then shoved the door open and headed out to the car park.

  Connor turned his attention back to the office, wondering what the yelling had been about. The door was slightly ajar but Adam hadn’t emerged. He watched for a moment as Steve flicked on the conveyor belt and stared at the screen of the X-ray machine as the first worker reached the body scanner adjacent to the metal bench.


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