Thugs And The Women Who Love Them

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Thugs And The Women Who Love Them Page 17

by Wahida Clark

  Do you believe in God? If so, has your belief played a major role in your writing career?

  • My God is Allah, the Supreme Being. I asked him to bless and to guide me to write tha bomb book. He answers all of my prayers. In time and on time.

  So, you’re Muslim. Who do you follow?

  • Yes, I am Muslim. I don’t advocate many different kinds. There is only one Muslim: the one who submits with all his heart and soul to Allah and Muhammad.

  How old are you?

  • I’m ageless.

  You can write Wahida at Wahida Clark, P.O. Box 8520, Newark, NJ 07108.

  The following are sample chapters from Wahida Clark’s

  highly anticipated upcoming novel


  This book will be available in April 2006

  wherever books are sold.


  Chapter 1


  “Gurrll, guess what?” Shan was almost jumping up and down as she shouted at her best friend, Brianna, through the phone.

  “Why are you screaming?” Brianna asked with obvious agitation.

  “I got the job, girl! I got the J, mutha-fuckin’ O, B!”

  “Which one? You done interviewed with damn near fifty thousand people.”

  “The computer instructor for the prison. They just hung up.”

  Brianna sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “It took them long enough. I would have changed my mind. I don’t see why you want to work for the prison system or work, period! All these niggas out here with money.”

  “Bitch, please! Everybody ain’t a gold diggin’ ho like you. I need my own cash and I don’t want to suck dicks to get it!”

  “You better get with the program. That’s why your broke ass got two niggas and you can’t even pay your bills now.”

  “Bitch, just because you was in prison and I choose to work for the prison, don’t hate. Congratulate! Plus, I’ve only been kickin’ it with Calvin for a month. He likes me because he sees it ain’t all about the cash with me. I’d rather get my own and have my own.”

  “Please! Do you hear yourself? Like I said, you better step up your game and get with the program. You can fall for that weak shit if you want. That nigga knows it’s all about the cash. Niggas ain’t nothin’ but tricks.”

  “Do you, B, ‘cause you know I’ma do me, so are you down to help me celebrate or what?”

  “Like I said, if you were on top of your game…”

  “Girl,” Shan interrupted, “I bet you even hustle niggas in your sleep! Don’t you?”

  They both burst out laughing. Brianna knew for sure that Shan was telling the truth. “Let me make a few phone calls and I’ll call you around nine. Dress to impress. You know I gotta kill two birds with one stone. I’ma celebrate with you and see who I can get with later,” Brianna said.

  “Yeah I know how you do. But don’t worry about me dressing to impress. You just make sure you are here by nine. Don’t call at nine. Be here at nine! Peace out.”

  “Wait. What are you getting ready to do?” Brianna asked.

  “Take a beauty nap. What you think?”

  “Whatever, ho. Do you.”

  “I’m trying. Peace.”

  After Brianna hung up the phone with Shan she headed for the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror as she pinned up her $1,200.00 weave. “Where should we go tonight?” She asked the mirror. It was Friday night, and she wanted to take full advantage of it. Her girl, Shan, loved the hip-hop clubs, but B’s first preference was anything where the real ballers hung, so she knew she had to choose the spot.

  She and Shan had been friends since the third grade. Everyone thought that they were family. Shan was closer to Brianna than her own blood sister. Unforeseen forces bound them close together like when Shan’s parents were killed in that fatal car accident, and when Brianna got pregnant in the seventh grade and her mother put her out. They really leaned on one another. Even though Brianna lost her baby, her mother still wouldn’t take her back. When social services came and took Peanut and Shan away, that left Brianna homeless. When a relative came and rescued them from the group home, that’s when Brianna was taken off the streets. They made sure Brianna came with them. But her mother didn’t allow her back home until she went to tenth grade.

  The two friends were night and day in just about every way. Brianna was tall and Shan was short. Brianna had to wear Gucci, Prada and Chanel while Shan preferred Sean John, Baby Phat and FUBU. Brianna had the weave, fake nails and a boob job while Shan had the locks, sported her real nails and refused to do the makeup thing. Brianna went to prison while Shan now chose to work at a prison. Brianna lived large off the ballers while Shan preferred the legit businessman or blue collar worker. Which is why everyone couldn’t figure out how they remained so close over the years.

  During Brianna’s eighteen-month prison bid the only two people who stuck by her was Shan and one of her sugar daddys by the name of Nick. He kept money on her books and allowed her to run up his phone bill. She had mad love for Nick, but she had been out now for a little over a year and he felt like she still owed him. Brianna had recently told him that she gave him enough pussy to consider her debt paid in full.

  Upon hearing the phone ring, Brianna snatched it up. “Hello.”

  “What up, B?”


  “You don’t even know who this is.”

  “Oh, I know who this is.” She teased. “There is only one Shadee.”

  “Act like you know, girl! I thought I was gonna have to tap that ass. I need to swing by later on.”

  “Around what time? Me and my girl is going out. Can you come before six?”

  “That’ll work.”

  “Be on time please.”

  “I got you.”

  She sucked her teeth. “Yeah, right.” She hung up and immediately called Hook.

  When Hook answered Brianna said, “Okay, nigga, I don’t owe you nothing else. Your boy said he’ll be here around six which means eight. So handle yours.”

  “Handle mines?” He asked sounding pissed off. “We straight as long as it’s worth my while.”

  “Look, nigga, that ain’t got shit to do with me. I called you and it’s on so now we are even. Ya heard?”

  Hook didn’t say anything for a minute. “Bitch, it’s over when I say it’s over! Ya heard?”

  Brianna sighed as she slammed down the phone. “How in the fuck did I ever got involved with a sorry-punk-ass nigga like that?” She said through clenched teeth.

  Shadee didn’t show up until a quarter after eight. When Brianna opened the door he grabbed her by her hair and gave her a big sloppy kiss. “What up B?” He asked while squeezing her ass.

  “I’m on my way out. My girl is waiting on me. When it comes to me you never have a concept of the time do you?”

  “Time is always on our side, B. And its time to break me off a little sumthin’ sumthin’.”

  “I don’t think so. If you would have come a little earlier, time would have been on your side. But I’m dressed, ready to go, and my girl is waiting on me.”

  “So B it’s like that?”

  “Right this minute? Yeah!” She tried to move his hands off her ass. “You always puttin’ me on the back burner.”

  “Let me break you off then.” He whispered into her ear. “You can spare a few minutes for that, can’t you?”

  Brianna really didn’t have to think that one over because Shadee could give tha bomb head. It felt like he had two tongues and like he put his nose in it.

  “That got your attention huh?” He laughed, sucked on her luscious lips some more, then picked her up and took her to the bedroom. “When are you gonna settle down for me?”

  She slipped off her skirt as soon as he put her down. “When can you settle down for me?” She flipped it.

  “Why you gotta always answer my question with a question?” He slapped her on the ass.

  “Oowww! Why’d you
do that?” She rolled her eyes at him.

  “Answer my question.” He watched her nipples stick out as he played with them.

  “That feels good.” She slid back onto the bed, spread her thighs and ran her feet across his chest. “Can I answer you later?” She moaned as he licked the inside of her thighs.

  “Yeah, I guess you can do that.” He said as he spread her swollen pussy lips, smiled at the sight of her clit sticking straight out and sucked one of his favorite juicy pussies until he couldn’t suck anymore.

  As Brianna washed up, Shadee began to pack six kilos of powder, and 8Gs in a bag. He took two of those and threw them on the coffee table for Brianna. “Yo, B!” he called. Brianna’s apartment was one of the spots he used as a stash spot.

  As Hook and his boy Rob sat in the car waiting for Shadee and watching his Benz, Shadee was kissing B on the lips. “Can I come by later?” he asked.

  “Call me, okay?”

  “Give me another kiss.” He leaned over and kissed her then headed out the door.

  “Here comes our boy.” Rob, was anxious as hell as he grabbed his pipe and they sprang from the car. As Shadee went to unlock the car door, Rob smashed him over the head with the pipe causing Shadee to let out a loud grunt as he fell over. Hook grabbed the black duffel bag, then Rob stuffed Shadee’s limp body onto the back seat. Hook started the car and as soon as he got it out of park, a forest green Hummer blocked him in and out jumped five of Shadee’s boys.

  Chapter 2


  “Who is it?”

  “Who you expecting?”

  A smile lit up Shan’s face as she opened the door for her brother, Peanut, and his boy Nick who used to be Brianna’s man. “I wasn’t expecting you.” She pushed up on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  “What you trying to say?” He asked as he walked in inspecting her apartment with Nick right behind him.

  “Boy, don’t even try it. I ain’t trying to say nothing. I said it! Why you walking through my house like you a social worker or somebody?” She teased him as she was following behind him. “Have a seat, Nick.”

  Even though he wouldn’t say it, he liked the gray and mauve color scheme she had going on throughout the entire apartment. But when you got to the bedroom it was full of black lacquer, red, yellow, light blue and purple. It was weird. It was as if you had stepped into another apartment.

  “What? You tryna hide something or somebody?” He closed her bedroom door.

  “Not from you.” She pushed him into the living room onto the sofa. She plopped down beside him. Peanut had been her mother, father, brother and best friend since their parents were killed. Which caused them to have a very tight bond. “I don’t know why you tryna front. Just say it. “Baby sis. I just love your beautiful apartment. It’s better and cleaner than what all my hos got.”

  Peanut just smiled at her and Nick burst out laughing. “Oh, so you got jokes? It’s not better than mines.”

  “Yeah, right. But guess what?”


  “I got the job and guess which one?” She was now off of the couch and hopping up and down.

  “You making me dizzy. Sit your happy ass down.”

  “C’mon, Peanut. Guess which one?”

  “I give up, Shan, so tell me.”

  “You ain’t no fun no more. The prison job. I got the computer instructor job I was telling you about.” Shan plopped back down next to Peanut once she saw the look on his face.

  “You know I don’t want you working at a men’s prison. What if a riot or something breaks out? You the police, sis. You ain’t gonna get no special treatment.” Concern evident in his voice.

  “Don’t start.” She jumped up again and headed out of the living room. “You know how much I wanted this one.”

  “Well, don’t expect me to be happy for you. I don’t feel right with my baby sister working around a bunch of crazy-ass niggas, Shan.” He heard the bedroom door slam. “Shan! Shan!”

  “What?” She snatched the door open.

  “Fix me something to eat.”

  “Fix it yourself! I’m getting ready to shower and get dressed. Me and Brianna will be going out tonight to celebrate. At least she’s happy for me.”

  “Yeah right! Brianna ain’t never had no job, of course she’s happy.”


  “What time y’all leaving and where are y’all going?”

  Shan sucked her teeth. “I told her to be here at nine.”

  “Where y’all going?”

  “You getting on my nerves now.”

  “Girl, you better tell me where you going,” he warned as he stretched out on the sofa.

  “I don’t know where we’re going. It’s her treat.”

  “Well I suggest you find out.”

  “Nick, get your boy.”

  “Don’t get me caught up in the middle of y’alls sibling rivalry.”

  “Oh, a’ight then. I see how you do. When B comes let her in. I gotta go and get ready.”

  “Shan, I’m serious, where y’all goin’?”

  “I told you I didn’t know. Ask her when she comes.” Shan kept it moving and left Peanut and Nick sitting in the living room.

  “Yo, what’s up man? You know I don’t need to be here when that bitch gets here. I’ma bust that thirsty bitch in her fuckin’ mouth if I see her.”

  “Man, chill. I told you, you can’t turn a ho into a housewife. I’ma kick it here for a while. Go pick that money up from Darnell and come back.”

  Nick raised his 6 foot, 4 inch frame up, gave Peanut a pound and headed for the door. “A’ ight man. I’ll swing back by.”

  “Later.” Peanut kicked back and grabbed the remote. He knew that Nick’s pride was hurt. Brianna got all she wanted to get outta his man and dumped him. Nick is still sprung over her.

  Brianna came out of her building and went in the opposite direction, missing the activity behind her. She jumped into her champagne-colored Lexus and headed across town to Shan’s.

  Ten minutes later Brianna was knocking on the door.

  “It’s open.” Peanut yelled.

  Brianna stepped inside, smiled and licked her lips when she saw Peanut sitting on the couch. “Why is the door open?”

  “Your boy Nick just left. You just missed him.”

  “Nigga please.” She sat her Chanel bag down and stood directly in front of Peanut. “Where’s your sister?”

  “She’s in there getting dressed.”

  Brianna got down on her knees and began kissing Peanut as she unzipped his pants.

  “A’ight now. You gonna get us busted. Shan can come out the room any minute now and your man said he’ll be right back.” Peanut said as he slid his hand up her dress.

  “So what are you saying?” She began slurping on the head of his dick.

  “You playing wit fire, that’s what I’m saying.” He opened his legs wider and got in a better position. “Do you B, but make it quick.” Peanut hit the mute button so that he could hear Shan, the slurping sounds B made on his dick and listen for Nick. “Damn…girl. Sssshit…” He grabbed the back of her head.” “Whoaa, girl, why you stop?” His dick was hard as ten bricks and was sticking straight up.

  “You got a condom?”

  “C’mon, B.” He grabbed her head. “What you need a condom for? You was almost done!”

  “I want some dick, nigga.”

  “Girl, stop playing.” His dick was throbbing so hard that he was ready to grab it and finish his self off.

  She sucked her teeth, got up and pulled a condom outta her Chanel bag. She ripped it open with her teeth and began putting it on a pissed-off Peanut.

  “How you know I wanna fuck?” He watched her roll it down seductively on his dick with skill. “How ’bout I just want my dick sucked?”

  Brianna turned around, pulled her dress up above her waist, bent over, holding on the coffee table and spread her legs. �
�Daddy, don’t do me like this. C’mon, please.”

  Peanut stooped and rammed his dick in Brianna’s hot, wet pussy. They both moaned out loud at the same time. Peanut thought his dick was gong to explode.

  “Oh shit daddy! Give me that dick!”

  “Keep it down, B.” Peanut was ramming her so hard his balls were making slapping sounds. “Aaah, bitch!” He went to cumming and so did Brianna.

  All you could hear was heavy breathing. Then Peanut’s limp dick slid out and he pulled up his pants and fell back onto the couch. Just as Brianna stood up and pulled down her dress, Shan’s bedroom door came open. Peanut hit the mute button on the TV and began flicking channels while Brianna made a beeline for the bathroom.

  “How long you been here?”

  “A couple of minutes, girl, hold that thought.” Brianna hurriedly closed the bathroom door.

  “You still here?” Shan stuck her nose up at her brother. “What’s that smell? You need to put your boots back on.” She grabbed a can of air freshener and began spraying it throughout the rooms.

  “Do you have to overdo it?”

  Shan looked at her brother as if he was crazy. “I think you forgot whose house your in. It’s time for you to go.” Knock, knock. “Make yourself useful and get the door.”

  “It’s your house, remember? You get the door.” He teased. When she went to open it Peanut yelled, “It’s open.” And in stepped Nick.

  Shan sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes at him.

  “What I do?” Nick asked.

  “Brought my brother over here.”

  “I didn’t bring him, he brought me.” “Nick casually said before turning to watch Brianna step out of the bathroom.


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