Love My Pain (Cape Falls Book 6)

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Love My Pain (Cape Falls Book 6) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Nodding, she gritted her teeth. The last thing she was thinking about was the cut. His breath fanned the top of her thighs, so close to her pussy.

  She had never felt like this, and the overwhelming feeling of desire was gripping her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” No, I’m really not. You want truth, and I’m embarrassed. Crap, the first key to our relationship even succeeding is truth and trust. “I’m aroused.” This was going against everything she knew and believed in. She shouldn’t be telling him what she was thinking or feeling.

  Glancing down at him, she saw he was smiling, and she winced. “Was that wrong of me to say?” she asked.

  “You’ve made me proud, Isabel. I thought you were going to lie to me, but you didn’t.” He gripped her thighs, and she loved how big his hands were. Even though her legs had small lumps of cellulite, she wasn’t conscious of that. She had more scars than cellulite. She loved food, and cooking for Edward was one of the few pleasures she was going to keep.

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  “I can smell you, and I can also see that your panties are wet.”

  She closed her eyes and groaned.

  “I am your man, am I not?”

  “You are?” She frowned, not knowing how to answer that. “Right?”

  He chuckled, and then she gasped as the hand on her thigh moved between her legs. Edward stroked over her pussy, and for the first time, she felt … something different. She wasn’t Sophie’s older sister, or Isabel the failure, or the cutter, or the waitress. She was Isabel.

  Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back as he pressed against her clit, making her cry out.

  There was more to her than the cutting, than her sister, than everything else that had ever happened.

  She was an entire person, and no one had ever wanted to know who she was. Only Edward. He was the only one that cared, who wanted to know, and wanted to be part of who she was. There was no one else in the world that she could ever be honest with. He was the only one she could talk to, be natural with. Edward was the only person she wanted.

  Chapter Six

  Edward had scented her arousal, and had known she was struggling to hide her need form him. He had been a little disappointed when she had initially lied, but then she had fought it, and told him the truth. The happiness he felt could never be taken away from him. They had made progress. It was small, but for him, it was real. They had finally moved forward.

  Stranding up, he gripped the back of her neck and stared into her eyes. The woman that was in his arms right now, she was different from the woman he had chained up out of frustration. “Isabel,” he said, speaking her name.

  Pressing his lips against hers, he relished the way her hands grabbed his shoulders, holding onto him. Her nails sank into his flesh as he continued to stroke her pussy through her panties.

  She had never had a man between her thighs. This was all new. He’d checked his computer while she had been getting dressed. There were no recent porn searches. He had gotten off in the same chair imagining her watching those porn videos, and touching herself. He now kept a large box of tissues in his drawer for whenever the need arose to clean himself.

  “Is it wrong for me to feel desire for her, Doc?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “I want her. I want to have sex with her, you know, fuck her, make a life with her. Is it wrong? Does it make me some kind of perv?” he asked. This was what had been plaguing his thoughts for the past year. Could he even think of a life with her, a sexual one, when he knew what he did? It seemed almost impossible to believe that he could want her, and yet his arousal never died. His need for her never dissipated.

  When he looked at her nice juicy ass, he imagined gripping the cheeks as he rode her pussy. Her tits were nice and large. He wished for the day that they were swinging in front of his face, begging for him to suck.

  “No, it’s not wrong. Isabel is still a woman with many of the same desires. She hasn’t changed who she is. There are many men and women who experience self-harm in different forms who continue a very normal life, have children, and they carry on. I’m not saying it’s not without consequences, Edward. If you want her enough, then you will find a way to help her. Not deal, you don’t need to deal with this, just help. For all you know, someone to talk to could be the very thing that she needs, and that stops it.”

  “Can it be that simple?”

  “I don’t know. This is the point of self-harm. There is no known cure, and there is research just not enough, I’m afraid. It can be extreme or just something that happened once or twice.”

  Pulling out of his thoughts, Edward stared down at Isabel. He had been struggling with his desire for her, holding it back. Before speaking to the doctor he had thought his reaction to her was wrong, something he should hide. It wasn’t. Far from it.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, opening her eyes. They were glazed over with lust.

  “Do you want me to play with your pussy?” he asked.

  She nodded. There was no hesitation.

  “I’m going to want you to strip down, Isabel. I want you completely naked, and then I want you to come and put that pretty ass on the table in front of me, and spread those thighs.” He couldn’t resist taking another kiss, so he slammed his lips against hers before moving back toward the dining table. His gaze was still on hers as he lowered himself down into his seat, waiting.

  Isabel nibbled that cute little lip again, glancing around the room, waiting, thinking. He saw her mind ticking over, trying to think. Leaning back in his chair, he did something he promised he wouldn’t. He released his cock from his jeans. Edward watched as her eyes grow wide.

  “You see this?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “This is all for you.” He wasn’t going to fuck her today. Neither of them were ready for sex yet. When the time came for him to take her virginity, they were both going to be more than ready. Running his hand up and down the length, he stared at her body. “Are you going to come and see what treat I have in store for you?” He gave her a wink, and watched as she chuckled.

  “You certainly know how to make a girl blush, Edward.”

  “You’re not a girl, far from it.”

  “What am I?” she asked, removing her shirt. The bra she wore was a plain white one. He was going to go shopping for her, and get some really sexy stuff for her to model just for him. It would be a treat for him to see her in some beautiful lingerie that he picked out.

  “You’re all woman.”

  She took a step toward him. Her panties matched her bra, and he shook his head. “I want it all off.”

  “What about you?” she asked.

  He stood up and started to remove his clothes. Before she could even blink he was completely naked for her to see. “I’m all here, sweetheart. I have nothing to hide.” He stepped away from the table, and turned so that she saw every part of him. “I’m all yours.”

  She was biting that lip, and he wanted those same lips wrapped around his cock. Seconds ticked by, he didn’t know how many, and he didn’t care. They had all day with each other.

  Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, she reached behind her, and flicked the catch of her bra. Her large tits sprang forward, and he finally got a look at those gorgeous tight nipples. They were red, and begging to be sucked.

  Her body was much better than he had imagined. Next, she removed her pants. She had fine hairs at the apex of her thighs, which he didn’t mind. She dropped her hands, and stared at him.

  She was a beautiful woman, all natural curves, and he fucking loved that she would soon belong to him. He was going to claim every part of her for himself.

  “I’m nervous.”

  “You have no reason to be. If you want to stop right now, we don’t go any further.”

  She nodded at his cock. “What about him?”

  He laughed. “I’m in control here, babe. You don�
�t want to, we don’t. It’s as simple as that.”

  “I don’t want to stop. I’m sorry. I’ve never done anything like this.”

  “I know.” He held his hand out. “So why don’t we do this together?”

  She placed her hand within his, and he took it, drawing her closer. He didn’t slam their bodies together. He just knew that she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.

  Easing her onto the table, he took a seat, and placed his hands on her thighs. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “You’re going to ask that right now?”

  “Yes. Why not? It’s just the two of us. We’ve got all day, and I don’t want you to be nervous.”

  She blew out a breath. “Okay, well, I’m kind of worried. I don’t know what is going to happen. I’m really hoping no one calls. Especially not Sophie.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I don’t know what I’d say to her. What if she asks what I’m doing?”

  “You tell her that you’re spending some time with me.” He reached up, pushing some hair behind her shoulder. “It’s no big deal. No one is going to phone. No one is going to barge in, and you know what?”


  “Even if they did, I’d kick their ass out of the house, and I wouldn’t answer the phone. This is your time and mine. I’m not going to have anyone interrupt that.”

  She grabbed his face and slammed her lips down on his. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her tightly as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Isabel moaned, and slowly broke the kiss.

  “You never fail to surprise me.”

  “You’ve surprised me, too.”

  “I know. I really liked this dinner table, and now every time I’m sitting here, I can think about you, and how beautiful you’re going to look after I bring you to orgasm.”

  Her cheeks were flushed, and the smile on her face was worth every single second of worry about her.

  “Just out of curiosity,” he said. “Have you ever thought about the two of us together?”

  She nodded. “Every single night. I’ve thought about us.”

  “Have you touched yourself?”

  Again, she nodded.

  “Show me.” He grabbed her legs, and moved in a position to make it a little more comfortable for her. Resting her feet on his thighs, he gripped her knees and spread her legs. Even with her pussy exposed, he kept his gaze on hers. “Show me how you touch yourself.”

  He didn’t look away even as her hand moved between her thighs.

  Her eyes were dilated, and her lips were so fucking sexy and plump, begging to be kissed or fucked with his cock. When her teeth sank into her lip once again, and a little moan came from her mouth, he couldn’t resist. Dropping his gaze down her body, he stared at her pretty pink pussy. The lips were spread, and he saw how wet she was. Her cream coated her finger as she slid a digit up and down her slit, teasing her swollen clit.

  The scent of her arousal was heady in the air, and he wanted a taste.

  His mouth watered for her. One taste was never going to be enough, and he feared neither would a lifetime.


  Edward looked like he wanted to eat her, and she wanted his lips on her body. Stroking her clit, she couldn’t resist looking at his cock to find him still rock hard. He leaned forward, and she gasped as he spread open the lips of her pussy. Glancing down, she saw his large fingers holding her open.

  “Lean back,” he said.

  She followed his instruction even as her heart started to pound. She wasn’t afraid. All she wanted to do was please him.

  You love him.

  For over a year he had been in her thoughts. She didn’t know what he felt, only what she did when it came to him.

  He slid her back on the table and rested her feet on the edge.

  Edward moved from the bottom of the table, and she watched as he moved chairs out of the way. His cock stood straight out, and he didn’t even give any reaction to it. With the chairs out of the way of the table, Edward reached out and ran a hand down her body. He started at the center of her neck, gliding a single finger down, to dip into her belly button, and then to her pussy. Once he was at the bottom of the table, he stopped.

  “This body belongs to me, Isabel. By hurting it, you’re hurting me, do you understand?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I understand. I’m yours.”


  He leaned over, and held open the lips of her pussy. With one slide of his tongue, Isabel experienced more pleasure in that one swipe than she had in her entire life. He didn’t stop with one lick. He sucked her clit into his mouth, making her come off the table with the pleasure that was just too much, yet she didn’t want to stop, not even for a second. He released her clit, sliding his tongue over the swollen bud before moving down to her entrance. He didn’t penetrate, and kept teasing her.

  She wanted him inside her even though he had told her that he wasn’t going to do it today.

  Sinking her teeth into her lip, she tried to contain her orgasm. Her body was building, driving her toward that peak that she wanted more than anything.

  “That’s it, come for me, Isabel. It doesn’t stop here. You don’t have to hold anything back. Give it to me,” he said.

  She screamed his name as her entire body convulsed in a pit of pleasure. Everything stilled around her as she came apart, shuddering. Isabel didn’t know what happened. She had brought herself release many times before but nothing like this. She couldn’t even focus or understand what the hell was going on.

  He flicked his tongue over her clit one final time, pulling away. Her juices were on his chin, and she felt them dripping down to her anus, and probably on the table.

  Her cheeks were flushed, and she cleared her throat.

  “You taste better than anything I’ve ever had in my mouth, babe.”

  She groaned. “Is that a good thing?”

  “Hell yeah. I’m going to be doing a lot of licking of your pussy. It’s so juicy, and tasty.”

  She covered her face, and then opened her fingers to look at him. “What about you?” she asked.

  He waved his hand in the air. “I’m a big boy. I know how to take care of myself.”

  “What if I want to take care of it?” She sat up on the table and swung her legs off the table, standing up.

  There was not a part of her he hadn’t seen before. For the first time ever, she didn’t feel the need to cover her body.

  Sinking to her knees, she stared up at him.

  “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to, Edward.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his cock, and marveled at how hard he was. Edward wasn’t a small guy. Running her hand down the length of his cock, she peeled back the foreskin, to see the mushroomed tip.

  “Don’t use your teeth to start,” he said.

  Holding her tongue out, she glided it over the tip, and watched as he hissed and closed his eyes.

  “Does it hurt?” she asked, stopping.

  “It feels so damn good. You have no idea how good. I want more. Wrap your lips over my cock. Suck it into your mouth.”

  Everything in her life faded, and Edward became her main focus. Covering the head of his cock with her lips, she slowly sank onto his cock, taking him to the back of her throat. She closed her eyes and pulled back, until he hit her throat once again.

  He groaned.

  His hand touched her hair, and he wrapped his fingers into the strands of her hair. She moaned as he tugged a little.

  Opening her eyes, she couldn’t resist another look at his face.

  “You’re so beautiful, Isabel. My beautiful little submissive. No one else is ever going to know how perfect you are.”

  Was she perfect?

  She wasn’t perfect, and yet he thought she was.

  Her heart soared, and she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, working the tip with her mouth.

  Edward took over, co
ntrolling the depths of his thrusts. He never went too deep. The moment he hit the back of her throat, he paused, and eased out a little more.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. You’ve got no idea how perfect your mouth is.” He groaned, and fucked her face.

  His cock seemed to swell in her mouth, and suddenly he pulled out. For a second she wondered if she had done something wrong until a white stream of his cum landed on her chest.

  Edward came all over her chest and breasts, milking out every single drop.

  When he had finished, he fell to his knees beside her.

  He cupped her face, pulling her close, and slammed his lips down on hers.

  Yeah, there was no mistaking it to her. She had fallen in love, and there was no turning back.

  Chapter Seven

  Three weeks later

  “Are you sure about this?” William asked.

  Edward glanced at his friend. They were at the Steer brothers’ mansion with all of their friends and family. Children were running around and causing chaos. The sun was shining, and the barbeque was fired up. Around the time he’d met Isabel, several of his friends were planning on leaving Cape Falls.

  The Steer brothers were some of them.

  In the beginning, Edward had thought Cape Falls was a strange place. Of course, he’d then seen how scary their backward thinking was. For many people, Cape Falls had been a nightmare. It certainly was for his girl, Isabel.

  “What do you mean?”

  “With Isabel. There’s a change inside you. You seem almost normal.”

  The past three weeks had been … heaven. Their day off together had been bliss, and he didn’t want it to stop. Of course, he had to stop because he didn’t get paid to be sloppy. Control was booming, but he still had a role as a resident Dom to help training ones.

  “I’m always normal.”

  William snorted. “Please, you’re not normal. You were never the kind to help a girl like Isabel out.”

  “I heard that your girl Daisy was a first-class bitch in the beginning.”

  “And?” William asked, already looking defensive.

  “People change, William. You and I, we’re not the same people we were twenty years ago. Life changes us, and we either accept it, or we don’t. I’m not the same guy that even came to Cape Falls. That woman there, even with all of her fucked up shit, she makes me a better man. That is all I ever wanted. A woman who had the power to make me better, and you know what? I got it. I’m so fucking serious about her, faults and all.” He slapped his friend on the back. “You should be happy for me. I’ve finally found the one for me.”


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