Love My Pain (Cape Falls Book 6)

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Love My Pain (Cape Falls Book 6) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

I’ve got you, baby. You’re loved more than you even realize.

  “I just want to play with you, Edward. I want to be everything.”

  “And you will be. Now, are you ready, Isabel?” he asked.


  “I want you to come for me.”

  She moaned, arching up, and with a few strokes of her clit, she shattered apart. He watched her pussy begin to pulse, knowing her asshole would be doing the same. A red flush covered her chest. Her nipples were nice and hard, her entire body ready to be fucked, ready to be claimed.

  “That was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen,” he said, stepping away from the bed. “Stay where you are.” He turned his back on her, going toward one of his shelves where he kept what he wanted next.

  The butterfly clamps were a lovely purple color, shiny and new. The moment he’d seen them the other day, he knew he had to have them for Isabel. They would just look too pretty to not take them.

  Moving back toward the bed, he stood at the side, next to her left breast. The nipple was still so hard. Leaning down, he took her nipple into his mouth, sucking it. As he did this, he removed the butterfly clip from its little box, opened the grip, and placed it on her nipple.

  She cried out, and when he placed his hand between her thighs, teasing her slit, she was still soaking wet, and getting wetter by the second. Removing his finger, he sucked her cream into his mouth, cleaning off his digit. Moving around the bed, he went to the other nipple and repeated the same action.

  This time her moan was more guttural, but it was still there. He loved her responses, and when he was done, he stepped back from the bed to admire his work.


  The clit clamp would be way too much for her right now. Placing the box down on the side, he moved toward the bed.

  “I’m not going to be using anymore tools right now, babe,” he said. Kneeling at the edge of the bed, he moved between her thighs and rested his arms over her. His cock slid between the swollen lips of her sex. He didn’t push toward her entrance, just rested over her, staring down into her eyes.

  “You could use whatever toys you want to play with.”

  “You’re my toy, Isabel. I’m going to play with you.” Sitting back, he caressed down her body, touching every inch of her beautiful skin. He gave the butterflies a little tug, watching her writhe in pleasure at the touch. “I love how responsive you are.”

  “I want you, Edward.”

  “I know, baby.” Soon.

  Moving to her pussy, he spread the lips of her sex open to stare at the still swollen clit. When he stroked her, she shuddered and arched up off the bed. She was still so sensitive just like he had hoped. Climbing off the bed, he opened her lips and flicked her clit with his tongue. Sucking the hard bud into his mouth, he listened to her moan and cry out his name as he ravished her pussy. He gripped her ass, sucking, licking, and driving her toward a second orgasm.

  When she was at the point of no return, he released her ass, to take the clamps and release them.

  She screamed as her orgasm rushed over her body. He drank down her release, relishing the taste as she pulsed over and over again.

  Finally, when it was over, he knew he couldn’t wait another second. He didn’t want to wait. Moving her up toward the pillows so that she could rest, he took hold of one of her hands, and locked their fingers together. Slamming his lips down on hers, he reached between them, and began to slide his cock inside her. Even as she cried out his name as he took her virginity. He didn’t stop.

  Pressing every single inch of his cock within her, Edward claimed Isabel as his own.

  Opening his eyes, he groaned as he stared down into her eyes. There were tears shining inside them. “Please don’t cry, baby. I couldn’t stand it.”

  “I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “You did it.”

  “You belong to me now, Isabel. There’s no getting away.”

  “I never wanted to get away. Not once. I wanted to belong to you, completely.” She lifted up, pressing her head against his. “Thank you.”

  “You have nothing to thank me for, baby. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  He pressed his lips against hers, feeling her body as it slowly came alive. Edward took hold of her hands, and pressed them against the bed at either side of her head. Lifting up off the bed, he slowly began to make love to her. It wasn’t fucking. How he was feeling right now, this wasn’t just fucking. He was loving his woman exactly how she deserved. With each thrust inside her pussy, he watched and felt her responses to him.

  She met his thrusts, riding his cock as he rode her body.

  There really was no one else in the world for him, and he was going to make sure there was no one else for her. They belonged to each other, no matter how strange it seemed to others. He could give her what no one else ever could, his undivided love and attention.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he made the final claiming as he filled her pussy with his cum. She was now his in all the ways that mattered.


  “What’s he doing?” Isabel asked.

  She sat next to Rosie and Daisy as she watched the demonstration going on in front of her. Ryan, bless him, still hadn’t left yet, and she didn’t know why. She had heard him say often that there was nothing keeping him at Cape Falls.

  Her gaze wasn’t on the scene, not really. It was on the third Dominant man on the right. His arms were folded, and the shirt he wore was stretched over his very impressive chest. A chest that she had been grasping that very morning as he woke her up with his cock deep inside her.

  “Right now William is showing Ryan how best to hold the rope. The woman there, Casey, is a sweet girl. She will be fine. Nothing bad will happen,” Daisy said. “The coiled whip is quite dangerous, and if you don’t practice with it, it can do a lot of damage.”

  “Aren’t you a little jealous that your husband is up there with a semi-naked woman?” Isabel asked, munching her way through a box of popcorn. Edward had handed it to her before the show. There were several people watching. She was surprised by how many, but not everyone who came to Control lived in Cape Falls.

  Control offered a place of respite and relaxation for anyone in the BDSM lifestyle. Just thinking about it reminded Isabel of the past week playing in Edward’s playroom. They had gone from his hands to a whip, to a flogger. She loved the paddle. The feel of the hard wood against her ass was utterly delightful.

  Edward had also taken the time to chain her up, and have his very wicked way with her. She liked that. She liked it when she was at his mercy. He did the most delicious things to her body.

  “Nope. If you look at William, he’s not interested in the woman. Besides, how else are other people supposed to learn? I trust my husband. I know it’s me that he wants, no one else.”

  Isabel paused as she was chewing her popcorn. She felt that way about Edward, even though neither of them had really spoken about their feelings. It didn’t matter as it was what they both felt.

  Finishing off her mouthful of popcorn, she swallowed down the lump inside her throat.

  “Are you okay? You’ve gone a little pale.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I’m going to go and have some fresh air. It’s probably what I need.” She handed the popcorn to Daisy and left the room.

  She didn’t understand what was wrong. Rubbing at her chest, she rushed toward the exit, and the moment she cleared the door, she took some deep breaths.

  “You’re a waste of time. Good for nothing.”

  “Why do we even bother relying on you?”

  “You’re thick. You’re stupid.”

  “Fucking asshole.”

  “Why don’t you just grow up?”

  Isabel started to pant as the blood filled her head. She hadn’t felt this in over a month. It was such an overwhelming need. Rushing toward the edge of the forest, she gripped onto the first tree she found, and rested her head on the hard bark.
/>   “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.” The last one she screamed. She knew what she wanted, and she couldn’t do it. She didn’t want to do it.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Edward asked.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head against the tree, ignoring the scratch as it dug in.

  “It’s happening?” he asked.

  Isabel didn’t need for him to explain. It was easy for herself to know what he was talking about.

  “Please, just…”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You should know that by now. Tell me what happened. What set it off?”


  “You want it, don’t you? You want your kit, and you want to find a nice secluded spot, and you want to take that blade, dig it into your skin, and slice.”

  With her eyes still closed she released a whimper. Yes, damn it. She did. Sweat gathered on her brow, and her stomach was starting to turn. Every time this happened, she would do exactly as he just said.

  There was no real routine. It was why she always carried her kit on her. If it was there, she knew she could rely on it. Her special kit that helped above everything else.

  Tell him.

  Fight this.

  With her eyes still closed, she started to speak, only to stop and clear her throat. She was shaking all over. Never had she fought this need so bad. It felt almost like an addiction, something she couldn’t control. It wasn’t the need to slice though. No, it was the need to rid her mind of the voices.


  “What did she say? What did she do?”

  “She didn’t say anything mean, or malicious. It was … it’s me. I’m the stupid one. I’m the one that can’t deal. I’m fucking useless.”

  “I have never heard you say such utter rubbish about yourself.”

  She giggled. Rubbish! So British.

  “Then if she didn’t say anything mean, what did she say?”

  Licking her dry parched lips, she breathed through the wave of nausea. “She told me nothing other than how she trusts William. She knows he won’t hurt her. She knows that he loves her.”

  As she spoke, the darkness that was threatening to consume her started to fade, and little by little, she began to feel once again.

  “And you think you can’t feel those things with me.”

  Turning to Edward, she finally looked at him. His arms were down by his sides, his hands fisted. He looked tense, nervous even. She had caused that.

  “How could you ever feel those things for me? Look at me.”

  “I am, babe. Always.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not worth it though. I’m … look at me. I’m a nightmare.” Tears once again filled her eyes, and started to fall down her cheeks. She held onto the tree as if it was a lifeline. “I’m a horrible person. I can’t even handle other people when they say how much they love each other. I’m unlovable.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  She sobbed as she held onto the tree. “I want my kit back.”


  “Yes, I need it. This is not working. I can’t do this.”

  Edward stepped toward her, placing his arms over hers. “I’m not going anywhere, and you are going to listen to me.”

  “I don’t have to listen to you.”

  “You’re right. You don’t have to listen to me. I’m no one either, babe. No one loves me. I’m just the joke of a British guy who has a thing for a girl who is probably young enough to be my daughter. You know what? I don’t give a fuck. I know what I want, and I know how I feel, and no one can take that shit away from me. No one.” He pressed his lips against her neck. “Your parents, they shouldn’t have done the shit they did to you. They were wrong, and they didn’t deserve you. Sophie, she doesn’t deserve you either. No one deserves you. Not even me.”

  With his arms around her, Isabel slowly felt her demons start to calm down.

  “You can rely on me, Isabel. You can depend on me. I wasn’t going to tell you yet because I didn’t know if you were ready, but I’m not going to wait another second. I love you.”

  She gasped, and turned her head to glance over her shoulder. “You do?”

  “Yes, I love you. You want to know why I’m here? Because of you. I would have left Cape Falls a long time ago. You’re the one that keeps me here. No one else, nothing else. I’ll move wherever you need to go. I’ll go wherever you need to go.” He pressed another kiss to her neck. “I’m not going to hold back, and I’m not going to let go.” His hands moved from her arms to wrap around her waist. “I love you, Isabel. Please, tell me one day that you could love me?”

  She sobbed. “I love you now. I’m so sorry. I can’t … I hate being this way. I love you so much. I’m so sorry. I don’t want to be this way. I want to fight for you, for us.” She released the tree, and spun around to wrap her arms around his neck. She held onto him so tightly, never wanting to let go.

  “Whenever someone talks about their love, and how they feel, I want you to remember this moment. I want you to know that no matter what, I love you more than anything. I will fight, and even if you have to do what you have to do.” He gripped her chin, and stared into her eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going to push me away because it’s simply not possible for that to happen. I love you, Isabel Benson, and that’s not ever going to change.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she melted. There was no other word for it. She melted against him.

  He loves me.

  He loves me.

  It was like a big fluffy cloud blooming inside her.

  She was going to earn his love.

  She was going to fight the darkness inside her head, and she was going to win.

  Chapter Nine

  Three months later

  “These are her parents?” Edward asked. He stared at the file that Gabriel had given him. He sat in the Sheriff’s office in the town square of Cape Falls.

  “Yeah, real pieces of work as well. They are party animals, Edward. Even their files here.” Gabriel stood, going to the large filing cabinet where he pulled out a hefty brown folder. “Believe it or not, there was a lot of people in Cape Falls who didn’t agree with what was happening at their home. Teachers, townsfolk, even people from the diner and supermarket. There was not a lot of love for the Bensons.” Gabriel handed him over the file.

  “So what happened? Why didn’t anyone follow through with these complaints?”

  “The guy before me didn’t think it was necessary. This place doesn’t even have a social worker. I don’t know how Cape Falls did it, but they were able to stay off from having any unnatural folk from fiddling with their town.”

  “Unnatural folk?”

  “You know, people with half a conscience.” Gabriel dropped down into his chair with a sigh. “You know I came to Cape Falls for a lot of reasons. I thought it was just a nice place, you know? I thought I could do something good here.”

  “You don’t think you can?”

  “I really don’t know any more.” Gabriel ran a hand down his face. “Don’t get me wrong, this place is better than it was a year and a half ago. I grant that, but it’s … I don’t know. Look what happened to Amy. She was begging for help from an abusive husband, and they treated her like shit. Then you’ve got Rose. Let’s not forget the Steer brothers. Part of me is waiting for something shitty to happen just so I can have another excuse to get Amy, my kids, and go.”

  “What does Amy want?” Edward asked.

  “To stay here, I think. She likes it here, and she thinks it’s a good place for the kids, but I don’t know. She has never been away from Cape Falls. I think everywhere else scares her.”

  “I get that.”

  “You’ve lived in England. You think I’d make a good match there with my kids?”

  Edward burst out laughing. “You’d do fine. Just don’t go calling all of them unnatural folk. We don’t like that.”

  Gabriel smiled. “I’m just getting old, I guess.”

town loves you, Gabriel. They vowed to make a change. When you go to that kind of place, that hell, and you showed them exactly what they were doing, it’s going to take time.”

  “Are you asking me not to go?” he asked.

  “I’m asking you to consider not to, yeah. Think about it. You’ve made a lot of changes here, right?”


  “No matter if you leave, someone else is going to have to sit in that chair. I don’t know about you, but if it’s not a likeminded chap, then all that hard work is going down the shitter. Sorry, it’s true. Some people like living in the dark ages. It keeps women under men’s thumbs, creates that level of control. Would you want that?”

  “No.” Gabriel chuckled. “It was what Amy warned me about. It seems you two think the same way.”

  “Or maybe we both know how damn good you are, and right now Cape Falls needs you. I know this place is a fucking nightmare. I’ve seen the way they look at me when I’m with Isabel. At times it makes my skin crawl, but they can go and suck my big dick. I’m the one who did something. I stepped in, and I helped my woman, and I’m going to keep on helping her, no matter what.”

  “That’s a pretty good speech. I don’t see you running for office any time soon.”

  Edward laughed. “I wouldn’t hack it. You know me, I can’t kiss anyone’s ass for too long.”

  “Too true.”

  “So, are you staying?”

  “I guess I’m staying.”

  “That’s good.” He reached across the table to shake his friends hand.

  “What about Ryan? Has he gone?”

  “Not yet. It’s weird. I know he’s packed a bag and put his shit in the car, but he has yet to drive over the lines. You know. I think he drives out to the edge of Cape Falls, stays there for a while, and then comes back.”

  “The Cape Falls curse.”

  “You believe in it?” Edward asked.

  “Most of the time. Look how many people have stayed. The only ones who don’t are the ones that only visit the club, or are literally passing through.”

  Edward agreed. “Looking at this file, do you think there’s any chance of them coming back here?”

  “Her parents?”


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