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by Kimberley Reeves

  “I still feel it,” she said with a soft smile.

  It suddenly occurred to him that she had to be right about Dalton knowing she was with him. “Not that I want to put a damper on our night, but if I could feel you, then I’m sure Dalton could too. Of course, I doubt he got the thrill out of it that I did.”

  “I’m sure all he picked up from me was disgust and a great deal of fear, but I have a feeling maybe he did get a thrill out of that. I never knew for sure whether the people I linked with sensed my presence, but I suspected as much after my conversation with Mrs. Starr. What did it feel like, Mac?”

  “You said Dalton probably felt like someone was watching him, but it wasn’t like that at all. You were inside my head, my heart, my whole body, and you were just as much a part of me as I was.”

  “Does that bother you?” she asked, noting the frown that had begun to form.

  “In a manner of speaking. I told you once that it wasn’t real when you linked with someone, that those things weren’t actually happening to you, but I was wrong. It kills me to know how often you’ve allowed yourself to be brutalized both physically and mentally for the sake of bringing peace to a victim’s family. I won’t lie and say I’m okay with it, because I’m not, but I understand why you do it. I also think you’re the bravest person I have ever known.”

  “Are you sure you can live with it, Mac? I’m so afraid you’ll get tired of picking up the pieces afterwards. Most of the time I can control when I link, but not always, and it could happen anytime, anywhere. Before this goes too far, I have to know you understand what you’re getting into.”

  Mac just smiled. “I think we both know it’s already gone too far to back out now. Maybe I didn’t fully comprehend before, but I do now, and I wouldn’t have you any other way. I love you, Rennie, it’s as plain and simple as that. Yes, it will bother me that I can’t protect you from the fear or the pain you’ll go through, but I can be there to make sure you come out of it okay.”

  He reached out to turn off the lamp before drawing her back into his arms. “I’m tired of talking. I propose we link our lips for a while and then get some sleep, how do you feel about that?”

  There was no need for Rennie to answer. The soft purring that vibrated in the back of her throat pretty much said it all.

  Chapter 10

  “Get out of bed, you lazy woman, we have things to do.”

  Rennie opened her eyes just a crack and then closed them again. “I thought Saturdays were for sleeping in,” she grumbled.

  Mac planted a kiss full on her lips. “If we hurry and get on the road, we can be at Disneyland as soon as the gates open up.”

  Her eyes opened again, accompanied by an excited squeal. “You mean we’re still going?”

  “I promised you we would, didn’t I?”

  “What about Dalton, don’t you have to work on the case?”

  Mac threw the covers off and sat up. “The Captain sent some men over to stake out the two colleges, and we have every cop in the city looking for him. You said yourself Dalton isn’t stupid so he’s not about to show himself for a while in spite of his desire to attack again. We’ll come up with a way to smoke him out, but not today. Today, you and I are going to laugh and have fun and forget that anyone exists except each other.”

  Rennie climbed out of bed, immediately reminded by her nudity that she had nothing to wear. “I hope you weren’t lying about that closet full of clothes your sister keeps here.”

  “I had one of my brothers pick up your things after I discovered you had returned to the land of the living. He probably left them in the living room. Why don’t you get in the shower while I look for them and then I’ll take my turn.”

  Later, after grabbing a quick breakfast and then heading down the coast towards Anaheim, Rennie had time to think about their conversation the night before. She wondered if there really was a way for her to link with Dalton without him knowing. It was only when he became aware of her that he was able to take control and she wanted a way to safeguard herself so it couldn’t happen again.

  Mac hadn’t asked her to help and she doubted he would, even if it meant letting Dalton get away. He was going to be doubly protective of her now, so unless she could assure him it was possible to get to Dalton without risking her own safety, he was never going to agree to let her help. She cast a sly glance at him before turning her face to the window and closing her eyes.

  Mac was lost in heavy thought about the Dalton case, contemplating how they could draw him out in the open. Rennie hadn’t talked much during the drive, but he assumed it was because she was still mentally drained from the ordeal she’d gone through the day before. It had been a nightmare for both of them and he was determined to catch Dalton before she felt compelled to try and link with the monster again.

  They’d been on the highway for about an hour when his fingertips started to tingle. At first he assumed it was because he was gripping the steering wheel too tight but after relaxing his hold on it for a few minutes with no change, he had a sneaking suspicion about what was really going on.

  “Forget it, Rennie,” he said a little more sharply than intended.

  Abruptly, the tingling stopped.

  “I want to help…”

  “No, absolutely not. Dalton is never getting close enough to hurt you again.”

  “I can do this, Mac,” she pleaded. “If I can link without him knowing, maybe I can figure out where he’s hiding.”

  “Well, you just proved you can’t do it so this conversation is over.”

  “Actually,” Rennie lifted her chin in defiance, “I just proved that I could do it. I was linked with you for over fifteen minutes before you felt me.”

  Mac shot her a reproving look. “No, my fingers starting tingling several minutes ago, it just took me a few more to figure out it was you.”

  “You have to admit there was at least five whole minutes that I was able to link without you knowing. Five minutes is a long time, Mac, maybe even enough time to find Dalton.” He didn’t answer right away, but the stubborn set of his jaw told her he wasn’t buying it. “Don’t be angry with me, I only want to keep him from hurting anyone else.”

  “At your own expense. Damn it, Rennie, you could have died yesterday! It was pure luck that I was able to draw you back, otherwise that autopsy would have taken place and no one would have ever known you were still alive. I lost you once, I won’t do it again.”

  “Then work with me,” she pleaded. “Help me learn how to establish a link without alerting Dalton I’m there. If I can do it with you then I can do it with anyone.”

  “I’ll think about it, and that’s the best answer you’re going to get right now. Let’s wait until Monday after I’ve had a chance to review the case with my team and find out where we’re at. I want your word that you won’t try to link with Dalton without me being there.”

  “I’m not that brave or that stupid.”

  “Good, then the subject is closed.”

  “Now you’re irritated with me.”

  Mac reached across the seat and took her hand. “No, honey, I’m irritated with myself for even considering such a dangerous stunt. We’ll let it lie for now and talk about it Monday when I know more. Besides, we’re almost there and it’s practically a law that you can’t have any bad thoughts once you pass through the gates into the Magic Kingdom.”

  Rennie laughed. “Practically a law, huh?”

  “Yes it is, and as an officer of the law I feel it’s my duty to enforce it. I will allow fun, laughter, and maybe a little making out on one of the rides in the dark.”

  Being entirely agreeable to that, especially the making out part, Rennie offered no argument. Less than an hour later, they pulled into one of the Disneyland parking lots, and shortly afterwards they were strolling inside the park. It was so much grander than she could have imagined and they were quickly caught up in the pure light-heartedness of the place. They walked hand in hand for the most part, although Mac oc
casionally pulled her close to steal a quick kiss, and he indulged her by going on every ride she asked him to until they got to the giant tea cups.

  “You promised,” she reminded him.

  Mac eyed the pink tea cups warily. “I’m way too big to fit into one of those.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She tugged on his hand, pulling him towards the ride. “Look at all the other men standing in line.”

  “Rennie, honey,” he cajoled, “I’m six feet four and weigh two hundred and thirty pounds. I don’t see a man here even close to my size. What if I get stuck?”

  Rennie couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up in her throat. The vision of them trying to pry Mac out of one of the tea cups made her laugh so hard, she was practically in tears. Mac crossed his arms, attempting to look thoroughly offended that she found the idea so amusing, but the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth gave him away. As they neared the front of the line, she managed to convince him to at least get on the ride.

  “If the fit is too snug, we can get right back off,” she promised.

  Mac reluctantly allowed her to lead him to an empty tea cup. Thank God none of his brothers were there to witness the occasion or he would never hear the end of it. To his surprise, and dismay, he fit easily into the seat. There was a wheel in the middle which he assumed they could use to spin the cup once the ride got started.

  A slow smile spread across his face as he gave it a test spin. Rennie had tolerated most of the rides pretty well, but she tended to get squeamish on the ones that spun. Mac decided if she was going to hold him to his promise to ride in Alice’s pink tea cups, he was going to have some fun at it.

  As soon as the ride began, he grabbed the wheel and gave it a good hard yank. The sudden twirling of the cup threw Rennie against him. She let out a startled yelp and tried to sit up, but the faster he turned the wheel, the more gravitation kept her glued to his side. She was alternately screaming and laughing while her long hair flew out behind her and Mac’s heart melted at the sight of her having so much fun.

  He let go of the wheel and put his arm around her, going in for a long, hard kiss when she tipped her head back. He didn’t let her up for air until the tea cup started to slow, signaling the end of the ride. He knew he would regret it in the years to come when the story was repeated, but at that moment there was nothing more important in the world than doing what his heart told him was right. Sitting in a giant pink tea cup in the middle of Disneyland, Mac pulled her close, losing himself in the depth of her incredible beauty.

  “Marry me, Rennie,” he said. “I’m not an easy man to live with, but God knows I love you more than life itself and I swear I’ll be a good husband to you.”

  Rennie’s heart leapt to her throat. “Mac, are you…are you sure?”

  “Honey, I have never been more sure of anything in my life. Marry me, build a life with me, have my babies. We’ll be deliriously happy, Rennie, I promise.”

  She threw her arms around his neck, trembling so badly she thought the ride had started up again. “Yes,” she cried happily, “yes, I’ll marry you.”


  The most perfect day of her life had ended with a very slow and tender love making session that lasted far into the night. Mac had fallen asleep shortly afterwards, but Rennie was too wound up to let her mind rest. They’d had so much fun together and she was elated when the entire day passed without so much as a whisper from the voices that usually haunted her among large gatherings of people. It seemed there was always someone grieving, someone agonizing over a missing friend or family member, but she hadn’t picked up on anything, and for that she was grateful.

  Maybe it was because Disneyland really was a happy place where bad thoughts and sorrowful emotions were left outside the gate, or maybe it was simply because she was with Mac. He hadn’t given her the opportunity to think about anything even remotely negative, and perhaps that was the key to it all. Rennie hadn’t considered it before, but it was possible that by living such a secluded life with nothing else to occupy her mind, she was leaving herself wide open for the images and voices.

  She hadn’t wanted anything to ruin her day and, consequently, nothing had. So what did that tell her? It told her she had more control over it than she knew. Before Mac came along and turned her world upside down, she had resigned herself to a life of being a secondary victim. Now she believed she had the power to change all that.

  Rennie snuggled closer to Mac and closed her eyes. God, how she loved him. She’d been worried about the kind of life they would have together, whether he would grow tired of the constant bombardment of anguished spirits that followed her around. But now she was hopeful it would get to a point where they only came when she invited them.

  She supposed it should have concerned her that she had accepted a marriage proposal from a man she’d known for less than a week, but there was nothing in her heart and mind except a pure, carefree joy. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe it would always be a bed of roses, but as Mac said, they would get through it together. When Rennie finally fell asleep, she dreamed of castles and tea cups and a man whose smile melted her heart.

  The ringing of Mac’s cell phone woke them around nine the next morning, quickly dispelling any illusions she had about being able to lounge in bed. He tried not to make it obvious that he didn’t want her to hear his conversation, but it was transparent as glass when Mac cast a quick glance her way as he got up and casually strolled towards the opposite side of the room.

  Rennie took it as her cue to leave. She crawled out of bed and pulled Tia’s robe on, then went downstairs to search out the coffee grounds. By the time Mac joined her, the coffee was ready and she was busy flipping a ham and cheese omelet for his breakfast. He poured a cup of the steaming brew and took a few sips.

  “It smells great. I think I could really get used to this. Did you sleep well?”

  “Better than I have in years. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes but I can keep it warm if you want to take a shower.”

  “No, I’ll eat first.”

  Rennie glanced over at him and smiled. “You don’t have to feel guilty for leaving me alone today. Will you be back in time for dinner?”

  “How did you know I was going into work?”

  “A call at nine o’clock on a Sunday morning, from your partner I presume, can only mean a trip to the station.”

  After dishing up his breakfast and placing it on the table, Rennie retrieved her cup of coffee and sat down across from him.

  “Mac…I know there are always going to be things you can’t tell me regarding your work, but like it or not, I’m involved in this case. I saw the way you looked at me upstairs. You’re hiding something because you think it will upset me.”

  Mac finished chewing and took a sip of coffee before answering. He was stalling and they both knew it. “I know it will upset you because it’s upsetting to me. Ryan said you made the front page of the Sunday paper.”

  The bottom dropped out of her stomach. “Front page! What could they possibly have to say about me to warrant that kind of attention?”

  “He didn’t read the whole article to me, but the highlights went something like this; the psychic who helped locate a missing woman only a week ago, dies under mysterious circumstances, then her is body stolen from the hospital. Apparently, one of the reporters was still hanging around when the Coroner’s assistant rang the bell that you were gone. Of course, the Captain covered for us and told them your body had been moved to a different hospital because of all the media coverage, but by then it was too late and the story had already gone to print.”

  “Still, that’s hardly a front page story.” Rennie eyed him suspiciously when he started shoveling food into his mouth. “Okay, Logan, either you tell me the rest or I’ll go out and buy the paper and read it myself.”

  “All right, all right, I’ll tell you. Dalton’s picture was next to the article and…he was quoted.”

  The blood drained from her face. “
You mean, he was actually interviewed?”

  “No, he sent one of the reporters a letter. Ryan is on his way to there to collect it.” Mac scowled, “Dalton claims he’s responsible for your death, that he somehow got control of you through a psychic connection and basically drained the life from you. It was a bunch of hogwash, but the paper was more than happy to share it word for word with the public.”

  “It wasn’t entirely untrue,” she said thinly. “He did manage to get some type of hold over me. I guess it doesn’t really matter because we got what we wanted; Dalton thinks I’m dead.”

  “It accomplished something else, too,” Mac said as he got up to pour another cup of coffee. “Ryan says they’ve been getting calls all morning from people claiming to have seen Dalton. I have to go in to coordinate taking the calls and assign some of my men to follow up on them. I’m sorry, honey, I know we planned on spending the whole weekend together.”

  Rennie rose from her chair and went to him. “I had a wonderful time yesterday, the best day of my entire life, so I’m not going to complain because you can’t be with me today. Go do what you have to do, then come home to me.”

  Mac set his cup down and gathered her in his arms. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  “Yes, but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.” She smiled up at him. “Besides, if I’m going to be a detective’s wife, I need to get used to having you called away.”

  “Once we’re married, I won’t be putting in the kind of hours I am now. It never bothered me before because I didn’t really have a reason not to work all the time. It’s going to be nice coming home and finding you here.”

  Rennie stood on her toes and gave him a kiss. “You’d better get going. Go take your shower and dress while I clean up here.”


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