Bk 1 Dracones Awakening

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Bk 1 Dracones Awakening Page 5

by Sheri-Lynn Marean

  “No,” Jax shouted, struggling to extract himself from the glass and bent table frame before Marcius could hit Sami. But he was too late.

  Marcius growled, his face red and eyes filled with fury, and wrapped his large, meaty fist in Sami’s shirt and pulled him close. “You ungrateful little brat,” he said and Jax would never forget the sound of Sami’s nose breaking, or the blood afterwards, it still had the power to fill him with horror and a black rage. Without a care for either boy, Marcius tossed Sami against the wall like a rag doll. “Clean this mess up,” he growled at Jax before stomping out and leaving the boys alone.

  Wanting to kill his father, Jax ignored his pain and pulled himself over to Sami. Gritting his teeth, he dragged his unconscious brother, whose face had swollen up like a bloody balloon, to their ratty mattress in the corner of the room and then carefully wiped the blood from Sami’s face with a wet cloth. While he waited for Sami to wake up, he picked pieces of glass out of himself, leaving the ones in his back that he couldn’t reach. Then he cleaned up the rest of the broken glass, and wiped up all the blood.

  As soon as Sami opened his eyes, Jax’s tears started to flow with relief.

  “Jax. Don’t cry,” Sami whispered.

  “I’m sorry, Sami. I should’ve stopped him.”

  “No.” Tears shone in Sami’s eyes. “He’s always hurting you. I-I can’t stand it.”

  Jax lowered his head.

  “You need to stop—” Sami said, wincing in pain.

  “Stop what?” Jax asked without looking at Sami.

  “Stop getting hit for me.” Tears now streamed down Sami’s face. “Jax. You can’t stop him and I hate it when you get hurt because of me.”

  “I’m your big brother, Sami. I’m supposed to protect you.” Ashamed, Jax turned away.

  “No,” Sami whispered. “You’re wrong. He’s our father. He’s supposed to protect us—not hurt us.”

  But Jax knew he should have protected Sami better.

  The day Marcius came home whistling under his breath started a new nightmare. One that never went away for Jax. Two tall, bald men with eerie eyes showed up and handed Marcius some money. With a grin, Marcius held Sami back while the two creeps tried to drag Jax away.

  He fought the men and although he was only a skinny ten-year-old, he was still Dracones—with more strength than a human kid would have.

  “Stop or I’ll hurt Sami,” Marcius growled, making Jax freeze. He glanced up at his father’s evil grin and narrow-eyed glare, then looked at his brother’s tear-filled face.

  “Sami, I’m sorry,” he whispered, wincing as his brother’s cries tore at his heart while the men dragged him out the door.

  Jax flinched at the memories of what the men did. Shame and humiliation, combined with the feelings of being lost, alone and powerless, cut straight to his soul. He tried not to think about that time in his life, though late at night reminders tended to slither in and tear him open once again.

  Now, his anger made it hard to fight the darkness. Still, he managed to push it back down when he heard a sniffle and saw Tierney climbing the steps from the lake. Alarmed, he tensed up as she strode towards the house. Her face shone with tears. What the hell? His heart started pounding. He wanted to go to her, but, what if he’d caused her crying? Damn, he hated himself for hurting her, and wished that he could give her everything she deserved.

  The door down below opened and closed as she went inside. Jax reached for the Old no. 7 and put it to his lips. It was empty. Dammit. He dropped the bottle and stared out into the night. After a few minutes, he got up. Tierney should be in her room by now and he couldn’t put it off any longer. He needed to check on her, apologize for Cassie and for staying away, and … so much more.

  Chapter Six


  TIERNEY WIPED her face and stopped at Sami’s door when she heard him cry out. Sami tended to keep his feelings hidden, but now, his obvious anguish stunned her. She knocked but didn’t get an answer. Slipping inside, she closed the door and pushing her own feelings and worry aside, made her way over to his bed.

  Sami thrashed about, tangled in his sheets. Climbing onto the bed she shook his shoulder. “Sami?” She waited until his eyes opened. “Hey, you’re having a nightmare.”

  “Tiern?” He blinked, breathing faster than normal. “What—?” Sami’s gaze swept the room, before looking back at her.

  “You’re having a nightmare,” she repeated.

  Sami covered his eyes with an arm. He was trembling, and the pulse in his neck raced. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault,” she said.

  “I didn’t mean to bother you.”

  “You’re not bothering me, but I am worried about you,” she said with exasperation.

  “I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not.” She waited for him to say something. “Sami?”

  “I had a dream, that’s all.” Sami lowered his arm, but didn’t look at her. He still trembled, even though his breathing had returned to normal.

  “What did you dream about?” she asked, wiping his hair from his brow.

  Sami pursed his lips and focused on her. “Tiern.”

  Though she knew he wanted her to leave it alone, she wasn’t going to. “I’m not leaving, so you might as well tell me.” She grinned when he glared at her.

  Sami rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine. I keep having these dreams about—” He stopped talking.


  Sami took a deep breath and exhaled. “Well, it’s more like a vision.”

  Tierney waited.

  “Fine. Okay, it’s just that—”

  “What?” she prompted.

  “This dream, it terrifies me,” he said, giving her a pretty good indication of how freaked he must be to admit such a thing.

  Tierney lay down next to him, and the thought of how they used to sleep cuddled up together as children, pierced her heart. “Tell me about it.” She pushed the memories away.

  “Well, there’s this female and I feel this deep connection with her.”

  “Who is she?” Tierney rubbed his arm.

  “I’m not sure, I’ve never seen her before, but, she’s important to me,” he whispered.

  “Important how?”

  “Ah, like soul mate.”

  “Oh. Wow.” She stared at Sami, waiting for him to say more.

  After a few seconds, he continued in a quiet voice. “I feel so overwhelmed, and devastated when I wake up.”

  “Oh Sami.” Tierney hugged her sweet friend, her heart aching, wishing she could help more.

  “I need to find her,” he said after a moment.

  “What does she look like?”

  “She’s around our age, with short black hair sticking out all over and …” The more Sami talked, the calmer he became. It made Tierney smile. This woman sounded like Sami’s kind of girl. “… she has beautiful silver eyes, pale skin. She’s slender. Around five-six.”

  Wow. So much detail. “So, what happens?” she asked, almost afraid of the answer.

  Sami swallowed. “Well, it starts off in this building filled with cages. Then it shifts and I find myself outside somewhere, staring at these pits in the ground,” Sami paused, closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he continued. “They’re filled with burning bodies. I hear someone cussing, and turn to see two men dragging the woman by the arms. She’s fighting them, but they drag her over to the edge of the pit and—” Because his shields were lowered, Sami’s pain thrust like a sharp dagger into her heart. Squeezing him, she wiped tears from her eyes.

  “I try to get to her, but I’m not fast enough and, they throw her on the fire,” Sami said with despair.

  “No—” Tierney felt everything Sami always held back. His emotions overwhelmed her, leaving her unable to speak. At least now she understood his attitude earlier. “I’m sorry, Sami. I was so wrapped up in my own problems.”

  “No Tiern, with Zander missing a
nd Jax being—well, Jax. You didn’t need this on your plate too.”

  “Sami. You shoulda told me.”

  “I hate being such a wuss, falling apart like this.”

  Still hugging him, Tierney ran her hand over his hair. “Yeah, you’re such a giant wuss!” She gave him a playful swat, making him snort. “Sweetie, really! You’re not a wuss, I’ve seen you in action, and know how fierce you can be. I really am sorry for not being here for you.” Sorry for being a shitty friend and for how much he hurt over this woman.

  Sami shook his head and closed his eyes. “Thanks, Tiern.”

  “For what? I didn’t do anything other than wake you up.”

  “You listen. Besides, being near you always helps.” Sami turned over and snuggled into her.

  Tierney wished she had some words of wisdom. Instead, she began to rub his back, wondering when this dream of his would happen.

  “She feels like she’s my other half,” he finally whispered.

  Yeah, Tierney understood what he meant all too well. Different memories of Jax entered her mind before she pushed them away. “So, you dream this often?”

  “Five times.”

  “What the hell? You’ve had this dream five times, and this is the first you’re telling me?” She faked indignation and Sami chuckled. “Does it ever change?”

  Sami shook his head. “No.”

  Crap. Tierney’s heart ached for him. “I love you, Sami.”

  “Love you, too, Tiern.”

  JAX PASSED SAMI’S SUITE when he caught Tierney’s whispered voice telling Sami she loved him. No! The rage he’d been fighting all evening flared to life, and he struggled not to tear the door from its hinges and drag her from Sami’s room.

  The urge to haul her into his own room and finally make her his, damn near consumed him. The fire in her eyes, her smile, her touch and her whispered words should all be for me. A black fog started to invade his brain, and Jax pushed away from the wall, grabbing the door handle. He intended to follow through when a sharp pain lanced through his head, chasing the dark fog and rage away. What the fuck, man. Are you psychotic now too? She is not yours!

  Horrified, Jax yanked his hand from the handle and fled to his room. I need … Glancing around, he dragged a hand through his short hair and stalked over to the small bar in the corner. Without looking to see what he grabbed, he snatched the two largest bottles and headed out the French doors to the balcony.

  Forest scent’s and the ozone in the night air hit him, along with a light rain as he stumbled over to the wooden railing. Realization dawned and he started to shake. I made this happen. She told me she wasn’t going to wait forever, and I told her not to. This is my fault, I wanted her to find someone else and she did. My wish came true. So why does it hurt so much?

  Jax closed his eyes as bile rose in his throat. He gripped the railing so tight his fists hurt. Opening his eyes, he leaned over and considered the jagged rocks far below. Sometimes being immortal sucked. Damn sure made killing one-self near impossible. He would know.

  He avoided looking at the scars on his wrists from where he’d tried to take his own life. Fate sure got the last laugh that day. It was during his captivity when he was ten, and he just couldn’t take anymore. One of the men had left a paring knife behind, and Jax managed to get a hold of it. But of course, as luck would have it, his normally slow-healing self decided it didn’t really want to die, and before he could bleed out, his wrists healed. Why the hell can’t I heal like that regularly? Fate just loves to fuck me over, but shit … to let a child suffer so? It just never seemed right.

  A crushing agony built inside him, but no matter how much he hurt, nothing changed. He was still a disgusting mess who didn’t deserve Tierney’s love—or anyone else’s. Desolate, he eased his grip, slid down, and leaned back against the railing. Soul-deep pain choked him as he opened one of the bottles and downed half the liquid in one swallow, ignoring the burn. I fucking mess everything up! He took another swig, and another.

  As he became intoxicated, the shadows of the night wrapped their chilly arms around him and sucked him down, plunging him into his past. The more he screamed and cried, the more the men hurt him. Until finally, unable to handle any more, Jax’s ten-year old mind and soul finally shattered—creating a place within the deepest reaches where no one hurt him. A place filled with beauty, warmth and the comfort of Tierney’s arms as she told him everything would be okay.

  Eventually, he became lost in his paradise until he was rescued and yanked back to reality. At first, he’d been so angry to be pulled away from the only bright thing in his life, until a voice he vaguely recognized told him to hold on.

  “Everything will get better,” his rescuer said. Over the years though, he often retreated to his paradise when life became unbearable, but now, that place was like the rest of him. Cold, desolate and dark.

  TIERNEY LAY AWAKE, RESTLESS and unable to sleep. Her mind spun with worry for her dad, and concern for Sami. Unease filled her at the weird raven episode, the ass in the SUV, and whoever had followed her that evening. To top everything off, anger and hurt coiled like a serpent at the thought of Jax with Cassie.

  She glanced at Sami as he slept and smoothed his hair back. He looks so peaceful. Tierney hoped his sleep stayed dreamless for the rest of the night.

  Unable to lie still any longer, she crawled from his bed and hurried to her room. She pulled her clothing off and tossed each item on the high-backed chair, yanked on her sleep shirt and headed into her bathroom.

  After brushing her teeth, she walked back into her room and pulled the duvet back on her bed and sat down. But her dragon stirred, restless as well. Frustrated, she stood up and wandered over to the French doors, pulling them open. Brr! She shivered at the chill as a light rain fell from the sky. So dreary out …

  Tierney started to close the door when her dragon reared up and growled, freezing her in place. Okay, that’s a first. Although always aware of her dragon, the presence now banging around inside her almost hurt.

  The word Outside, drifted through her mind making her frown. What the hell? Finally, with a deep breath, she shrugged, stepped outside and paused. Power floating in the air raised the fine hairs on her arms. What the—? She felt around with her senses, her eyes widening in alarm at the dark cloud seeping along the balcony.

  An inky darkness, blacker than night, seemed to hover in front of Jax’s room. Tierney frowned. Is that someone on the floor by the railing? It looks like—oh shit. Jax! Ignoring the anger and pain wafting with sharp teeth in the black fog, Tierney shivered and waded through, hurrying over to him. Fuck! Jax sat, head bowed and legs pulled to his chest as if trying to protect himself.

  “Jax,” Tierney shouted, kicking an empty bourbon bottle away to crouch beside him. Frozen white fingers clutched a damn near finished bottle of Tequila. What is he doing? Why is he drinking so much? “Jax?” Tierney laid her hand on his back and found herself sucked into the nightmare inside his head.

  “Stop! No! Please, stop. Please!” Jax’s young voice screamed and begged, ten years old again and lost in a time when two men held him captive. Oh love. With a cry, Tierney pulled from his mind and yanked her hand away. Strengthening her shields, she wrapped her arms around his wet, frozen body. Damn!

  “Jax, love, come back. I’m here. Come back to me.” She chanted, over and over, holding him tight until he started to respond.

  Through his wet T-shirt, her fingers brushed across the numerous raised scars on his back. Scars he tried to keep secret from her, and though she knew, Tierney never let on. Jax turned eleven the day Marcius brought the boys back. He lay unconscious and near death while Tierney and her dad tended his broken body, and cried at the horror of the damage inflicted on him.

  Now, as she dragged him from his memories, he tensed up. “T-Tiern?” He blinked up at her.

  “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “Wha you doin’ out here?” He started to shake.

  “I should ask you the sam
e thing, but you’re drunk and freezing. We need to get you inside.” She tried to urge him to get up.

  Jax looked away and shook his head. “Jus’ leave me.”

  Tierney glanced away and wiped her eyes. “Nope, not gonna happen.” She pried the tequila away from him and downed the last bit, tasting the added Nectar, before dropping it to the ground. Oh Jax … She stood and tugged, trying to get him to stand. He didn’t move.

  “L-leave me,” he repeated, ducking his head and wrapping his arms around his legs.

  “Nope.” Putting more strength into her efforts, she pulled him to his feet.

  “Why?” Pain-filled eyes met hers, and his voice sounded just like he had as a kid, asking her why his father hated him.

  Tierney bit her lip to keep from crying. “Cause I’m not leaving you out here to freeze.”

  Jax blinked and with a wobble, clutched her and groaned. “I don’t feel so good.”

  Tierney snorted. “I can imagine. Come on, let’s get you inside.” She pulled the doors closed behind them and dreaded seeing Cassie in his bed.

  “So c-cold. You are so warm, Tiern—you feel reallllyyy good,” he mumbled as they made their way through his room to his empty bed.

  “Where’s Cassie?” she asked, looking around.

  “Other room, down stairs,” he said, making Tierney much happier.

  “Here, sit down.” She eased him onto the edge of his bed. “We need to get you into some dry clothes.” Tierney started to pull his shirt off but Jax yanked it back down in a panic.

  “N-no.” He wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head. The shame in his eyes made her want to hold him and never let go. “How can you s-stand to be ’round me?” he whispered.

  Tierney stared into twin pools filled with unspeakable pain. He reminded her of the scared little boy who woke up thinking he was still in hell after being unconscious for a week. “Jax.” Breath hitching in her chest and heart breaking at an anguish she wished she could fix, Tierney pulled him against her. “Shhh, I love you, and I love being around you,” she soothed.


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