Bk 1 Dracones Awakening

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Bk 1 Dracones Awakening Page 30

by Sheri-Lynn Marean

  Amid gasps, Tierney had stared, unable to take her eyes off the commanding male. With a light dusting of dark whiskers on his finely sculpted jaw, he reminded her of someone, although she couldn’t think of who. Beautiful and dangerous, a powerful aura surrounded him, making Tierney shiver in fear. All of a sudden, every story she’d ever heard of Adariasthorn made perfect sense.


  Now, the same stunning male stared at down Jax. “He’s—”

  “Yes, your son. But—” Her voice broke as the tears started again.

  “What?” Sami’s stunned gaze went from Adarias to her and Tierney pursed her lips, not sure how to answer the question in his eyes.

  “I’ll tell you later,” she said. Sami turned his attention back to Adarias.

  “How are you here?” she asked.

  Adarias studied Sami before turning back to Tierney. “You summoned me through the spirit realm.”

  Tierney nodded, realizing she must have summoned him through Jax’s soul stone. She watched his eyes drift back to Jax again. “I never thought … another son. You said his name is Jax?” he asked.

  Tierney nodded. “Yes.”

  “Is it short for anything?”

  “Jaxsaron,” she answered.

  “Who is his mother?” His face was tight with anger.

  “He and Sami here are both Latia’s son’s. But we just rescued Jax from the Ilyium, I tried to save him—” Her heart broke.

  “Latia, my heart.” Adarias glanced at Sami. “You look like her.”

  Sami’s eyes widened at his words, and Adarias looked back at Jax. “He is named for my twin,” he said, then his gaze sharpened on her. “Do you love him with all your heart and soul?”

  She nodded. “He’s my soulmate. I’ve loved him since I was a small child.”

  “Are you willing to do whatever it takes?” Adarias asked.

  “I would die for him!” she said fiercely.

  “My help may trigger the Sevaris bond, you must be prepared,” he said.

  Tierney frowned, wondering what that was, but ultimately, it didn’t matter. “Whatever it takes,.”

  “Give him your blood and I will pour my dragon light into him. His soul is still here. I pray this works, but he will need time to heal. Whatever you do, do not leave him alone, he will need you,” Adarias warned her.

  Tierney sniffed back tears. “I won’t.” She held her knife ready.

  Sami stared, tears in his own eyes as she sliced her hand and pressed it to Jax’s lips, letting her blood drip into his mouth. Please. She prayed as a white-hot light shot from Adarias into Jax, causing him to arch in the air before falling still.

  “Now you wait,” Adarias said.

  “T-thank you,” Tierney whispered.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  GENNA LET OUT A RAGGED SOB, drawing everyone’s attention to her. She didn’t understand why her face was wet. The first and last time she’d cried, had been when she was a little girl. When the Ilyium had tossed her into a cold, dark cell. But now, swamped with all kinds of emotions, she couldn’t seem to stop. She didn’t know whether it was because of Tierney’s heartbreak over Jax, or something else.

  The something else, named Adarias, stared at her with differing expressions on his face. Stunned disbelief, amazement and finally tears fell from his eyes. “Phoibos? Is that you?”

  Genna frowned. She vaguely remembered being called that, but the feelings it stirred up almost made her choke. Worried, Caden held onto her as she stared at Adariasthorn. A million thoughts rushed through her head, each elusive and too slippery to grasp.

  “How is it you are here as well?” Adarias rasped.

  Genna blinked and opened her mouth. “F-Father?”

  “I never stopped searching for you, my Phoibos,” Adarias whispered.

  Then he turned back to Tierney, face filled with torment. “I’m being pulled back. Take care of my precious children for me.”

  Tierney nodded and then the connection broke and Adarias disappeared.

  THE MASTER GLARED at Nolan, the human scientist cowering in the doorway. “What do you want?”

  Nolan inched into the chamber. “I am sorry to disturb you, but one of the escaped prisoners—”

  “Well, spit it out,” the Master snapped.

  “Well, one of the pregnant ones got away.” Nolan’s voice trembled.

  “Pregnant? Which one?” At the deceptively calm voice, Nolan began to shake.

  “The Fallen, Annalee. The one we inseminated,” he replied, eyes downcast.

  The Master debated whether keeping the sniveling human alive was worth the trouble. “You are sure she is pregnant? Didn’t you just inseminate her?”

  “Yes Master, one week ago. We tested her yesterday. She’s showing as if she were two weeks already.”

  Humph, interesting … “Well find her, she can’t be far. And find Zander, I need him back.” The Master tried not to panic at the thought of Zander being missing. They needed his precious blood, amongst other things, and the thought of his being gone scared the hell out of the Master.

  “Yes, Master.” Nolan hurried away.

  All of a sudden queasy, the Master yanked open the mini fridge beside the desk and took out a vial of Zander’s blood. High with anticipation, the Master tied off a vein, marveling at the power in the liquid. After inserting the needle, the Master depressed the syringe and leaned back to await the rush.

  A little later, filled with invincibility, the Master summoned Yvan, and while waiting, wondered why Zander’s blood contained so much more power than any other Fallen’s did.

  “Yes, Master?” Yvan stood stiff and formal, awaiting instructions

  “I want to be kept informed on any progress we make in finding Zander, and is the blood supply ready for Val Jean?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. Now take out Zander’s blood and add it to my stock.”

  “Yes, Master.” Yvan inclined his head and left the room.

  JAX AWOKE TO golden evening light glowing off pale lavender walls, and blinked. This is Tierney’s room, I’m in her bed. How the hell did she pull this off? Maybe this is a dream? But as he became aware, his aching body told him he was very much alive.

  Tierney lay beside him, on top of the blankets, sound asleep. Behind her, near the foot of the bed, Thaniel also slept. His eyes returned to Tierney, and he drank in the sight of her. I thought I’d never see her again. Dark shadows ringed her eyes, and her midnight hair lay tangled wildly around her. Even exhausted, he found her sexy as hell.

  Not wanting to wake her, he lay still and watched her sleep. Her long, white t-shirt barely covered her thighs, though at the moment it rode up and her lacy blue panties dared him to steal a glance. Jax stifled a groan as his gaze traveled down her shapely legs. He dragged his gaze back up her body and licked his lips. Her t-shirt hugged her, showing off her delicate neck and revealing the curves of two perfect breasts. Could she be any more enticing?

  As he drank her in and grew aroused, he realized he wore nothing other than boxers under the sheets. Humph, someone put underwear on me. He wondered who, and then knowing Tierney, figured she probably wouldn’t have let anyone else mess with him.

  At the thought of her hands on his body, liquid fire shot through his veins. Shit! Jax sucked in a deep breath, not wanting Tierney to see him like this. He tried to slide out of bed without waking her, and then stilled when her eyes opened.

  At the sight of him awake, Tierney jumped up, amethyst eyes dark with worry. “Jax.” Her eyes teared up and starting to glow with emotions she didn’t even try to hide.

  “Hi,” he whispered, as she gazed at him with huge luminous eyes.

  “How do you feel?” she asked, and he froze before he realized she didn’t mean the annoyance in his boxers.

  “Sore, but … alive.” So very alive! A faint vibration of fierce need started deep inside him.

  Tierney’s smile lit up her face, making his hea
rt race faster. “Oh Jax, I’m so glad.” She threw herself at him and shuddered as he hugged her while trying to hide his problem. Moisture trickled down his neck.

  Stiffening, she pulled away and wiped her face. “I thought we lost you for good.”

  Jax caught the brief flash of hurt in her eyes and mentally cringed as he remembered telling her he didn’t want her. “Yeah, I didn’t expect to wake up.”

  Tierney punched him lightly in the arm and grinned. ‘Sami!’ he heard her call his brother telepathically, without taking her gaze from him. Thaniel sat up and gave Jax a shy, tentative smile before he slipped from the bed. He passed Sami on his way out of the room.

  Shit, I’m not getting out of here anytime soon. Sitting up and pulling the blanket with him, Jax leaned against the headboard.

  “Here.” Tierney shoved some pillows behind him and grabbing one, Jax settled it on his lap.

  “Dude, you’re alive.” Sami climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Jax in a steel grip.

  “Sami.” Jax hugged his brother back.

  Sami pulled away and wiped his face. “Thought we lost you. Don’t scare me like that, you asshole.”

  Jax gazed at Sami. Two inches taller, and at least thirty pounds heavier than him, Jax remembered how small and scrawny they both used to be. But while Sami had grown bigger than him, he was still Jax’s little brother. “Sorry,” Jax said. “What about Zander?”

  Tierney and Sami exchanged looks, and Jax’s heart skipped a beat in fear that Zander hadn’t made it out alive.

  “He’s home but hurt pretty bad,” Sami said grimly. “Kyrian and one of his healers put him in a magical coma for now, but they plan to bring him out of it soon.”

  “He has a long road ahead of him,” Tierney added.

  Jax swallowed as tears welled up in his own eyes, then he thought about how they all got to this point and anger surged. “Marcius. I’d love to get my hands on the bastard,” Jax growled, but at Tierney’s sharp inhale, he scowled at her. “What?”

  Without answering, she bit her lower lip, making him wish he were the one biting her lip. Then she glanced at Sami who was staring down into his hands, rubbing them together if trying to clean them.

  “What?” Jax asked again, getting worried now. “Sami?”

  “I gotta go check on Zander,” Sami mumbled without answering, and quickly stood up. “I’m glad you’re awake.” Then he rushed from the room.

  Jax turned back to Tierney with a scowl. “What did I miss?”

  “Marcius … attacked me,” she said, looking grim.

  Jax’s rage roared to life at the thought of Marcius touching her, hurting her.

  “We fought,” she continued. “Marcius tried to, ah—” She cleared her throat. “Sami, he—” Tierney closed her eyes and he knew she was remembering it all over again.

  “What happened?” he asked, growing steadily angrier as he suspected what Marcius had done, but her next words shocked him.

  “Sami killed him.”

  Jax could only stare, stunned, but Tierney’s guilt and horror told him she spoke the truth. Oh damn! Closing his eyes, he imagined what his brother must be going through. Sami killed our father.

  “I’m so sorry, Jax,” Tierney whispered, guilt thick in her tone.

  Jax shook his head. “I’m not.” His hatred for Marcius was all consuming. “I’m not sorry he’s dead, but I hate that Sami had to do it.” He’d dreamed of Marcius’ death for a long time, but planned to be the one to carry out the deed. Now he felt empty, but as Tierney stared at him, eyes unreadable, he was grateful for the pillow on his lap, as despite all he’d just learned, he was still achingly hard. What the hell?

  Jax wanted to talk to Sami, make sure his little bro was okay, but first, he needed to get out of Tierney’s room. Marcius—dead! Relief rushed through him at the knowledge the monster couldn’t hurt any of them again. Then, pushing thoughts of the hated man from his mind, Jax reached out and touched a strand of Tierney’s long dark hair, letting the curl slide through his fingers. The silkiness sent fire racing through him. “How are you?” He dropped his hand. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her, but didn’t think she’d believe him.

  Tierney shrugged, and then waved her hand around absently. “Me, I’m fine.”

  Jax bit back a groan at how sweet she looked, and prayed she didn’t notice how odd he was acting. What in all the realms is wrong with me? This is unreal, and not at all pleasurable. I want her so bad. But thinking about Marcius reminded him he was dirty, damaged. And you still can’t give her children! With her sitting in front of him, looking so precious, he did not want to be the one to take that away from her. She deserved everything in life, especially kids.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked.

  It took him a moment to realize she meant food and not something else. His heart beat a furious rhythm in his chest, and he hungered to pull her against him. I need to get out of here. “Ah, yeah, I am.”

  “I’ll go get you something.” She smiled, stirring his blood even more as he hungrily watched her leave the room. But as soon as she was gone, he pushed the pillow and covers away, and climbed unsteadily to his feet. Once in his room, he closed the door.

  SAMI SLIPPED into Zander’s room and sat down in the chair beside the bed. He gazed at the man he loved like a father. Zander lay so still. Sami studied him to make sure he still drew air. Finally, seeing the slow rise and fall of his chest under the blankets, Sami let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Then he lowered his head shakily into his hands.

  For the last couple of days, he’d been terrified Jax would still die, and it had been a struggle to hold himself together. But now that Jax was awake, Sami’s control was beginning to unravel.

  His heart still ached for the woman from his dreams, along with his feelings about killing his father. When he thought about what Marcius had tried to do to Tierney, a cold dark rage swept over him, making him want to kill the bastard all over again.

  His constant companion, pain—combined with helplessness, guilt and rage—which he’d held in for so long started to boil over. He was close to losing his shit, and just hoped no one he cared about got hurt when he did. Finally, with a groan, he stood up and feeling twitchy, hurried up to his room and closed the door.

  He stalked around, avoiding the rock that beckoned from his nightstand for as long as he could. He checked his computer programs and all the monitors. Thankfully, with Mark and Thaniel’s help, he’d been able to install a pile more cameras outside, giving them live video of the property close to the house, from every angle.

  Other than the wolves on watch duty, and Mark sitting in front of his cabin, not much seemed to be happening. Sami sighed. He wished something needed taking care of, or anything to distract him, because his need was steadily rising, and now it raged inside of him. Suddenly, no longer able to hold the pain off any longer and with his pulse racing, he marched over to his bed and sat down. Then hands shaking, he bypassed the rock and picked up his knife.

  JAX FOUGHT the memories, old and new, that haunted him. After drugging him, Marcius sent him for a torture session, where Jax just pissed his hulking torturer right the fuck off. Then the Ilyium hauled him to the blood room, where they hooked him to a machine that made beeping and horrid sucking sounds, as his life force slowly drained from his body. Those grim noises were the last thing he remembered before he awoke, though he might have dreamed of Tierney whispering to him.

  The next thing he knew, he was waking up in her bed, aching and sore. He never expected to see her again. But nothing good ever lasted, and now, doom reared its ugly head, as his cock grew agonizingly hard with insatiable need.

  “Hey, Jax, I’ve got your food here,” Tierney called from outside of his door and he could hear the confusion in her voice.

  A voice that sent heat rushing through his veins. Damn. She must be wondering why he hadn’t stayed in her room. “Sorry, I’m tired. Just leave it at the door, ’k?” He d
idn’t understand what his body’s problem was, and didn’t want her seeing him like this.

  He stopped in front of his mirror and stared. His dragon covered his back, arms, and part of his legs, hiding old scars with blue scales, the only part of him no longer disfigured. His torturer this time, had tried to carve some of his scales away, but was unable. Instead they carved up the rest of him, leaving proof of their torture everywhere his dragon wasn’t. Jax studied his darkened eyes, his soul growing blacker as his depressed thoughts spiraled into the pits of hell.

  Besides his uncontrollable hard on, he didn’t want Tierney discovering how black his soul had become, because he knew she would try to fix him and he wasn’t fixable.

  TIERNEY PACED her room, wondering what was up with Jax, when the skin on the back of her neck tingled. She spun around to find the young raven-boy, the one Serena called Taraven, standing not five feet away. “Shit. You scared me.”

  The boy glanced curiously around, his eyes lingering on a tiny stuffed monkey sitting up on a shelf, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Who are you? What are you doing here?” she asked. Taraven looked at her, but again, he didn’t answer. Tierney frowned. She should be worried about him leading others to her, but somehow, she wasn’t. “How did you find me?”

  He gave her a look like it should be obvious. “I am Taraven,” he finally said and it came out sounding like Tah-raven. Curious eyes looked around again, alighting once more on the monkey.

  Tierney tried, but couldn’t read his mind, although she knew that there was something about the boy that pulled at her heart. Walking over to the shelf, she took the monkey and then turned and held it out to him with a smile. “Here, you can have him.”

  Taraven hesitated before accepting the gift. She smiled when he held it in his palm like it was incredibly special.


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