NOVA: The Time Bender Series Book 1

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NOVA: The Time Bender Series Book 1 Page 19

by Isabelle Champion

  “Shit- I can’t believe I said that - I’m so sorry Nova.” He reached toward me but I’d already pushed him out the way. I understood him and I knew he didn’t really mean it. We’d gotten to the stage of joking about how terrible Prospect really was and comparing it to old societies. He’d often pretend like I was this evil person (which I still kind of was) - like every other Prospect citizen. It was apparently a stereotype for people as high up in society as I was that we’d gotten there through sleeping with people.

  Clearly, I was hated and judged by the Rebellion - even if I wanted to join and help him I’d never be accepted anyway so what was the point?

  “Nova.” He wrapped his hand around my forearm and pulled me into him, I struggled against his arms and glared up at him.

  “I would kill him if I could. I would. You know that,” he breathed into my hair. I froze, listening to his breathing and waiting for him to do something - to push me against the wall and kiss me passionately. Jack leant his forehead against mine, his brown eyes watching mine until I closed them, parted my lips and waited. But he tore himself away from me and snatched his hands into his chest with an instant look of regret.

  He wanted me but he hated me.

  The story of my oh so lonely life.


  It had been a month. A whole month since I had arrived. Already I felt like I was trapped. The people here were polite, they did their job well - too well as a matter of fact.

  It was lonely, nobody talked to me here, and I couldn’t speak with Jack because he was constantly running errands for the Count. He was out of the estate more than he was in it and yet somehow he hadn’t run away - he hadn’t escaped to Scotland because he couldn’t just leave me here. Apparently.

  He was fighting an internal battle with liking me and hating me. He was just as confused as I was.

  Or maybe he felt nothing toward me but hatred - maybe the reason he couldn’t leave me here was because he didn’t trust me enough.

  I’d only been out of the estate twice. Once to go to this sporting game I didn’t know the name of and once to somebody else’s place - both were occasions to flaunt off the Counts new possession.

  And Tobias, Jesus Christ he just would not leave. The other two Mr Snob and Lord Farquaad or whatever his name was had left but Tobias had clearly opted to annoy me for as long as possible. I was also 99% sure the Count and Tobias were having an affair (which was incredibly weird considering Tobias was the past version of Ace who had the largest crush on me in the future).

  I could only hope Ace would check his life files, do some reading up for Christ’s sake and remember me. It would save me a lot of pain from having to ride all the way to Scotland and fall down an unknown well. But then again he also didn’t have a Totem.

  The Count had decided on one particular day to take me on a walk - of course, we weren’t alone because then I would have killed him. Instead, he decided to show me around the gardens, claiming I’d been cooped up inside for too long. When really he had kept me cooped up, he ignored me constantly.

  I hadn’t learnt anything about him other than that he was blatantly a closeted homosexual (obviously there were rumours).

  I only wished that he knew he didn’t have to be so cruel - killing people who judged him. I wish he knew I would be on his side if he weren’t so horrible (this was, of course, all hypocritical because I was also a pretty cold-hearted murderer - I mean assassin).

  Also, I was starting to worry about what I was supposed to do. Because we still hadn’t had sex yet and I knew I was supposed to get pregnant but when was that? So I’d started to push it a little more, suggesting we sleep in the same room together (which he always denied).

  “My Lord!” cried a familiar voice over the sound of hooves - it was Jack. He’d been away for a week and I was incredibly glad to see him. Turning in his direction I felt my shoulders relax immediately.

  “Jack,” the Count said excitedly. I was beginning to suspect by the excitement on the Counts' face by Jack's return that it wasn’t the Count who was the one pushing him to go away on these long trips - but rather it was Jack.

  “I’ll meet you inside once I put the horse away,” Jack said.

  “Tonight my love.” I gripped the Count’s hand stopping him from following Jack eagerly. “The rumours are starting to arise, and you know I don’t listen. But our reputation… and I wish to give you a son to carry your family name.”

  He watched me for a moment with a red face and for a moment I thought he would strike me, but instead, he nodded his head. “We do it my way though,” he said coldly.

  I nodded my head numbly, if that involved me being hurt it was okay, I had kept a knife under my pillow to kill him (which was my plan). It would also be likely that he’d order guards to a different part of the building.

  The Count had arranged a feast for the two of us and some form of a bird sat in the centre of the table surrounded by colourful foods Marion had probably never seen before. I tried to act surprised as some of the more exotic foods arrived in front of me.

  We didn’t speak much. I was sure for Marion it would have been awkward as she tried to calm her nerves. However, I was blissfully chewing away thinking of possible ways to kill him.

  So far the plan was to kill him whilst he was on top of me with a knife I’d prepared under my bed.

  Once we sat back with our stomachs full he stood up and offered me his hand. I took it cautiously as he led me in the opposite direction of my room.

  Uh what the hell?

  “Why don’t we go to my room?” I said, trying to not sound so unprepared as I was feeling.

  “I said my way,” he replied quietly. His hand was clammy with nerves and I tried not to look at him.

  At the top of the stairs were two of his guards, who waited patiently as we came to the top. “Take the night off gentlemen.”

  They nodded their heads and made their way down the stairs - how lucky.

  This was not the plan at all but I supposed I could work with it. I was the queen of improvisation after all.

  The Count undid his top buttons and rolled up his sleeves. “Please take a seat.” He gestured towards the sofa in the centre of the room, everything was coated gold in here including the teapot he’d carefully arranged by the table.

  I sat still, searching around the room for any object I could kill him with. If worse came to worse I could kill him with my hands I supposed. He handed me the teacup and I gulped it down quickly, it was an odd-tasting tea no doubt something expensive and exotic he had just lying around.

  Soon we became deathly quiet and my mind entered its eerily calm autopilot mood as he led me into the bedroom. I made my way to the bed, lying fully dressed and propped against the cushions drowsily. This was my opportunity I decided as he unbuttoned my dress and lifted up the skirt, his hands were shaking as he undressed me and I reached under the pillow for the...

  There was nothing there.

  Of course, there was nothing there, what was wrong with me?

  He took his time clearly nervous, taking off all my clothes until I was completely naked. But where was the knife? I hadn’t intended for it to get this far. Hell, I hadn’t actually expected to get naked at all seeing as he was as uninterested as a sloth.

  He groaned as he backed away from the bed, leaving my legs spread open. Where were my legs? I shrieked in my head. I couldn’t feel them - literally nothing and I couldn’t move.

  He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment with his back turned to me and then he stood and went to the corner of the room, holding onto the wall. It was then I realised he couldn’t you know… I listened to the range of swear words he panted.

  There was no knife, I couldn’t move and I was naked. I began to panic but I couldn’t quite use my voice to shout for help.

  Why had he done this? He’d drugged me. How worse could this life get? My gay husband had drugged me so it wouldn’t be as embarrassing for him. Jesus Christ. If only he knew how many
women I’d slept with too. We were no different - except he was evil.

  Well, I guess we weren’t so different after all.

  I watched him helplessly as he turned away from the wall and walked back over to me, settling himself between my thighs. I attempted to scream at him.

  “Close your eyes,” he snapped, though it sounded more like a plea. What good was being a badass assassin if you couldn’t do anything?

  I was once again the damsel in distress.

  Holy shit was I about to be-

  The Count arranged himself and sighed before crushing his lips against mine. “I can’t do this. I’m sorry,” he whispered. It was then I felt something wet against my cheeks and he removed himself from me - he was crying.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, reaching to his nightstand, pulling out a knife and wrapping his hands around it.

  No, I was about to be killed instead.

  He brought it above his head ready to plunge it into my chest when suddenly a figure stood over him. It gripped his arms and removed the knife from the Count who meekly removed his gaze from mine to face him.

  “Jack?” The Count whimpered in betrayal.

  “Why did you have to go and do that?” Jack said and suddenly I was looking at the Count’s wide eyes and the blood that squirted from his mouth. I looked up and met the eyes of Jack - a sword in hand and determined face.

  Life had been cruel to the Count, but he had just tried to kill me.


  Time: 4th September 1661

  Location: England, Eldermore Estate

  The Count’s body rolled off of mine and onto the floor. Quickly Jack moved into motion. First, he covered my body with a blanket and forced his fingers down my throat.

  “We need to get it out of you.”

  It was a little late for that idiot.

  So much was happening all at once, Jack was moving around the room quickly stuffing the body under the bed and wiping the floor with a blanket. His hands were surprisingly steady as he moved the Count’s body.

  I thought he wasn’t going to kill the Count?

  Had that been his first kill? He seemed remarkably calm. Realisation settled over me like a damp cloud as I caught a look at his wild eyes. This was most certainly his first kill and he was doing a good job at not showing the storm raging behind his face right now.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he hissed, moving around the bed to pick up my dress. I had no idea how I was looking at him although I reckoned I was drooling.

  I tried to move my mouth to speak but all I could feel was numbness. Although eventually I could wiggle my toes and Jack had helped my floppy body up, putting the maroon dress back on my bare body.

  He grumbled. “Let’s get the hell out of this place.”

  Jack was wearing a hat with a feather hanging off (which I must admit suited him very well) and maroon cloak. We were leaving. Finally, thank the Timeline we were leaving. I was going home.

  Well first I had to get out of here without being stopped, and then we had to make it to Scotland without being hunted and put on trial for our actions. And well - that’d probably take a couple of weeks.

  Jack lifted me up over his shoulder and grabbed his sword from the floor. “You’re going to have to walk once we get down the stairs and you might have to fight.”

  I groaned in response, giving a slight kick of my right knee and he was off. My own personal chariot flew down the stairs, keeping to the side of walls and checking corners. He trod on the floor lightly, one foot in front of the other, holding his balanced sword in front of us like a fencing expert.

  “Holy – crap,” I slurred as I was jolted when he jumped off some stairs.

  “Shush!” he hissed. Blending into the shadows, he helped me off of his shoulder and onto solid ground, supporting me below the shoulders as I tried to stand on my legs. Jack looked from side to side and then pushed our backs against the wall as two maids giggled together and then turned a corner.

  We paused for a moment. “Are you okay to walk?”

  I leant on his shoulder and nodded my head. “You killed him,” I slurred.

  He didn’t reply, he just looked at the ground and clenched his jaw.

  “He was going to-” I started to say, but he stopped me from speaking with a look.

  He didn’t want to talk about it and nor did I. If he were a minute later then I would... The thought made me sick. I was only sad that I hadn’t been the one to kill him.

  Jack propped me up and we continued. Once we came to a long corridor we began to pick up our speed, until I stumbled into a chest of drawers and smashed a pot. Jack swivelled to face me with wide eyes and we froze for a moment looking to each end of the hallway panicked.

  “Okay, I’m just going to carry you.” He hoisted me over his shoulder so that I caught a mouthful of feather and then he picked up his sword again. He groaned. “How do you wear this dress? Jesus Christ, it puts one too many pounds on you.” I weakly slapped his back and groaned as he came to an abrupt stop.

  “Well, well, look what we have here.” Are you kidding? Couldn’t we have just one break?

  I peered through Jack’s legs and scowled - or whatever expression my face could do. I probably just looked droopy - especially when hanging upside down. You guessed it - my favourite person Tobias produced a sword from his side.

  “Kidnapping the Countess?” He raised his eyebrows. Once I got back I was going to do a whole lot more than hit Ace for being such an asshole.

  Jack sighed. “Nah we’re just going for a stroll.”

  “She does not appear to be strolling,” Tobias pointed out, bending to the ground and tilting his head to the side to see my face.

  Jack sighed. “Ah well spank me and call me daddy. I suppose you caught me.” What did he just say?

  I wiggled my hand free and attempted to stick up a middle finger, which proved to be difficult and probably didn’t look as cool as it had in my head.

  “Ah! So she wants to be kidnapped?”

  Jack adjusted me over his shoulder and stretched his arm a little. “Let’s just get this over with, shall we?”

  “Let me down!” I shrieked as Jack lunged into fighting with Tobias. I was dangling from left to right as they rotated around each other, the only sound being their scuffling feet, swords clashing together and their masculine grunts. Men.

  I groaned as I felt something pressed into my side and when I reached for it I found a dagger hidden behind Jack’s cloak. I wrapped my fist around it, flapped the cloak out of my face and when Jack turned to avoid Tobias’s sword I threw it - not entirely knowing where it had landed but the yelp from Tobias would suggest I got him somewhere.

  “Guards!” he screamed before Jack took the hilt of his sword and bashed him on the top of the head. I watched his body slump to the floor. Jack stepped over him cautiously and then began to sprint.

  The sound of heavy footsteps seemed to echo from behind us and Jack was beginning to stumble by the time we’d made it to the main entrance where two guards began to rise from their game of cards.

  “Okay Novs you’re going to have to stand now,” he panted, not waiting for a reply before he bent down and put me on the ground. He then forced Tobias’ sword into my hands, clasping them around the hilt. My eyes widened as I noticed two guards over his shoulder. In an instant he’d turned to the two guards whose mouths were dropped open. The other lot hadn’t caught up just yet, thankfully.

  “Good day chaps, don’t mind us.” Jack had already sprung into action, jumping into the first one and jamming the sword into his gut. The other put up more of a fight and Jack expertly clashed their swords against each other. Once I’d finally snapped out of it Jack looked over the male’s shoulder and raised his eyebrows.

  “A little help Countess?”

  The guard clearly didn’t expect anything from me as he looked over and continued to fight against Jack so I stormed forward, turned, jumped and sliced my leg across his back.

>   He fell instantly and Jack bonked him on the head. He reached into the uniform and pulled out a pistol and then grabbed my hand.

  “Were you just fooling with me?” He panted, as he unlocked the locks on the door and pushed them open,

  “What do you mean?” I asked, following him as we ran down the large staircase and onto the path. Two guards were leant against the wall fast asleep and Jack scuttled past them and through the garden.

  “Well you made me carry you throughout the house but then you just karate chopped that guys ass back to the Stone Age.”

  I watched him for a moment; the hat covered one side of his face, which only accentuated his jawline and the beard made him look like some kind of Zorro. His lips were parted as he breathed deeply and he then stopped in his tracks, turning to face me curiously.

  “Jack,” I breathed shakily, lunging towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug. His hand came up to stroke my hair as we both panted heavily into each other’s necks.

  There was the sound of a gunshot behind us and Jack suddenly dropped to the ground. For a moment I thought he’d been shot and my heart stuttered but quickly I realised he was just crouching below the bushes, scuffling around for something.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed, also crouching down. He brought out a bag full of male clothes and then began crawling in the direction of a tree.

  “Get down,” he snapped, aiming from behind the tree and shooting. He was a perfect shot. Instantly taking one guy out in the leg, he was clearly not trying to kill them - just disable them. He shot them down one by one and I watched in amazement. Where in the hell had he learnt how to shoot like that? In his present life with the Rebellion? Or a former life?

  Jesus Christ.

  “Okay let’s go.” He shrugged, taking a hold of my hand and turning his back away from the moaning bodies. He led me a little away from the estate, all the time running until we came to a black horse agitated from the shooting and struggling against a tree.

  “Where did you learn to fight like that?” I asked, starting to strip off my dress whilst he turned away and calmed the horse.


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