Of Minds and Masters

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Of Minds and Masters Page 27

by Paul Ormond


  In the dark, SoHee still couldn’t see what restrained her, but she felt a sense of wholeness that she had never felt before. She had no idea where she was or what had happened, but she was surprised by how calm she felt. She could feel electrodes pressing into her head and she could see an IV drip attached to her arm. She looked around the room and saw several strange looking instruments whirring quietly on either side of her. She felt dizzy after a moment and she laid her head back down on the pillow. When she closed her eyes, she could see the great green tree-like entity hovering before her. Waves of energy pulsated from the top of the tree all the way to the bottom and SoHee could see root-like structures from the base of the tree and branches from above extending into the oblivion that surrounded the throbbing mass of energy. She could see and feel the energy coming at her from the tree in rhythmic waves. She knew that her thoughts were channeling towards the tree. It understood every aspect of her mind and she, in turn, understood the connection between the energy and herself.

  She saw new flashes of information sent to her from the tree and she knew that she was seeing things that were happening at the moment. She saw the dome filled with people and she saw Mitch surrounded by the inReal security team. The audience had been frozen much as she had been frozen by the security team. She could see their faces caught in limbo, vacant eyes stared back at her. She knew that Mitch was in trouble and she knew that she had to help him.

  She closed her eyes again and she concentrated on the images that she had seen. She had to get out of that room. Those people were in great danger and she knew that if she didn’t stop the CEO of MindHIve from carrying out his plan, the entire planet was in peril. She focused on the energy that she felt between herself and the mass and she asked it how she could get free of the restraints that held her. The question was answered by a flash of energy and light and she saw the pulses of energy flowing between her and the orb begin to intensify. Her physical body began to pulsate rhythmically and she felt as if she were floating.

  On the other side of the complex, a team of bioengineers stood before several monitors. Beyond the monitors, in a giant containment tank sat the inReal infused mass of energy that had been SoHee’s bacteria colony. It had grown considerably since it first emerged and the energy and light that it emitted had intensified. The scientists were perplexed by the information that their sensors were feeding them from the strange mutation hovering inside the tank. It seemed to be sending out all types of signals and at the same time drawing energy in from the space around it. The pulses had continued to grow stronger and the scientists were puzzling over how they could possibly keep the specimen contained if it continued to grow in power.

  “Is it possible to drain any energy away from it using some type of diffusion?” one scientist asked.

  “It’s possible, but we don’t have any mechanism to drain that energy away. In my opinion, it would be best to use the inReal energy to create a containment unit through the tank. Using inReal, we could establish an energy barrier that would keep the subject contained while we come up with a better long term solution,” an older female scientist said.

  “Are you nuts? This mutation is feeding off of the energy around it. If we try to use inReal to contain it we’ll just be throwing fuel onto the fire,” a younger female scientist said.

  “That may be true, but we’re rapidly running out of time and that thing is growing stronger by the second. In my opinion, we don’t have any choice,” the older woman said. “Unless we can come up with any other solutions right now, we’ll have to go ahead with my plan.”

  “And what plan would that be?” a dark and ominous voice said from behind them. All the scientist turned around and saw Gerald Tobero walking towards them casually. “It seems to me that this is a very serious security risk. Didn’t you think that it would be wise to inform us of the situation before you took further action?”

  “Of course sir. We weren’t about to go over your head on this, that’s why we called you. We were just coming up with some plan of action. This whole thing is about to slip out of control. If we don’t do something now, we’ll run the risk of compromising the entire operation and endanger everybody in the vicinity,” the older woman said.

  “Very well. This entire situation is about to go sideways anyway and we’ll need the best minds we have to get it under control. I’ve brought a few security guards to assist you, should they be needed,” Gerald said and several armed security guards emerged from the darkness with their inReal devices engaged.

  “We’re glad that you’re here to assist us. I’m worried that this thing will breach the containment unit at any time,” the older woman said.

  “Let’s see you carry out this plan. We’re here to help, but I will step in and take command should the need arise,” Gerald said.

  “Understood sir. Let’s begin the connection. We’ll be able to create an energy field using the laboratory’s power generator and this inReal device,” the older woman said, holding up a phone. “Sandra, can we calibrate the generator to produce a negative energy field?”

  “I’ve already begun to dial it in,” the younger woman said.

  “You’re going to need to hurry because this thing is multiplying at a phenomenal rate. I don’t know if we’ll be able to contain it in time,” a middle aged male scientist said.

  The green orb had begun to pulse rapidly and the containment unit had taken on an other worldly glow. The beams that held it together were infused with a strange energy and the glass portals were vibrating at an alarming rate.

  “You’re going to need to hurry if you don’t want this thing bursting out,” the younger woman shouted. “I’ve got the field ready. We’ll just need to connect the unit.”

  “Security team, ready your containment prods. This is about to get interesting,” Gerald commanded his team. The security guards extended the large rods of light they had used to contain the mass during the first incident.

  “I’m about to make the connection. I’ll just have to get close enough to establish contact,” the older scientist shouted as the pulses of energy coming from within the tank had created a tumultuous roar of wind and energy in the lab. The scientist held the inReal device in her hand and she activated it with hand commands. “I’m going to make the connection now. We should be able to establish the field around the tank,” she shouted again.

  “You’ve got to hurry. The tank is about to blow,” the middle aged man shouted. “The levels are through the roof.”

  The security force began to close in as the older woman reached forward with the device. For a moment, the entire room seemed to go dead silent and the pulses ceased.

  “I think I can reach it,” the scientist shouted. As she leaned forward, a tremendous explosion burst through the lab as the containment tank disintegrated. The orb hovered motionless for a second. It appeared to be assessing its surroundings. The security team had gotten back on their feet and they closed in quickly with their containment prods. Several arms shot out the orb and grabbed the security guards as they tried to jam their prods into the sphere. The arms wrapped themselves around the security guards and tossed them in every direction.

  “Seal the room,” Gerald yelled out, but he was sent sprawling into a pile of debris as the orb shot past him and smashed through the door, leaving a trail of vapor behind it.

  Gerald got to his feet and spoke directly into a device on his wrist. “The situation has escalated in the lab. Quarantine has been breached and we’re going to have to initiate emergency protocols,” he said as he looked around at the wreckage.

  “Understood, sir. The game is on at the moment and the broadcast is live, should we inform Mr. Chapman,” A voice replied.

  “I’ll inform him myself,” Gerald said. “Initiate the protocol. We need to lock this thing down. I need all of our resources focused on tracking that thing down. I want eyes and ears on it ASAP.”

  “Yes sir,” the voice said. “In
itiating lock down sequence as we speak.”

  “Send a team to the medical center. I think I know where that thing is heading,” Gerald said as he headed for the door. “Get up and follow me. We have to contain this situation at all costs,” he shouted at his security team as he headed for the exit.

  SoHee wasn’t sure when she became aware of the commotion happening nearby, but she slowly began to hear the sounds of men shouting and equipment being moved around. It was the first sound she had heard, other than what was in her head, in a long time. She snapped out of her dream-like state and reality hit her in the face. She was strapped to a gurney in a makeshift medical lab and she was connected to several different machines that were monitoring her bodily functions. She had a headache, but she was fully lucid. She looked at her body stretched out in the gurney. She had been lashed at the wrists and the ankles and three bands covered her torso and legs. It was impossible to move.

  Outside, the shouting became louder and SoHee saw several flashes of light coming from under the door. She was also aware of the pulsating energy she had witnessed in her mind while she lay on the gurney, but this time she could see the pulses flashing over her body. At first she was shocked by what she saw, but the same calmness she felt while she lay in the darkness washed over her again. Outside the door, the men were screaming and shouting while the flashes of light under the door increased in intensity. There was a strange whoosh followed by more screams. SoHee heard several heavy thumps and then silence.

  The pulses of light and energy began to wash over her body again. They were stronger than they had ever been before. As strange as it was, she didn’t feel any fear. The door slid open and the room was filled with an intense light. SoHee watched as the straps that held her down were loosened by tentacles of light. The last strap dropped to the ground and she rolled off of the bed and fell to her knees. Her body was weak and she could barely stand after being strapped down for so long. As she raised her head up, she was awed by the presence of the glowing sphere that hovered before. She felt a sensation of peace and clarity wash over her and she understood all that had happened and what was about to come.

  Several branches of light reached out from the orb and extended towards her. A feeling of weightlessness came over her as she realized that she was being raised into the air. She hovered before the orb as pulses of light moved over her. She became aware for the first time that she was sending pulses of light back in the same way that they came to her. The pulses quickened until they became a solid beam and then she felt herself being infused with light. There was an intense burst of energy that engulfed the room. SoHee dropped to the ground and landed deftly on her feet. She looked directly at the green orb for a moment and then she smiled.

  She heard voices coming down the hall as more security personnel hurried in to corral and contain whatever they had been told was on the loose in the medical center. She reached forward and the orb instantly wrapped itself around her and she felt herself hovering again. She raised her arms up in front of herself and watched as arms of light extended out front of her. She felt fully connected and in control as she began to manipulate the energy that surrounded her. “I think it’s time we showed them what we’ve been up to while we were away,” she said and then she shot out of the room.


  The first half of the game had stacked up to the hype. The score was locked at one goal each and neither team had managed to get an edge in play. The blue team’s emphasis on defense had proven to be the right strategy and they continuously closed down the lane despite the incessant attacks by the red team. Robert had certainly stacked the teams in his favor, having placed the faster and flashier players on the red side, but Davis had been able to get the most out of his squad by focusing on a team effort and a commitment to defense. Natalie Babcock had proven to be a formidable opponent in her own right and she had thrown everything she had at the blue teams defenses. She had an eye for weaknesses and she seemed to be constantly probing for openings among the blue defenders.

  Mitch, for his part, had been able to hold his own against his larger and older opponents. Although he wasn’t a match for them strength-wise, he had found his groove in the game and he was able to use his speed and agility to have an impact in both offensive and defensive zones. He had been able to electrify the audience with his daring moves and the crowd roared with approval every time he touched the ball; however, after scoring the first goal, the red defenders had caught onto his abilities and they had swarmed him whenever he attempted anything threatening. He had been knocked hard a few times, but he hadn’t let it get to him. In spite of Robert’s comments at the bottom of the orb and all of the anxiety that had gripped him before the game, he had to admit that he was actually enjoying himself.

  He was still puzzled by what Robert had said to him earlier in the game. Mitch couldn’t tell if the larger than life executive was just trying to mess with him or if he knew everything. The latter was more likely the case and Mitch had resigned himself to the fact that he was most likely going to be joining Drak very soon. If Robert intended to toy with him then Mitch wasn’t about to go down without a fight.

  Mitch had taken his position on the wing and the second half of the game was about to begin. The crowd was on their feet and cheering as the referee blew the whistle to start the game. Davis won the face-off against Robert and batted the ball to a blue player. Mitch had followed Davis’s advice after the captain had sternly warned him about going it alone. Mitch had always been a team player even if his hockey teammates hadn’t respected his sportsmanship. He had taken Davis’s words to heart and had followed the Captain’s lead. Davis in turn had noticed Mitch’s abilities and the blue team had decided at half time to form their attacks with Mitch’s speed in mind.

  Mitch watched as a blue player slotted the ball to the opposite wing and Mitch took the pass as his cue. He darted towards the bottom of the dome. He was immediately followed by two red defenders who dogged him all the way to the bottom. They taunted him as he went down.

  “Where you running to, Mythic?” one player jeered.

  “You better keep moving or you’re gonna get epic crushed, Crotchshot boy,” the other player said while they stayed hot on Mitch’s heels. Mitch slowed down as they closed in. he dodged to the left and then pushed off the wall of the sphere. The defenders weren’t expecting him to bounce back so quickly and they watched in shock as he rocketed past them towards the red goal.

  The left winger had drawn the red defenders towards him and Mitch looked up and saw Davis rushing toward the center of the dome. The winger lobbed the ball back at Davis and the defense pivoted towards him unaware that Mitch was shooting up from the bottom of the sphere. Robert saw him at the last second and charged towards him as Davis blasted the ball to Mitch. Just before Robert made contact, Mitch one-timed the ball past the sprawling goaltender and into the red net. He and Robert tumbled away from the net as the dome exploded with color and cheers.

  “I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself, Mythic, because things are about to get a little more intense. Remember, you’re in my world and I make the rules,” Robert said as he and Mitch untangled themselves.

  “You don’t think I can handle it, old man? If you thought I was just gonna roll over and take it then you’ve got another thing coming. You wanna raise the stakes then bring it on,” Mitch said as he made his way back to the blue zone. Mitch looked back and he saw that Robert was speaking to somebody using inReal voice connect.

  “Breached?” Robert asked. “I thought you had this under control?” he paused as the voice on the other end continued talking.

  “Initiate lock down immediately and damn the feed. Tell them it’s just technical difficulties. Lock it down now,” Robert shouted.

  Mitch went back to his position and waited for the game to start, but something had changed. The dome had grown strangely quiet. The massive sphere that surrounded the players had lost its colorful notations and it had grown dim. Mitch lo
oked out at the audience and saw that everybody had become frozen in place. They sat in their chairs and vacant expressions occupied their faces. He looked around the sphere and He saw that the players had fixated themselves on him and they began to draw near. The inReal glow that encased them had changed from blue to a fiery orange.

  “You must be wondering what’s happening now, aren’t you Mitch?” Robert said from behind him. Mitch whirled around to face him and saw that the CEO was hovering just a few feet away from him, he too was now enshrouded in an orange glow. “We’ve had a security breach. It appears that somebody has broken out of quarantine. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you Mitch? Of course not, you’re just a kid that has no idea what’s going on here. We’ve had your friend Drak staying with us for a few days now, but I’m sure you don’t know anything about that either. Don’t worry. He didn’t spill the beans or anything. He’s a loyal friend and that’s a rare thing in this world, or any world for that matter, isn’t that right Mitch?” Robert said as he stared Mitch down.

  The security team had him fully surrounded and the dome was sealed shut from the outside. He knew that he was trapped and that his worst nightmare was about to come true. “Your friend SoHee hasn’t put up much of a fuss though. She’s been a model patient. I look forward to keeping her onboard. She’ll make a great asset to my team. She’s an incredible scientist and it looks like that stuff she made will be of great benefit to humanity.” Robert continued. “As you can see, we’ve taken some precautionary measures and initiated a complex wide lockdown. This is for everybody's safety, of course. Anybody using a MindHIve issued device should be in stasis at this point,” Robert said while he looked directly at Mitch. “The odd thing is, you were issued a MindHIve device, but here you are fully lucid and glaring back at me with your supple brown eyes. The team and I have security clearances that have kept us active, and we’ve all switched over to our weaponized systems, hence the orange aura. The last time I checked you didn’t have any security clearance at all. Do you mind explaining why you, of all people, have managed to be spared from the lockdown?”


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