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Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical

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by Sciabarra, Chris

  creativity and, 238

  efficacy and, 213, 253–54

  ethics and, 240–42

  history and, 230–32, 341

  property and, 259

  rationality and, 230–31, 240–42, 356

  reason and, 230–31, 428n. 8

  rights and, 256, 259

  statism and, 308–9, 319, 322

  as value, 240–41

  as virtue, 228, 230–32

  Proletkult, 68–69

  property, 256, 258–59, 263–64, 270, 349

  Protagoras, 415n. 59

  Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 260

  pseudo-self-esteem, 278, 283–84


  art and, 192–93

  Branden and, 167

  capitalism and, 312–13

  consciousness and, 177, 181–82

  efficacy and, 202

  empiricism and, 205–6

  ethics and, 244–45

  Objectivism and, 348

  racism and, 324–25

  rationalism and, 214

  sense of life and, 432n. 11

  psychology. See also psycho-epistemology

  awareness and, 177–82, 184–85

  consciousness and, 169–73, 177–88

  dualism and, 167–68

  education and, 365

  efficacy and, 283–84

  egalitarianism and, 447n. 66

  egoism and, 247

  emotions in, 168–77, 182–88

  epistemology and, 167, 168, 244–47

  ethics and, 244–47

  experience and, 177–78

  history and, 342–43

  integration and, 173, 177, 182–88

  mind-body dichotomy and, 184–85

  Objectivism and, 167–68, 353–54, 420n. 64

  philosophy and, 167–68, 177, 342–43

  power and, 283–89

  reason in, 168–77, 182–88

  relations and, 283–89

  self-esteem and, 167, 247

  sense of life in, 177, 178–81

  social metaphysics, 167

  purpose, 228, 230–32, 240–43

  Pushkin, A. S., 66

  Pythagoreans, 122

  rabfaks (workers’ colleges), 85

  racism, 16, 324–29, 330


  capitalism and, 266, 274, 279, 350

  epistemology and, 159–60

  New Intellectuals and, 350

  Objectivism and, 2, 8–10

  Russian culture and, 8–10

  social theory and, x–xii

  Raimondo, Justin, 419n. 47

  Ralston, Richard E., 466n. 2

  Rand, Ayn

  Anthem, 37–38, 73, 104–5, 110

  Atlas Shrugged, 1, 12, 91, 104, 106–10, 118, 124–25, 130, 154–55, 170, 171, 174–75, 196, 216, 221, 232, 237, 241, 252, 270, 280–81, 292, 320–21, 343–44, 350, 351–52, 422n. 29, 440n. 86, 457n. 20

  Atlas Shrugged (film), 401n. 3

  birth of, 23, 413n. 33

  Capitalism, 110, 111, 264

  “The Comprachicos,” 177

  death of, 113

  The Early Ayn Rand, 91

  estate of, 467n. 7

  The Fountainhead, 62, 96, 97, 98, 99–104, 106, 174, 195–96, 218, 219, 232, 256, 279–80, 283, 351, 357–58, 404n. 31, 439n. 68, 443n. 57

  The Fountainhead (film), 106

  Ideal, 97

  illustrations of, 113, 168, 190, 223, 249, 362

  Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, 111

  Love Letters (film), 106

  memory of, 66, 83, 85, 369–70, 397–99

  “The Moratorium on Brains,” 187

  name of, 23, 90, 406n. 1, 413n. 33

  For the New Intellectual, 111

  The New Left, 111

  “The Objectivist Ethics,” 240–41

  “The Only Path to Tomorrow,” 105–6

  Penthouse Legend, 418n. 24

  personality of, 3, 11

  personal life of, 2–3, 23, 111–13

  Philosophy: Who Needs It, 111

  Pola Negri, 461n. 19

  “Red Pawn,” 91–92

  reputation of, 1, 7–8

  romances of, 91, 111

  The Romantic Manifesto, 111, 349, 432nn. 1, 6, 433n. 23

  “Screen Guide for Americans,” 88, 106

  Think Twice, 417n. 24

  The Unconquered, 417n. 24

  The Virtue of Selfishness, 110, 111, 235, 264

  The Voice of Reason, 111

  Weberian view of politics and, 263, 265, 337

  We the Living, 37–38, 68, 73, 86–87, 91, 93–98, 118, 230, 388–90, 393, 414n. 37, 416n. 71, 463n. 4, 464n. 7, 468n. 111

  We the Living (film), 417n. 17

  You Came Along (film), 106

  Rand’s razor, 427n. 47

  “The Rand Transcript” (Sciabarra), ix, 363–80, 381, 385–86, 387, 391, 393, 396

  “The Rand Transcript, Revisited” (Sciabarra), ix, 381–91, 393

  Rasmussen, Douglas

  on circularity, 127–28

  on concepts, 160

  on happiness, 243, 436n. 27

  on objectivism, 405n. 43

  on property, 259

  on rights, 257

  on substance, 424n. 50

  on values, 225

  work of generally, 2, 7


  concepts and, 131, 204–8

  consciousness and, 212–14

  culture and, 209–12

  dialectics and, 207–8

  empiricism and, 203–8

  epistemology and, 211, 213–14

  Lossky and, 50–51, 207–8

  Marxism and, 36–37

  moralism and, 247

  Objectivism and, 119

  ontology and, 121–22, 141–42

  perception and, 204–8

  reason and, 197, 205, 208–14

  religion and, 25

  social theory and, 208–12, 214

  truth and, 28–29

  rationality. See also reason

  action and, 228

  articulation and, 229, 339–40

  awareness and, 228, 229

  consciousness and, 244–45, 355–57

  context and, 229–30

  culture and, 343–45

  egoism and, 110–11

  epistemology and, 228

  ethics and, 219, 222–30, 240–42, 244–45, 343–45

  history and, 342

  irrationality, 244–45, 254–55, 273–74, 297, 299–306, 323, 338, 343–45

  language and, 291, 292

  Objectivism and, 110–11, 355–57

  philosophy and, 339–40, 344

  productive work and, 230–31, 240–42, 356

  reason and, 156

  relations and, 228–30

  selfishness and, 110–11, 235

  social theory and, 245–46, 297, 299–306, 344–45

  society and, 343–45, 348, 355–57

  statism and, 245, 299–300, 323, 344–45

  values and, 240–42

  virtues and, 227–30, 242

  volition and, 228

  Reagan, Ronald, 317–18, 330

  realism, 29, 46, 58–59, 138, 143–49, 194, 195. See also ideal-realism

  reason. See also rationality

  abstraction and, 213

  action and, 155–56, 170–71, 214

  art and, 196–97

  articulation and, 200–201

  Atlas Shrugged (Rand) and, 108–9, 154–55, 170, 171, 174–75

  awareness and, 154–55, 170–73, 175, 184–85

  capitalism and, 155–56, 261, 268, 271, 336

  conception and, 156–57, 170–73

  consciousness and, 154–56, 169–73, 182–88, 189–91, 196–97, 212–14, 240, 254

  context and, 164–65, 172

  creativity and, 170–71, 196–97

  culture and, 209–12

  dialectics and, 164–65

  differentiation and, 155

  dualism an
d, 23–24, 176–77

  in education, 66, 73–74

  efficacy and, 212–14

  egoism and, 261

  emotions and, 31, 168–77, 182–88, 189–91, 240

  entity and, 164–65

  epistemology and, 144, 145, 154–56, 164–65, 169–73, 189–91, 213–14, 215, 240

  ethics and, 215, 217, 224, 228–29, 283

  experience and, 28–29

  faith and, 217

  freedom and, 254

  gender and, 186–88

  God and, 68

  good and, 355

  Hayek and, 197, 208–14

  history and, 209, 211–12, 254–55, 342

  humankind and, 168–69

  identity and, 154–55

  Industrial Revolution and, 155–56, 230–31

  integration and, 154–55, 156, 164–65, 173, 182–88

  intrinsicism and, 164–65

  Kant and, 435n. 66

  literature and, 196–97

  logic and, 154–55

  materialism and, 108–9

  mind-body dichotomy and, 155–56, 184–85

  money and, 271

  mysticism and, 144, 169–70, 175

  Objectivism and, 173–77, 189–91, 347–48

  omniscience and, 213

  ontology and, 156, 169

  perception and, 145, 154–55, 156, 171–72

  philosophy and, 200–201, 339–40, 342

  productive work and, 230–31, 428n. 8

  in psychology, 168–77, 182–88

  rationalism and, 197, 205, 208–14

  rationality and, 156

  realism and, 144

  reification and, 155

  relations and, 156, 164–65, 173, 254

  religion and, 97, 154, 169–70, 201, 215–16

  Russian culture and, 23–24

  Russian philosophy and, 26, 38, 170, 186–87, 215–16

  science and, 213, 321

  sense of life and, 178

  senses and, 144

  sex and, 186–88

  social theory and, 208–12, 214, 268

  spirituality and, 108–9, 170

  subjectivism and, 164–65

  synthesis and, 26

  truth and, 26, 28–29

  as a value, 228

  “Red Pawn” (Rand), 91–92

  Reich, Wilhelm, 184


  abstraction and, 159

  capitalism and, 267–68

  conception and, 159

  culture and, 299

  dialectics and, 16, 359

  ethics and, 221

  of existence, 130

  fallacy of, 221

  government and, 262

  humankind and, 250

  infatuation and, 239

  Lossky and, 48

  reason and, 155

  social theory and, 137–38, 250, 267–68

  values and, 221

  of the zero, 126, 128

  Reisman, George, 113, 329


  abstraction and, 162

  action and, 156, 222

  Atlas Shrugged (Rand) and, 106–10, 280–81

  atomism and, 58–59

  attributes and, 135–36

  awareness and, 173

  capitalism and, 282, 286, 287, 301–2

  causality and, 135, 242

  circularity and, 128

  conception and, 156–61, 173

  concepts and, 125, 128, 134–37, 161–66, 278, 293–96

  consciousness and, 125, 150, 156–61, 173, 239, 281–82

  context and, 136–37, 163–66

  contradiction and, 281

  creativity and, 279

  culture and, 297–98, 301–2

  definitions and, 162–66

  dialectics and, 35–36, 106–10

  differentiation and, 58–59, 162–63

  dualism and, 59, 307

  emotions and, 173

  entity and, 134–37, 161–66

  epistemology and, 51–52, 117, 128, 134–37, 150, 156–57, 161–66, 173

  ethics and, 226–27, 228–30, 242, 279–80

  existents and, 165

  external and internal contrasted, 54–61, 161–66, 410n. 25

  faith and force and, 254–55

  The Fountainhead (Rand) and, 106, 279–80, 283

  fragmentation and, 307

  freedom and, 254

  gender and, 186

  history and, 166

  humankind and, 249–52, 277–78, 279–89, 297–98

  idealism and, 55

  identity and, 55–57, 58–59, 134–37

  individualism and, 249–52

  individuation and, 57, 58

  integration and, 161–63

  intrinsicism and, 162–66

  irrationality and, 301–2

  language and, 278, 289–96

  life and, 226–27

  Lossky and, 44, 49, 51–52, 54–61

  love and, 239

  monism and, 55

  objectivism and, 165–66

  Objectivism and, 55, 117–19, 134

  omniscience and, 163

  ontology and, 117, 123–24, 125, 128, 134–37, 161–63, 165–66

  organicism and, 54, 59–61, 134

  perception and, 59, 150, 156–57, 238–39

  philosophy and, 123–24

  plurality and, 59

  power and, 276–79, 301–2, 307

  psychology and, 283–89

  rationality and, 228–30

  realism and, 58–59

  reason and, 156, 164–65, 173, 254

  science and, 123–24, 134

  self-esteem and, 234–35

  sensation and, 150

  sex and, 239

  social theory and, 166, 249–52, 276–79, 297–98, 301–2

  statism and, 307, 318

  subjectivism and, 162–66

  trade and, 235

  truth and, 58

  units and, 162–63

  values and, 221–22, 226–27

  virtues and, 228–30

  visibility and, 238–39

  warfare and welfare and, 318

  religion. See also faith; mysticism

  Atlas Shrugged (Rand) and, 108

  communism and, 92, 97

  consciousness and, 154, 169–70

  culture and, 302

  dialectics and, 25, 90

  dualism and, 97

  education and, 71, 72

  emotions and, 169–70

  epistemology and, 169–70

  ethics and, 215–19

  fact-value dichotomy and, 215–17

  The Fountainhead (Rand) and, 102

  individualism and, 25, 93

  intrinsicism and, 216

  irrationality and, 302

  logic and, 154

  Lossky and, 42, 44–45, 61

  love and, 34

  mysticism and, 403n. 20

  neo-Idealism and, 34, 38

  Objectivism and, 2

  organicism and, 61

  philosophy and, 201

  reason and, 97, 154, 169–70, 201, 215–16

  rights and, 258

  Russian culture and, 30, 306, 406n. 6

  Russian philosophy and, 25, 34, 77, 170, 215–17

  science and, 29

  social theory and, 302, 330

  statism and, 90, 93

  Symbolists and, 30, 306

  unity and, 25, 29

  values and, 97

  repression, 293

  restitution, 344–45

  revolution, 345–49, 354

  rhetoric, 14

  Ricoeur, Paul, 6

  Ridpath, John, 466n. 2

  Riggenbach, Jeff, 431n. 59, 449n. 93

  rights, 255–60, 264, 270, 308, 315, 317, 344–45

  Robbins, John W., 2, 260, 421n. 6

  The Romantic Manifesto (Rand), 111, 349, 432nn. 1, 6, 433n. 23

  Rome, 371–72

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 316

  Rorty, Richard, 55, 56, 58

  Rosenbaum, Anna Borisovna, 66, 67, 87, 398, 406n. 1

  Rosenbaum, Zinovy Zakharovich, 64, 67, 68, 86, 406n. 1

  Rosenthal, Bernice, 406n. 5, 465n. 10

  Rostovtsev, Michail T., 371, 414n. 34

  Rothbard, Murray N., 260, 261–62, 440n. 86, 442n. 40, 448n. 77

  Rozhdestvensky, Sergei, 378, 414n. 35

  Rozhkov, N., 376

  Russian culture. See also Russian philosophy

  beards in, 404n. 29

  dialectics and, 8–10

  dualism and, 22–24, 30–33, 332

  education and, 372, 376, 377

  Lenin and, 68–69

  literature and, 9, 22, 29–33, 66, 68–69, 174, 194–95, 372

  neo-Idealism in, 33

  Nietzsche and, 30–33, 96–97

  Objectivism and, 8–10

  racism and, 326–27

  radicalism and, 8–10

  reason and, 23–24

  religion and, 30, 306, 406n. 6

  Russian Revolution and, 68–69

  Silver Age of, 23, 29–33, 96–97

  social theory and, 332

  Symbolists in, 30–33, 77, 186–87, 219, 246, 306, 333

  Russian philosophy. See also Russian culture

  character of, 24–25

  collectivism and, 250–51

  dialectics and, 8–10, 17–18, 24–29, 89, 360, 366, 370

  education and, 17–18, 24–25, 76–78

  emotions and, 186–87

  empiricism and, 207–8

  epistemology and, 170

  fact-value dichotomy and, 215–17

  gender and, 186–87

  history and, 333

  humankind and, 352

  individualism and, 26, 38, 465n. 10

  integration and, 186–87

  literature and, 9, 24

  Manichaeism and, 246–47

  Marxism and, 25, 32–33, 35–38

  mysticism and, 251, 352–53, 355

  neo-Idealism in, 33–34

  Objectivism and, 2, 8–10, 360

  ontology and, 129, 139, 141–42

  productive work and, 231

  radicalism and, 8–10

  rationalism and, 207–8

  reason and, 26, 38, 170, 186–87, 215–16

  religion and, 25, 34, 77, 170, 215–17

  Russian Revolution and, 69

  in Silver Age, 29–30, 32–33, 36, 38, 54, 77, 96–97, 246, 352

  Slavophiles in, 25–27, 29, 38

  sobornost’ in, 26, 35, 251

  synthesis and, 26, 27–29, 33–34, 38, 111, 186–87, 276, 360

  Russian Revolution

  censorship by, 70, 86

  education changed by, 68–72, 73, 77–78, 81–82, 85–87, 364–65, 368–69, 373, 376, 377, 386, 463n. 4

  exile by, 82, 86–87, 368

  history and, 333

  literature and, 37, 68–69

  Marxism and, 36, 70–71

  Rand during, 64, 65, 67, 68, 367–68

  Russian culture and, 68–69

  Ryan, Paul, 401n. 4

  Ryle, Gilbert, 198, 291, 433n. 30

  Saint-Andre, Peter, 418n. 34

  sanction of the victim, 278, 280–81, 288, 289

  Sartre, Jean Paul, 155, 207

  Schelling, Friedrich, 25, 27, 33, 43, 51, 81

  Schiller, Johann, 23, 76, 194


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