The Horror Squad (Book 2.5)

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The Horror Squad (Book 2.5) Page 8

by Weeks, Kris

  “Damn, guys I had him.” Willy told them.

  “Let’s get back to the van, there are four more making their way through the cars.” Andrew herded them toward the van.

  Chapter 10

  ERIC WAS angry at the fact that Andrew had told them to come to the van. Nate and Willy were happy to be able to take a rest.

  “We have five gas cans full. We need to start making our way back.” Nate suggested.

  Eric turned and stared at Nate. “You will be done when I say you are done. Haven’t we had that discussion?”

  Nate raised his eyebrows at the man that claimed to be the leader and shook his head. “I think I am going to rest for a bit, if you want some more. You go.”

  Anger shot from Eric’s eyes at Nate.

  “Andrew, get to it.” Eric stated without tearing his eyes from Nate’s.

  Jennifer spoke up. “Caden is asleep, I can go.”

  “Good, get to it!” Eric told her.

  Nate and Willy rolled their eyes and Eric. “Jennifer, you don’t have to go.” Willy told her as she climbed from the back.

  “No, I should. I need to help too.” She stated stepping through the van door.

  Willy handed her the crowbar and Andrew took his t-post. They moved to the back of the van and took the three last empty cans and made their way to where Willy and Nate had left off. Both of them stayed across from each other instead on different sides of cars like Nate and Willy. They kept an eye on the few zombies that seemed to have their eyes on them.

  “Let’s move quick and get back to the van.” Andrew whispered trying not to draw any more attention to them from the growling zombies.

  Jennifer and Andrew filled the remaining cans and started making their way back to the van. They loaded up the back and hurried back into the van. Jennifer sat down in the seat Willy had moved from to let her in easier. He was talking to Garrett and Caden was no longer lying on the seat next to Garrett. Jennifer frantically jumped up on her knees in the seat and searched the backseat for him.

  “He is fine.” Eric stated.

  Jennifer turned quickly to Eric who was holding her newborn son. “Why do you have my son?” She sat down and leaned forward to get verification that her son was okay.

  “He started fussing and I went and got him.” Eric explained.

  “Thank you, I will take him, he may be hungry.” Jennifer reached her arms out to him.

  “No, he is fine.” Eric stated. “Andrew get us back.”

  Jennifer sat back in her chair watching her squirmy son with a man she hardly knew and did not seem like a nice one. Her heart beat hard as she turned to Garrett and he smiled a big toothy grin at her and then turned back to her youngest son. Andrew drove cautiously back through the main road and pulled into the dark red brick building.

  “Unload!” Eric required.

  Eric stepped from the van with Caden wrapped in his arms and his head laid on his chest. Jennifer watched him disappear into the brick building.

  She jumped from the van and hurried inside after him dragging Garrett behind her. “Excuse me!” She shouted.

  Eric kept walking past Adrianna and Mary and to the back room and closed the door before Jennifer could get to him. She knocked on the door and Eric flung it open.

  “We have children taking naps in here. Go help the others and you can see him after his nap.” Eric told her before closing the door.

  The door came inches from hitting her nose as he shut it in her face. She turned and looked at the two women standing at the end of the hall and then back at the door.

  She pointed at the door. “Wh…What is he doing with my baby.” Jennifer looked back and forth from the women and the door and then started walking toward the two women that may tell her what to do to get her son.

  “Well, hi there, I’m Mary this is Adrianna; and unless you bust in there and take your baby and then leave back into the apocalypse, you are kind of screwed on getting him right now. Rue is back there, he will be fine.”

  Jennifer still looked from the door to the two women concerned for her son. Mary pulled her arm to one of the office chairs and pushed her shoulders downward so she would sit.

  “Do you need some water?” Adrianna ran to get a bottle and brought it back to Mary.

  Jennifer opened it and took a drink and handed it to Garrett still looking around Mary down the hallway. Adrianna stood watching the mother.

  “I used to have family that was that concerned about me. Gosh, I miss them.” Adrianna stated.

  Jennifer looked at the young girl and felt bad for her. “Hi, I am Jennifer.” She stuck out her hand.

  Adrianna reached out and shook it. “Now that is better. Are you okay?” Mary asked the new girl.

  Jennifer shook her head yes and took a deep breath. Mary waved her to follow and led her to the breakroom, they all sat at one of the tables.

  “Who is this guy?” Jennifer questioned them.

  Mary started. “All we know is that his name is Eric Baily. He states that this is his group and that if all of his rules are not complied with, he will just get rid of you. The bad thing is that he is not kidding. We have seen him get rid of others. All we can do is obey and deal with his stupid ass until we have somewhere else to go. Rue is another woman that is part of the group, she pretty much stays to herself, she has a couple of kids.”

  “One just recently died.” Adrianna added.

  “Eric is a real asshole. Just stay out of his away and don’t talk shit back to him.” Mary explained. “Just makes things easier.”

  Jennifer nodded trying to take everything in. Adrianna and Mary jumped up as they heard the door open, forgetting about the guys having to unload. Andrew, Nate and Willy brought in everything from the van except for the gas cans. Mary and Adrianna took all of it and spread it over the tables in the break room and grabbed the guys a bottle of water each. They separated everything from food to clothes to things that were needed like the flashlights and put everything away that belonged in the breakroom and sorted clothes to who they could go to. All of the extra things that could be used, they made an area for in the corner of the breakroom on a shelf. They put anything that the three guys could wear into their room and anything for the three girls in their room and showed Jennifer the room. They also showed her the extra office that she could take over since she had kids. She expressed her appreciation and asked if they would mind if she stayed with them for the first couple of nights.

  Everyone agreed on sleeping situations and settled in after getting a few snacks. Mary sat clothes outside the door at the end of the hall that she thought may fit Rue’s kids before she headed in to join the others. Karlin happened to be awake and Adrianna introduced Jennifer and Garrett to her and helped her sit up and get something to drink. Afterwards, Mary helped her to the bathroom and settled her back in for a good night’s rest.

  The sky was becoming dark and the three men fell asleep quietly right away with being tired from their long day. The girls stayed up and gabbed about where they were from and their families that all of them were sure were gone and how they survived until now.

  Mary and Adrianna fell asleep quickly. Jennifer on the other hand, tried to shut her eyes but only a flash of Caden came to her mind. She watched Garrett sleep and hoped her other son would be with her soon.

  Her eyes popped open hoping that she would hear something from her son or the man that took him. But she heard nothing. I was as though she was grieving, but her son wasn’t dead.

  Chapter 11

  THE MORNING sun showed throughout the building from the front door as well as the office windows. Jennifer’s eyes barely opening and Adrianna and Mary were already dressed.

  “Come on down the hall to the breakroom once you’re up.” Adrianna whispered.

  Jennifer nodded her head and they quietly closed the door allowing Jennifer to ready herself.

  She began to hear the rustling from the breakroom as well as from the men from the other room across the ha
llway. She gathered her thoughts and made herself get up from the floor. Her body ached, but she pressed on. She dressed in a few of the clothes that had been brought back and softly shook her son.

  “Good morning my sweet.” She whispered in his ear.

  “Hi Mommy. Do I have to get up?” He answered with his eyes still closed.

  “Yes son.” She laughed at him.

  He rubbed his tiny eyes and stretched his arms. Jennifer laid out his clothes for him and allowed him to dress himself since he was becoming so independent. She guided him down the hallway and to the breakroom.

  “Well good morning there.” Mary belted out.

  Mary grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to Garrett along with a pencil she had found. “So how old are you?” She asked.

  Garrett held up five fingers. “I can write my ABC’s.” He informed her in his biggest big boy voice.

  “Really!” She acted surprised.

  Garrett began writing on the paper making perfect letters. Mary rubbed his tussled hair and walked to the counter and started pulling out a few things to make some breakfast. It wasn’t much, but it was something. Andrew, Nate, and Willy piled in and surrounded Garrett shouting out ‘oooh’s and aaahhh’s’ at his letters. Garrett ate up the attention from them. The women served a granola bar and small cups of water. They sat out extra for Eric, Rue, and Barker on the far table against the wall. With all of the chit chatting going on, no one noticed Rue walk in. Jennifer caught movement and shot her head up to see Rue holding her son. Tears filled her eyes, she jumped up and ran toward Rue. Jennifer rubbed her son’s small baldness and tried to take her from the woman she had never met.

  “You could ask first. I didn’t have to bring him out.” Rue indicated Jennifer’s rudeness.

  “I’m so sorry, can I hold my son?” Jennifer let go of Rue’s uncouth words.

  Rue handed Caden to Jennifer as they stood in the doorway. Jennifer moved away from the rude woman and sat down with her son in her arms. Garrett ran around to his mother and kissed his little brother on the head and went back to the attention he was getting from the others.

  “You will not get to keep him long.” Rue revealed.

  “And why is that?” Jennifer asked.

  “Eric has taken a liking to him and is also wanting to spend some time with your oldest. I am sure that you have heard by now that it is easier to do as he says.” Rue leaned on the doorway. “Whenever you have had your visit, Eric is wanting another outing planned and you are part of it.”

  Jennifer looked to the others for guidance, but everyone dropped their heads. “I would rather not leave my children!” Jennifer let her know quickly.

  “Then you can leave here.” Eric rounded the doorway.

  Everyone shot their head up to Eric and Rue with surprise that Eric was now going to use children to keep a crew that would abide by his rules.

  “Are you kidding?” Nate piped up.

  “No, no joking here. Rue will be staying here as well as Mary and Karlin to take care of all of the children and the rest of you will be going out to see what you can find. We will stay here for right now since it is safe, but eventually we are going to have to move on and find a place that we are able to grow our own food and able to make fires and things. These snacks are not going to last forever.” Eric explained. “My suggestion, no my orders are that you will go find things that will make it livable for now until we have enough gathered that we can go on our way.”

  The group was in awe at Eric. They were all starting to realize how ugly he made the beautiful art work that covered his body and how his strong defined jawline and toned body only showed how powerful he is instead of how powerful he could make himself for the good. Hatred became a common feeling by all of them and now they really had no way out.

  Eric stomped over to Jennifer and grabbed Caden. Jennifer’s eyes welled with tears, but she could see Garrett watching her.

  “Come on Garrett, you need to meet Barker, he is Rue’s son.” Eric reached for his hand.

  Garrett looked at his mother waiting for her approval. Jennifer turned her face up to Eric and he cocked his head to the side and stared at her with a smirk on his face telling her that she should probably okay it and tell him to go.

  She smiled at her son. “Sure baby, you can go play but be good for Mommy and I will see you soon.”

  Garrett ran to Eric and followed him and Rue down the hall. Jennifer heard the door shut and she could not hold it in any longer; she burst into tears.

  “Why would anyone want to take someone’s children?” She sobbed.

  The group ran to Jennifer and pulled her to stand and all of them wrapped their arms around her.

  “It will be okay, we will make a run and get back to the kids as quick as we can.” Willy assured.

  Jennifer pulled away and wiped her face. “I just need a minute.” She walked into the hallway and to the bathroom. She took the bottle of water that had been left in there from earlier and poured some into her hand, she pulled it up to her face and wiped away the hurt. She stared at herself in the mirror and knew that she could not make it without her children. Suddenly the door opened, Jennifer never looked over expecting it to be Adrianna or Mary. Instead Rue appeared behind her. Her reflection stared at Jennifer in the mirror.

  “It will be fine, whatever he says goes around here. I won’t let anything happen to them.” Rue said before walking out.

  Jennifer never turned around and waited for the sound of the door to close before letting out the breath she was holding in. She could not help but wonder what control Eric had over this Rue. Jennifer pulled her shoulders back, drew in a big breath and walked back to the group.

  “Let’s load shit up that we need and hit the fucking road!” Jennifer demanded.

  Everyone began gathering things while still looking at Jennifer. They weren’t sure what to do except for what she said. All of them loaded bags with water and a few things to eat and walked towards the door staring at Jennifer as they passed by her.

  Jennifer turned and stopped in the hallway looking at the door that her children were behind, she gathered herself, and walked into the lobby and out of the front door.

  Willy had the van started and Nate took up the front passenger seat. Andrew had left the doors open for her. Adrianna sat in the single seat in the middle and Andrew laid sprawled on the back bench seat. Jennifer pulled the doors closed and tapped on Willy’s seat in front of her.

  “Two over there.” Nate pointed out as Willy pulled out to the road.

  “Hell there is a horde down that way.” Adrianna pointed the same way.

  Willy turned down the way they had come from with Eric. Willy drove cautiously around the few cars that were still in the same spots as before and past the small ‘mom and pop’ shop. He made his way past the parking lot full of cars and further down the road to see what there was. The bent over sign showed Highway Thirty One that they were on.

  “Wow, I walked a long way!” Adrianna stated.

  “Where from?” Jennifer asked.

  “About thirty or so miles from Canton.” She replied.

  “I was close to there. I was wondering where in the hell I was at.” Jennifer told her.

  “The signs say Malakoff, I had never even heard of it until I got here. I am from further South of here.” Nate offered.

  “Me too! Where abouts?” Willy asked his navigator.

  “Waco area.”

  “Me too, well Cameron.” Willy shot back. “How about you Andrew?”

  “I am from around the Tyler area, I was headed this way when I ran into Eric and Rue and their bunch.” He echoed to the front of the van. “I was actually a bit confused on why Eric wanted to go back this way, but I was safe so I figured whatever is clever.”

  “Funny how we all came together.” Adrianna giggled.

  Willy quickly stopped the van after swerving around a woman and a child zombie walking like they had somewhere to go. He cut the wheel hard to turn so tha
t he did not hit the blue Ford Ranger in the middle of the road. He swerved back and forth around stranded cars and stumbling zombies then pulled in a parking lot. The big black and yellow sign let everyone know that they had come to the Dollar General.

  “How in the hell did you know this was here?” Jennifer asked.

  “Saw the black and yellow sign and figured we would take out chances that it was a Dollar store.” He happily explained. “And it was. Let’s get dollar shopping!”

  Willy pulled forward and pulled the side doors of the van to the front.

  Everyone scanned the area and saw a few zombies across the street near a broken down old building.

  “They’re drunk, let’s go!” Nate opened his door.

  Willy popped the van into park and turned it off. He pocketed the keys and grabbed his weapon of choice he brought with him. Everyone else grabbed their weapon and agreed to keep it with them at all times. Nate pulled the door, it was locked. Willy came to save the day and poked the end of the tire iron into the crack between the two glass doors and pushed on the end. The door tore away from its mate and invited them in. The crew piled in and pulled the door back to. They pulled a mobile shelf over to the door and blocked it.

  “Let’s see what there is.” Andrew walked to the left.

  Adrianna and Jennifer went straight ahead and Willy and Nate took up to the right.

  “Everyone okay?” Andrew shouted.

  “Yep!” Everyone hollered in unison.

  Adrianna and Jennifer found an aisle of feminine products and all of the smell good soaps you could ask for and gathered them all. Nate and Willy found the drink aisle and took everything they could including shelves full of gallon jugs of water. Andrew collected some other things to use as weapons, mostly garden tools, but they worked before, so why not. They all made their way toward the front of the store about the same time when they stopped mid step listening to the loud clang of the small shelf they had moved in front of the door. Everyone put down their collections silently and made their way to see what had come through. Adrianna saw Nate with his finger to his mouth and Willy waving Jennifer and her back. Both women took a step backwards and saw Andrew come forward. All three men had their weapons ready and counting off, Andrew put up one finger, then two, then three and they ran to the knocked over shelf to find a man lying on the top of it. He reached up towards all three of them and tried to grab at them. He looked like a dog that had been on the streets for days with no food. His ribs showed through his sides and his cheeks were sunk into his face, every time he would clench his few teeth, they seemed to take a chunk of his cheek with it. Blood dripped from his mouth every time he opened it and fell to the floor leaving a puddle. He fell off of the shelf and landed on his back onto the floor, he moved his legs back and forth imitating a turtle that had gotten stuck on his back. Andrew raised the brand new sling blade and gouged it into his head. Blood spatter flung across Nate and Willy standing on the other side. Both of them closed their eyes in disgust. Andrew snickered raising his hand to his mouth.


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