HOWL and HUNT the HEIR: HOWL 1-3 (Dark World)

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HOWL and HUNT the HEIR: HOWL 1-3 (Dark World) Page 17

by D. S. Wrights

  “They say only the firstborn of an alpha can become an alpha herself; that is, if she is a female. It’s something about the direct line of the divine blooded. And when your firstborn child is not a direct descendant of a divine line, it’s broken. So yes,” he placed his cock at her entrance, making her flinch. “I can live with the thought of having a child with you when it means that I destroy a millennia old shifter bloodline.”

  And without hesitation her captor pushed himself inside of her. Liala pressed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the pain of being spread open wide; but it didn’t come.

  When Nate had fucked her, it hadn’t been her first time having sex, just the first time with a shifter. Feeling him inside her, that distinct form of his cock had been enough to almost topple her over instantly. Now, having a human inside of her, not meeting the length or width of Nate’s in the least… it wasn’t only wrong, it was disappointing.

  Liala knew that, despite all of this, there was nothing she could do to stop this man from pushing himself inside her as deep as he could and pulling himself out of her again, trying to fuck her, when all he did felt like some exercise he did wrong. To her, it felt just like an appointment with her gynecologist, who had to enter her vagina to check if everything was in place. Comparing it to a physical,, made it even easier to endure.

  The feeling didn’t change, not even when he grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her head back, or when he let it drop onto the tabletop again, not even when he pushed his thumb into her butthole, not caring that his fingernail hurt her. She didn’t even make a single sound, when he pushed his finger deeper inside.

  But what unsettled her, was when the entrance of the tent that she now could see, opened and Rick stepped inside. It was the expression on his face, seeing her almost completely naked, barely covered with some shreds of clothing, being fucked from behind by a finger, maybe even more – she had no clue – that was pushed inside her ass to the last knuckle. He looked at her as if a dream of his had just been irrevocably ruined.

  Does he really have feelings for me? Or did he just hope he would have the first turn fucking me?

  “Rick! Good,” her captor stated, continuing to move in and out of her as if nothing happened; to her it was just all the same; she suppressed a sigh.

  Liala didn’t feel anything but the slight friction of the rope on her butt and against her pussy created, but it was barely more than the movement that fabric created when she was running. Right now, her captor didn’t seem to mind and – after all – he had made it clear that he just wanted to impregnate her. Thinking of that, finally there was a feeling of dread taking hold of her.

  Maybe I’m just in shock… why else would I be so nonchalant about being raped? But no… Nate is dead, Kiana maybe, too, but Benjy is safe. I kept my promise. There’s nothing left for me… but I’m not going to die, not until I’m pregnant…

  Silently, doing her best to fight the sudden tempest of emotions threatening to swallow her while, Liala begged that her sex with Nate already had a positive result. She didn’t care if it would be a boy or girl, if her child didn’t have this bastard as a father, this taint of mankind.

  Much to her surprise, he suddenly pulled out of her and walked around the table, once more putting his hardened cock in front of her face.

  “I want you to fuck her,” he told Rick; she couldn’t see the young man’s facial expression, but he stayed silent. “Come on, now. I know you want her. You can have her now, she’s all yours. You can do anything with her. And you,” he moved even closer, grabbed a fist full of her hair. “Open your mouth and suck me, or I will use something else to fuck you. Like a freshly shot rifle. How does that sound to you? I want you to make some sounds, bitch.”

  That being said, he pushed his cock into her mouth again and down her throat, not caring if she gagged or gasped. So, she did her best to push her tongue out under his cock, instantly hearing deeper groans breaking from his throat. Liala had almost forgotten about Rick; that was until he suddenly pushed his cock into her wet cunt. He was so much bigger than his boss, and, on top of that, he grabbed her hips, pulling them up slightly to gain a better entrance. It was just the right angle.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled, and along with how perfectly he slid into her was all it took to arouse her. “You’re perfect.”

  Hell, no! Fuck.

  The words, they just did things to her. Suddenly, his right hand loosened and slid down her stomach and then lower, searching for her clit, all the while she did her best to not bite or gag on the cock in her mouth. But for a second there, the very moment his fingers found their goal and started massaging, circling her clit, she forgot about how she hated that pound of flesh in her mouth.

  A cock prodding her, while jolts of sensation were shooting through her nervous system was simply way too delicious. She couldn’t stop a groan breaking from her throat and Rick’s reaction was instant, fucking her harder, breaking the restraints of caution he had put on himself. And she liked it. She loved the sounds his cock made when he penetrated her, the relentless smacking. Liala didn’t care anymore whose cock was in her mouth, she just allowed her tongue to dance around it, lick it, suck it in deeper, and deeper, so long as these vicious fingers made her forget everything.

  Fuck, she breathed out, eyes rolling back.

  “Hell, no, she isn’t supposed to enjoy this,” she heard her captor growl from far away. “Fuck her in the ass.”

  The words made her mind flinch, but not her body, as she was just too lost in the rhythmic sensations; that was, until Rick pulled out, leaving her open and unfulfilled. And as she wanted to continue sucking on the cock that was filling her mouth, hoping that he would order Rick to continue where he had left off, it was also gone. It confused her. Just when she had accommodated to this situation, it changed.

  Liala realized that her captor had walked around the table, just seconds before his little cock entered her pussy again. It just didn’t have the same effect as Rick’s. She had to prevent herself from giggling. Suddenly she was pulled from the table and forced to stand up straight, and turned around. And all that with her arms still bound behind her head. Blinking at first, Liala realized that she was looking at Rick, who was standing in front of her and blushed as he noticed that she recognized him.

  Cute… cute? What in the hell is wrong with me?

  Then, two hands on her hips were guiding her body backwards and quickly a cock slid inside her pussy, taking her by surprise. Rick just stood there, staring at her, flustered, and embarrassed. Until a hand hit her between her shoulder blades and forced her to bend down and take his cock into her mouth. If she was degraded to a sex slave, she would roll with it, especially when she could have at least a tiny bit of control about how the traitor in front of her felt about her and all of this.

  Rick’s guttural groan was all the reaction she needed. And it made her forget about the stranger poking in her pussy. Listening to the one she had believed to be a friend making these undeniable sounds of pleasure because of her was her personal defiance.

  That was until that mediocre cock was pulled out of her cunt, just to be placed at the wrong hole of her body. She barely managed to free her mouth and shout: “No!” but her captor didn’t care; she knew that her instinctive reaction had made him smile.

  It hurt; even though his cock wasn’t large, and even though her juices were covering him. Maybe, no, it definitely was because he didn’t try to be gentle. Her captor just placed his cock at her hole and then just pushed and kept pushing until he forcibly spread her open so that his cock could enter as deeply as it would get. And then, he leaned back, using her weight while pulling on her butt cheeks to make sure that he couldn’t get any deeper.

  “Fuck her!” Her captor bellowed at Rick and he obeyed, grabbing her thighs at the hollows of her knees, pushing them upwards, changing the angle Brenna’s dad entered her.

  Like that, she really could feel the foreign object in her anus and the strange sensation of
discomfort and being filled confused her. When her captor grazed his fingernails up her stomach to her breasts, grabbing her nipples and pinching them, she could feel her pussy clench even though Rick wasn’t even inside her, yet.

  “You’re nothing but a fuckslave, bitch,” her captor spoke into her ear, twisting her sensitive buds, rubbing them between his thumbs and index fingers.

  As if it was his signal, Rick pushed his cock into her pussy the same moment her captor finished speaking. The rapture he created by entering her made almost everything explode. Both cocks made her feel as if she was filled up entirely. It felt wrong, but oh, so right. Even felt more delicious, when Rick started to move. What was supposed to make her feel discomfort, was only adding to her arousal.

  Liala wasn’t able to hold back any sounds anymore as Rick started to plunge into her, forcing her against her captor’s cock, which was painful. That pain was instantly ceasing when Rick retreated, giving her a strange sensation of relief. She wanted, no, she needed more of it. Now, she could understand the sounds Brenna had made when the werewolves had fucked her like that.

  “Please,” she breathed out, but her mind was full of chaos, losing the thought of what she had wanted to beg for, the moment Rick pushed himself and the older man’s cock deeper into her. “Fuck!”

  “Her arms,” he said, but Liala wasn’t sure if it was just in her head or if she really had heard it.

  Another jolt of ecstasy rolled through her body as the fingers that were torturing her breasts were working on her nipples again. She didn’t care about making no sounds anymore. Liala wanted more of it.

  It took her a moment to realize that the pressure on her throat lessened, and even longer to notice that her arms, which were now numb and limp, were free. The rope was gone, too. The pain of when the sense of feeling returned to them, just added to the rhythmic rapture these two men were tearing through her.

  As soon as Liala was able to move her arms again, her right hand grabbed the stranger’s that was on her right breast, plucked it from her skin and pushed it down onto her clit. The hand instantly responded, pushing against the sensitive bud, violently. Liala arched her back as a harsh wave ran through her body, making her orgasm, but it also was that movement that made both cocks shift, within her body, making her ride even wilder.

  Her other hand had reached out for Rick, but almost fell limp when her orgasm struck her. And yet, he caught her hand, bringing it up to his face.

  “Fuck, please!” Lia pleaded. “Stop, please!”

  Her captor kept rubbing, pressing, trying to pinch her clit with one hand and her left nipple with the other, and the sensation that had been phenomenal became more and more unbearable.

  “Don’t you fucking stop!” his leader grumbled at Rick, panting.

  While the hand that had brought her captors hand down to her cunt was now trying to pry it from her overly sensitive flesh, her other managed to reach Rick’s neck and pulled him closer. Being in the momentum of movement, his body collided with hers, increasing the orgasm she was still trying to ride out. As their faces were touching, Rick moved just enough to press his mouth on hers.

  Liala was eager to answer the kiss as it created a whole new sensation in her body, bringing her other hand up to the back of his head, she pulled him closer.

  “Harder!” Lia didn’t know if it was her or the man behind her, demanding this; she didn’t care.

  She was sucking on his lips as if he was the first water after countless days of desert. Grazing down his back the one hand that had originally captured him she brought it to his butt cheek and pushed him against her. He obeyed, increasing the pressure on the man that had his cock in her ass.

  “Fuck, I’m going to cum,” Liala heard from behind her and suddenly the thought of feeling someone come in the wrong hole was driving her crazy, in both good and bad ways.

  She kept pressing Rick’s lips against hers, opening her mouth, teasing his with her tongue, luring his into invading her orally, too, and he obeyed. Liala pulled her hand from Rick’s and managed to slide it behind her thigh. But she didn’t manage to touch her captor’s testis, and so she settled for his inner upper thigh.

  It was enough. A noise that forced her to fight against the impulse to throw up was followed by a pulsing sensation in her anus. Briefly after that, she could feel her captor’s release inside of her, with every weaker thrust. Liala was disgusted, yet satisfied and pleased at the same moment. But there wasn’t time for spite, as Rick wasn’t finished. Despite what he was feeling inside of her as his leader came, filling her up with his disgusting cum, he continued fucking her, almost as if it hadn’t happened.

  The man behind her heaved for air and pulled out of her, making her orgasm another time just because of the feeling of relief, but her captor, her enemy, also took his hands with him, leaving her nipples and clit aching for attention.

  “Rick, stop, turn her around,” he ordered much to her dismay. “Push her onto the table and wait. I need to take a picture now, and then a video.”

  These words yanked Liala back to reality. The shock of realization paralyzed her. As Rick pulled out of her to obey his leader’s command and grabbed her by the shoulders, to move her into the dictated position, all she could think of was her mother seeing pictures of her daughter, semen running from her ass, bent over a table.

  12 – Degradation

  Rick was pressing her shoulders onto the tabletop, forcing her to stay still while her tiptoes instinctively searched for the ground that they were barely grazing. The fake clicking noise coming from her captor’s smartphone made Liala freeze. She just knew that he had given the man behind her a perfect shot from her behind, from which a thick liquid was running down her left inner thigh.

  Liala felt sick, she wanted to throw up but her stomach kept churning without giving her the release she needed.

  “Oh, look at that,” her captor pointed out, stepping closer; he now was filming Liala’s twitching pussy.

  Her already flushed face was burning even more as she pictured the recording. She pressed her lips into a thin line and tried her best to stop the unwanted movement of her of her body.

  “Let her suck you off,” her captor ordered Rick. “I’m going to fuck that perfect ass again and I’ll film this time.”

  “I don’t want to be on camera,” Rick stated, sounding strangely cold, as if he hadn’t been part of any of this.

  A smack on her right butt cheek made Liala flinch.

  “I won’t film you, no worry, now stick your cock down her throat, make her choke on it,” his leader commanded and Rick let go of her shoulders and walked around the table.

  Liala could see up to him and their glances met. His eyes, his expression, struck her in a way she didn’t want it to. It was close to unreadable, but to her it looked like disgust, and this emotion wasn’t aimed at her.

  “What, you don’t want to fuck her mouth?” Brenna’s father sighed; being reminded of this fact every time the man spoke made her mind tumble in chaos; it was hot and revolting at the same time. “By all means,” he continued. “Will! Get Pat and get your asses in here asap! And you,” he addressed Rick whose attention was pulled from her and back to his leader. “Get here, grab her legs.”

  Liala wanted to watch where he was going, but the man behind her grabbed her hip and pushed her onto her side. As Rick joined him he brought her legs up onto the table, and pushed her knees towards her chest.

  “Perfect,” her captor said and with that, he pushed his re-hardened cock against her, sliding in easier than before, because part of his semen was still inside her; it still hurt.

  Liala wanted to be angry, defiant, or anything other than this shame of degradation. She had thought she could understand how Brenna had felt, what she had gone through, but Liala was wrong about it. And her captors hadn’t even started.

  Another sensation panged through her body, as it was penetrated once more. Rick buried himself deep inside her, using the table to assist him as her
hip were already taken. He prodded so hard that he pushed her body from the other cock, which gave her a brief relief, every time he entered her. He wasn’t just thicker, but longer as well.

  “Boss?” The stranger’s voice made her shudder.

  “You go, fuck her mouth and make her give you hand jobs,” her captor sounded already out of breath. “What’s wrong?” She could only assume that he meant Rick. “Oh, you want her for yourself, don’t you?”

  Silence followed, but Liala couldn’t turn her head to see Rick, especially since someone grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head back into an uncomfortable position. Then, first one and then two cocks were shoved into her mouth, causing her to choke.

  “Bite, and I’ll punch you,” Pat said – because she had seen Will with his rifle and this wasn’t him. “You’re a beast and not a woman, so no harm in that.”

  “Use your tongue, little bitch,” Will was the one talking now, thrusting his cock deeper into her mouth.

  Liala tried to obey by bringing her tongue between the two rather mediocre hard-ons, but both men were starting to grunt approvingly. At least it distracted her from what was happening to her buttocks. She had no idea how the conversation between Rick and her captor had ended, but he was still fucking her, his cheek pressed against her lower thigh, but that wasn’t the new sensation that made her forget everything. Although he still fucked her using the table to hold on to, so he could pound her harder, he had brought his other hand to her still aching clit, circling his thumb across it, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. Lia could hear her captor mumble in the distance, but she didn’t care about his words, didn’t care that he told her mother what a whore she was, enjoying being fucked by four men. She focused on what Rick was doing to her, pretending that he was the only one with her.

  Or even better, that it was him, Nate, and the twins.

  Fuck, I’d like that.


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