HOWL and HUNT the HEIR: HOWL 1-3 (Dark World)

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HOWL and HUNT the HEIR: HOWL 1-3 (Dark World) Page 19

by D. S. Wrights

  This time she didn’t faint, but she didn’t try to hold back the whines and sobs either.

  “Did I finally break you, bitch?” He asked her.

  Liala didn’t answer, and tried to hear if Jason was still around, tensing at the thought of him suddenly striking again and flinching from the instant pain her own action caused.

  “I need to take a picture of this, sit tight,” Brenna’s dad said and shoved the object even deeper, making Liala cry out in pain. “Don’t drop my gun.”

  Hearing that she instantly tensed and clenched every muscle, realizing that there was a weapon inside of her. It was too heavy to hold on to it.

  “Good girl,” he was back, taking the gun back into his hand and once more the artificial sound, confirming that a picture was shot, reached her ears. “Beautiful,” the man commented and yanked the object out of her, just to plunge it back into her pussy and take another picture. “I will train you,” he told her, pulling the gun out and put it aside. “You will be my obedient little bitch even when you are able to shift into whatever form I tell you, you will continue to obey me.”

  Her captor didn’t pat her butt instead he placed his thumb against her panging clit and started circling. Pain and sensation mixed into an intoxicating cocktail, like when Nate had entered her last night. Liala knew that she had to allow this to happen, that she needed to break the chains she had put on herself so that she could shift.

  Whatever form? I could turn into a large snake and get out of these ropes.

  Again, her train of thought was disturbed as her captor shoving several fingers into her pussy, making her flinch and whine.

  “You get some rest,” Brenna’s dad now patted her right butt cheek. “We’re having dinner and after that, I’ll start training you.”

  Liala closed her eyes as she heard him leave. She wanted to just fade out of her body again and try to find the state she had found last night that made her shift. Unfortunately, exhaustion pulled her into a deep and dark slumber.

  In her dreams, she was being hunted, naked, in human form. She didn’t turn around, but she knew that they were driving cars.

  Lia, he’s a traitor!

  13 – Traitor

  Liala snapped wide awake, automatically trying to get up, only to be held back by the ropes that still bound her to the table. She had heard her sister’s voice in her dream. That, she was sure of.

  But who is she talking about? Rick? Or Jason?

  If Rick keeps his promise and frees me, he will be a traitor to the hunters and I would take him with me. This can’t be about getting him into the village, it is it? They know where it is, but maybe it’s because they can’t get inside? Rick might be a Trojan horse. Could it be?

  Or did she mean Jason? It’s obvious that he was a liar, he was a hunter, maybe became one even before dating Brenna. But what’s more important is: how is he alive? Nate snapped his neck in front of me, right in front of me, so that I would see it, I could hear it, and yet he is alive. Alive again?

  Or still alive? Nate’s dead, so he can’t be a traitor, no. He’s not. There is something between us that is undeniable. He hadn’t told me everything about him because there was no time. No.

  So, who is it? It has to be Rick!

  Right now, however, none of Liala’s suspicions were important. She had to find a way to shift, to learn how to not bottle up her emotions she had to go through them.

  Liala didn’t have any idea how long she had napped, so her captor could return to this tent at any time.

  How will Rick get me out of here anyhow, when this is the boss’ tent?

  Shaking her head, Liala was annoyed with her situation. Her whole body was aching, sore, and worn. She felt as if she wasn’t a shifter at all, because she didn’t feel her body heal or her hurting lessen.

  Maybe I just passed out long enough for Malia to reach me?

  Liala inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down, until she wondered if that was just the wrong thing to do? Maybe she had to be furious, maybe she had to feel hate so that she could let go.

  Then, suddenly, Liala heard footsteps again and her determination left her instantly. Letting her body go limp, she suddenly felt tired. She had missed the window; her captor was returning. That was until she realized that they came from the wrong direction.

  Liala could hear the entrance open and how someone slid inside the tent. He was too fast for her or her reflexes were too slow, because when she had turned her head towards the opening it had already closed again. Quickly she turned her head to look in the other direction, but he had to be standing directly behind her.

  Embarrassment flushed her face, as she realized that he was probably looking at her swollen pussy. But then, she felt someone at the restraints of her left ankle and Liala let out a breath she hadn’t noticed she was holding.

  It must be Rick. He came back, just as he promised. I don’t care if he’s a traitor, so long as he gets me out of here.

  When the hand moved to her other ankle, she froze.

  Something’s not right. The scent is familiar, but it’s not Rick.

  The moment her feet were free, Liala tried to roll onto her left side in order to see who was untying her. As she recognized the person, all strength left from her body.

  “N…Nate?” She whispered hoarsely and disbelieving, staring at him as he kneeled down next to the right table-leg, unbinding the rope.

  He looked up at her, forcing a smile.

  “I got you,” he whispered, as if it was a statement and they had already escaped.

  Nate moved towards her left wrist, fast, and held out a hand to support her getting off the table.

  “Fuck, I didn’t expect them to waste no time,” he said quietly, his expression darkening as he now looked at her mutilated body.

  Liala had to have red stripes everywhere, some bruises, and her front was covered with dried semen. But she was alive, and was – much to her own surprise – able to stand, easily.

  “How are you alive?” Liala croaked, stepping towards him, framing his face with her hands.

  Nate looked her straight in the eyes, staying silent. There was no sign of where the bullet had broken through his forehead, and his skin was warm.

  “Am I dreaming?” She asked, her voice still not entirely returning to her. “Or am I dead and you were sent to get me?”

  “No, you’re not dead,” Nate spoke, shaking his head. “But I was sent here.”

  If he had wanted to say more, he didn’t get the chance, because Liala tumbled against him and flung her arms around his neck, pressing her sore, naked body against his. He hesitantly answered the embrace, not wanting to cause her anymore pain, but she didn’t care. Using her hands, she impatiently guided his mouth onto hers, kissing him as passionately, as desperately as she had felt believing she had lost him.

  “He’ll be coming back soon, we have to go,” Liala let go of him, placing her hands in his. “How are you alive?” She looked up and marveled at him.

  “I’m… I’m not… my mom was divine blooded, but my father wasn’t,” Nate frowned. “But he wasn’t a shifter either. He was a… wendigo, and they are immune to silver. So, even as a mud blood, silver can’t harm me.”

  Again, Liala reached out to frame Nate’s face with her hands and he was now the one looking confused.

  “Mom told me, but I didn’t …” she tried to explain. “I don’t fucking care! You’re alive! That’s what matters!”

  “Okay, I can’t have you running around like this and I don’t know if I’m going to get you out of here the way I got in. When I’m shifted, I’m sneakier,” Nate took her hands from his face, holding them again.

  “I was trying to shift, or at least trying to find a trigger,” Liala shook her head. “But I don’t know how.”

  “What did it the last time?” Nate asked, and she found it cute that he hadn’t figured out the obvious.

  “You did,” Liala almost would have chuckled, if her body di
dn’t remind her of what she just had gone through. “Or rather, what you did to me.”

  “Sex?” Nate frowned and cocked one brow. “I don’t think… I mean I could, but you look like you are hurting pretty bad. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You did hurt me the last time,” Liala shrugged. “But it felt good. I mean, my body should be already healing and if it helps me shift, by all means. I’d love to tear them into shreds.”

  Nate bit his lower lip, obviously contemplating what she just had said.

  “I can’t imagine you wanting to have sex with me after that,” he said, watching her as he was looking around.

  “I can’t wash up, so, let’s just try it, okay?” Liala said after failing to find something she could clean her pussy with, so that she could suggest to him to just lick her.

  No matter what he does, it’ll hurt.

  “Let’s do this,” she said and turned around, putting her hands onto the table that showed the stains of what had happened to her.

  There was nothing else in the tent that looked half as stable, like the desk.

  “Okay,” Nate mumbled; she heard him undo his fly.

  Much to her own surprise the sound alone aroused her, and made her pussy wet. It stung, but this time it was just adding to her anticipation.

  “Not on the table,” Nate ordered. “Go down, let’s do it like the last time. Just to be sure.”

  Liala’s heart started pounding as she followed Nate’s instruction and went down on all fours, facing the entrance of the tent. She couldn’t help but turn her head to watch him shift, which he did after getting out of his clothes.

  He’s just gorgeous.

  When he winked at her, Liala couldn’t prevent herself from giggling when turning around. As she heard him move behind her, she instantly was transported back to last night when her heart had pounded like this; her body had been tired and worn out like now. The only difference was that she had only a few scratches yesterday.

  Liala flinched as Nate’s clawed hand touched her hip and then snaked across her stomach to grab her side. He grumbled something she couldn’t understand from deep inside his body, but it had an effect nonetheless, making her feel hot and wet. The anticipation was unbearable.

  When he finally placed himself at her entrance and pushed, Liala felt a mixture of pain and arousal that made her feel as if reality was upside down, because she wanted more. Arching her back, she stuck out her butt towards him, making his tip slide into her, spreading her open.

  “Fuck, why do I want you so much?” It was her now, who was mumbling, and Nate reacted instantly.

  He entered her with one long thrust, his delicious and inhuman cock entering her to the hilt. It hurt even worse than the last time, because her body was still recovering from the whipping, but inside she felt strangely fine, with Nate inside her, even better. Her pussy was welcoming him by clenching around him, which was rewarded by a low rumble from his chest.

  They couldn’t be loud and unrestrained, because the hunters would hear them. It would make a shift even more difficult for her as it already was, but Liala was determined to make it. Closing her eyes, she tried to push it all away. In her mind, they were out in the woods, just like now, but without the tents, without the hunters, under a full moon that wasn’t red but eerily green. Everything was tinted in a green color and she realized that this was what her night-vision looked like. Imagining how everything would be, so she suddenly discovered, might be helpful. And yet, her concentration faded as Nate began moving in and out of her. The form of his cock, that had been so arousing the first time, was now causing her discomfort, but it was just that, the pain on top of the pleasure, that seemed to be the last ingredient to wake the wolf inside of her. She couldn’t focus, couldn’t concentrate, and couldn’t find a straw to grab. Liala was reduced to instincts and the sensations she felt.

  “Harder,” she panted. “Hurt me.”

  Nate instantly obeyed, grabbing her by her hips with his clawed hands, the tips of them piercing her already tormented skin. He pounded into her, while also pulling her onto his cock. Liala’s arms gave in, having her drop onto her elbows which changed his angle. It made Nate enter her in a different way than Rick and the others had, and it was amazing.

  “Don’t stop,” she pleaded, enjoying the wild dance of her senses, while she imagined herself to be in this half man half wolf form.

  She wanted to focus her mind on growing claws, but couldn’t. Shifting wasn’t coming from the mind, not even from the heart, it came from her soul. This wasn’t about taking the form of an animal; it was becoming an animal, with its mind and heart.

  So, Liala let go.

  She could sense it, feel it. This time, it didn’t hurt as much as the last time. Liala couldn’t tell how or why, just that it was. Her body was changing its form, rearranging bones, organs, skin.

  A grunt from behind her told her that Nate was seeing it and she wondered if her shifting would look just as magical as his.

  Once more she arched her back, moving her tail aside, to welcome him, meeting his thrusts that now tickled less, as she too was covered with fur. Last time, she hadn’t stopped mid-shifting, she had become a full wolf, this time, and she needed to stay human at least halfway.

  As if Nate had read her thoughts, his clawed hands moved from her hips up her stomach, forcing her into an upright position that was halfway comfortable for a human but unbearable for a wolf. Forcing her to arch her back, he cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples with his thumb and index finger.

  Liala brought up one hand to replace one of Nate’s as it moved down between her legs, rubbing her clit roughly. She almost whined as a result.

  “Come on,” Nate whispered into her ear, but she didn’t get what he meant.

  Now, his other hand was leaving her breast and she automatically replaced it, too, enjoying the mixture of pain and lust that was ruling her body. Nate moved the hand upwards, between her breasts and to her throat, his clawed fingers almost reaching around her neck.

  “Come for me, Lia,” Nate told her, sounding strange because he spoke in half-wolf form.

  The sentence was enough to toss her over the edge and into the arms of painful bliss. Her body still hurt, but she didn’t care, all she cared for was clenching around his hard cock, making it pulse and empty himself into her. She was so lost in the rapture that she realized her loud moans after they left her throat.

  Nate suddenly dropped her and she barely managed to stop her head from colliding with the ground. He fucked her roughly now, pounding into her with every release of his cock, as if he didn’t care that he hurt her. That stung, it didn’t fit and she felt as if a fist was clenching around her heart.

  Liala dug her clawed fingers into the earth beneath her, realizing for the first time that the tent didn’t have a floor. She wiggled with her clawed toes and dug them into the dirt, too. Liala was about to turn around to Nate, to ask him how they were going to leave as the entrance of the tent opened and Brenna’s dad entered, Jason beside him.

  Before she knew what was happening something was placed around her neck and snapped shut. Instinctively, she reached up to learn that it was a metal collar. Still on her knees, Liala turned around, seeing that Nate was back in his human form, putting on his clothes.

  Lia, he’s a traitor!

  She could hear her little half-sister in her head again. Yes, he obviously was. Liala heard her heart crack in her chest and its warmth bleeding out into her body.

  “I found Nate in the woods when he was nothing but a child,” Brenna’s father spoke, drawing her attention. “He was feasting on his dead father’s body. He had killed him.” He continued. “His own clan hadn’t fought for him. They didn’t even try to find him and pry him from his father’s grasp. They didn’t care, because he was a disgrace. Half pure-blooded shifter and half wendigo? Unacceptable to your clan’s alpha, shaman, and elders.” Liala swallowed, now pulling at the collar. “Don’t try to open it, it only does it
with this digital key,” he lifted something that looked like a remote for cars. “And it also prevents you from shifting back into human form. I told you that you are going to be my bitch, Lia.”

  Tears in her eyes, she turned back towards Nate, who briefly looked at her and then crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at the ground.

  “I shot him, you know,” Brenna’s dad continued, once more drawing her attention. “With a silver bullet. That’s when I learned that pure metal rounds don’t work on him, either. So, we tranquilized him and it took me almost two years to domesticate him. Might take the same time on you, but I can feel that it will be worth it.”

  Liala’s hands were still at the cold and hard collar, and then found a point where a chain was attached to it. The very same the leader of the hunters was now holding.

  “I would have preferred you to be in full wolf form, though,” he looked at the chain and then her.

  “Some still wanted to fuck her,” Jason explained. “So, I told Nate that this form was preferable. You said yourself you wouldn’t fuck a dog.”

  “That is true,” her captor nodded. “Like this it might be harder to train her, but she will be sentient for it. I like that, Jason, thank you.”

  Liala wanted to throw- up, hearing this words, but the lump in her throat was too big. Although having witnessed it first hand, she couldn’t believe that Nate was a traitor. He played his role at the village perfectly; no one would suspect him being a turncoat. Realization struck harder than Jason had tonight. Nate could let all of them inside the village. So, why hadn’t he already?

  “You might be interested to know that Kiana is still alive,” her captor told her, but as much as she wanted to be happy about this information, she couldn’t. “She’s back at the village. Nate took her.”

  Liala looked at Nate who still refused to look at her. Did she see regret in his expression?

  “She could be with me,” Jason bellowed, striking out, but his superior stopped him. “You turned her, you bitch.”


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