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Malice Page 6

by Stacy Charasidis

  Beautiful Katie Fairchild. She had moved to Barrington last summer. Her family was rich and good friends with the Barringtons. Katie’s father had come to run the Limerick Candy Factory while Shaemus O’Malley started up a candy factory back in Ireland. Pretty and popular, she had quickly joined the in-crowd at school. To top it all off, this year Max had started tutoring Barrington High’s jocks because most of them were failing miserably. Ella told Max to let them burn in Hell, especially since they’d picked on him for years, but Max reasoned that they’d leave him alone if they needed him.

  He wasn’t wrong. He was never wrong, she realized. His plan had worked beyond his wildest imaginings, Ella reflected. Max had grown immensely popular in school. The jocks had sneered at him at first, making it difficult for him to help them. Katie had stepped in, using her sugared tongue and pretty looks to get the boys to leave him alone. Once they got to know him, and their grades improved, Max became untouchable as the jocks protected him fiercely. Max was smart, and nice, and everyone was happy now that they knew they were going to get out of high school.

  Ella watched as Katie flirted shamelessly with Max. Her floor length dress was expensive, clingy, and very sexy unlike the satin princess getup Ella had been forced to wear as a bridesmaid. She was pretty sure Katie liked Max more than just a friend. She made that clear as she pressed against him while they danced. Katie could have any boy she wanted, but she had dumped her pretty-boy jock to pursue Max. Katie never gave up, and here was a perfect example even though Max made it plain he wasn’t interested.

  Blond and blue eyed, Katie was the polar opposite to Ella’s dark eyes and locks. Ella also suspected Katie knew she harboured a secret love for her best friend. Katie found it strange that Max spent all his time with a girl and not other guys, and had said so publicly, making Max a bit self-conscious about their rather insular friendship. Platonic friendship, she thought bitterly. He was free to date whomever he wanted, yet he didn’t. Ella loved Max and wasn’t interested in other boys, but Max didn’t seem to have a love. That girl was still pending.

  Heartsick at her thoughts, watching Max holding Katie was suddenly too much for Ella to bear. She left the circle of the dance floor and headed out to the terrace. Guests were outside smoking and milling around, enjoying the warm spring evening and chatting, glasses clinking. To her right she could see Dean and Nathalie in the shadows of the trees beyond the twinkling lights of the terrace. They were kissing passionately, completely absorbed in each other. Envy at their relationship speared her, then someone grabbed her hand from behind.

  “Ella, you said you’d wait! I got rid of Katie as soon as I saw you leave,” Max said quietly in her ear. His breath was hot against the skin of her neck, and she shivered as his lips touched her briefly. Did Max just kiss her?

  She reminded herself to breathe.

  “Come,” he said, pulling her in the opposite direction from the passionate lovers. “I want to talk to you.”

  Ella didn’t have time to wonder about what as they left the terrace and entered the forest. The air smelled fresh, of pine trees and spring flowers. It was dark under the trees, the light from the terrace glowing softly at the edge. Music drifted from the doors of the open ballroom, and spiraling dancers could be seen through the windows.

  Ella took a breath and looked at Max. He was staring at her.

  “What?” she asked, squirming a little. Maybe he wanted to talk to her about Katie. Oh God, her stomach plummeted. “Is this about Katie? Do you like her?” she blurted out. Better to bite the bullet and get this over with.

  “No,” he said shortly. “Ella, I—”

  Ella started to babble. “Because if you did, even though she’s a total skank and I don’t like her one bit, I can make allowances,” she said, trying to pull away.

  “Oh, shut up Ella,” Max said, pushing her against a large tree, his body following as he pressed against her and his mouth covered hers. She froze in shock for a second as Max kissed her before twining her hands around his neck. Max groaned as she opened her mouth instinctively and their tongues met. He kissed her ravenously, like a starved man at a feast. Ella held on, her legs wobbly as her heart raced frantically. His mouth was warm, and his body generated so much heat she could feel it through her thin dress.

  He broke the kiss and held her tightly. Thank God for his arms and the tree, otherwise she would have fallen.

  “You, Ella Croft, are something else,” he whispered in her neck.

  She didn’t say anything. Speech had fled. There was only feeling and warmth from the boy holding her. He looked at her and she stared at him intently, her gaze fired with longing and love.

  “Now I know why Luke hyperventilates around Sadie sometimes,” Max said softly before Ella pulled his mouth to hers.

  It was time to cut the cake. Katie found the best man and the maid of honour pawing each other in the trees. After rolling her eyes, she sent Nathalie and Dean inside, but the bridesmaid and groomsman were still missing. Katie was annoyed. She suspected they were together, groping each other in the dark too. She knew Ella was in love with Max but hid it fiercely from him. She knew Max was in love with Ella. His eyes tracked her everywhere she went, and he never left her side. Both thought their love unrequited and lived with their stupid, platonic friendship.

  What a couple of losers.

  She knew that Max had been irritated with her for interrupting his first attempt at fleeing the party with his precious Ella in tow. She had watched Max’s older brothers spike his drinks, wanting him to loosen up for a change. She too wanted Max to relax and take some chances. She’d been hoping it would be to her benefit, but she suspected Max had finally found his balls and gone after his girl.

  Yep. As she walked along the now empty terrace, she could see Max and Ella wrapped around each other. It was as she suspected. Jealousy flared inside Katie. She liked Max.

  A lot.

  When she’d first met him she’d dismissed him as a complete nerd. He was short and beneath her notice. Her plan had been to find and dominate the popular kids in this hick town and date the cutest, most popular boy at school, which she did. However, once she got to know Max, and he’d magically shot up almost a foot, she became bored with her pretty boyfriend. Because of Max they were all passing high school. Now Max was protected, and anyone who tried to mess with him got their face broken. Eventually his disinterest began to cause her angst because he didn’t care that she ignored him. She was so far below his radar that she wasn’t even a blip on his screen. He obviously enjoyed being one of the boys, but his eyes only burned for one girl. The situation was completely unacceptable to her. She’d always been the centre of attention at school, and that wasn’t going to change in this backward town in the middle of nowhere. So she’d worked hard to get Max to notice her. Flirting hadn’t worked, so she’d asked him to tutor her in math and science, and that was when she began to make some headway. Now, at least, he acknowledged her presence and treated her like a friend. Unfortunately, Max’s feelings for her were strictly platonic. Hers, on the other hand, were very intense. She hated the friend zone, and she wanted to be where Ella was now. He was practically inhaling her. She shed the irritation she was feeling. She’d win. She always did.

  “AHEM,” she said loudly, startling the kissing couple and causing them to draw apart. Ella blushed crimson. Max turned to stare at Katie, no expression on his face as he pulled Ella closer to him.

  “We’re busy. Go away.”

  Katie ground her teeth in frustration. The Barringtons really needed to put some spotlights in these trees. “The happy couple would like to cut their cake and are waiting for the rest of their wedding party,” she hissed out at them.

  “Oh, well in that case…” Max grabbed Ella’s hand and headed for the ballroom, leaving Katie to follow.

  Luke and Sadie cut the cake. Ella watched as they exchanged bites with their arms interlocked. They were both radiating happiness. Luke put his arm around Sadie and pulled her clo
se to his side. She was looking around and smiling and Luke was saying something to Dean.

  Sadie was beautiful in the yellow light of the hall. Her black hair seemed charged with energy, her violet eyes bright against the pale white of her skin. Ella thought about what Sadie had been through in her life. Now to see her so happy was wonderful. Sadie gave them all hope.

  She hoped she’d get that with Max.

  That kiss was a great start.

  Luke and Sadie left on their honeymoon the next morning. Most of the guests had stayed at the hotel, and after brunch, came to see the happy couple off.

  Luke shook hands with Dean while Sadie hugged Nathalie.

  “Have fun on the island. Wear sunscreen,” Nathalie said, looking at Sadie’s pale skin.

  “Strangely, Sadie doesn’t burn in the sun,” Luke said, grabbing his wife and giving her a big kiss on the lips. “I think her magic protects her. I, on the other hand, turn into a lobster.”

  “He does,” Sadie agreed.

  “Time to go, guys,” Gabriel said, exiting the hotel. Following him was Rain. There was obvious tension between them as Gabriel whipped open her door then slammed it shut once she was seated. Visibly calming himself, he bowed graciously to Sadie and Luke, who were standing with their eyebrows raised practically into their hair. “The lovely couple,” he said with a strained smile. “We must make haste or all will be lost if you miss your flight from Limerick Airport.”

  “Right!” Luke exclaimed. The bride and groom gave everyone hugs and then they were off, waving from the back of the car.

  Dean looked at Nathalie. “You’re the observant one, but even I can see Gabe and Rain are fighting again.”

  Nathalie sighed. “Gabriel wants Rain to marry him, and she’s not ready. My sister’s a free spirit. My guess is that after watching his younger brother get married yesterday…Gabriel may be annoyed.”

  Nathalie looked at the small, sparkling ring on her own finger. Dean had asked her to marry him months ago and she had said yes. They hadn’t told anyone as they’d decided to wait a few years, and they didn’t want to upstage Luke and Sadie’s wedding. So she wore her ring on days no one would notice it. She cherished it. They had all the time in the world.

  “Let’s go for a walk to the falls,” Dean said, kissing her hand near the ring he’d used to declare his undying love. “I want to show you something.”

  After bringing their things home and packing a blanket and food, they trekked through the woods toward Crystal Falls. When they got there, Dean lay the blanket down in their usual secluded spot.

  “What did you want to show me?” Nathalie asked curiously. It was another warm, sunny day and she had taken off her sweater halfway through their walk. Dean had just worn a tee-shirt. It was cooler by the spring as water cascaded down, generating a fine mist that sparkled in the sun. It was deserted as usual.

  Dean took Nathalie in his arms and kissed her, his mouth moving warmly against hers. The familiar smell of his breath and the taste of his mouth made Nathalie moan and press herself against him. His hands were under her shirt, rubbing her back.

  “So?” she asked as he kissed her neck, one of his hands moving to the front of her body and undoing her bra. She sighed as his large warm hand cupped her breast, rubbing the nipple softly.

  “I wanted to show you that I wasn’t wearing underwear,” he said hotly, lifting her shirt and moving his hand to her rib as he sucked on her breast.

  Nathalie felt weak. This boy drove her crazy. This man, she amended. Excitement pooled in her belly as she undid his pants and pushed them down, confirming his declaration. He was without underwear. Dean had pulled her jeans down and was squeezing her butt with his hands. “I love your ass,” he groaned, pulling her toward him and sliding against her.

  She fell to the blanket of her own volition, pulling Dean with her. He kissed her hungrily as they rolled around.

  “I love you, Nathalie,” Dean groaned as he entered her, making her gasp. “I’ll never leave you. In a few years it’ll be us at the front of that church.”

  Nathalie just moaned her agreement.

  Chapter 4 – The Witch’s Arrival

  Barrington County, Present Day

  The woman picked herself up off the ground where she had appeared and looked around. Her clothes were full of dirt, and the long skirt of her dress was completely wrinkled. She smelled the air and touched the earth. It appeared to be early summer…wherever she was.

  She turned to find a young couple staring at her with wide eyes.

  They were a handsome pair. Both tall. The girl was pretty with beautiful shiny brown hair, glowing green eyes, and wonderful skin. The young man was absolutely gorgeous with broad shoulders, black hair and a very pale complexion. They didn’t seem threatening, just astonished. Had they called her? She wondered if they had seen her appear out of nowhere.

  “Good e’ven,” she said softly. She hoped they spoke English. The young man spoke first.

  “You just appeared out of nowhere.” He looked at his companion. “Here we go again.”

  Again? She wasn’t sure what he was referring to, but at least they spoke English.

  “Dean,” the girl whispered sharply, shushing him, “don’t be rude.” She looked at the stranger. “Hello,” she said cautiously. “My name is Nathalie. We were out walking when you…appeared.”

  “Then I am guessing it was not you who summoned me.”

  “No, it wasn’t us. Where did you come from?”

  The woman looked around. “I am not certain, to be perfectly truthful.” The woman had a strange accent when she spoke. It sounded German but with North American in it. “My name is…” she hesitated for only a moment, “Elanah.”

  To her surprise, the male groaned. “Oh, great. Let me guess. Von Vixen?” he snorted, as if his comment were a private joke.

  The girl, Nathalie, looked startled. “Dean!” she admonished him again. “I’m so sorry—”

  Elanah brushed aside the apology. “No bother. That was my name as a maid, but I am curious as to how you know it.”

  Dean gasped.

  Elanah looked at him. His noisy theatrics were quite amusing. She smelled magic. She looked around and began to get suspicious, and a little scared. She hoped she wasn’t where she thought she was.

  Nathalie was speechless, but Dean wasn’t. “The witch from the 1500s!”

  Suddenly, the clearing darkened as a cloud covered the sun. Elanah seemed to grow as she narrowed her eyes threateningly at him. The air began to crackle with power, and their hair started to drift up and float around their heads. “What did you call me?” she hissed as she took a step toward him menacingly. “A witch? That is a very dangerous label to be uttered so lightly.”

  “Shit,” Dean said, backing up and pulling Nathalie with him.

  Nathalie sighed, smacking Dean’s hand away and putting her hands out in a gesture of supplication. “I’m sorry! Please don’t be alarmed. Elanah von Vixen is a historical figure in our town. My name is Nathalie Parker. I am the many times great granddaughter of Nettie Parquhar. Perhaps you knew her? This is Dean Croft. You are in Barrington, hundreds of years in the future.”

  Elanah closed her eyes and cast her senses around before she answered. It was confirmed. She could feel it. She was in Barrington, but far in the future, and she knew why. Damn it to Hell.

  “Do you know what you are doing here, in this time?”

  “I was called,” she said. Why did these people not run from her, screaming? “And I knew your ancestor. I had the chance to make her acquaintance during a short stay I had in your town. Dame Parquhar was a good woman.” She looked at Dean. “And you would be a descendent of Saul Croft.”

  “They say I am,” Dean said with somewhat less hostility while Nathalie rolled her eyes. “But tell me, how did you get here, exactly?” He didn’t trust strange witches. They got him in trouble.

  “Probably by a time-twisting witch named Hester,” Elanah muttered bitterly. The bi
tch, she thought to herself. She looked at them. “I am guessing the Kellar heir is sick, and that is why I have been summoned.”

  “The Kellar heir? You mean Sadie? Sick? She’s not sick. She’s on her honeymoon,” Nathalie said, confused.

  “Oh, well, perhaps I was being premature here,” Elanah said, now confused herself.

  “What do you mean, ‘premature’?” Dean asked with rising alarm. “Is something going to happen to Sadie?”

  “Dean…” Nathalie said calmly, putting a hand on his arm.

  Elanah flung her head back and lifted her arms to the side. She smirked slightly as Nathalie and Dean jumped back, startled at the sudden movement. She gathered her power and sighed as it rolled over her. She looked up at the sky.

  “Why is she doing that, Nathalie?” Dean whispered loudly, his voice edged with panic.

  Elanah laughed as her power pulsed. “I am assessing the magical energies in Barrington. Let’s see, a female Kellar heir was born, I have a Parquhar and a Croft in front of me…so you both must have been active participants in Willow’s destruction. That would explain your lack of fear at my sudden appearance. The hex is gone, so it must have come to pass. That must have been an interesting time.”

  Nathalie raised her eyebrows. “I would not describe it as ‘interesting.’ More like terrifying. A lot of people got hurt.”

  Elanah nodded. “I would imagine so.” She walked over to where The Rock used to be and bent down, touching the earth. After three years the earth had begun to heal and patches of grass grew here and there, beginning to cover the scarred ground. Elanah took a handful of soil and let it run through her fingers.

  “You know of the containment spell set in the barns? I assume the Kellar heir activated them.”

  “Her name’s Sadie,” Dean grumbled.

  “Sadie, then,” Elanah said softly.

  “Yes,” Nathalie nodded. “Sadie and Luke had Jacob Barrington’s journal and followed his plan to protect the town.”


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