Alicron_Aliens Of Xeion

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Alicron_Aliens Of Xeion Page 1

by Maia Starr

   Copyright 2018 by Maia Starr - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Table of Contents

  Alicron-Aliens Of Xeion


  Cerik-Dragons Of Kelon

  Evlon-Zenkian Warriors

  Zaine-Verian Mates

  Kecha-Raither Warriors

  Karik-Weredragons Of Tivoso

  Savage Alien(Preview)

  About The Author

  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus

  Alicron-Aliens Of Xeion

  (Aliens Of Xeion)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1

  Captain Alicron Qinov

  “Captain Alicron Qinov, we are approaching the blue planet,” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said.

  “Good. I'm coming to the bridge,” I said as I left my living quarters on our ship and went to the bridge to look out the windshield and at the approaching blue planet.

  “Elonu Fiul, zoom in on the darker portions of the planet,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain,” he said.

  On the monitors, we zoomed in with our telescopic instruments onto the landmasses of Earth. Large portions were decorated with lights on the night side of the planet.

  “There, do you see this area that is dark? Let's make our approach there. No lights means less of a population,” I said.

  “Less of a population? Then how will we discover the human females that we want to take back to K8L?” Ambassador Jion Lek asked.

  “Leave that up to me, Ambassador. Remember, I am the captain here. I run this mission,” I said looking at him. He had been questioning my entire structure of this mission since we left our planet K8L.

  “And I am the ambassador; I am here in to make sure that we do not make contact with Earth in a way that will let them know of our existence. That is my job, and I suggest that you let me do it,” he said.

  “I am aware of your job. You have told me over and over again. Now let me do mine,” I said turning away from him and back to the planet known as Earth.

  “Setting a course for landing,” Elonu Fiul said.

  “Good,” I said.

  “Let us hope that this mission is successful and that we find a large number of human females to take back to our planet with us,” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said.

  “Yes, this is a test run. If it is successful, then we can plan more missions like this to take as many human females as we can back to our planet,” Ambassador Jion Lek said.

  “And if it is unsuccessful, then our entire race will die. So we must not fail,” I said.

  “Yes, and that is why it is also important that this mission not only succeed in bringing back human females, but that it succeeds in doing it under cover so that we can come back again and again without the Earth humans knowing about us,” Ambassador Jion Lek said.

  “I promise you that we will not be seen. Our ship is too fast for their technology. We are most vulnerable when we are on the ground, which is why I have chosen to appear on the night side of the planet in the darkest areas,” I said.

  “And you promised us that we would each get a female,” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said. “I am still holding you to that promise, Captain. It is the entire reason that the three of us volunteered to come along on this dangerous mission, because taking part in the mission meant that we would each be able to claim a human female for ourselves and the rest would be for the officials on K8L.”

  “I did not forget that promise. You can hold me to my word. We must find at least ten human females; this way, each of us can claim one,” I said.

  “Then let us hope that this dark area with less of a human population has that many human females of the right birthing age,” Ambassador Jion Lek said.

  “We will find them. Do not worry. Now, let's take this one step at a time,” I said.

  “We are entering human radar space, Captain,” Elonu Fiul said.

  “Good. The plan has not changed. Everyone strap in; we are going into hyperspeed until we are only one hundred feet above the surface of Earth,” I said. We all took our seats and buckled in. I looked at Elonu Fiul who sat in the pilot chair. “Hyperspeed go,” I said giving the order.

  “Hyperspeed go,” Elonu Fiul repeated and then pushed the ship into hyperspeed.

  Everything around us turned into a blur as we sped through space and into the atmosphere of the planet. We could not rely on our vision and had to rely on the instruments on board our ship. Elonu Fiul was tense and concentrating on the instruments. I watched the radar monitors as well.

  “Approaching landing point,” he said.

  “Stop hyperspeed at two hundred feet,” I said.

  “Three hundred, stop,” Elonu Fiul said as he stopped the hyperspeed.

  The ship stopped with a quick jolt. Suddenly we were floating in the still air of Earth. Everything around us was completely dark.

  “Scan for life forms and mechanics,” I said.

  “Initiating scan,” Lieutenant Vnor Gin said. We waited, and I looked around as much as I could. I could only see very large landmasses in the dark night. Their moon provided very little light; there was only one.

  “We are in the clear. No mechanics or life within a two-mile radius,” Elonu Fiul said.

  “Good. Let's prepare to embark on the scout for the human females. The ship will be safe here; let's lower her down to fifty feet above the land,” I said.

  “Lowering,” Elonu Fiul said. I stood up and went to the back of the ship to prepare. Lieutenant Vnor Gin and Ambassador Jion Lek did the same.

  Now was our chance. It was all up to me. We were going on a scout to find at least ten human females to take back to our planet. It was very crucial. If we did not find the human females and take them back to our race, then this mission would be a failure. I did not fail. I never failed. I was a damn good captain, and I always completed my missions. But this time it wasn't just some battle that I was fighting against an enemy. I had the entire weight of my world on my shoulders. I had to succeed, or my race of Kynon would die. It was a lot for any Kynon to deal with, and I was only one captain. But I would not fail.

  “Make sure that you do not fail, my son. We do not have failure in this family,” my father said to me when I was preparing to leave for Earth. I would never forget his words.

  “I understand, father. I know we need this mission to be successful. I will not fail you. It is very important, and only the beginning,” I said as I stood in front of him.

  “You are a good captain. You have been on many missions. You have fought and many battles. But this mission is different. It is very different. Our future is in your hands, my son,” he said.

  “I know. This is only the beginning. When this mission is successful, then it will lead the way for more missions like it. I know what I am doing. I will bring them back to you. I will bring back human females of breeding age. They will provide us with offspring,” I said.

  “Good. Now go and be successful,” he said.

  I walked out of his council chambers and prepared the mission. It was a lot to deal with. But I wanted the mission. It was an important one. But my father did not send my brothers to do it. I was the youngest of four brothers. I was the one always traveling through space, so the mission landed on me. My older brothers spent more time learning how to counsel. That was not important to me, nor was it very important because of the position of my birth. Now, I had a chance
to prove myself. I had a chance to prove that I was vital to the race of Kynon.

  I would be successful. I would not fail. I would bring the humans back to my planet no matter what it took. I would do it at any cost. It was my duty

  Chapter 2

  Vicki Varsa

  “Vicki, are you ready?” Bridget asked as she walked into my Hollywood apartment.

  “If I say no, does that mean I can skip out on this ridiculous trip?” I said loudly from my bedroom. A few seconds later, she walked in.

  "No, we are going, and that is that. Now hurry up and finish packing because I want to get on the road before rush hour traffic,” she said. Her brown hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing jeans, boots, a T-shirt, and a casual blazer.

  “What am I gonna do without Internet access and being on my cell?” I said.

  “It is only two days, and it is the weekend; you will survive. This is exactly why you need this. You need some time away from work. You work every weekend even though you are not supposed to,” she said.

  “I am an agent. That is what I do. I am always working,” I said.

  “Yes, as I can see. You haven't changed out of your Prada high heels and business suit. You are not going like that,” she said walking into my closet.

  “I just got home. Give me a break. I need ten more minutes,” I said as I brushed my long blonde hair into a bun on top of my head. I pulled off my earrings and wiped the makeup off my face. Bridget threw jeans and a T-shirt on the bed.

  “This will be good for you, I promise,” she said.

  “It better be for the amount of money we are paying. I can't believe how expensive it is to go to a yoga retreat in the desert,” I said.

  “It is not just yoga. That is just part of it. It is an all-female retreat. There is meditation, moonlit hiking, swimming under the stars, and clean eating. It is awesome. I went last year, and it made me feel completely refreshed,” she said.

  “All right, all right, I don't need to hear the entire brochure. You got me to go. That in itself is a big achievement,” I said as I pulled off my heels and stockings. I pulled on the jeans, T-shirt, boots, and a cardigan. I pushed the last remaining items into my weekender bag.

  Bridget Thomas was a very strong and pushy woman. It was why we got along so well. I was also very bossy. I had met her a year ago on a film set. She was a smart aerospace engineer and was on the film as a consultant. I was on the film because I represented one of the movie stars in a small role. We clicked instantly and had been friends ever since.

  I loved my job. I was very good at my job. Some people called me a ball buster; I took it as a compliment. I wanted people to fear me. That was how I got things done; fear made quite an impression. But because of this, I was a very strong person. Bridget was right; I was always working. I was the person that had a laptop on my lap in bed and then fell asleep with it still on. I didn't have time for a romance, but I made good money, and the thrill of making contracts and agreements with big studios was exciting for me. It was a high-pressure job with lots of money on the line, but I lived for it. But sometimes I could forget to step away from it and do something for myself. Bridget had noticed.

  “If you keep going the way you do, you are going to give yourself an early heart attack, or worse: lots of wrinkles,” she said leaning against the wall.

  I laughed at her comment. “Well, we can't have that, now can we?” I said.

  “No, we cannot. This will be fun and relaxing,” she said.

  “All right, I am ready. Let's get out of here before rush hour traps us in the city until nightfall,” I said grabbing my bag off the bed and heading to the living room.

  “Do you have your fridge stocked? We need bottled water for the road,” she said.

  “Yes, help yourself,” I said as a grabbed a small tote bag from a drawer and handed it to her. She opened the refrigerator and put in some sparkling mineral water and snacks. I went around my home locking up. It was a nice penthouse apartment in Beverly Hills. It was overpriced but very close to work.

  “Okay, let's get a move on,” she said grabbing her bag of goodies.

  A few minutes later we were in the car and headed out of the city. It was a good three-hour drive to the California desert.

  We drove down a dusty road until we arrived at the dirt parking lot outside a modern-looking glass facility.

  “This is it,” Bridget said.

  “I have to say, it is a lot better looking than I expected,” I said as I opened the door and got out of the car to get my bags out of the trunk.

  “I told you that you would like it,” she said.

  “Welcome to the High Desert Retreat,” a spunky a little redhead bounced over to us. “My name is Nancy. I am the coordinator here. What are your names?”

  “I am Bridget Thomas. This is my second time here, and I brought my friend along: Vicki Varsa.” Bridget said.

  “Welcome, welcome. You are not the first to return and bring a friend along. It is quite the repeat action here,” she said with all the energy you could imagine.

  “What about people leaving halfway through? Is that a repeat action?” I mumbled under my breath. Bridget elbowed me.

  "Here is the room number; you will be roommates, and here are two keys. Get yourself settled in and meet in the common room at seven for meditation followed by a moonlit hike. Until then, feel free to wander around. There are light snacks and pH water in the common room,” she said with a very big smile. “Oh, and remember my name: Nancy Perez. Let me know if you need anything.”

  She hopped away from us. I looked at Bridget and rolled my eyes. Bridget laughed.

  "Come on. Let's take our bags to the room and get some food. I am very hungry,” she said.

  “Yes, so am I. I am so hungry for pH water. Yum,” I said sarcastically. Bridget laughed again. I couldn't help but to poke fun at the situation. It would be the only way that I would get through this.

  After we were done checking in to our room, we went to the common room to get snacks. I was surprised at all of the women that were already using the meditation room. Others were stretching in their yoga gear. Everyone was committed. I had no choice but to be present because I did not get any service on my cell this far out into the desert. There was no Internet either. Maybe Bridget was onto something. I was already feeling more relaxed.

  “I could use a cheeseburger right now,” a woman with red hair and green eyes said rummaging through the snack items.

  “Yes, that would be delicious. It’s been a long day already,” I said smiling at her.

  “And they expect us to go for a hike fueled by this grass? I’m not a horse, and I’m a doctor, I should know,” she joked.

  “Oh good, a doctor. In case I pass out on the hike. My name is Vicki,” I said.

  “I’m Emma Garrett,” she said.

  “Grab a tray; I’m going to find us a seat,” Bridget said peaking over my shoulder interrupting my conversation.

  “Okay, sounds good,” I said. Then I looked back at my cheeseburger-loving friend and said, “She’s way more excited about all of this. She made me come here,” I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes.

  “Oh, gotcha. Okay, well I’ll keep my eyes open for you on the hike in case you need CPR or something,” Emma laughed and walked away.

  Bridget and I sat at a table and ate our vegetables like good girls and drank some very expensive pH water. We hung out for an hour waiting for our food to digest and randomly meeting other women. It was interesting, and I had to say that I wasn't thinking about my clients at all. This was like networking, and I was good at that.

  “So tell me, Emma, what type of medicine do you do?” I said later when she joined me. Bridget was walking around networking and talking to new people. I was doing the same. Everyone was in this area waiting for the meditation session to start.

  “I am a research medical doctor. So I don't work on patients in the hospital like a regular doctor. I work in a lab,” she said.

nbsp; “Wow, you are really smart,” I said.

  She laughed. “I guess so. I enjoy my work very much. It does take a lot of my time though. I have absolutely no social life whatsoever. Work is my life,” she said.

  “I know what you mean. I am the same with my work,” I said.

  “What do you do again?” she asked.

  “I am a Hollywood agent,” I said.

  “Oh, that sounds like a lot of pressure. But I always thought that Hollywood agents had great social lives. Don't you get to go to movie premieres and network with beautiful actors and directors and stuff like that?” she said.


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