DAVID J. TIETGE is Assistant Professor in English and Associate Director of Writing at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey. He has a Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and an M.A. in English Literature from Indiana State University. His scholarly interests include rhetoric theory, literary theory and criticism, rhetoric of science, and history and cultural studies, and he is the author of Flash Effect: Science and the Rhetorical Origins of Cold War America (2002). His seminal experience with bullshit occurred before his first memory.
CORNELIS DE WAAL studied Economics and Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He learned to detect bullshit in the trenches while working as an editor and journalist for a glossy engineering magazine in Amsterdam. In 1992 he emigrated to the U.S. to begin a Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Miami in Coral Gables. Currently he is Associate Professor at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, where he also directs the philosophy graduate program. He is one of the editors of the Writings of Charles S. Peirce, a thirty-volume scholarly edition that is being published by Indiana University Press. He is the author of books on Peirce and pragmatism, which he happily typed with two fingers (K is his favorite letter), and he is a culinary adventurer who likes to eat raw fish and red ants.
Our Index, Exquisitely Crafted for Your Illumination
absolute Idealism
Absolute Truths, as unobtainable
academic bullshit
and decision-making process
in France
as selling us on significance
adaptive preference formation
ad hoc redefinition
advertising. See also bullshit: in advertising
blurring fact and fiction in
Alito, Samuel
Althusserian Marxism
critique of
analytic philosophy
as antidote to bullshit
Animal House (film)
animals, deception in
antirealism, philosophy of
apology, social role of
on definitions
On Rhetoric
Audi, Robert
Bacon, Francis
Balling, Robert, Jr.
The True State of the Planet
belief formation, and framing effects
The Black Eyed Peas (band)
Black, Max
Bloomsbury group
Bohr, Niels
Bright Eyes (band)
bull sessions
in advertising
amused contempt of
attitudes toward
audience of
bad reasons in
as bad rhetoric
and bluffing
and bullshitter, distinction between
and bureaucracy
calling of
and civility
clarifiable unclarity in
cloaking in
in competition
as condition of life
and confirmation bias
and context, importance of
danger of
deceit in
definition of
in dictionary
as degrading public discourse
and democracy
disdain of
as dissembling
and distorted social perceptions
distraction in
and framing effects
full circle
as genre
as good thing
and the human mind
and hypocrisy
increased amount of
reasons for
as indirect
as in it for something
as intentional
intentionalist school
insight problem of
and intentional states
as irretrievable speculation
of isolated fact
in jargon
in justifying Iraq invasion
lacuna in literature on
as language of power
and lies, difference between
as loose term
and lying, comparing
and manipulation
mechanism of
methodological view of
misidentification of
as over portentous
and personality disorders
and philosophy
in philosophy
and poetry, distinguishing
and politeness
in political speech
as appealing to base impulses
danger of
as degrading
and moral language
power of
purposes of
pragmatics of
pretentiousness in
as product
as pro forma
and Protestantism
and psychological processes
rationalization in
and rhetoric, as different
rhetorical uses of
as rubbish
in science-policy interface
and self-deception
as selling us on significance
and semantics
and Sophists
as sophistry
specific structure of
and subjectivism
as statement/text
strategies in defining
structuralist school
structurally different types of
threat of, to good social relations
toleration of, reasons for
as tool
and truth
attention to
awareness of
concern for
desire to obscure
in goal and tactic
indifference to
as irrelevant
not indifferent to
as ubiquitous
ulterior goals in
and values
as unclarifiable unclarity
of universal standards
bullshit detector
bullshit in
as empiricist
as God
questioning judgment of
as self-authorizing
bullshit-free culture, dream of
bullshit genres, explosion of
as Existentialist
as hypocrite
and liar
difference between
as sophistic
tolerance of
types of
and brainstorming, difference between
culture of, factors leading to
and Enlightenment
first-order and second-order
and free-rider problem
functions of
and genuine inquiry
difference between
lack of faith in
intentionalist school on
insight problem of
motives for
resisting, through genuine inquiry
social pressure for
structuralist school on
and truth, indifference to
bullshitting arts
bullshit world
stability of
Burgess-Jackson, Keith
Burke, Kenneth
The Rhetoric of Religion
Bush administration
br /> Bush, George W.
rhetoric in
Campbell, Jeremy
The Liar’s Tale
Carlin, George
Carnap, Rudolf
on language, danger of
on meaning and meaninglessness
on metaphysics
Churchill, Winston
climate change debate, and bullshit of isolated fact
cognition, and social contracts
cognitive success, and culture
cognitive dissonance reduction
Cohen, G.A.
on academic bullshit
on Althusserians
on bullshit
in advertising
as content
critique of his view
and intention
lying in
as product
as unclarifiable unclarity
and Carnap, parallel between
“Deeper into Bullshit”
and Frankfurt
differences between
Colbert, Stephen
Collingwood, R.G.
confirmation bias
conversation, various purposes of
courtesy meaning
creationism, as sham reasoning
creation science
Crittenden, Guy
“crucial experiment”
cultural values, need to rethink
culture of bullshit, as socially corrosive
customer service guarantees, bullshit in
cynicism thesis, of democracy
The Daily Show (TV show)
Das Nichts
backfiring of
options for change in
sense, reference, and tone in
as theoretical
and apoliticism
and cynicism
dumbing-up in
equal right and equal validity,
confusion over
and ideal of well-informed citizen
improving quality of
and relativism
democratic skills, teaching of
Descartes, René
Meditations on First Philosophy
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM–IV)
dissociation, in definition
Dog Day Afternoon (film)
Dreyfus, Captain
Dworkin, Andrea
and beliefs
as intentional
and judgments
and values
epistemic imperative
inquiry in
violations of
ethics, emotivist theory of
euphemism treadmill
backfire in
evidence, and belief, gap between
fake reasoning
as different from bullshit
Feyerabend, Paul
Flew, Antony
formal logic
Franken, Al
Frankfurt, Harry G.
on bull sessions
On Bullshit
as apropos
as attack on antirealists
on democracy
and the Enlightenment
goal of
popularity of
reception of
on truth
on bullshit
and alchemy
in advertising
benign attitude toward
changing sense and reference of
complexity of studying
critique of his view
danger of
deceit in
and democracy
as enemy of truth
essence of
of Fourth of July orator
as in it for something
as instrumental
as intentional
and lies/lying, difference between
in ordinary life
as phony
semantic and pragmatic aspects of
tolerance of
and truth, indifference to
and Cohen
differences between
on The Daily Show
on deception, degrees of
in radio interview
Franklin, Benjamin
fraud, increase in
“free expression”
Frege, Gottlob
limits of, on natural language
on sense, reference, and tone
French Marxism
Freud, Sigmund
Frey, James
A Million Little Pieces
Furedi, Frank
Galilei, Galileo
Gellner, Ernst
Gemes, Ken
genuine inquiry
aim of
Glengarry Glen Ross (film)
global climate change, complexity of issue
Gödel, Escher, Bach
Goldie, Peter
Gough, Michael
Politicizing Science
Greer, Germaine
Haack, Susan
Haass, Richard
Hegel, G.W.F.
Heidegger, Martin
What Is Metaphysics?
Heisenberg, Werner
human mind
cognitive structure of
foibles of
Bullshit and Philosophy Page 31