A Wild Night On the Island & Other Stories

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A Wild Night On the Island & Other Stories Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Out of weariness from the entire horrible ordeal, Juliet lay limp across her husband's lap, while his hands held her firm. After a time, she welcomed the palm of his hand on her burning bottom as she had many times in the past.

  "I guess I'm going to have to keep you with me whether I like it or not," he declared.

  "What does that mean?" Juliet asked, looking up at him, hoping he would let her rise, though he did not.

  "I can't trust you by yourself, Mrs. Crow. Running off to God knows where. I'd be perpetually worried about you out of my sight. You realize what a dangerous thing you did, running about London like a loose woman."

  "I was not!" she replied indignantly.

  One swat to her bottom and she hushed.

  "You were reckless and impudent and completely boundless, my wife. And dragging poor Mrs. Terrill into your shenanigans was worse yet."

  "You know all of that?" she asked.

  "I stopped in to see the Terrill's this afternoon, and apologized for your bad behavior."

  "Oh! You should never have done that!" Juliet cried out. This time, her attempts to rise from the uncomfortable position were met with no fight from Joshua. Though sitting beside him on the bed, his arm went around her as if he still feared she'd run away.

  "And why wouldn't I make amends for your lack of good judgment?"

  "Lack of good judgment it may be, but Mr. Terrill was not a gentleman with me and that is why I left."

  "Not a gentleman? In what way? You understand I don't consider him punishing you anything put the proper response to your crimes."

  "That well may be, but Mr. Terrill tried having his way with my body after he paddled me. In fact, he implied that I should give in to him, after all the trouble I'd caused. He even implied that you are less than faithful to me in your travels. All with his wife in the house. Can you imagine?"


  "That's all you have to say?" she asked.

  "You're not making up stories?"

  "I swear I'm not. The man wanted me to go to bed with him."

  There was a flash in Joshua's eyes that reminded her of the worst of his wrath, though thankfully it was not aimed at her this time. "I'll have words with Mr. Terrill again," he said. "Though this only confirms my decision. You'll have to travel with me if I'm ever going to keep you safe."

  "Oh, you worry too much," Juliet said.

  "Then you like staying in other people's homes?" he wondered.

  "Oh, no! I want to be with you."

  "Good. Then it's time we were off. Though first, you apologize to Aubrey and his family for the ruckus that you caused."

  "You don't mean that?"

  "I imagine your screams disturbed their dinner."

  "But . . ."

  "Ah! You don't want to start again with your bottom already sore."

  He had a point there.

  "But couldn't we just finished things here first?" she asked, realizing how much she'd really missed her husband, especially in bed.

  "Make love here?" he asked. "No. I have my own plans for you tonight, my love, and they don't include this seedy room. Now we're off."

  With little more fanfare, the husband and wife were on their way, after a sheepish apology from Juliet to the seaman Aubrey and his family.

  Once they were in the carriage on their way to Joshua's newly repaired boat, Juliet had time to think of her life with her sea Captain, of its wildness and its pleasures, and even of its dreadful pains—the ones frequently meted out on her behind.

  "Do you sometimes regret that I'm not more submissive to you?" she asked Joshua.

  "Submissive?" He laughed. "You're a hellcat and will always be one. Regret who you are? Never. As long as I can make you submit in the end, I'd rather you be just as your are, temper, shortcomings and everything."

  She smiled to herself.

  "Why do you ask?" he inquired.

  "I don't know. I just had some time while you were away to think of you and me, and how we sometimes clash and war with each other. I don't think it's ever going to end."

  "And do you want it to?" he asked.

  "Do you?"

  "No," he replied. "As long as I know I have your love."

  "And that you have, Captain Crow," she confirmed.

  "Very good, Mrs. Crow, because you certainly have mine."

  They rode through the night, returning to Joshua's ship in the harbor and the bed that had known their lust so many nights. They would sail for home in America in the morning.

  If you'd like to know how this stirring Spanking Romance began, be sure to order, Lizbeth's full length novel, Juliet and The Captain, a wild tale of their seafaring adventures, and of course filled with lots of hot SPANKING excitement between the high-spirited Juliet and the compelling Captain Crow. From PF Publications.

  More Lizbeth Spanking Fiction . . .

  Old Affairs & New Found Lovers

  A mystery filled with suspense and lots of red-hot over-the-knee spanking and punishment! A loving couple, detectives Kyle and Brett, attempt to unravel the mysterious disappearance of a valuable pendant while they attend a weekend spanking party at posh Heath Manor. A host of fascinating suspects include the ruthless dominant, Victor, and his timid wife, Patricia; the saucy vamp Cassandra—who’s always looking for a new spanking lover; and Jenny who's spanking past haunts her every move!

  Shakespeare's Brat

  Orlando Shakespeare's theatre troupe is plagued by the ultimate brat, the manipulating, Tempest. It seems that only over-the-knee spankings can make this sassy actress behave. While the dominant Orlando is more than up to disciplining his headstrong star, he also falls in love with her. The drama between Orlando and Tempest becomes a real life battle, as Tempest struggles to submit to the discipline of her handsome "old world" lothario. (graphic anal sexuality)

  Surrender — The Spanking Tale

  Trapped in a dead-end career, Liza is captivated by two dominant men: her boss and perpetual lover, the ruthless Evan; and the mysterious Nathan, a commanding man with a deliciously compelling presence. Though she’s intrigued, she’s also frightened by this champion of all her desires, as Nathan demands she surrender to her sexual self, as well as to him. With a wide range of Spanking scenes from harsh punishment and discipline to fiery eroticism, this story dives into the realms of psychological and physical dominance/submission including anal sex play and bondage.


  Romantic, Passionate and Sensuous - A broken down old house is about to destroy an almost broken marriage . . . until Melanie discovers a secret in her Aunt's attic - a diary detailing a hot romantic love affair from the 1940's - with a perfect solution for Melanie's 1990's troubles with her husband, Tony. Does she dare tell him about this shocking idea?

  Once Melanie has her first session across her husband's lap, she discovers that submitting to her dominant Tony satisfies a deep need & ignites her sexual passion! And it's only the beginning, as Melanie finds submitting to bare-bottomed discipline turns her whole life upside down!

  More Erotic Fiction by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Little Savage

  Naughty Baby

  In The Garden of Lust

  Seven Days in Cell Block 7

  Memoirs of a Sex Toy

  Innocence Defiled

  Honeymoon In Bondage


  Carly On Her Knees

  Taken Before Dawn

  Punishable Offenses

  Betrayal of the Virgin Bride

  Sexual Mischief

  Bounty Hunter

  The War of the Remingtons

  The Truth About Marianne

  Master For A Desperate Slave

  Poor Little Rich Slut

  The Humiliation of Hannah

  The Scandalous Demise of Lily Lake

  The Secret Sins of Lizzy Barton

  Pagan Dreams, Lesbian

  Outer Island

  Into the Dark Wilds

  Force Me To Obey

titles and many more!

  For a complete catalogue

  Of Lizbeth Dusseau’s Erotic & Spanking Fiction…

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  dP.O. Box 632, Richland, MI 49083, 1-877-629-0051

  E-mail: [email protected]

  Website: http://www.pinkflamingo.com




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