Jinx's Mate

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Jinx's Mate Page 5

by Marissa Dobson

  She sat the urn aside, her fingers sliding over the smooth surface one last time before nodding. If in a few days she was going to have to leave with Jinx she needed to know Ben would be safe. She had no doubt he would protect those under him, but when it came to hand-to-hand combat he had no training. It was always possible another tiger from a different clan would see this as an opportunity to claim the Alpha position over their clan. The Texas clan was in a difficult position, where it left them prey to others if they couldn’t prove their strength.

  For the first time in a long time, as she wandered down the halls she saw people moving from one place to another, or gathering together in one of the many lobby areas throughout the resort. It lifted her heart to see so much change in only a few days. If she came back in a month, or three, how different would her clan be? It pained her slightly to know she wouldn’t be there to see them evolve.

  “We’ll come back as often as Tex allows.” Jinx tried to reassure her, but it set off more alarm bells.

  She hadn’t considered the fact that Tex would have to approve their visits. Mating with Jinx had made her the Alpha Female of the West Virginia Tigers. When traveling to another clan, even one that had been her home, she had to have approval from the Alpha. Some Alphas would see her as a threat, especially with Jinx at her side, because of their relationship with the Alaskan Tigers, and soon to be announced Queen of the Tigers. Some might even consider them spies for Tabitha.

  “Lass, you worry too much.” He slipped his arm around her waist. “Things will be fine, you have my word.”

  They came to a stop in front of a door with the word private etched in bold letters, and he slipped his key into the lock and opened the door. Inside was a spacious office with a large oak desk, and two high backed chairs in front of it. Other than the telephone on the desk, it was spotless.

  “This used to be the resort manager’s office.”

  “Before Avery killed him.” She remembered that night vividly. Avery blamed him for the low numbers in the resort. He wanted the place full; instead it’d been barely at half capacity.

  “Let’s not dwell on things we can’t change,” Jinx advised. “Instead, think about all the members we saved who are now in safe hands under Tex and Ben.” After following her in, he shut the door and stepped to the window.

  “So many were lost to get us here.” Pausing by the desk, she ran her hand over the smooth surface and glanced back at him. “I’ve been thinking about what Tabitha’s going to do, and I can’t help but wonder how many more will die before it’s complete.”

  “I guess it depends on what you mean. Do you mean how many innocents, or rogues that attack us?” He came close to her, standing just inches from her, but didn’t reach out to touch her. “There’s still a group of rogues out there, determined to continue on where Pierce left off. Ty, many others, and myself have been working together to bring them down. We’ll find them and eliminate them.”

  “I understand rogues have to be dealt with. I was thinking of innocents like Autumn, and the others.”

  His hands glided up her arms, his touch comforting her. “We’ll do the best we can to protect everyone. In war, people die. This is no different.”

  “A shifter war,” she whispered, leaning against him.

  “In a sense.” He held her to him, tight enough to make her wonder if he worried what the future might have in store for them. “Come on, you don’t want to miss this.”

  They crossed the small space to the window. Below, the gym was empty except for Ty, Ben, Tex, and Styx. Wrestling mats were laid out, giving them a softer place to work. Ben stretched, while Ty spoke with the others. Even with her delaying them, they had managed to make it there before anything began.

  “Tex is going to work out on the punching bag, while they put Ben through his paces.” Jinx flicked the light switch twice, and Ty looked up and nodded.

  “How do they know we’re here?”

  “If you’re looking at the window you can see a faint glow of the light. Ty was watching for it so you wouldn’t miss anything.” He pulled the office chair over. “Have a seat. It will be begin in a moment.”

  Her butt was barely in the seat when Ty went head on at Ben. Ty yelled something at Ben, rushing him as if he was going to tackle him. Styx circled around him, coming at him from the back.

  Ben slammed his elbow into Styx’s chest, hard enough that he stumbled back. Ty threw a punch, hitting Ben square in his stomach. A second blow flew at him, only to be stopped mid-strike with a quick block, and Ben returned fire. Quickly advancing on Ty, blow by blow, he forced Ty back.

  Styx regained himself and came at Ben, knocking him to the ground. Tumbling, Ben held on to Styx, trying to use his weight to land on top, but Styx didn’t allow that. Styx’s training was clear as he pinned Ben to the ground.

  “Styx is the best warrior. He’s been working as one of the Elder guards for the Alaskan Tigers’ Lieutenant’s mate, Bethany, and is showing just how much of an asset he is for the clan. He spent many years as an assassin, honing his skills because his life depended on them. When he came to the Alaskan Tigers, he wanted a quiet life away from it all.”

  “Then why’s he back in the action now?” She couldn’t take her gaze away from the fight, even as Styx stood, giving a hand to Ben. Not giving him time to recover, Ty quickly came at him.

  “Shadow, the Captain of Bethany’s guards, requested him as her second. He accepted it, and since then he’s been taking on more.” He laid his hand on her shoulder. “I tell you this because Styx is the best and Ben is holding his own. Mind you they aren’t going at it like they would if it was a real attack, but they aren’t slacking off either.”

  “I never doubted he could do it…I’m just scared. He’s all I have left.”

  “Not true, you have me.” He rubbed her shoulder.

  “As well as your clan.” The thought of them put a pinprick in the floodgates she built trying to keep their emotions at bay, giving her a trickle off it.

  “You have the Texas Tigers too. No matter what happens between us, do you really think these people will forget what you’ve been through together, what you’ve done for them?” He answered for her, shaking his head. “No. You’ll always have a home here as well. Even knowing that you were to mate with me, you spent all day yesterday with the members, doing what you could to help them adjust to the changes.”

  “It wasn’t so innocent,” she admitted. “I wanted to see if there was going to be a revolt within the ranks. I know these people. I might be able to spot something to let me know they would revolt against the new leadership.” She gently placed her hand over his. “Even a small hint could save countless lives and pain.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jinx, Tad, and Milo remained behind in Texas, helping Tex get everything sorted out before their return to Alaska. There was much to do to ensure Tex was safe when they left. Tad and Milo worked endless hours honing the guards’ skills, while Jinx helped Tex with his Alpha duties by dealing with the resort side of things, allowing Tex to worry about the clan.

  Typing away at the computer, Jinx tried to convert the books into the new system he’d created. It was tedious job, but gave him a better idea of goals for the resort over the coming months. It also allowed him to see just how badly the resort had fallen.

  Only months ago the place was busting at the seams, and had a waiting list for cancellations. The resort had activities and luxuries that no other shifter establishment offered, making it favored by many. With time he hoped Tex would bring it back to its former glory.

  “There you are.” Summer leaned in the doorway.

  “I’ve been here.” He leaned back, welcoming the break. “Everything okay?”

  “Tex asked me to inform you that someone named Lukas would be arriving within the hour. He’s sending a car unless you’d like to pick him up personally.”

  He glanced at the laptop’s clock, cursing when he realized the time. “I guess not, these need t
o be finished.” The pile of papers wouldn’t be done by the time Lukas arrived, but he’d do what he could. “Lukas is my brother. He’s coming to upgrade things, starting with a computer system. How anyone managed to keep track of the hotel’s accounting and reservations is beyond me.”

  “Avery believed computers allowed people to spy on you. Most of us don’t even have cell phones, or any tech gadgets.” Pushing the door shut behind her, she wandered in closer to the desk. “I have experience with computers and accounting, from before I was confined to the tunnels. I can do this while you go meet Lukas.”

  “He’ll understand.” Slipping a finger into the belt loop of her jeans, he pulled her onto his lap. “I can think of a better way to spend the time.”

  “How would that be?”

  Without answering, he pressed his lips to hers. The sweetness of her lip-gloss urged him on. Slipping his tongue between her lips, he devoured her, tugging her shirt up as he went. Breaking the kiss, he pulled the thin tank top over her head.

  “You have work…”

  “Don’t think, just feel.” He kissed along her jawline until he reached the sweet spot just below her ear. Grazing his teeth over the area, he blew his cool breath against her flushed skin. “Work can wait, this can’t.”

  His hand slid around her body, quickly finding the clasp of her bra and unhooking it. The material slid down her arms, revealing her perky breasts, making his shaft strain against the roughness of his jeans. He needed her like he needed his next breath. She was life and could bring a dying soul back from the edge. She was his everything.

  Claiming her nipple with his teeth, he gently tugged, making it hard before moving over to the next one. Without breaking contact he reached behind her, gathering the papers and slipping them into a drawer. In one quick motion, he lifted her and tugged her yoga pants down her legs before setting her on the desk.

  With a soft moan, she pulled him closer. “I’ve always wanted to make love on a desk. It makes me feel like a naughty girl.”

  “Let’s check this one off your list and then you can tell me all the other places you’ve wanted to.” He unzipped his jeans, letting them fall down his legs. He didn’t have the will power to stop and take off his cowboy boots and clothes. He needed her now.

  She stared at him while her hand slid down his chest until she found his shaft. Her fingers wrapped around it and rubbed down the length, painstakingly slow. Her fingernails teasing along it, just enough that he could feel it without causing pain. “I love that look in your eyes, as if I’m all you’ll ever need.”

  “You are.” The words were bit off as her hand squeezed tighter, working back up his manhood. He needed her in a way he never needed anyone. “As good as this feels, and damn it does, I want to be inside of you. I want to hear you scream my name as ecstasy engulfs you.”

  “Take me.” She let her hand fall away from him and leaned back.

  Without waiting he adjusted his angle, gliding his shaft over her opening, pulling a moan from her. Slowly he glided the length of him in, just a little at first, watching how her eyes glazed over as he worked his way inside her tight passage. Halfway in he stopped and slid out, even as she clung to him trying to force him to stay. Once he was out, he gripped her hips and slammed his length into her, filling her completely. Rocking their bodies back and forth, each thrust gaining momentum.

  She leaned back grabbing the edge of the desk, her body arched toward him. With every thrust her breasts bounced with appreciation, calling to him. Without losing his rhythm, he dipped his head and drew his tongue along each nipple, blowing gently on them.

  “Jinx,” she whispered, her release within reach.

  Wanting to watch her face as she came around him, he leaned back taking hold of her hips and sped his pace. Tension had her muscles constricting around him as her orgasm neared, bringing his own ecstasy closer.

  Her face came to life with a glow as her world exploded, wood crunching under her grip as his name tore from her lips. It was all he needed to send him over the edge. His balls tightened and he growled as he climaxed.

  He stayed buried within her as their breathing returned to normal.

  “Oops.” She pulled her hand away from the edge of the desk, bringing with her small pieces of wood. Her hand marks had left a permanent feature.

  He couldn’t help but laugh. Their lovemaking would always be visible on this desk. “A piece of us for the new resort manager.”

  A knock on the door interrupted him before he could suggest a second round. “One moment,” he called out. Then he slipped out of her and pulled up his jeans from around his ankles. “There’s a bathroom through there if you want to dress while I deal with him.”

  Not wanting to greet Tex naked, she gathered her clothes and took her escape.

  “Come in.” He called as the bathroom door shut.

  Tex pushed open the door, a smirk painted on his face. “If you could spare a few minutes, there’s something I need your assistance with.”

  “Sure. What’s going on?” He pulled the papers out of the drawer that he’d been trying to get into the computer and looked up at Tex.

  “Actually, I was hoping you’d accompany me to speak with a clan member.”

  “I should get these numbers into the system before Lukas arrives. Can it wait a bit?”

  “Go, I’ll do that,” Summer hollered a second before the bathroom door opened. “Sorry, I wasn’t eavesdropping, it’s just…”

  Tex waved away her apology. “You’re the Alpha Female of the West Virginia clan, it’s your business too since I’m asking for your mate’s help.”

  Not wanting her to dwell on her new status and what it could mean when visiting other clans, he spoke up. “Are you sure you don’t mind dealing with these?”

  “No, it’s fine.” She crossed the space to the desk, and looked at the papers. “Then they’re done and Lukas can get started on the systems. Plus, I don’t mind…anything I can do. I just hate just sitting around here doing nothing.”

  He stood, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He strolled from the room with a smile on his face. A quick afternoon lovemaking session was just what he needed to get his old bones moving again. He turned to Tex.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We had a clan member, Cliff, leave. Ben and I weren’t sure where his loyalties were. He was Avery’s cousin, there was an unhealthy devotion between them. No matter what Avery did, Cliff never went against him. Cliff was brainwashed. I suspected he might have a goal of becoming Alpha.” Tex explained, quickly moving down the hall. “He left behind his two daughters with a note saying that a life alone wasn’t for them. They needed to stay in the clan, to be raised properly and find their mates.”

  “Their mother? How old?”

  “Their mother was one of the women Avery killed. While I was gone, he killed more then a dozen members in his fits.” Tex shook his head.

  “You know none of this is your fault.”

  “I can’t help but feel responsible. From everything we gathered, it’s clear Avery went off his hinges in those weeks. If I had returned…”

  “He’d have killed you.” He took hold of Tex’s arm and stopped him. “Don’t give me this shit, you know he would have and then where would the clan be? You’re their Alpha now. It doesn’t matter how many people Avery killed, or why, it’s your responsibly to put the pieces back. You can’t do that if you’re feeling sorry for yourself.”

  “The girls are nineteen and two.” Tex continued down the hallway. “It’s a large age gap because they were forbidden to have any more children after Ashley. Claire was an accident, which is why Avery demanded the woman’s life.”

  “Wait. If Claire is two, and the mother was killed while you were in Alaska, why did Avery wait so long?”

  “He had her sequestered with Claire, away from her husband. It was part of the punishment. Cliff was told if he did everything to please Avery that h
is mate and child would be returned in two years.” Tex clenched his fists. “The two years passed while I was in Alaska. It seems that Cliff demanded his family be returned. That’s when Avery demanded the woman’s life. Still he kept the child locked away, only allowing one woman to visit.”

  “Who’s the woman?”

  “No one knows. Only that Avery allowed her to visit the child, to care for her and play with her.” Tex stopped in front of a door. “Damn it, Claire is terrified. She’s curled up in a corner crying, refusing to allow anyone near her.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “We need to calm Ashley. Then we have to find the woman, if there really is one. She’s our only chance to help the child.”

  Jinx put out an arm, stopping Tex from opening the door. “Summer might be able to help. She can talk to the women and try to find out who it might have been while we’re dealing with Ashley.”

  “There’s a phone over there.” Tex tipped his head to the side. “Extension thirty-two. Call her and then meet me inside. I’ve got to help Ben.”

  The door opened and screaming flooded the hallway. A young girl’s sobs mixed in.

  What a mess.

  Children shouldn’t have to suffer for their parents mistakes or grievances with an Alpha. Inside that room, poor Claire was doing just that. Scared, alone, and forced out of the room she had spent her whole life in. Jinx grabbed the phone, dialed the extension, and hoped Summer would answer.

  Chapter Nine

  With her attention on the stack of papers, Summer was at ease. She enjoyed doing something—it didn’t matter what. It made it even better that she was doing something that would improve things for the clan. Even with her leaving she wanted them on the right track, and with each day her confidence of that grew. Each day there were so many changes in the clan, the members, even the resort. She couldn’t help but wonder if she would recognize the place when she returned.


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