The Kansas Rascal

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The Kansas Rascal Page 5

by Terry Aspinall

  Chapter 5


  Morning found Brad hitch hiking on State Highway 35, heading north for the town of Salina. He had been lucky so far, here he was right in the centre of America and it had only taken him a few days. However, so far his luck did not seem to be holding up this bright sunny morning. He had already spent two hours trying to hitch a ride using his thumb, but so far with not a lot of success. The day was now starting to warm up and he was feeling a little uncomfortable. When to his relieve a small van pulled over and stopped, offering him a lift. The gratitude must have showed on his face as the driver leaned over and opened the door and said "Hop in I’m only going as far as Salina". " That’s fine by me," answered Brad, tossing his bag into the back.

  Brad found it easy to talk to Jake the driver, who lived in Salina. Not like yesterday in Dan’s truck when they had to shout at each other for the whole trip. "Going far" Jake asked "Hays" replied Brad, "I’m from Aussie just looking around your fine country". "Thought I picked up an accent there, but we won’t hold that against you" said Jake, Brad smiled. "And do you like what you have seen so far". "Love it, it’s an amazing country, loved Las Vagas" said Brad. "Yes but did you manage to leave with your shirt on your back". Brad laughed, "Yes I actually came away with more than what I arrived with" Jake Laughed "That would be a first time, most people are usually fleeced long before there holidays are over and have to leave earlier than planned".

  Their conversation continued as they sped along through the towns of Newton and McPherson. Pulling into Salina just after midday, Jake dropped him at the crossroads pointing towards Highway 70. "That’s the road you need, goes to Denver Colorado, and takes you right passed Hays". "Best of luck". Brad thanked him for his companionship and help, and waved as the van pulled away.

  Brad caught a Greyhound bus that was heading for Denver and settled down to do some site seeing from the window. Just like Amy had told him, there were not a lot of trees to be seen, the countryside looked very flat and bare. When you are not used to sites like that, it is all very strange. However, the very large wheat fields all brightly coloured yellow made up for the lack of trees. As the bus drove through the town of Russell, Brad started to feel a little lightheaded as the next stop would be for him. He could hardly believe it, he would be stepping off of the bus in the town of Hays. Up until now Hays had just been a place in his head, now it was all turning into reality.

  Brad stepped off the bus and took a good look around him, "So this is Hays," he thought. First he looked up one way of the street and then the other. It all looked pretty much the same with lots of shops on both sides of the road. He had no idea which way to go, so he tossed a coin, picked up his bag and said "This way" to himself. Noticing as he walked along the side walk that he was in Vine Street. Both sides of the street had a large selection of shops. So this was possibly one of the main streets of the town, it certainly looked big enough. With a smile to himself he thought, "I wonder where all the horse hitch rails are, after all wasn’t this one of the areas that the famous Wild West legends all came from. Still smiling he crossed the road where he had noticed a familiar McDonald’s sign, it read 'Burger King' 1212 Vine street. "Now that’s the type of food I do know about and I’m feeling very hungry at the moment". "Let's have a burger and maybe I can pick up some information from the locals".

  Brad could not believe that he was halfway around the world, but in this building it felt just like he was back in good old sunny Brisbane. Okay the locals had a different accent, but the advertising, the meals on offer and just the general layout and interior look of the place, was just like any other McDonalds back in Australia.

  The burgers sure looked the same but they had a completely different taste, must be the sauces and stuff smother the meat with, although Brad still enjoyed it. It was the coffee that he really wanted not being able to have a drink all day. The place was almost empty and the workers were not too keen to stop and chat with him, keeping one eye on Brad and the other on their boss. Brad had been trying to find a bed for the night. He gave up the idea of trying to ask them any more questions. So he finished his burger and got up to leave. When one of the young girls came over and gave him a business card with a place that had some accommodation. He thanked her a left looking at the card as he went through the door.

  The Best Western Vagabond Motel 2524 Vine Street the card read. Brad got to thinking that if McDonalds was 1212 Vine Street, then he could not be that far away. It will be on the same side being even numbers just a thousand properties further on. With the weight of his bag and the thought of walking, what could be miles, he hailed over the first cab he saw, plus cabbies know the area and might be able to help him.

  "In town long" the cabbie said over his shoulder, "How did you know I was passing through" said Brad. "Oh, Hays is a small town, plus you are carrying a bag, and anyway I know most of the people around here, names Gerry". "Yeah just looking for accommodation at the moment," answered Brad "I was told that the Vagabond was good place to stay". "Sure is," said the cabbie. "And here we are right at the front door". Brad paid and asked for a business card just in case he needed transport another time.

  That night in his room Brad set up his lap top computer and connected it to the phone so that he could go on line. It was now time to start making plans on how he intended to contact Rascal. Up until now it had all been very vague in his mind, but now he had to have a plan of attack, something definite He did not want to just blunder onto the scene. After all Amy could be married or at least in some sort of a relationship with somebody. People on the web were forever deceiving each other with little white lies, and in some cases very big black ones. There were always stories in the newspapers being written about the subject and with all the gruesome details. For all he knew she might not even exist. Although Brad had always convinced himself that Amy was a legitimate person, he had gone over what details he had on her a thousand times. At this stage he would not even contemplate that she was not real.

  He punched in to the computer Amy’s correct name as living in Hay Kansas.

  And to his surprise up came, some details on her. Her full name, with phone, email and street numbers. Brad could not believe his luck, but there was more. Brad knew where she worked so he got a printout of a street map from her house to her place of work with all the turns and street names. If he had wanted to go any further for $29.95 it would have given him her, driving licence number, her social security numbers, even if she was a bankrupt etc etc. Brad did not bother with this sort of information mainly because he did not think it right that this should be so freely available on the net. Plus if by some quirk of fate Amy found out, then it could course friction between them. Brad always thought that if he could get that sort of information, then some how other people might just be able to find out that he had also accessed that information on them. Brad also tried to contact Amy via ICQ, it was now a couple of days since they last had contact and he was dying to talk to her. He left the line open for an hour but she did not respond, even if she were operating invisible he would still have known.

  Next morning Brad got up early and went straight out and hired a car, a Pontiac whatever that was, he did not know much about American cars. He headed straight for Daydream Drive, just so he could check out the area and actually get a look at Amy’s House. He was trying to get to know the streets and surrounding area. However, he had to be careful, back in Australia this sort of thing would be called stalking and carried a prison term if convicted. He found no reason to believe that the USA did not have similar laws, and being a stranger to this town he would stand out like a sore thumb.

  Daydream Drive, there it was just like the map had displayed, having printed it out last night, just off East 13 Street and Leslie Drive. However there was no car in the driveway of the house. "To late" he thought, "She must have already left for work". He wanted to follow her so he could find out exactly where she worked. Last night on the net he had come up with two companies t
hat had the same name, but in different areas of the town. If he wanted to follow her home, he had no idea which office to go to. However, he was pleased with his progress so far, Rome wasn’t built in a day he thought, "No I wasn’t on that job" he chuckled to himself.

  Brad knew that Amy’s two sons had left home and so she was supposed to be living in the house on her own. So he was not worried that someone from the house would see him. Although he was a little worried just in case one of the neighbours might wonder what he was up to. Slowly he drove away and down Leslie Drive, while his brain was working overtime on his next move. After a few minutes he pulled over to take another look at the map. He had two Marketing companies marked on it, but he was not sure which one she would be working at. Brad had a photo of Amy, he had her address, but that was about all. To be able to make sure it was the right Amy he had to be able to see her at her home. So for now he would just have to wait until tomorrow, only then he would have to get up real early. Therefore the rest of the day was just going to be at a loss. He passed away a couple of hours making notes for his Love Story. He would be able to update it on the computer that night in his motel room.

  Brad started to get little bored and decided that he would drive to both places and just take a look for himself. Although not really knowing what he would be looking for, after all he did not even know what type of car she would be driving. After studying the map once more he headed off for the Noose road area, it was only a distance of about four and a half miles, the other site was even nearer being about two and a half miles. He took a quick look at both places but did not hang around at either. Once again he was worried that somebody might call the police and report him as a snooper, or some sort of pervert. The whole exercise was fruitless, he learnt nothing from the trip, and so he headed back to Vine Street. It was time to eat and buy a couple of items.

  Brad needed some tablets, just lately he had been getting a few headaches as the stress was starting to tell on him. So he popped into Dillions Drug Store, before heading on to McDonalds and a strong cup of coffee. Where he acknowledged the young girl who had put him on to the Vagabond Motel the day before. She was still very nervous to talk to him, once again keeping an eye on her boss. At least this time Brad had managed to get a name from her, it was Jane. Then it was back to the confines of his motel room. That night he finalised his plan, and this time he would be sticking to it in every detail.

  He was over the moon when suddenly Rascal appeared on the task bar to the sound of somebody knocking on the door. It only took him a couple of seconds to post a message of greetings to her. Once again Brad had to be careful that he did not give away that he was in town. He still wanted to choose a time and a place that suited him, and to be able to see her first in her normal environment. The conversation lasted almost an hour, with little bits of chitchat flowing between them. Brad was having a terrible time trying not to give the game away. He felt like rushing, around to her house grabbing her in his arms and giving her a great big hug and a long sloppy kiss.

  Trying to be discrete in asking somebody about their place of work, when they know you live many thousands of miles away, so it is not really of interest to you and without arousing their suspicions is very hard. After just a few moments with her he decided to give the whole idea a miss. He continued with little made up stories that he thought might be of interest to her. Then before he knew it, it was all over. Amy said that she had been through a hard day at work and was off to bed for a rest. So they passed on their farewells to each other, with the usual sleep tights and sweet dreams and the meeting was over for another day. Maybe tomorrow will be the day that I meet her he thought as he crossed his fingers behind his back.

  Brad left the motel very early the next morning, it was only just breaking daylight as he drove towards Daydream Drive. He drove at a leisurely speed not wanting to arouse any suspicions, to anybody at this early hour of the morning. As he arrived outside Amy’s house the first thing that he noticed was a large red Chevrolet Sudan sitting on the driveway by the side of the house. Good he thought at least I’ve caught her at home. He quickly scribbled down the licence plate number, turned around and drove away. He had decided to park his car just before the corner of Leslie Drive and East 13th Street. She had to come this way, wherever her final destination was to end up. So now with her plate number and knowing what sort of car she was driving, it was just a case of waiting.

  The car radio was pumping out county music, to the approval of Brad. As he sat tapping on the dashboard, wondering just how much longer he was going to have to wait. After all he had only been there for about 40 minutes, but as the day wore on and more traffic got onto the streets, he was wondering just how long he could be parked in this spot. "Not long" he said to himself as the Red Chevrolet went passed him and turned right onto east 13th Street. "That’s my little beauty," he muttered under his breath.

  He stayed back as far as he dare from her car, they’re not being many other cars on the road for him to blend in with. His brain was also working overtime wondering which way she would go. He knew both the destination and the routes she would properly take. She drove on passed General Custer Road intersection, and then suddenly she turned left onto the US 183 South. Brad had been wrong, for some reason he had thought that it would be the office out on the Noose road. However, he was still feeling very happy with himself, the mystery had been narrowed down, she worked on West 8th Street. Now he drop further behind her and blend in with the local traffic. This journey was only about two and a half miles, and before he knew he would be driving past Marketing Inc. There in full view of the main road was the company car park and Amy was getting out of her parked red car. Brad dare not stop and Amy had her head turned away so he did not get a look of her face. He wanted to match her up with the photo that he had received over the net. Even if he had been able to see her face, it would have been possible over that distance to recognise her anyway. A nasty thought went through his mind had he been following the wrong person, well if it was not Amy who was it, she had come from Amy’s house, he remarked to himself that body wise she looked in good shape.

  He now had the rest of the day to kill, intending to return late afternoon and try and see where she might lead him. So he returned to his old haunt the Burger King for a breakfast and a read of the local newspaper and to decide what to do for the rest of the day. Jane’s pretty little face greeted him as he ordered a breakfast. This time she was not nervous, so Brad assumed that the boss had not turned up for work yet. "Boss not at work yet" asked Brad. "No he’s taken the day off," said Jane. "So, while the cats away, the mice will play," laughed Brad. "Sorry" said Jane not quite understanding the question, "Oh nothing," replied Brad. "I’ll bring it over in a minute" said Jane "It's not quite ready yet, we have only just opened". With that Brad grabbed a paper and found a seat near the window for a spot of local gazing.

  The day dragged by very slowly for Brad but at four thirty he positioned his car just down the road from the Marketing Inc. After first checking that Amy’s Red Sudan was still in the company car park. Now it was just a case of waiting. And waiting is what he did, but just after six thirty and a couple of hundred county music request on the radio later. Amy’s car drove passed and a further shock awaited Brad, there was a guy in the front seat with her. Now he had to be careful not to get to close, but also not to lose her, he had no idea where she would be going.

  Within just a few minutes they were back onto Vine Street, it was a little easier now as he was getting to know this part of the town quite well. The Red Sudan pulled into the forecourt of the Professor Pittewurst’s Inn and parked. Brad drove passed and a little further down the Street and parked. He took his time in locking the car and walking back to the Inn. He was guessing that they had stopped off for a drink or meal after a long day at the office. However, who was this guy, was he a lover or just a friend from the office, Brad would have to be careful how he went, this had not been a part of his plans.

  He stal
led further at the door wanting to give them a bit more time to get settled into a seat. When finally he walked in he headed straight to the bar and plonked himself down on to a stool, not bothering to look around for the moment. Once he had a beer in his hand he casually turned around seeing if he could pick them out. To his amazement the place was about half full, but there was only one couple and they were over by the window sitting opposite each other, but to his horror they were holding hands. Brad took the photo from his pocket and compared it with the lady he was eyeing up. It was certainly Amy, in fact the photo did not do her justice, She looked a stunner, a good looking woman with short blonde hair, even after a hard day at the office she still looked very well kept and pretty.

  He had also sent Amy a photo, but it was one that he used for his magic stage act. He was hoping that maybe he might not stand out like a saw thumb in a crowd. Now his hair had returned to its natural very light grey colour, but he made a point of not trying to stare at them.

  After about twenty minutes he beckoned over to the barman who he was guessing to be the owner. "Excuse me but I’m a magician, what would be the chance of you letting me walk your tables and showing your patrons a few card tricks". "Oh I’m not after money, I’ll do it for free, I just love my work". Asked Brad "Well if it’s for free then I guess it won't hurt, mind you I don’t want you bothering anybody," replied the barman. "No problem" said Brad extending his hand to shake the barman’s hand. "Here I’ll show you one first". And with that he took a packet from out of his pocket a showed him one of the best card tricks in his repertoire, part of his ambitious card routine. The barman was just blown away, all he could say was, "Hey how did you do that", "Very well" replied Brad. The barman was so impressed that he told him to "Go for it".

  Brad started to work his way around the tables, but starting as far away from Amy’s table as possible. Brads magic was so impressive that at every table that he performed the people became very noisy and verbal after witnessing each trick. So by now the other patrons in the Inn were wondering what he was doing. Upon realising it was magic they all eagerly awaited him reaching their tables.

  Brad arrived at one table and there to his surprise was the sweet and innocent looking very timid Jane from the Burger King restaurant. "Hello" she said to Brad, and then proceeded to tell the people at her table how she knew Brad, but funnily she did not know his name. "Its Jeff" he said thinking of Jeff McBride the famous American magician. Brad then proceeded to dazzle them with an array of tricks. While Jane spent most of the time telling her friends over and over that she knew him.

  It took him almost forty minutes to get to Amy’s table. In fact at one time Brad even wondered if he was stringing it out to long and that they might leave well before he reached them. However, he also had that air of mystery about him and what was he up to. So much so that Amy would have waited half the night for her turn just to see what he was showing everybody else.

  Brad had secretly arranged a deck of cards, back at his motel room, by writing on the backs of a few of them with a felt tip pen. Just for this very moment and now it had arrived. He took this pack from his pocket and turned to the beautiful Amy and said "Hi I’m your local wandering magician, can I show you a couple of my illusions". "Yes" said Amy. "Wow" Brad thought this is the first time I’ve heard her speak. She sounds just like I’d always imagined her to sound.

  He fan spread the cards in his left hand with the values all facing up, this way Amy could see that they were all different. Next he pushed the cards back into a pack, still face up and asked her to choose three cards. These were all forced on to her, although Amy thought that she was having a free choice. Each card was then laid onto the table still with the value face up. There was the ace of clubs, the two of clubs and the three clubs all laid out in numerical order. "Now that’s magic for a start, however did you manage to choose three cards on the trot and all of them of the same suite". "You have done this before haven’t you" he said looking into Amy’s eyes. Amy was caught off guard and did not know what to say in reply she just stared back at him.

  Next Brad who by this time was standing very close to Amy, could smell her perfume. It was a nice sexual smell and Brad wished that he could lean down and kiss her on the cheek. He lowered his head next to her and whispered to her to slowly "Turn over one card at a time". She first went for the two of clubs, slowly she turned it over and laid it on its face, the letter M had been wrote on its back by a felt tip pen. "Another one" Brad whispered again. She then turned over the three of clubs this card had the letter Y on its back, Brad prompted her again, and she reached out and turned the ace of clubs and on its back was the letter A.

  There spread out in front of her was her name AMY. She gave a little squeal and then a shout, "How did you do that, how did you know it was my name, hey show me again". "Woo, Woo, slow down" said Brad, "One thing at a time". Brad knew that one of the first secrets of magic was that you did not ever repeat a trick more than once, unless that is you did it in a completely different way. However, with Amy he also knew that, what he had just demonstrated to her, could not be bettered, not to Amy any way. Another reason is to leave an appreciated audience wanting, that way they would always return to see you perform another time. Brad decided on the latter approach, and he introduced himself as Wandering Willy the card man. Amy introduced herself and also Ray who she said was a friend from work. Brad could not help noticing that he was a big guy, built like the provably brick outhouse, he could also sense that Ray was more than just a work colleague. As they got up to leave Brad made sure that he told them if they wanted to see more of his brand of magic, then he would be there again the following day.

  Brad made his way back to the bar, where he spoke to the barman. Who was very impressed with the entertainment Brad had provided his customers. A deal was struck allowing Brad to return the next evening. The barman then took $50 dollars from the cash register and gave it to him. "By the way I’m known as Chuck, would you like a beer". Brad continued the chat, making arrangements to return the next evening and to weave his brand of magic amongst the patrons once again. Then finishing the small beer he made his farewell and headed back to the motel.

  The next day Brad was a celebrity at the Burger King, even being asked if he wanted the usual by Jane, wasn’t that a sign he was a regular. Jane had spread the word amongst her fellow workers and friends, about his skill as a magician. He was even approach by customers as he tried to enjoy his meal. So much so that he left early and made his way back to the motel. He was worried that the true reason that he was in Hays would leak out before he was ready. His plans so far had not exactly been carried out to the letter, but it had all worked out pretty good so far. He was pinning his hope on the fact that Amy would return that evening to the Inn. Brad spent time perfecting a new card trick for the occasion.

  He did not enter the Inn that evening until he was sure that Amy would be there, assuming that she worked late most evenings. As he leaned on the bar and looked around the first place he looked at was near the window. There she was, just as Brad had hoped, he had that nice feeling inside that tells you things are good. Amy even gave him a little wave that Brad acknowledged with just a raising of his hand. As he continued to look around he could not believe that the whole place was full, not a spare chair in the house, as they say. And there was Jane sitting at a long table filled with what Brad surmised was all her friends. "Can’t be bad" Brad thought "Pity I can’t perform to crowds like this every night".

  "Not a bad crowd for you tonight Brad" shouted Chuck then asking him what he wanted to drink. "Didn’t take much to spread around the town, biggest crowd I’ve had in here for a few weeks".

  Brad had a drink and a chat with Jane who came over to see him. She also brought over a couple of friends just to be introduced. All of the time Brad’s eyes kept wandering around the room always ending up where Amy who was sitting with her man friend. After a couple of these glances he realise that Amy was with a different guy than last n
ight. All sorts of things went through his head trying to guess at a reason. It just got the better of him, he would have to wait until he ended up at her table.

  Brad threw himself into a vigorous routine of card magic as he worked his way around the tables. Although tonight was a little different than the previous one. Now the people knew about him, now they wanted more and more. Brad trying to be the diplomat did his best to satisfy and not to offend them. His aim was to do just two tricks at each table and to end up at Amy’s last, so he could stay there once he’d finish his magic, as Brad wanted to talk to Amy, alone if possible. It took what Brad thought was hours to get to Amy. Finally he made it, he was there by her side. "Hello we meet again" she said with a smile on her face, "Yes and how are you" Brad replied. "I’m okay this is my friend Kenny", Amy said gesturing to him with her hand". Brad shook his hand, just like Gerry the night before. Kenny was also a very big guy, not the sort to pick a fight with Brad thought. He wanted to ask Amy so much but could not while she was with Gerry after all he might be her regular boyfriend, although he doubted it. Then he wondered maybe she preferred a different boy each night, who knows he wondered. He was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the whole situation, had he come all this way for nothing.

  Brad did three of four tricks what he called just normal run of the mill stuff. Then finally he swapped decks with one he had in another pocket, this had been set up in his motel. "This is a trick" he turned to Amy "Where you are going to have to use your power of thought, and telegraphy". She smiled, that’s a lovely smile Brad thought. "You have got to send me through the air your thoughts, can you do that". "I don’t know, I’ve never tried," she said. "Okay let’s see", Brad spread the deck of cards in his left hand and asked her to pick any card at random. Which she did placing it face down on the table, unbeknown it had been forced onto her. "Now I would like you to write on the back," he said giving her a felt tip "Somebody’s name somebody who doesn’t live in the USA, somebody who I would never have a clue who it was". Then trying to prompt her he added "Maybe someone, do you have a computer". "Yes" she said. "Well maybe someone you talk to from another country I don’t know maybe from Africa or AUSTRALIA", he said louder so it would stick in her mind. This is called the power of direction if done correctly you can get most people to write what you want, it's one of the main tools in a magicians arsenal of tricks.

  Quite amazingly she wrote Brad on the back of the card, he then asked her "To think of Brad, so that her thoughts could travel around the world so that he would be able to answer her". He then asked her to "Slowly turn over the card", which she did and laid it flat on the table. To Amy’s amazement, wrote on the face side of the card was. "Hi Rascal". Amy pushed herself and chair away from the table and let out a squeal, there was a look of shock on her face, her mouth was open but nothing was coming out, she just stared at Brad. Suddenly she said. "It's you, your Brad aren’t you", "You know I thought there was something about you but I could not put my finger on it". "Even your face I had that feeling that I knew you".

  It took a few moments for Amy to regain her composure, and then the questions started to fly fast and furious at Brad. He did his best to answer most of them, but it was on for one and all for the next hour. Brad was sitting by Amy’s side while her gentleman escort for the night was sitting in front of her, Kenny felt out of the conversation and was starting to get fed up with this guy who had come from nowhere and now it seemed like he was losing his date to him, he wasn’t very pleased about the whole situation.

  Kenny got up to go to the smallest room in the house. Brad grabbed the opportunity to ask Amy some very personal questions. He went on to tell her how he had fallen in love with her and that he would even stay in America just so they could be together and that he was staying at the Vagabond motel. He got hold of her hand and held it between his, awaiting an answer. Amy did not know what to say, this had all come out of the blue and caught her completely unaware, she felt like she needed time to think.

  When Kenny arrived back at the table and saw them both holding hands, this was about as much as he could take. He leaned down and grabbed Brad by the neck with his very big left hand, almost picked him up off the floor and hit him straight on the jaw. The blow was very hard and knocked Brad to the floor. Before anybody in the room knew what was happening Kenny grabbed hold of Amy’s arm and forced her out of the Inn.

  Now Brad was an able guy with his fist and could rough it with the best of them, after all he had gone through unarmed combat while in the Australian military. It would have looked good if he’d got up and floored Kenny, everybody loves a hero. However, he choose the other option and that was to lie there like a wounded bull. After all it had been an unprovoked attack upon him, maybe by staying down he would get a little sympathy, doesn’t everybody like the underdog.

  Brad was left half sitting, half lying on the floor propped up against an over turned table. Jane rushed over to help him as he was looking a little dazed, Chuck was also there asking what had happened, as he stood up the table and chairs in an effort to tidy the place up. Brad went on to explain, as he rubbed his jaw and wiped a little blood from the side of his mouth. That he did not know what it was all about, other than the guy must have been jealous of him. Anyway it was all over, if there were any damage he’d pay for it. Chuck just said, "No problem mate come up the bar and I’ll get you a drink".

  Brad spent the rest of the evening at the bar with Jane just talking and getting to know each other. Mind you Brad was still very guarded on his identity, but they hit it off well. In fact when it was time to leave Jane went with him to the Motel, where the conversation carried on. Jane was trying her hardest to get into bed with Brad. However, Brad was a little weary of the situation. Jane was a lot younger than him and he did not think it the right thing to do, further more he was treating her more like a daughter. He now realised that it had been a wrong thing to do bringing her back. In order to get her out, he was now going to course a scene and this was the last thing he wanted. Two scenes in one night it would not take much to turn the locals against him, this he did not need.

  After a time and to his relief he did manage to talk Jane into leaving, he said that he would see her tomorrow for breakfast at the Burger King. After she had left Brad started to get ready for bed, when there was a knock on the door. Brad slowly opened the door and there standing in the moonlight was Amy with that very nice little smile on her face. "Had to wait till your little friend left," she said. Brad jumped in quickly "We were only talking, and I showed her some magic". "Yeah I bet you did, is that what they call it now-a-days, magic." laughed Amy. "No magic is how I would sometimes describe it, on the good occasions that is", added Brad. "How long have you been out there anyway" he asked. "Oh I saw you both arrive, I was over the other side of the road sitting in my car, waiting for you". "If I were you I would not let the Sheriff know what you were up to, it’s a criminal offence in this state you know". She laughed again, "Don’t worry only kidding". Brad asked her in and they sat down on the side of the bed. Amy started to explain to Brad about her jealous boy friend and to say how sorry she was for what had happened. She looked and touched the small bruise that had appeared on the side of his left jaw. The whole evening had been a shock to everybody, events had moved so fast it was unbelievable. The conversation covered all the ground that had not been covered earlier in the evening. Slowly they were being drawn together there was that little spark that two lovers get for the first time. It did not take long for the spark to grow in to a raging fire. Brad leaned over and kissed Amy on the lips. Something he had wanted to do for a long time, they both fell back onto the bed entwined in a warm embrace.

  When Brad awoke the space in the bed beside him was empty, Amy had gone. Looking at the clock on the bedside cabinet it read 8.33 am. Maybe she had been late for work or something, he did not know. He had just got out of the shower when the phone rang, it was Amy "Good morning" she said "And how are you today". Brad went on to tell her how he had
enjoyed their evening together or at least the latter part of it. Amy in turn told him how she had gone home to change for work and would meet him for dinner that evening, at the Professors Inn.

  Breakfast at the Burger King was not quite the same, word had spread around about the fight at the Professors Inn the night before. While Jane had done her utmost to tell as many people as possible that she had been to his room. Brad got to thinking that at this rate he might be picked up by the Sheriff as Amy had mentioned earlier.

  During the day Brad took a phone call from the owner of Hawke’s Sports Bar and Grill, said that he had heard, he was coursing a quite a stir in town, showing off his brand of magic and that he was very good at it as well. He was offering him a job, nightly at the grill but only for tips. Brad said that he would get back to him later. Not wanting to fall out with Chuck at Professors, after all Chuck had given him his first opportunity so he did not want to walk out on him without discussing it first. However, it was nice to know that people were applauding him for what he was doing. He got to wonder if it was little miss Jane once again that had started the gossip, "Oh well she means well", he said to himself.

  Brad was sitting by the bar at Professors as Amy came over to meet him, only tonight she was early. No over time tonight Brad thought, feeling good that maybe she was eager to see him. He bought her a drink and they walked over to the table by the window. It was a few seconds before Amy broke the silence, why did you not tell me you were coming". "Then you would have stopped me, wouldn’t you" he added. "Sure I would, you’re crazy, you know that", "Yeah and I’ve got a sore jaw to prove it". Brad asked if she minded him doing a little magic as quite a crowd had gathered in the Bar. Amy shook her head lightly and quietly said "No, but maybe they have come to see you fight instead of the magic, have you thought about that". She smiled and so did Brad. He got up and started to work his way around the tables showing off what he could do best, card magic. However, he was little faster tonight, he was in a hurry to end up with Amy. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.

  With-in the hour he was back sitting with her, he grabbed her hand and kiss the back of it lightly. "It's Friday night the start of the weekend, where can we go", "What do you mean" she asked. "Surely you know some nice little out of the way place where we can spend the weekend together," enquired Brad. "No not really and anyway I have to go out on Sunday" Amy explained. Leaving Brad a little taken aback by her reply. What was he going to be able to do for a whole day?

  Later that night they went back to Brads motel room were a passionate night of love ensued. The time for Brad to ask more questions of Amy was over. Although he was intrigued why Amy was always guarded about her own house, and for some reason unknown, she would not invite him back. Still tonight was not the time to go into all that, putting it in the back of his mind for now anyway.

  Saturday morning was spent with Brad following Amy around the shops in the centre of down. Brad felt he was being paraded around on display for the entire town to see. He was introduced to all of her friends that she met while going from shop to shop. It was as if he was her latest plaything to be shown off. For the moment he went along with it. Brads money situation was not in a very healthy state, but at least he was earning tips at the Professors in the evenings. He desperately wanted to purchase a small ring, just to show her his feelings towards her. Upon checking his wallet, he decided to try and get away from her for a few minutes on his own so that he could find one without her knowing. This he accomplished and found a small friendship ring that he liked. However, it cost more that he had intended leaving him low on cash for the remainder of his stay. So tonight he would have to return to the Professors. He would also have to make arrangements to do a deal with Hawkes Sports Bar and somehow fit in a couple of shows for them next week. For now he kept the ring in his pocket not saying anything about it to Amy.

  For a meal Amy took him to one of her favourite restaurants in the centre of town just off Vine Street. This was a change from the Burger King and anyway he did not want to run into Jane, that day at least. Brad had to tell Amy that his cash flow was very low and that he could not pay these prices. Amy just laughed, "It's on me Brad, my welcome to Hays present for you". This embarrassed Brad never having been in this position before, after all he had always paid his way. He started to curse himself for buying the retched ring. Now Amy might think that he was a sponger, which was not true.

  That night at the Professors while Brad weaved his brand of magic upon a bursting at the seams full house. He noticed that a strange guy was sitting with Amy at her table. Brad had never seen him before and was starting to get a little jealous. He was trying to work his way toward her while in his head his imagination was running riot. However, the crowd was so thick it was impossible for him to walk passed people without stopping to show them a trick. Being a rather large crowd on this evening it took Brad almost two hours before he had just about shown every person at least one trick when he finally reach Amy’s table. By this time the mystery person had left leaving Brad with lots of unanswered questions. Not wanting to wade in and course an argument be was trying to be tactful when he asked Amy who the guy was sitting with her. "Oh just somebody I know " she replied. He was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, after only knowing Amy for a few days he’d seem her with three different guys. Mind you he also accepted that he had suddenly burst onto the scene from nowhere and that people are not going to change their lives immediately just for him. She had had a life before he came along and maybe it was going to be hard to change that or more to the point, hard for Brad to accept her and her way of life.

  Brad was not satisfied with her answer, but had to go along with it for now. He suddenly brought out the box that contained the ring and offered it to Amy, saying, "This is a little something that I want you to have. It’s just a way of me saying that I love you". Amy’s eyes almost popped out of her head when she flicked open the box and saw the ring. Brad took it out and slipped onto her finger then gave her a little kiss on the side of her cheek. The ring sat alongside three or four others that she wore on that hand. That left him wondering if they were presents from other boy friend's from her passed.

  The rest of the evening was spent at Brad’s motel, were a lot of talking and occasional kissing took place. However, by 1 am Amy had left for home leaving Brad with all sorts of problems on his mind. For the first time he started to think that it had not been a very good idea to come to America. As he lay back on his bed staring up at the ceiling, Amy’s words from those early days on the computer came back to haunt him. "But Remember I’m a Rascal". What had she meant, all of a sudden he was beginning to understand, and was he about to pay the price.


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