Flórez, Juan Diego, xiv, 29, 59, 260, 333, 514, 580n59
Florimo, Francesco, 83, 143, 233, 235, 354–55, 357, 432
flutes, wooden, 410
Fo, Dario, 20, 243, 246–47, 253, 491, 516–18, 519–29
Fodor-Mainvielle, Joséphine, 300, 332, 563n4
Fondazione Levi (Venice), 63, 177, 181
Fondazione Rossini
autographs in collection of, 9, 76, 79, 146, 157, 583n33
critical editions produced by, 14, 17, 18, 22, 54, 97, 122–23, 151, 177, 178, 565n32, 594n15
disposizioni sceniche published by, 452
goals of, 24
manuscripts authenticated by, 147, 150
Ford, Bruce, 411
fortepiano, 410, 412, 439
Foscolo, Ugo, 150–51
Foscosi, Roberto, 466
Fox, Carol, 254
France Musicale, La (newspaper), 437
Franck, Mikko, 518
Frankfurt Opera House, 481
Franklin, Benjamin, 592n75
Franz Joseph, Austrian Emperor, 522–23
Freni, Mirella, 129
Frezzolini, Erminia, 222, 341, 342
Friedrich, Götz, 476–77, 481
Frigerio, Ezio, 129, 474, 593n2
Frittoli, Barbara, 476–77
Frizza, Riccardo, 59
Frontali, Roberto, 514
Furie, Kenneth, 174
Gabussi, Vincenzo, 62
Gagliardi, Alessandro, 570n91
Gallico, Claudio, 132, 366, 577n18
Ganassi, Sonia, 28
García, Manuel, xiv, xv, 211, 258, 259, 305–6
García, Manuel P. R., Traité complet de l’art du chant, 300, 305–6
García Marquez, Gabriel, 517
Gardiner, John Eliot, 172
Garofalo, Bruno, 23
Garrison, Clayton, 467
Garsington Festival (Oxford), 520
Gasdia, Cecilia, xiv, 18, 156, 330, 514
Gatti, Carlo, 50–51
Gatti, Daniele, 514
Gatty, Nicholas, 441
Gavazzeni, Gianandrea, 108–12, 206, 590n48
Gazzetta musicale di Milano, 466
Gedda, Nicolai, 123
Gelmetti, Gianluigi, 152, 303–4
Gérard, François, 525
Gergiev, Valéry, xiv, 380, 450, 506
Gesamtkunstwerk concept, 452
Ghiaurov, Nicolai, 129, 365
Ghislanzoni, Antonio, 48, 245
Giazotto, Remo, 556n24
Gielen, Michael, 481
Gielgud, John, 304
Giger, Andreas, 585n68
Gigou, Marie-Odile, 456
Gilbert and Sullivan Savoy operas, 21–22, 228
Giménez, Raúl, 409
Ginevra, Stefano, 574n35
Giornale dipartimentale dell’Adriatico, 463
giovane Toscanini, Il (film), 431
Girard (publishing firm), 578–79n38
Giusti, Giambattista, 61–62
glass harmonica, 434–35, 579n45
Glimmerglass Opera (Cooperstown), 566n48
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
Iphigénie en Tauride, 538n56
Orfeo ed Euridice, 229
Orphée et Euridice, 375
Glyndebourne Festival, 8, 411, 442
Gockley, David, 53
Goldoni, Carlo, Il matrimonio per concorso, 246, 520, 582n10
Goodman, Nelson, 213
Gothenburg Opera, 490–92, 501–2, 511–13, 559n72
Gouzien, Armand, 147–48
“grammelot,” 603n38
Grant, “Baron,” 146
Grassi, Giuseppe, 150–51
Greenwald, Helen, 590n52
Grégoire, Madame, 302, 313
Grimani, Filippo, 24
Grisi, Giuditta, 211, 227, 545n34, 560n84
Grisi, Giulia, 232, 297, 342–43, 572n16, 577–78n25
Grove Music Online, 441
Grove’s Dictionary, 440–41
Gruberova, Edita, 12
Guccini, Gerardo, 482, 595n31
Gui, Vittorio, 105, 114, 242
Guidi, Francesco, 393
Guidi, Giovanni, 115
Gustaf III, King of Sweden, 492, 494–95
Gyrowetz, Adalbert, Il finto Stanislao, 37
Hadlock, Heather, 434
Halévy, Fromental
La Juive, 456, 462
La Reine de Chypre, 392–93
Hamilton, Charles, 147
Hancock, Leonard, 495
Handel, George Frideric, 265
Alcina, 443
stagings of, 485
Handt, Herbert, 22
Hansell, Kathleen Kuzmick, xvii, 162, 557n32, 587n20, 587n21
Hanslick, Eduard, On the Musically Beautiful, 375
harpsichords, 170, 410, 438–39, 441–42, 551n4
Harris-Warrick, Rebecca, 542n55, 548n28, 595n31
Harwood, Gregory W., 591n63, 591n64
Hauswedell & Nolte auction house, 147–48
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 523
Hayez, Francesco, 465
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 75
Henahan, Donal, 177, 185
Hepokoski, James, 453, 461, 466–67, 570n84, 570n86, 595n28
Her Majesty’s Theatre (London), 576n1
Herzog, Werner, 484
Heugel (publisher), 147–48, 573n27
Hiller, Ferdinand, 6
Hoge, Warren, 603n39
Holland, Bernard, 581n68
Holmes, William C., 164
Homer, 134
Horne, Marilyn, xiv, 6, 86, 92, 119, 121–22, 148–49, 151, 176, 179, 186, 197, 199, 229, 262, 330, 333, 573n31
horns, 409–10, 419–25, 435–37, 539n67
crooks for, 419, 424
hand stopping techniques, 419–21, 425, 437
Horowitz, Richard, 589n33
Houghton Library (Harvard), 147
Houston Grand Opera, 53, 149, 151, 230, 231
Huck, William, 581n2
Hugo, Victor
Hernani, 40, 60, 228
Lucrèce Borgia, 37
Le Roi s’amuse, 93–94, 136, 158–59
Ilari, Francesco, 546n39
impresarios, 34, 35, 36. See also specific names
Inbal, Eliahu, 567n51
Indiana University library, 299
Ingelbretsen, Kjell, 502
ingresso, 215
instrumentation, modern
dynamic markings and, 426–27, 429
sonority and balance problems, 188–89, 425–33, 467–68
instrumentation, original, xiv, 407–42
alternatives for modern performances, 433–42
low brass, 426–29
performances using, 408–13
prejudices against, 407–9
secco recitative accompaniment, 438–42
technical limitations of, 413–25
interpolations, 24–25, 74, 121–22, 124–27, 180, 196, 242–43, 282, 290–91, 307, 308, 320, 330, 343–44, 352–53. See also opera singers
Isotta, Paolo, 365, 583n23
Isouard, Nicolas, Aladin, ou La Lampe merveilleuse, 469
Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani (Parma), 51, 109, 161, 162, 445, 537n34, 601n18
Italian society, opera in, 33–36, 68, 79–80, 108–9, 457
Ivanoff, Nicola, 144, 222
Jacobi, Derek, 304
Jacobshagen, Arnold, 456
Jacovacci, Vincenzo, 493–94
Janácˇek, Leos, Jenufa, 443
Jannetti, Francesco, 395–96
Jensen, Luke, 542n67
Jesurum, Olga, 462, 466
Jobin, Émile, 410
Joël, Nicolas, 593n2
Johnson, Janet, 155–56, 157, 514, 522, 563n5, 603n44
Jones, Inigo, 452
Josephson, Kim, 16
Journal de Commerce, 210
Journal de Paris, 226
Juilliard School of Music, 551n71
July Revolution of 1830, 515
ensen, Knud Arne, xvii
Juva, Matilde, 290–91, 297, 315–17, 329, 575n62
Kaegi, Dieter, 486
Kahn, Aviel, 519, 521
Kalmus editions, 13, 26, 578n36
Kärtnertortheater (Vienna), 75, 325
Kasarova, Vesselina, 28, 29, 561n90
Katz, Martin, 330
Kelly, Paul Austin, 262, 565n34
Kemble, Adelaide, 265, 298–99, 322, 329, 330, 580n48
Kent Opera, 453
Kimbell, David, 274
King’s Theatre (London), 252
Kleiber, Carlos, 230
Komische Oper (East Berlin), 481
Konchalovskij, Andrej, 474, 506
Korhonen, Erkki, 519, 521
Koury, Daniel J., 591n61
Krauss, Gabrielle, 573n27
Kroll Theater (Berlin), 481
Kuhn, Gustav, 7
Kunde, Gregory, 581n68
Kundera, Milan, 571n100
Kupfer, Harry, 481
Küsel, Matthäus, 594n21
La Scala. See Teatro alla Scala (Milan) La Scala (periodical), 107
La Scola, Vincenzo, 477
Lablache, Luigi, 232, 577–78n25
Lacy, Michael Rophino, 354
Lamperi, Alessandro, 562n97, 562n100
Lamperti, Francesco, 591n68
Lanari, Alessandro, 392–93, 464, 465
Larmore, Jennifer, 519–20
Lawton, David, 113, 124, 366, 502, 566n45, 570n88
Lazaridis, Stefanos, 475
Le Concert des Tuileries, 409
Lechi family, 149–51
Lemoine, Henry, 585n64
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero, I pagliacci, 174
Les Musiciens du Louvre, 409
Levin, David, 484
Levin, Robert, 307
Levine, James, xiv, 26–27, 29, 86, 162, 230, 239
Lewis, Keith, 411
Library of Congress (Washington, D.C), 144
librettos, 36–41. See also translations; specific
librettists and composers
antefatto in, 253
for Bellini operas, 370–71
choice of, 36–37, 224
composer’s involvement, 38–39, 40–41
for Donizetti operas, 369
for French operas, 455
Italian verse structures, 43–48, 374–75, 385–97, 403–4
nineteenth-century conventions, 39–40, 247–48, 260–61
printed, 42–43, 216, 253
for Rossini operas, 368–70, 375, 521–31
staging responsibilities of Italian librettists, 457
subjects for, 37–39
substitute, 523–31
text/music primacy debates, 367–74, 375–77, 393–94
for Verdi operas, 371–74, 492–94
Liceo Musicale (Bologna), 78
Licitra, Salvatore, 124, 330
Liebling, Estelle, xiv, 328–29
Lievi, Cesare, 27
lighting, theatrical, 214–15, 455, 469–70, 481
Lind, Jenny, 70, 165, 323–24
Lindegren, Erik, 494–95
Lindley, Robert, 440–41
Lipparini, Catterina, 259
Lippmann, Friedrich, 580n49
Liverani, Romolo, 468
livrets de mise en scène, 453, 454–56, 458–59, 469, 594n15
Ljubimov, Jurij, 482
Locatelli, Tommaso, 558n52
loggione, 546n45
London Symphony Orchestra, 545n31, 549n35
Loomis, George, 531
Lopez-Cobos, Jésus, 578n36
Loppert, Max, 586n9
Lorenz, Alfred, The Secret of Form in Richard Wagner, 334
Los Angeles Opera, 447
Louis-Philippe, King of France, 515
Louis XVIII, King of France, 515
Löwe, Sofia, 40
Lucca, Francesco, 103, 395–96, 398–400, 534n7, 558n49
Luccardi, Vincenzo, 465
Ludwig, Christa, 271
Luhrman, Baz, 479–80, 489
Luzzati, Emanuele, 23
Maazel, Lorin, 12, 13, 476–77
Macdonald, Hugh, 113
Macnutt, Richard, 147
Maffei, Clara, 535n6
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (Florence), 105, 114, 122, 123–24, 178, 482
Magnani, Girolamo, 598n68
Mahler, Gustav, 118
Mainvielle-Fodor, Joséphine. See Fodor-Mainvielle, Joséphine
Malagú, Stefania, 545n31
Malanotte, Adelaide, 150–51
Malherbe, Charles, 78
Malibran, Maria
Bellini and, 211–12, 231–32, 236, 354–55, 359
ornamentation by, 299
as Otello, 229, 490
Manca di Nissa, Bernadette, 156, 331
Mandanici, Placido, 103, 399, 585n67
Mangili, Giuseppe, 150
Manzoni, Alessandro, 161
Marcello, Benedetto, Il teatro alla moda, 39
Marchesi, Mathilde, 574n38
Marchini, Italo, 426
Marchisio, Barbara, 299
Marchisio, Carlotta, 299, 574n40
Marcolini, Maria, 94
Margherita of Savoy, Queen of Italy, 549n47
Mari, Luigi, 226
Mariani, Angelo, 590n49
Marini, Ignazio, 128, 131–32
Mario, Giovanni, 227–28, 568n71, 578n25
Marseillaise, La, 92, 242
Martinelli, Giovanni, 546n50
Martone, Mario, 59
Martorelli, Giulio Cesare, 90–91, 95–96
Marvin, Roberta Montemorra, xvi, 165, 575n52
Marzari, Carlo, 564n20
Mascagni, Pietro, Cavalleria rusticana, 174
masques, 452
Massenet, Jules, 459
Massis, Annick, 409
Matteuzzi, William, 156
Mattila, Karita, 518
Mauceri, John, xvi Maurel, Victor, 533n6
Mayr, Giovanni Simone, 34
autograph manuscripts of, 88
Fedra, 215, 238
Medea in Corinto, 247, 457, 564n13
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 510
Mazzolà, Caterino, 218, 295
Mazzucato, Alberto, 590n49
McClary, Susan, 578n36
McGann, Jerome J., 134
Medea (play), 489
Medici, Mario, 543n4
Mehta, Zubin, 259
Mei, Eva, 514, 561n90
Meini, Vincenzo, 570n91
Melba, Nellie, 178, 352, 574n38, 575n46
Mellor, Ronald, 549n32
Mendelssohn, Felix, 118
Mercadante, Saverio, 34, 100, 330
Il bravo, 586n12
paper used by, 53
secco recitatives of, 438
Merelli, Bartolomeo, 597n52
Méric-Lalande, Henriette, 360
Merighi, Vincenzo, 592n92
Mérimée, Prosper, 204
Merlin, Countess de, 561n91
Merritt, Chris, 6, 176, 194, 305–6
Messinis, Mario, 469
Metastasio, Pietro, 36, 248, 295, 378–79
Metropolitan Opera (New York)
Bellini productions, 353
Donizetti productions, 332–33, 443, 592n81
hiring of singers at, 230
Mozart productions, 239–40
orchestra of, 187–89
Rossini productions, 26–27, 54, 119, 175–78, 185–99, 231, 260, 266, 302, 318, 327, 425
Verdi productions, 162, 483–84, 495, 587n21
Zeffirelli productions, 473
Meucci, Renato, 417, 428, 429, 439, 576n6, 589n33, 590n49, 590n53, 590n54
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Il crociato in Egitto, 96, 226, 438
Le Prophète, 469, 472
Rossini’s influence on, 120
La stella del nord, 599n85
Michotte, Edmond, 78, 143
Mila, Massimo, 401
Milan, Italy
opera theaters in, 33, 98–100, 213–14
political situation in, 79, 382–83, 383–86
Milan Conservatory library, 143, 290, 360–61
Milanov, Zinka, 578n36
Milhaud, Darius, Machines agricoles, 367–68
Miller, Jonathan, xiv, 10–11, 240, 447, 453, 479, 564n10
Millo, Aprile, 591n66
Minati da Badja, Francesco, 88
Minkowski, Marc, 409–10, 412
Moldenhauer, Hans, 144
Molière, 517
Mombelli, Vincenza Viganò, 566n40
Monelli, Raffaelle, 296
Montarsolo, Paolo, 545n31
Monteleone, Andrea, 82
Morlacchi, Francesco, 380
Mosca, Giuseppe, Emira, Regina d’Egitto, 215
Mosca, Luigi, L’Italiana in Algeri, 37, 86, 91
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
“authentic” performance of works by, 172
La clemenza di Tito, 295
critical edition of works, 113
Don Giovanni, 440–41, 554n33
Le nozze di Figaro, 239–40, 255, 328, 564n10
secco recitative accompaniment in operas of, 440–42
Die Zauberflöte, 328
Murat, Joachim, 247
music publishing business, 13–14, 79–81, 98–106, 299–300. See also specific names and firms Muti, Riccardo, xiv, 11–13, 105, 122–30, 132, 162, 174, 229, 242–43, 267, 303, 308, 330, 364–65, 445
Muzio, Emanuele, 70, 101, 323, 431–32, 597n61
Nabokov, Vladimir, Pale Fire, 135
Naples, Italy
accompanied recitatives in, 247–48, 250–51
farsa performances in, 89–90
Lenten operas in, 35
opera theaters in, 33, 34, 36, 214
political situation in, 79, 158, 224–25, 235, 247, 493–94
Naples Conservatory library, 86–92, 94–97, 143
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 454
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 224, 493, 499, 513
Narici, Ilaria, 164, 496, 502, 511, 555n12, 559n70, 559n72
Negrin, Francisco, 566n48
Neuenfels, Hans, 481, 482–83
New Grove Dictionary, The, 441
New York City Opera, 10, 157, 206, 219, 515–16, 521
New York Public Library, 115, 122, 145, 157
New York Review of Books, 173
New York Times, 173, 177, 180, 185
Nicolini, Giuseppe, 238–39, 572n16
Niedermeyer, Abraham-Louis, 600n2
Nikrosius, Eimuntas, 447–50
Nilsson, Birgit, 491–92
Norberg-Schulz, Elizabeth, 514
Norrington, Roger, xiv, 172, 416–17, 419
Noseda, Gustavo Adolfo, 560n74
Nourrit, Adolphe, 91
Novello, Clara, 321
Novello, Ewer and Co., 355–56
novenario, 389–90, 392, 393
Nozzari, Andrea, 36
Nucci, Leo, 156, 308, 365
“number operas,” 247, 253–54, 306–20
Nydahl, Rudolf (collection of), 22, 158, 271, 492
oboes, 416
octosyllabes, 389–92
Offenbach, Jacques, The Tales of Hoffman, 294, 328
opera buffa, 33, 394–96, 397–401, 438
opéra-comique, 394, 397
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