Doonesbury, 184
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 58–59, 124, 128
Douglas, Paul H., 31
Dukakis, Michael, 46, 116–20
Dulles, John Foster, 205
“Eagles Club,” 71
Eagleton, Thomas F., 163
economic recessions and recoveries, 83–84
Education Department, proposal for, 99–100, 101
Edwards, Don, 210
Eisenhower, David, 202
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 19, 87
McCarthy and, 203
Nixon as 1952 running mate of, 172–73, 176
as President, 203, 205
as World War II commander, 94–95, 202
elections, U.S.:
of 1940, 54–55, 96
of 1944, 127–28
of 1948, 111, 206–7
of 1952, 172–76
of 1960, 68–69, 159–60, 170
of 1964, 79, 203
of 1968, 46, 78–79, 109–10, 111, 166, 197–98, 220–21
of 1972, 81, 136, 198, 217
of 1976, 34–35, 63–65, 79, 94–95, 155–56, 186, 204
of 1980, 71, 73, 79, 93, 95, 198–200, 201–2, 204, 221
of 1984, 84, 104, 117, 156–58, 169–71, 198, 217
of 1988, 20, 76, 117–20, 166–167
of 1992, 20, 168–69
of 1996, 209–11
of 2000, 223
see also congressional elections; specific candidates and states
environmental legislation, 137, 139
Esposito, Meade, 143
Eureka College, 220
Fahd, King, 39–40
Farley, James A., 55
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 103
Federal Reserve Board, 84
Ferraro, Geraldine A., 74, 75
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 15
Chiles as Senator from, 50–51
1950 “Red Pepper” campaign in, 121–24
Flowers, Gennifer, 169
“focus groups,” 117
Foley, Thomas S., 66
Ford, Gerald R., 35, 79, 94–95, 214
Butz as Agriculture Secretary for, 186
Fox Network, 45
France, 147
Franklin, Benjamin, 63, 75
Franks, Martin, 44
Friendly, Fred, 34
Front Page, 45
F Street Club, 36
Fulbright, J. William, 50
fund-raisers, 71
Gaffney, Rickie, 45
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 208
Gartlan, Joseph, 129–30
Gates, Horatio, 91, 92
General Electric, 93
General Electric Theater, 213
Georgetown University, 199
George VI, King of England, 141
Georgia, Mondale’s 1984 campaign in, 169–71
Gephardt, Richard, 136
postwar division of, 47–48
World War II bombing of, 147
Gibson, Charlie, 45
Gilligan, John, 65
Gingrich, Newt, 14, 114–15, 135
Godfather Part II, The, 91
Gold, Vic, 40
Goldwater, Barry, 79, 197
Good Morning America, 45, 168
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 25
Goodwin, Richard, 78–79
Gore, Albert, Jr., 149, 223
Gore, Albert, Sr., 50
“government shutdown” in 1995, 114–15
Graham, Katharine, 36
Gramm, Phil, 82
Grasso, Ella, 112
Gray, William H., III, 74–75
Great Society programs, 98–99
Greenfield, Jeff, 129
Greider, William, 176
Gruenstein, Peter, 189
Gumbel, Bryant, 171
Gwaltney, Patricia, 44
Hagerty, James A., 87, 205
Haig, Alexander, 217
Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 102–3
Halifax, Earl of, 141
hardball, political:
definition of, 13
rules of, 14–20
Hardball (Matthews)
first publication of, 13–14, 45
TV show on CNBC, 46
Hart, Gary, 169, 170, 185–86, 217
Hart, Peter, 194
Health, Education and Welfare Department, U.S. (HEW), 98, 100, 101
health insurance, 60–61, 123, 209
Healy, Robert, 57
Heckler, Margaret, 217
Heinz, John, 60
Hertzberg, Hendrik, 44, 45
Hiss, Alger, 172
Hitler, Adolf, 39, 54, 141
Hollings, Ernest “Fritz,” 137–38
Holmes, Sven, 185
Hoover, Herbert, 97
Hoover, J. Edgar, 103, 193
Horton, Willie, 118
House of Representatives, U.S.:
Albert as Speaker of, 110–11
annual gym dinner held by, 36–37
black members of, 74
Budget Committee of, 74
Democratic party cloakroom of, 17
Gingrich as Speaker of, 135
McCormack as Speaker of, 86
1982 jobs bill in, 52
1986 tax bill in, 53–54
Nixon’s impeachment hearings in, 18–19
O’Neill as Speaker of, see O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” Jr.
patronage system in, 41–42
Rayburn as Speaker of, 53, 121
Reagan’s State of the Union addresses in, 38, 210–11
Reagan’s televised speeches in, 215–16
relations between opposing members of, 92
Ways and Means Committee of, 50, 53, 109
Houston, Tex., Kennedy’s 1960 campaign in, 159–60
Hughes, William J., 49
Humphrey, Hubert H., 65, 140, 156, 169, 208
Hussein, Saddam, 39
Iacocca, Lee, 93
Illinois State Fair, 218
immigrants, illegal, 60, 61
imperialism, British, 146
Inchon landings, 206–7
inflation, 84, 218
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 53
International News Service, 57
Iran, sale of arms to, 80, 96, 165, 206, 219
Iran hostage crisis, 126, 164, 199, 201–2, 218
Iraq, 39–40
Iron Curtain, 48
Israel, 114, 208
Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop,” 65, 81, 156
Jackson, Jesse, 117, 179–80, 188–89
Jenkins, Walter, 26
Jesser, Edward, 198–99
Johnson, Lady Bird, 34
Johnson, Lyndon B., 14, 17, 25–34
Bobby Baker and, 23, 27–28
Califano as chief of staff for, 98, 101
Carter compared with, 101, 103
early political career of, 25–29, 41, 45
Hoover and, 103
John F. Kennedy compared with, 32, 33
as Kennedy’s 1960 running mate, 69, 159
Larry King and, 29–31
1960 Senate reelection campaign of, 30
1964 presidential campaign of, 203
1968 Democratic Convention and, 110
in 1968 New Hampshire primary, 197–98
political motto of, 136
as President, 32–34, 218
retail politics of, 26, 32, 49, 211
retirement announced by, 197
Robert Kennedy and, 32–33, 203
Senate leadership of, 19, 26–27, 30
on television, 25, 33–34
as Vice President, 32
Jordan, Hamilton, 63, 73
journalism, “investigative,” 189
journalists, see reporters
“jujitsu” method of counterattack, 129–30
Kearns, Doris, 25
Keefe, Robert, 65
Kennedy, Edward M., 46, 56–57, 65
1962 Senate campaign of, 160–61
1980 presidential camp
aign of, 198–200
1994 Senate reelection campaign of, 193–94
Kennedy, John F., 14, 16, 19, 31, 112, 206
assassination of, 80
Bay of Pigs decision of, 165
Catholicism of, 159–60
Cuban Missile Crisis negotiated by, 142
Johnson’s method compared with, 32, 33
1946 congressional campaign of, 67, 113
1960 campaign strategy of, 68–69, 159–60, 170
opponents coopted by, 103
oratory of, 141
political wisdom of, 113
“silver spoon” background of, 161
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., 55, 56
Kennedy, Joseph P., 54–56
Kennedy, Joseph P., III, 127
Kennedy, Robert F., 43, 70, 129, 143
as Attorney General, 142
Johnson and, 32–33, 203
1968 presidential campaign of, 78–79, 166, 197
Kentucky, Carter’s antitobacco policy in, 99
Kerrey, Bob, 181–82
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 80, 165
Khrushchev, Nikita, 142
King, Larry, 29–31
Kissinger, Henry, 208
Kissinger Commission, 205
Kleberg, Richard M., 25
Knowland, William F., 172
Knute Rockne, 93
Korean War, 206
Kramer, Larry, 45
Krol, John Cardinal, 199
labor, political involvement of, 86
Lack, Andy, 46
La Guardia, Fiorello, 18
La Rochefoucauld, 139
Last Hurrah, The, 202
LeBoutillier, John, 113–14
Lewis, John L., 162–63
Libya, 127
license plate numbers, 70–71
Lincoln, Abraham, 17, 19, 97
Lindsay, John V., 80–81
lobbyists, 87–88
Loeb, William, 136
Long, Huey, 193
Los Angeles Times, 184, 199
Louisiana, Reagan’s policies affecting, 51
lowballing, 197–201
loyalty, political rules of, 76–80
to party, 80–82
to supporters, 83
Luce, Clare Booth, 55
M, 190, 191
MacArthur, Douglas A., 205, 206
McCarthy, Eugene, 78, 197–98
McCarthy, Joseph R., 57–58, 183, 203
McCormack, John W., 86
McCurry, Mike, 182
McGinness, Joe, 46
McGovern, George, 40, 136, 198, 217
McGrath, Patrick, 214–15
McGrory, Mary, 38
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 15, 62, 69, 75
advice of, 51, 66, 84, 152
McNamara, Frank, 51–52
McPherson, Harry, 33
Magnuson, Warren G., 73, 144
Manchester, William, 174
Manchester Union Leader, 136
Mandel, Marvin, 109
Mandela, Nelson, 14, 105–6
Maraniss, Davis, 167
Marcantonio, Vito, 124
marijuana laws, liberalization of, 107–8
Markey, Edward J., 148
Marlin, William, 162–63
Massachusetts, 86
Dukakis as Governor of, 116–18
Edward Kennedy’s 1994 Senate campaign in, 193–94
Joseph P. Kennedy III in 1986 congressional primary of, 127
Matthews, Chris, 16
as assistant to Senate Budget Committee, 44, 137–39
as Carter campaign spokesman in 1980, 199
as congressional candidate in 1974, 63, 143
job searching on Capitol Hill by, 41–43, 82–83
as journalist, 45, 189
Peace Corps service of, 14, 42, 43, 75, 82–83, 145
political education of, 43
as presidential speechwriter, 44
as Senate aide, 43, 85–86
as senior aide to Speaker of the House, 38, 43–44, 74, 133–35, 190–91, 211
summer odd jobs of, 192
television career of, 45–46
media coverage, see reporters; television
Medicare, 32, 60–61
Meese, Edwin, III, 94
Mencken, H. L., 88
Michel, Robert H., 52
Midgetmen missiles, 148, 149
Mikulski, Barbara A., 164
military aid policies, 151, 205
Mills, Ada, 80–81
minimum wage legislation, 85–86
Mondale, Walter F., 84, 102, 138, 151
1984 debates between Reagan and, 156–58
1984 presidential campaign of, 104, 169–71, 198, 217
Morris, Dick, 209
Moss, Frank E., 43, 44, 85, 125
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 125–27
Mrazek, Robert J., 113–14
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 200
Mubarak, Hosni, 39–40
Mulroney, Brian, 39
Munich Pact, 54
Murray, Bernie, 192–93
Murray, Joe, 192–93
Muskie, Edmund S., 44, 136–40, 163
1972 presidential campaign of, 136, 198
MX missiles, 147–49, 206
Nader, Ralph, 189
national debt, 220
national defense, 28, 94, 118
MX missile system of, 147–49, 206
National Education Association, 100
National Public Radio, 163–64
National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, 196
National Review, 79
National Security Council, 219
NBC, 170, 171
NBC News, 46
New Hampshire presidential primaries:
of 1968, 197–98
of 1972, 136, 198
of 1980, 79
of 1984, 169
of 1992, 20, 168–69
New Jersey:
local campaign issues in, 49–50
1984 Bush campaign focus groups in, 117
New Republic, The, 45
Newsweek, 118, 157, 185–86
New Times, 186
New York:
Lindsay as Democratic candidate in, 81
Moynihan’s 1982 Senate campaign in, 125–27
New York Daily News, 115
New York Herald Tribune, 172
New York Post, 172
New York Times, The, 14, 31, 87, 99, 137, 189
Nicaragua, 150–52, 219
Nixon, Pat, 174–75
Nixon, Richard M., 14, 16, 19, 119
California home of, 216
“Checkers speech” of, 171–76
China policy of, 207–8
Colson and, 48
Haldeman as chief of staff for, 102–3
1946 congressional campaign of, 171–72
1950 Senate campaign of, 58–59, 124–25
1952 vice-presidential campaign of, 172–76
in 1960 presidential election, 69
1968 nomination acceptance speech of, 220–21
1968 presidential campaign of, 46
1972 presidential campaign of, 217
press relations of, 183, 214
prospective impeachment of, 18–19
resignation of, 94
“Saturday Night Massacre” ordered by, 189
Nixon, Tricia, 175
North, Oliver, 219
North Carolina, 99, 102
nuclear missiles, 142, 147–49
O’Brien, Lawrence, 68
Ocean City, N.J., 192
O’Donnell, Kirk, 92, 134, 190
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 44, 163, 176
O’Leary, Jeremiah, 79
Oliphant, Pat, 178
Olsen, Jimmy, 182
ombudsman bill, 87
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” Jr., 14, 16, 29, 35, 37
“All politics is local” rule of, 48, 51
counsel for, 92, 134, 190
> Democratic challengers to leadership of, 104
as Democratic party whip, 110
“Digger” Byrne and, 77
loyalty as code of, 78
Matthews as senior aide to, 43–44, 74, 133–35, 190–91, 211
in 1934 election for Cambridge City Council, 69
1982 challenger to reelection of, 51–53
Nixon and, 18–19
opponents of, 103
press conferences of, 104, 135
Reagan and, 38–39, 44, 121, 157, 196, 200, 215
Republican critics of, 113, 125
as Speaker of the House, 134–35
staff of, 133–35
Oregon, Congressman Ullman defeated in, 50
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 80
Owens, Wayne, 43
Packard Commission, 206
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord, 92
Paramus, N.J., 117
party loyalty, 80–82
Parvin, Landon, 166
passing the buck, 205–6
patronage, 41–41
Patten, Edward J., 49–50
Peace Corps, 14, 42, 43, 75, 82–83, 145
Carter’s 1980 reelection campaign in, 199–200
congressional elections in, 63, 77, 143
1976 Republican delegation from, 94–95
Wofford’s 1991 Senate election in, 60
Pentagon, 28, 176
Peoria, Ill., 52
Pepper, Claude, 120–24, 130
Perot, Ross, 62
Perry Mason, 179
Persian Gulf War, 39–40
Pettigrew, Richard, 65
Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in, 72
congressional elections in, 63, 77
1948 Democratic convention in, 207
Philadelphia Daily News, 200
Philadelphia Inquirer, 46
Pledge of Allegiance, 117, 118, 119
Poe, Edgar Allan, 106
Political loyalty, 78–82
Political opponents, dealings with, 92, 103, 200
political retail:
building career through, 44
Johnson’s mastery of, 26, 32–33, 34, 49
“wholesale” compared with, 32, 33, 49, 53
“positioning,” definition of, 210
Powell, Jody, 35, 64–65, 98, 100, 164
press relations, see reporters
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 51
prison furloughs, 117, 118–20
Puzo, Mario, 91
Quaddafi, Muammar, 127
Rabin, Yitzhak, 114
racial prejudice, 73, 75, 179–80, 186
radio, 26
Reagan’s weekly addresses on, 79, 219
Rafshoon, Gerald, 64, 155–56, 199
Raupe, Craig, 32
Rayburn, Sam, 53, 121, 160
Reagan, Nancy, 36, 93, 166, 211, 213
Reagan, Ronald, 14, 16, 19, 119, 121
acting career of, 93, 213
Baker as chief of staff for, 95–96, 101, 157, 177, 195
California home of, 216–17, 218
Carter compared with, 93, 101, 214, 218
commissions created by, 205–6
congressional Democrats “positioned” by, 210–11
congressional dinner attended by, 36–37
congressional opponents of, 147–52
Chris Matthews Complete Library E-book Box Set: Tip and the Gipper, Jack Kennedy, Hardball, Kennedy & Nixon, Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think, and American Page 109