Baby's First Christmas

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Baby's First Christmas Page 24

by Pratt, Lulu

  “I don’t mean to break this up, but do you think I could see my grandson?” he asked, bringing a smile to my face.

  “I second that motion!” Jessie jokingly rose her hand.

  Holly smiled, leaving the room quickly before returning with a small bundle of joy wrapped in a fluffy white blanket. My mother bullied her way to her, taking Chris before letting my father and sister hold him.

  “Look at those eyes!” Jessie squealed when she first saw him.

  “Those are my eyes,” I grinned. The way Chris’ eyes sparkled gave me the confidence after my most difficult dreams. Knowing I had made him left me feeling like there wasn’t anything I couldn’t accomplish.

  “You know, after Holly told us, I kicked myself for not picking up on that. Jude Hatch, those are definitely your eyes,” Mrs. Foster admitted, giving me half a smile. It was a small step, but it felt like moving mountains.

  “I actually think he looks like Jessie,” I admitted, turning to my little sister. She stared at my son, unable to remember what she looked like at his age, but I would never forget.

  I could see the pride in her eyes as she looked at him, finally becoming an aunt. Chris gripped her finger with his hand, laughing as Jessie made silly faces to him.

  It was incredible to see how far we had come in just a day. Chris had brought the families back together, although it was in a roundabout and unorthodox way. Sitting side by side, my mother and Holly’s mom took turns holding Chris as they shared stories about when each of us were so young.

  It was the first time in years that we were all together, enjoying each other’s company. Dylan shared stories about Jessie and Christina, recalling how much trouble they used to get into together. Christina was always rambunctious and she would often drag Jessie along for her adventures. More than once, Dylan and me found them and had to sneak them back in the house to keep them out of trouble.

  “So, when are you going to have some babies?” my mom asked Dylan as we all sat around joking with one another.

  “I figure Holly and Jude bought me at least two years,” he teased, and everyone laughed.

  Moving across the room, Holly found her way to me. Propping herself up on a chair, she rested her legs across my lap. I could feel her need for closeness, so I rubbed her legs calmingly.

  It was more than either of us had dreamed of, seeing our families not only accept our union, but make up after such a long feud. It was the perfect time to tell her how I felt about her and all I saw for our future. I had been making some major decisions lately, but I wasn’t sure how she would take them.

  Things had been moving quickly, but all I wanted was to give Holly and Chris the best life possible. It was clear that she would never ask me for anything, and that made me want to give her everything. I loved that she was proud and could provide for herself.

  She had proven that she was capable of taking care of Chris alone. She’d taken on all the responsibility and I wanted to make sure my lack of initiative was never confused for a lack of interest or commit again.

  She needed to know that she would never be alone in this life again. Until the day I died, I would always take care of her and make sure our son wanted for nothing. This much I had to prove to Holly.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  MY MIND WAS exploding with excitement as the house filled with holiday cheer. After years of an empty and cold house, things had come to life in the Foster family home.

  Seeing the Hatch family over was heartwarming after so many years passing without a reunion. My mom’s heart was healing, and I could see it as each second passed with her and Anita growing closer.

  “I need to make an announcement. Everyone please get a glass,” Jude’s mom announced, passing Champagne flutes around the room. We all moved close, making a circle around Jude’s mom as she cleared her throat, ready for her announcement.

  Jude’s arm dropped to my waist and I felt my body temperature rise. The connection between us was growing like wildfire, and the closer I felt to him mentally, the stronger my urge to connect physically. I silently wondered if he too felt the need to be alone.

  “I just want to say that this is a long time coming. It has been too long since our families spent time together,” Mrs. Hatch began, looking around the room at all of us.

  Still dressed in her formal gown, she had a way of connecting with you that made you feel like she was dressed the same as you. She had always been so relatable and understandable. As a child, I remember thinking that Anita was a cooler mom than mine because of the way she listened to Jude and Jessica.

  “It’s ironic the way life works out, you know. Tonight, we were hoping to announce Jessie’s new organization, one that she is so proud of. I’ll let her talk about it on her own,” she turned to look at Jessie before turning her attention to my mother.

  “Barbara-Jean, you’re my oldest friend in the world, and I don’t know how we ever let life come between us. You’ve been my rock in some of the murkiest of times, and I’ve always been grateful for your clarity in those moments. I am so happy to have you back in my life, and cannot believe God thought fit to make us first-time grandmas together. That’s a start to a new chapter of our friendship, if I do say so myself!” she smiled as she finished, raising her glass in the air.

  Following suit, we all did the same. Lifting our glasses in the air, we sang cheers before taking a sip of the Champagne. As the alcohol bubbled in my chest, I watched Jude’s little sister make her way beside her mother, nervously standing beside her.

  “I was less nervous to announce this at the Christmas party in front of a larger crowd,” she said shyly.

  I glanced at Jude, who looked on without giving me any type of clue of what Jessica was announcing.

  “You all probably know that I did a lot of volunteering after Christina passed away. I wanted to try to change the legislation so drunk-driving penalties were harsher in the state of Georgia, and thanks to many hours of hard work and donations, we were able to make that happen!”

  We all cheered excitedly, remembering the day she had won at the election polls, her amendment being approved. We’d celebrated, each of us seeing it as a moral victory in Christina’s case. Things had been so gloomy after Christina’s killer received community service as a criminal sentence.

  It was like a slap in the face, but the change in the law was the redemption. Jessie had worked nonstop as a volunteer while completing high school. Even with the heavier workload, she graduated at the top of her class, going on to ace her way through college.

  “Well, during the past couple of years, I’ve really been trying to think of what I wanted to do. My college counselor kept talking with me about finding my passion. She said when I finally figured out what I really wanted to do, I would do it for free,” she repeated the cliché advice so many of us had heard before.

  Listening carefully, I watched the nerves leave her as a layer of confidence fell over her. With her shoulders pressed back further, she lifted her chin before continuing.

  “Well, I already knew what I would do for free, and that was make sure that people like the one who killed my best friend never got to walk free amongst us again. So, I’m launching my nonprofit to lobby nationwide for the same law passed right here in Georgia !”

  She beamed with pride as her arm lifted again, raising her glass of Champagne.

  We all clinked our glassed before again sipping the Champagne. It was the first I had heard of Jessie’s initiative, though I was well aware of her involvement in the law reform after Christina’s death. I’d always looked at it as some sort of therapy for her since it was the only thing that seemed to give her any type of justice.

  It was inspiring to see that she had found a way to keep that spark going in her life, finding purpose by doing something for others. I was proud of my little sister for living on through her best friend.

  We finished our Champagne as everyone broke off into conversations, catching up on lost time.
My dad was deep in a conversation with Mr. Hatch when I saw the perfect opportunity to ask Jessie questions about her charity and what she planned to do. Dylan joined me and we both agreed to help, assuring her we would be there with anything she needed.

  “If I could steal her away,” Jude interrupted, cutting between Jessie and Dylan to take my hand.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, peering over his shoulder until I saw Chris safe in my mother’s arms.

  “Everyone, if I could get your attention!” Jude loudly announced. Watching Jude with skepticism, I felt emotion bubbling in my chest before he even began speaking.

  Glancing around the room, I felt the nerves build as everyone’s eyes fell on me.

  “For as long as I can remember, I’ve just been working really hard to be the best I can be. No matter what I did, I wanted to be the best at it, always climbing to the next level. I did the same in school, and now in my career,” he explained.

  Jude wasn’t one to complain, so I never heard anything bad about his life in New York. As far as I knew, he was living the life of a celebrity, going out to movie premieres and partying in exclusive nightclubs.

  “I’d been running for so long, it seemed like I looked up and I was confused about not only where I was, but why I was going there. I’d been rushing to get somewhere, but I didn’t know why I was going.

  “When my eyes locked on Chris’ for the first time, his blue the same shade as mine, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Finally, it made sense why I needed to be the best at everything. All those long nights at the office were worth it,” Jude turned to me and my heart stopped.

  I could hear both of the mothers gasp as he lowered himself to one knee, holding my hand in his while retrieving a red velvet ring box out of his jacket pocket. My eyes widened, my mouth falling open as the severity of the situation hit me.

  “Jude,” I whispered his name in disbelief when I opened the small jewelry box, displaying the flawless solitaire set on a white gold band.

  “You’re the purpose I’ve been seeking, Holly. Spending my life with you is the most rewarding privilege I could ever imagine. You’ve given me the most incredible son who has already brought such light into everyone’s life he touches. I love you. I have always loved you. And I will always love you. Holly Foster, will you please make me the happiest man in Savannah and be my wife?” Jude flashed his best smile, and I felt my knees weaken.

  “Yes! Jude! Yes!” I cried, leaning down to take his face in my hands, peppering quick kisses all over.

  Quickly, Jude slid the ring on my finger before rising to his feet to kiss me properly as the room erupted in cries and cheers. I was full of tears, wiping my cheeks as I looked at the ring, smiling from ear to ear.

  “You like it?” Jude asked, whispering in my ear.

  “No,” I turned to him, dropping my hand to my side. Suddenly, the left side of my lips began to curl upwards. “I love it.”

  “To new beginnings!” my mom announced, holding her Champagne flute in the air. We all found our glasses before having another sip of Champagne.

  Eventually the excitement died down and we all retreated back to our private conversations, excited to catch up. Finding the perfect time to sneak off with Jude, I pulled him to the screened-in patio, kissing him passionately in the night darkness.

  It was all such exciting news, but there was still so much that had to be explained. I was thrilled to be marrying Jude, but how could we possibly be together with the distance between us? I had seen friends split from a small distance in college, and couldn’t imagine how we could raise our son from two different states.

  “What are you worrying about?” he asked, pulling me into his arms. It was like he could sense when I was in trouble, always setting into gear to make my life easier.

  “How can we really do this, Jude?” I asked, feeling the tiny bit of hope in my tone.

  I wanted things to work between Jude and me. I really did. There wasn’t anything I wanted to give my son more than the happy and safe two-parent home my parents gave me. But the last thing I ever wanted was for him to do anything out of obligation. I didn’t want to be a burden.

  Glancing down at my ring, I felt the tension leaving my stomach. There was no reason to be worried anymore. He had shown me that he was committed, and so I tried to calm my nerves before he even answered. I knew he would find a way to make it work. And I trusted him.

  “Do what?” he asked, The supreme confidence he wore in everything dripping from his shoulders.

  “Us. You’re in New York, and I’m here. I mean, I can’t manage the hotel from there,” I admitted, though I had thought of every scenario I could envision to try to find a way.

  I was willing to uproot myself if possible. I’d even thought of possibly Leann to help run the business for a few months while Chris and I traveled to live with Jude for a few months out of the year.

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you about that. I’m not going back to New York,” he said casually, looking around the room like he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on my world.

  “What do you mean you’re not going back to New York?” I repeated his statement slowly with confusion, unable to believe my ears.

  “Well, I was wondering if I could find a little space in your beautiful cottage so we can raise our son together. Maybe you can even pick your dream house, and we can move there,” he whispered in my ear pulling me close.

  “Jude, are you serious?” I couldn’t believe him.

  “Of course I am.”

  “What are you going to do about work?”

  “Well, I have a few business ideas of my own. I guess I’ll go ahead and give that a shot,” he shrugged.

  “Have you told your parents that yet?” I wondered, glancing across the room at Mr. and Mrs. Hatch. Jude’s eyes followed mine.

  “No, I’m gonna let them sweat a little longer.”

  We both laughed before my mind settled on a question that was troubling me.

  “You were going to do all of this at the Christmas party?” I asked, realizing for him to have the ring, he must have been prepared to propose all evening.

  “Yep,” Jude smiled, revealing his plan.

  It was in that moment that I found the most gratitude. Over the course of the past two days, my life had gone upside down as all my secrets coming to light in a web of complicated omissions. My worst nightmare had become my reality, as all my family turned to me, disappointed. But now seeing the full picture, if I had not had that low, I would not be able to appreciate the high I was feeling as Jude wrapped his arm around me, protecting me with his love as he showered me in affection.

  “Then, I’m glad everything happened how it did,” I nodded.

  Jude paused, surely recalling the absurdity of our life for the past few days. His eyes landed on mine, and without a word I shared my feelings, watching them cloud over his eyes with understanding.

  “I guess we had to go through it all for this, huh?” he smiled, pulling me close.

  We had the type of love that didn’t need translation. It was fluid and free, even when you tried to trap it in secrets. In the end, I only delayed what was inevitable, because our love story was written many Christmases ago.

  Watching the lights change on the Christmas tree, I thought of how every Christmas would remind me of this one, sitting with my family as we shared memories of the past, creating new ones for the future generations. It wasn’t a white Christmas, but it was a merry one filled with cheer, in the city that loved us all — Savannah.


  Thank you for reading Baby’s First Christmas. I hope you enjoyed it.

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  Please keep reading for more.

  Dear Santa

  I’m snowed in with my neighbor for Christmas

  Someone put a note under my door that says Dear Santa, Sarah needs
a man

  I ain’t no Santa but I’m happy to play along with whatever game is going on

  Especially if my neighbor’s been a naughty girl this year

  She needs a place to stay for the holidays, so I invite her to stay with me at my cabin in the woods

  Now we’re snowed in here for Christmas

  I’m entranced by her curves, but it’s her eyes that melt my icy soul

  She’s definitely a good girl — one I plan to keep

  The only thing I want for Christmas is to f*ck her all day long in front of the roaring fire

  Except I can’t shake my guilt

  I’ll do everything I can to make up for what I did to her

  Because there’s no way I’m losing her now

  ***A steamy STANDALONE contemporary romance with a smoking hot hero. No cliffhanger, no cheating and a guaranteed happily-ever-after.***

  Chapter 1


  I work at a school in Colorado, and during the school holidays, I have a lot of time to myself. I’m lucky in that regard, I have a job that has a lot of vacation. Where I’m not so lucky, is in how I spend my time. I’m single with few friends, and very often, I don’t know what to do with myself.

  To keep myself busy, I spend time creating art, puttering around in the garden or rearranging my furniture. I like to think I’m a creative person, and if I had the choice, I would paint the wall every so often, too, just for a change of pace.

  Unfortunately, this house isn’t mine. I’m only renting. I’d love to have a house to call my own, but living here isn’t a bad deal. My landlord doesn’t charge much at all for a house this size, he sends someone to fix things when they break, and even though I have never seen my landlord, we have a good business relationship. I pay on time, he maintains the place and we never bother each other.

  One of the few things I enjoy when I’ve got downtime is taking care of my niece. My sister is married, and from time to time, I babysit her daughter Lindsay.


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