Unbroken Hearts

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Unbroken Hearts Page 18

by K-lee Klein

  “It’s called a surprise, Darlin’.” JT felt Brett step up behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched him hug Millie and slap Ray on the back. “I’m assuming it’s a good one.”

  JT wanted to jump him, molest him right there in the entryway, offer him anything his heart desired, but he couldn’t seem to let go of his grandma. “Wasn’t it you who accused me of conspiring behind your back?”

  “Guess I’m just better at it than you.” Brett pressed a hand to JT’s lower back as he leaned over. “Howdy, ma’am. I guess old Ray picked up the right lovely lady at the airport yesterday.”

  “Indeed,” Elizabeth said. “Where are your manners, honey?”

  “I ask him that all the time,” Brett chirped with an amused chuckle. “I’m Brett Taylor. We’ve spoken on the phone, but it’s very nice to meet you in person.” JT still hadn’t found his words when Brett hesitantly held out his hand to Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth clicked her tongue. “Nonsense. We’re family. Families hug.” She demonstrated how much strength she still had by pulling Brett toward her, then wrapping her thin arms around his neck. “He even smells good, dear.”

  JT chuckled behind his hand. “Yes, he does.” He hugged Millie, keeping one eye trained on his grandma and Brett. “Thank you, Millie. You’ve brought me the best present ever.”

  “It was all Brett, sweetheart.” She held his chin between thumb and index finger. “Everybody deserves family at Christmas. I can see where you get your sense of humor. Your grandma is a damn hoot.”

  “Thank you,” JT repeated. He grabbed Brett next, laying a wet one on him and giving him a squeeze. “You’re awesome, cowboy.”

  “Damn straight.” Brett looked as pleased as punch. “How about we get out of the doorway and sit down for a while, yeah?”

  JT tucked his grandma’s hand in his and led her to the couch farthest from the doorway. He sat beside her with Brett taking the seat on his left. He’d never been in a more contented place.

  “What a lovely tree, JT. This is a beautiful room, Brett.”

  Grandma hadn’t changed, and JT was eternally grateful for that. She was feisty and animated, her eyes bright and curious. He’d been worried about her since Halloween, even after Brett had done exactly what he promised and found her a place to live of her own choosing. They’d talked every week since then, with Elizabeth accusing JT of keeping extra close tabs on her. He was. His grandma was everything to him, the only part of his family that really mattered, had ever mattered in terms of love and support.

  “Hey,” Brett whispered close to JT’s ear. “You all right? Did my surprise break that pretty brain of yours or something?”

  “Shut up, you. This is amazing.” JT pecked a kiss to Brett’s cheek. “You’re amazing.”

  “’Bout time you figured that out.”

  “I think I’ll take it back now.”

  “That’s not how it works, Darlin’.”

  Across the room, Millie cleared her throat. “Don’t pay them no mind, Elizabeth,” she said with a wave of her hand. “They’re just a couple of boys in love.”

  “Sickening and too damn sweet sometimes too,” Ray added.

  Elizabeth reached across JT to grab Brett’s hand. “I think you’re both adorable. My grandson found himself a very handsome man.”

  “Why thank you, ma’am.” Brett tipped an imaginary hat and lifted her hand to his lips. “Your grandson far outweighs me in the handsome department.”

  “Smells great in here, Brett,” Ray said. “But isn’t it customary to offer your guests drinks and snacks?”

  “You ain’t no guest around here, old man.” Brett bumped JT with his shoulder. “But I’d be happy to serve the rest of you. Miss Elizabeth, what can I get you?”

  “Do you have Scotch?”

  “Grandma,” JT said, mistakenly out loud.

  “You betcha, young lady.” Brett was even a flirt with a JT’s grandma. What a guy. “Beer, Darlin’?”

  “I can get my own.”

  “You just hang back. You look awful comfy with that lovely lady at your side. I’m putting you in charge of dusters, so you better rest up.”

  Elizabeth squeezed JT’s knee. “That must be the Southern charm you told me about?” she said with a wink. “Better keep your eye on that one. I suspect he could charm the pants off any man or woman.”

  “Why thank you.”

  “It wasn’t a compliment, cowboy.”

  “It’s only your pants I want to charm anyhow.”

  Brett hightailed it out of the room then, leaving a sweet smile in his wake. JT had never been more thankful for what he had. With his grandma snuggled up at his side, talking and laughing with Brett’s family—nothing could be more perfect. The meal was incredible. Brett worked his magic on the ginormous turkey along with mashed potatoes and three kinds of vegetables. Millie supplied homemade buns, and of course, her signature pies.

  They toasted the holiday season, and JT knew he would forever remember how his grandma looked seated at the table with Millie, Ray, and Brett. She fit in like a soft blanket handed down from generation to generation. She was witty and alive, and JT never wanted to let her go.

  After dinner they drank special coffee and chatted comfortably by the fireplace with the tree lights twinkling in the corner. JT snuggled up to Brett, letting the emotions of the day wash over him, overflow out of him. The soft look in Brett’s eyes told him he understood, and if that wasn’t the second-best part of the day, JT didn’t know what was.

  “How long can she stay?” he whispered against Brett’s hair. Elizabeth sat beside Millie, her hands flailing in the air as she told some story or another.

  “I believe she has a doctor’s appointment on the twenty-ninth, but maybe that could be changed.”

  Obviously, JT’s grandma had no problem with her hearing. She waved her hand at Brett. “No. I’ll take the time I can get. Thank you.”

  Brett tipped an imaginary hat. “You’ve already thanked me a dozen times, sweetheart.”

  “Best Christmas ever.” The sentiment wasn’t an offhand one for JT. He’d never look at Christmas the same way again. It was everything and more. Brett had to be some kind of magician who specialized in making people happy because the things he did for JT were unbelievably special. Magical.

  “I agree,” Brett said when JT had come back to earth. They kissed before joining the others—JT’s family—in the living room.

  Brett’s beautiful meal was followed by Millie’s dessert and coffee that Ray insisted was his contribution. Time flew and suddenly it was nine o’clock and Millie and Ray were ready to go home. Melancholy hung over JT’s head when he fetched their coats, including Elizabeth’s. His grandma slapped hers away. “Are you trying to get rid of me already?”

  Confused, JT looked to Brett, whose expression was entirely too smug. “I made up the guest room for her. She’s all ours until her flight.”

  JT swallowed around the lump in his throat. He bit his lip and moved closer to Brett. “I can’t believe you did all this just for me.”

  “Now you know I’d do anything for you, Darlin’.” Elizabeth excused herself to say goodbye to Millie and Ray, and Brett stepped into JT’s personal space. “Anything. Everything. Merry Christmas, baby.”

  Definitely. Best. Christmas. Ever.

  Chapter 15

  NEW YEAR’S Eve wasn’t so bad either. At least once Brett stopped being a pain in the ass.

  JT’s espionage skills had unfortunately waned since his Halloween surprise, or maybe Brett’s powers of observation had increased—the damn guy just wouldn’t leave him alone on December thirty-first. He entered the completely annoying category when he sunk his teeth into something.

  It all started with the morning chore list.

  “I’ll do the stables,” JT said over breakfast. He tried to keep his tone as casual as possible. The only thing he didn’t add was a nonchalant flick of his hand like they did in the movies. “These eggs are great, Brett.�

  “No different than any other day,” Brett returned. He scooped more onto JT’s plate before sliding into the chair beside him. “But today’s not your day for the stables, kid.”

  “Thought nothing was set in stone around here.”

  “Nothing except how much I love you.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Brat.” Brett flashed a full-cheeked grin. He finished chewing then eyed JT again. “Ray said there’s some broken boards on the east side of the corral. You mind helping him work that out?”

  “After I finish up with the horses, sure.”

  “I can handle that. Got to figure out that new supply company Ray hooked me up with. Won’t be good for much else most of the day.”

  Jesus Brett. Work with me here. “You stay here then. Doesn’t our bed need changing? You were pretty spry last night.”

  Brett cackled, head thrown back. “Spry, huh?” He leaned over to kiss JT. “Flowed like a damn fire hose is more like it. You’re such a bad influence.”

  “I’m a bad influence? You keep telling yourself that.”

  “Some kind of holiday today that I don’t know about?” Ray sauntered into the kitchen, poured himself a cup of coffee, then leaned against the counter. “Usually New Year’s Day is when we kick back, but don’t mind me. I’ll just go about my chores while you two put on your leisure suits and eat bonbons.”

  “What in the living hell are you talking about?” Brett stuffed the last corner of toast in his left cheek. “You get up on the wrong side of the bed, old man?”

  “Just came from Millie’s. She seemed to like my disposition just fine.”

  JT kept his snort to himself, hidden cleverly behind his mug. “You might want to stop while you’re ahead, Brett.”

  “I do not want to hear anything about you and my mama before noon. Got that? Jesus, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Your mama says I’m perfect.”

  “Now that’s a damn lie.” Brett shoved his chair back, throwing Ray a scowl as he passed on his way to the sink. He slugged back the last of his coffee, making JT cringe because he knew it was still very hot. “Can we get some work done instead of defaming my mama’s reputation?”

  JT crossed to Brett, stifling the fact that he thought Brett was being adorable. He wrapped his arms around Brett’s middle and squeezed. “Her reputation is just as it should be, at the top of the awesome list. I’m going to hit the stables now.” He slunk away before Brett could stop him.

  Of course that didn’t stop Brett from yelling at his back. “Corral! You’re doing the corral. Jesus Murphy, what’s with him today?”

  Ray cursed as JT disappeared around the corner. “He’s getting to be too much like you is the problem. Come on, Brett. Pull out your ordering book. Got things to do, kid.”

  Though he’d already hidden everything he needed in various places around the stable, JT was compelled to do his real work before he set up Brett’s surprise. It was no great imposition. He loved the horses and he’d even taken to thinking of them as family, the same way Brett and Ray talked about them. But it was less than a half hour later that Brett’s perfectly tuned whistling preceded him into the stables. JT hustled out from Black Knight’s stall, breathlessly meeting Brett at the door.

  “Hey,” he said with too much gusto. “Um… get your ordering done or are you trying to piss off Ray?”

  “What? No. Thought I’d give you a hand. Whatcha up to?”

  “Chores!” JT snapped unintentionally, or maybe a little intentionally. “Ray hates the paperwork. You torturing him for a reason?” JT crossed his arms over his chest and tried to puff up like a blowfish, making himself as big—and imposing—as he could.

  With a grunt, Brett shook his head. “He’s fine. Could run the whole place on his own if I ever decide to run off and sow my wild oats.”

  JT tapped Brett’s boot with his toe. “Planning on sowing anytime soon? You’ll give me a full month’s notice, right? Like a lease or rental?”

  “Oh shut it.” Brett scowled. “Only oats I plan on doing are yours.”

  With a chuckle, JT recalled how much he loved when Brett got all disgruntled. “I don’t think it works that way.”

  Brett shrugged, but his sheepish grin was suspicious. “Don’t matter none. You’re my oats, good or bad.”

  “Your thinking is really messed up, cowboy.”

  “But you love me anyway, right?”

  “Maybe a little. What did you mean, anyhow? You know, the sowing thing.”

  “Just meant if I decide to up and leave, the ranch would be in good hands. Not that I’d leave Ray high and dry or nothing like that.”

  JT didn’t quite get it. “You planning on running off anytime soon? Will I fit in your suitcase?”


  “Thank you. Is that your final answer?”

  Brett blushed. “Not going anywhere anytime soon unless you decide you want to. Just letting you know it’s always an option. Two of us on the road. Nowhere to go. No one telling us what to do.”

  “But you’re the one who tells me what to do.”

  “Anyone tell you you’ve got a smart mouth, kid?”

  “Just you and Ray. He says it’s your fault by the way.”

  “Old fart.” Brett ghosted a leather glove over JT’s jaw before dipping his head. “You hit the road before. Seemed to work out for you then. I’m with you all the way, even if you ever need that again, you know, to find yourself—”

  JT’s heart melted into a ball of goo. He grabbed Brett by the collar and kissed him. He was too sweet to resist, but JT pushed him away right after the quick lip-lock. “I found you, idiot. I’m not looking for anything else. The holidays make you sappy as hell, don’t they?”

  “Maybe a little,” Brett repeated JT’s own words. “But I swear it’s all good with me. Here or somewhere else, not gonna shake me.”

  “I’ve noticed,” JT muttered under his breath. Not quiet enough.

  “What was that?”

  “I said I should get back to what I was doing. And you should get to work too. How are you gonna make me a hearty dinner if you don’t get your chores done?” Brett cocked his head, obviously ready with a quick retort, but JT beat him to the punch. “I know. I’m a genius, or at least that’s the reputation my backside seems to have.”

  Brett guffawed, closed his eyes, and held his belly while he broke the silent morning with his laughter. He looked out of breath and happy as a pig in shit when he peered at JT again. To anyone else, Brett’s behavior, his not-so-casual glances over and around JT, might not be suspicious. But JT knew his cowboy better than most. Brett jutted his chin toward the stable door. “How about you tell me what you got left to do and I’ll pick up the slack?”

  “Nope. I told you I’ve got it handled.”

  “You sure ’bout that?” Brett stepped into JT’s space again. “I’m awfully good at handling things.” He sealed the statement with a kiss that left JT breathless and weak in the knees. The following nips and sucks to his bottom lip were accompanied by Brett’s hands wandering to squeeze his ass. He was definitely being handled.

  “Ah, for pity’s sake.” Ray strode past them, situating himself in JT’s previous position of guarding the stable door. “Didn’t I already remind you jerks that it’s not a damn holiday? Am I the only one who remembers we have a ranch to run? Just one goddamn day I’d like to not see you makin’ out when you’re supposed to be workin’. This ain’t no gay kissin’ resort.”

  Brett’s grin was completely devoid of guilt as he untangled himself from JT. “You could run this place with one hand tied behind your back.”

  “Damn right I could, but it’s your frickin’ ranch, so you should get off your ass and run it.”

  “I gotta say, Ray, you’re always talking about gay resorts. Maybe it’s time you came out of the closet, old man. You know we won’t judge.”

  “I’ll stick you in a closet, kid. Lock you in and throw away the keys too. You and yo
ur smart mouth.”

  There was something about Ray’s demeanor that made JT curious. “We know you love us, Ray,” JT said. He gripped Brett’s wrist, moving it from the back pocket of JT’s Wranglers. Ray replied with his best duck face—JT was positive it was the exact same as Brett’s—and gestured toward the stable door. Brett seemed oblivious. “But you’re right—”

  “Sorry, what was that? Don’t think I heard right. Say it again?” Ray said, dramatically cupping his ear.

  “He said you’re always wrong. Turn up your hearing aide.”

  “Brett,” JT chastised, emphasizing it with a shove. “I said you were right, Ray. Brett’s just being a distraction.”

  “Been that since the day he was born I imagine.”

  Brett stomped his foot on the hard ground. It was kind of cute, like a toddler working his way to a tantrum. “Come on now. I suppose Ray’s grouchiness is my fault too?”

  “Just git! The both of you—git. The corral needs your attention. Two-man job I think, and you’re just the men for the job.” Ray didn’t wait for anyone to argue, though JT noticed Brett’s lips automatically parted. “Temperature’s supposed to drop this afternoon. That supply order can wait until then.”

  “Why’s it always seem like you’re the boss and not me?” Brett gazed at Ray with amusement.

  “’Cause I make way more sense than you. Now how about we get a move on. Tout de suite.”

  It came out as toot to sweet. JT held back his chuckle, but Brett’s eyes widened, and his jaw fell open. “Did you just try to speak French? Hold your horses, everyone. Hell has just frozen over.”

  “Can it,” Ray said. “Your mama says it all the time. And I didn’t try to speak it. I goddamn did.”

  JT’s nervous energy returned when he saw Brett glance between him and Ray with narrowed eyes. He needed to get a hold of the situation. Now. “Think either one of you can zip it for a minute? Brett, why don’t you go with Ray, and I’ll join you guys when I finish up here. The horses like me better anyhow.”

  “Bullshit. Why do we need two of us for the corral? You’re both too bossy for my tastes. Since you’re so much alike, you guys should head out, and I’ll handle whatever the kid didn’t get to here.”


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